Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 46 Discussion Between Father And Son. (Clarification) (2)

Chapter 46 Discussion Between Father And Son. (Clarification) (2)

"I'm sure you've seen me make use of my wind power element before. But you've never seen me make use of my water I right?". Ethan uttered once again.

"Yes, dad". Aiden responded.

"Now, I am gonna make use of those two affinities using mana. Watch me".

The moment Ethan made that utterance, he stood up from the chair he was sitting on, and Aiden's gaze was fixed on him. Then he said,

"I'm gonna make use of my wind power element first".

He raised his hand, transferred mana to his palm, positioned it to Aiden's face as bits of wind were already flowing around his palm. Then he released it as slight breeze hit Aiden's face causing his hair to flow around.

He just made use of his power slightly, if he had made use of his full wind power, then Aiden would have flown out of the chair he was sitting on and landed at whatever place.

..But why would he do that to his son?

"I have made use of my wind affinity. Now, it's time to make use of my water affinity". Ethan stated.

Now, there was a well at the side of the compound. This was the well that supplies them with water which they use in taking their baths, cooking, and so on. And to take water from it, they'll have to use a certain mini-bucket that was attached to a rope.

But now, Ethan was about to draw out water from the well without making use of the bucket...he was gonna do so using his power. He wasn't even standing close to the well, but he was gonna draw out water from it.

The opening of the well was closed with a certain iron. Using his wind power, he opened the iron. Then he forwarded both of his hands transferring mana to both of them. Aiden just sat there with his gaze focused on the well, he wanted to see water come out of it.

..Then, water flowed out of the well, and Aiden opened his mouth in awe...this was the first time he was seeing his dad make use of his water affinity.

The water kept flowing in the air, Ethan was still in control of it. Then the water fell to the ground wetting it, Ethan had already let go of it. Then he glanced at Aiden and voiced out,

"You see that?".

Aiden only nodded his head, a single word didn't flow out of his mouth. Then Ethan strolled to the well and closed the opening with the iron, he could have used his wind power to close it again...but he chose not to.

Then he began sauntering to the chair he stood up from and sat on it sitting close to Aiden again. Then Aiden said,

"That was cool".

"Yeah?". Ethan let out.

"Yeah". Aiden uttered once again.

"To do that, I had to make use of mana, I learned to wield mana, so doing that was very easy for me".

Aiden nodded his head. And at that moment, he remembered something. He remembered what the harem god told him about being the one to bring an end to the demon goddesses. Up till now, he doesn't know what those demon goddesses are.

Anytime he thinks about it, he never finds an answer...the question remains. He was thinking his dad could know about it, maybe his dad knows who the demon goddesses are, so he was gonna ask him. But he wouldn't give him the clue about bringing an end to them...what the harem god told him.

His dad had already sat on the chair, so he glanced at him and said,

"Dad, I have another question to ask".

"What is it?". Ethan inquired.

"Do you know who the demon goddesses are? Have you heard anything about them?". Aiden threw the question.

"Demon goddesses? What are those? I have heard nothing about them". Ethan retorted.

"Oh! Is that so?".

"Where did you hear that from?". Ethan inquired.

And there was the problem, what was he gonna tell his dad? Where did he hear it from? He came up with a quick lie and uttered it,

"While I was watching you and the other warriors battle the magical beast, I heard some people talking about it, but I didn't really understand what they were I decided to wait and ask you at the right time".

Ethan nodded his head and said, "Hmmm, I've never heard of that before, I wonder where they heard it from".

'Since my dad doesn't know about it, I guess I'll find out about it in the future, it would most likely come up in the future'. Aiden thought to himself.

Then Ethan said something Aiden wasn't expecting to hear, "There isn't anything like demon goddesses, but there are things that live far away from us in their kingdoms. They aren't magical beasts".

A kind of inquisitive expression appeared on Aiden's face, he wanted to know what those things were, so he inquired of his dad,

"What are they? What are those things you are speaking of?".

"Elves and Dwarves". Ethan responded.

And at that moment, the inquisitive expression on Aiden's face turned into a confused expression. Then he voiced out,

"Elves and Dwarves?".

"Yes, Elves and Dwarves. They live far away from where humans live, for them to get to our kingdom, they'll have to pass hills, wildernesses, and so on, it's gonna be a long journey. As I've said, they have their kingdoms".

"So they aren't humans?".

"Umm..yeah, I wouldn't call them humans. Elves can come in different shapes and heights. Just like humans, they have tall ones, average in height, and short ones. They can come in different colors as well, and they have pointed ears. They are pretty strong, they possess magical powers, every single one of them,

They refer to themselves as 'Mages' 'cause they can cast spells and possess the main power elements as well such as wind, earth, and so on. We refer to ourselves as 'Benders' 'cause we possess some of those main power elements and possess other minor abilities, but we can't cast spells,

And they live far longer than humans. In this world, a human can live for 140 to 150 years before dying if you don't meet an untimely death. At the age of 110 to 115 years, a human would start feeling old age symptoms. You know, weakness, and all that,

But Elves live for 500 to 600 years before dying. They live longer than humans and are also stronger. But that doesn't mean we can't beat them in battle if we strategize well. Magical beasts even live longer than Elves, the highest ranks of magical beasts live longer than the other ranks". Ethan paused explaining, but he wasn't done, he wanted Aiden to digest what he's told him.

And at that moment, Aiden began thinking. In this world, humans live for 140 to 150 years, they even live longer than humans in the world he came from. In his previous world, if you live for ninety-something years to that early hundreds, be thankful.

Even if you make it to that age, you'll be as weak as f**k before dying, you'll become a liability. Most don't even make it to that age. Then he began thinking about the elves his dad just told him about. They possess magical powers and can cast spells.

..And they can live for 500 to 600 years before dying...that's pretty long. And magical beasts can even live longer than that...that's just wow.

Ethan continued speaking, it was time to tell him about the dwarves.

"And as for dwarves, all of them are short, every single one of them...both males and females".josei

Aiden wasn't surprised by that, yeah, he's heard of the word 'Dwarf' in his previous world. And he knew dwarfs were short people. But who knows? Maybe there were added things to these dwarves, maybe there was something special about them. Ethan was still speaking,

"These dwarves possess magical powers too, but not all of them. They are just like humans when it comes to affinities. We, humans, possess affinities, but not everyone gets to awaken them, most do though. That's the same for dwarves, not all of them possess affinities. Some do, and some don't,

And they live longer than humans too, but not as long as the elves and magical beasts. They live for 200 to 300 years before dying if they don't meet an untimely death".

And at that moment, Aiden was just nodding his head, he was digesting everything, that's some information there. He understood all that his dad said. Then Ethan uttered once again,

"So these are the things I know exist, I've not heard of demon goddesses before".

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