Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 37 Answering Some Questions.

Chapter 37 Answering Some Questions.

Arriving at the compound, they began walking along it. They could sight some students sitting on horses already, the ones whose dads came to pick them up. Their dads would put them on the horses, ascend them once again, and ride them out of the compound.

This was happening to both teenagers and younger kids. But the teenagers' cases were different, their dads weren't helping them mount the horses...they were mounting them themselves.

At that moment, Aiden began glancing around to see if he'll sight his dad...but he didn't. Oliver noticed that his eyes were scanning around, so he inquired of him,

"Are you looking for your dad?".

"Yes". Aiden responded.josei

"You didn't sight him?". Ava inquired.


"I know he'll be here soon, you just have to be patient". Ava uttered once again.

"If it means waiting, then I'll wait. I just hope you guys would converse a lot while going home together". Aiden stated, his last utterance was referring to Ava and Oliver.

The both of them didn't say anything in reply to Aiden's statement, they just kept on sauntering. They strolled until they got to the far end of the compound, and at that moment, Ethan rode a horse straight into the compound...the same horse he used in taking both Aiden and Hazel to their different academies.

"Dad". Aiden voiced out the moment he sighted Ethan on the horse.

And at that moment, Ava and Oliver glanced at Ethan, then Oliver inquired of Aiden,

"That's your dad?".

"Yes". Aiden responded.

"Nice". Ava stated.

"Well, we'll be going now, we'll see you tomorrow". Oliver said to Aiden as he and Ava began sauntering.

"Don't forget, you guys should keep walking together till you get to your different houses". Aiden uttered to both of them though they weren't glancing at him anymore.

Ethan had already come down from the horse by now as he was strolling toward, Aiden. Oliver and Ava walked past him and greeted him at the same time. Ethan reached where Aiden was standing and uttered to him,

"I can see that you're making friends already".

"Yeah, it's a nice feeling". Aiden voiced out.

"You see, you could have been enjoying these sooner if you had started school since". Ethan uttered to Aiden once again.

Aiden didn't say anything, he just kept mute. Then Ethan voiced out once again,

"Let's go. Once I drop you home, I'll head straight to my animal field again, that's where I'm coming from".

Aiden nodded his head, then inquired, "So, how did the meeting at the king's palace go?".

"It went well from beginning to climax", Ethan retorted, then he uttered once again, "Let's go, I'll help you sit on the horse".

And that's exactly what he did, he helped Aiden sit on the horse, then he mounted the horse sitting at the back of Aiden. Yeah, Even with Aiden in his front, he'll still be able to ride the horse well 'cause Aiden wasn't obstructing his view at all...he was short.

He began riding the horse as it neighed and zoomed out of the school's compound.

As the horse was moving in the village square, Aiden inquired of Ethan,

"What of Hazel? Didn't you pick her up from school?".

"Your sister has always loved coming back from school herself, even when she was little, your age. I went to her academy, but didn't see her there...she had left. As you've noticed, sometimes, she does come back home herself, and sometimes, I'll bring her home...this has been happening ever since she was little,

When I go to her school to pick her up and don't see her, I'll know that she's headed home already. But when I go there and see her, I'll bring her home...that's how it works. My only fear now is for her not to be put in danger". Ethan responded as he was still riding the horse.

Aiden only nodded his head to his dad's statement. Then Ethan voiced out once again,

"I'm so glad to see that you made friends on your first day of school. So, how did they become your friends?".

Where was Aiden gonna start? The explanation? He has no time for this, he wasn't in the mood to start explaining to his father how he became friends with him. Developing a liking for both of them, and so on, he has no time to explain he said,

​ "It's a long story, dad, explaining it would be a hassle. All I know is that we are friends".

"Hmmm", Ethan let out nodding his head a little, then he stated once again, "And how did the whole class treat you? How did the teachers treat you? How was the teaching? Did you learn things?".

Wow! Four questions at the same time, and Aiden would have to give answers to them. He understands how his dad was feeling, he wanted to catch up, he wanted to know how his son's first day at school was normal stuff.

"Well, at first, the whole class ignored me, but after one boy treated me nicely, most of the class treated me nicely as well. That boy is my friend now, he is the boy you saw me with when you arrived at the compound".

Ethan wanted to speak, but Aiden didn't let him, he kept explaining...

"And as for the teachers, none of them treated me badly. All the teachers that stepped foot into the classroom noticed that I was a new student. They asked some questions, then they left me".

He didn't want to tell his dad about them finding out that he was the son of an average-ranked chief, he didn't want to talk about that right now, so he just skipped it. He was still speaking,

"The teachings were nice, I got to learn things".

Actually, what he wanted to say was, 'The teachings were as easy as f**k, they were like revisions, I was aware of most of them'. But saying that would lead to series of questions, which might later prolong to an he'll just keep that to himself.

"I learned a lot of things, the teachings were nice".

And now, he was done answering the four questions his dad asked him. Was Ethan satisfied with his answers? Yes, to an extent.

"That's nice, I'm so glad to hear that". Ethan voiced out as he was still riding the horse.

Aiden only nodded his head, and at that moment, a thought struck his head, something he had almost forgotten. He hadn't completed today's quest...and what was the quest, to tap Alora's buttocks.

At that moment, he began wishing that he'll see the chance to do it. It was a risky mission, but he still wanted to accomplish it. All he hoped for now was for him to get home and not see his mum together with the two servants, that's Alora and Lydia.

..If that's what he meets when he gets home, then that would be very bad, he wouldn't be able to tap Alora's ass, he'll miss out on the rewards for the first time.

Ethan kept on riding the horse as they passed different people and places until they arrived in front of their house. He rode the horse straight into the compound, came down from it, then helped Aiden come down from it.

..At that moment, Aiden could feel his heart beating a little, he kept wishing his mum wouldn't be together with the two servants.

Ethan and Aiden strolled into the house, and arriving at the living room, the first thing Aiden did was to confirm if his mum was with the two servants. He sighted Emma sitting with Lydia on one of the chairs, seems like they were discussing...but where was, Alora?

The moment Emma sighted both of them, she ran over to them, hugged her husband, and pecked Aiden on the forehead. Then she inquired of him,

"How was school?".

"It was nice". Aiden responded. He didn't even glance at her to give that response, his eyes were scanning around in search of Alora.

"I'll be heading back to my animal field now, I departed from it to go pick up, Aiden. Is Hazel home?". Ethan voiced out.

"Yes, she is home". Emma retorted.

And at that moment, Hazel strolled out of her room heading straight to where they were standing. She reached where they were, caressed Aiden's hair, and uttered,

"Little brother, you back".

"Yeah sis". Aiden voiced out, his eyes still scanning around in search of Alora.

"Glad to see all of you home, I'll be back by nighttime, heading back to my animal field, still got things to handle there". Ethan stated and sauntered out of the house.

He walked straight to the horse he used in bringing Aiden home, mounted it, and rode it out of the compound.

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