Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 47 Instruction To Be Cautious.

Chapter 47 Instruction To Be Cautious.

'They'll most likely come up in the future'. Aiden thought to himself once again, he was referring to the demon goddesses.

At this point, he wasn't sure he had any more questions to ask. He was happy that his dad explained all these things to him, he had learned a lot.

"So do you have any other questions? Do you have something else you're curious about?". Ethan inquired glancing at Aiden.

At that moment, a question crashed into Aiden's head, a sudden thought. Seconds ago, he wasn't sure he had any more questions to ask his dad, but he has one now. It wasn't something he planned, it just crashed into his head.

"Yes, I have one more question to ask". Aiden uttered glancing at his dad.

"What is it?". Ethan inquired.

"The elves and dwarves live in their separate kingdoms, but are we at peace with them?". Aiden inquired still glancing at his dad.

"Yes, we are at peace with them, no war has ever occurred between we humans and them. No war has ever occurred between our kingdom and their kingdoms. We pay tributes to two kingdoms, but we don't pay tributes to them, so we have no business with them,

They know that humans exist, but they don't care since they have no business with us. Nothing has ever ensued between us and them to cause us to fight, so we are at peace". Ethan explained.

Aiden nodded his head once again, then Ethan uttered again,

"Any more questions?".

"No dad, I'm satisfied". Aiden retorted.

"Okay then, that's good".

Aiden only nodded his head, he didn't say anything. Then Ethan's voice resounded again,

"I'm glad that we had this conversation, this father and son talk".

"Yeah, 'Cause of it, I've gotten to learn a lot of things that I wouldn't be able to forget".

A smile appeared on Ethan's face at that moment as he patted Aiden's back. After that, they discussed other things, but it wasn't related to Aiden asking questions and Ethan answering them. Ethan just relayed some information to him.

All activities would be resuming tomorrow including school. He told Aiden to be always cautious and vigilant while at school, anything could start happening at any time. Who knows? Another magical beast could attack.

He told Aiden about the people that lost their lives today due to the magical beast that attacked. Some of them died 'cause they weren't expecting it, they weren't expecting a magical beast to attack. Some died 'cause they were slow, they weren't fast enough to escape.

Some sighted the beast and took to their heels, and 'cause they were fast enough, they survived, they didn't die. People have lost loved ones due to this, both kids, teens, and adults.

He told Aiden about the places that were destroyed by the magical beast. But luckily, no schools were destroyed, everything was intact.

..In the end, all his utterances still came down to one thing, for Aiden to be cautious and vigilant when he gets to school tomorrow.

Aiden understood all that his father said. And after that, they stood up from the chairs they were sitting on, carried them, and strolled into the house...discussion time was over.


The next day had reached, everywhere had brightened a little, it was morning already...but it was still early in the morning. The Dankworth family had already woken up, and they were doing what was supposed to be done in the morning currently.

After each of them had taken their baths, brushed their teeth, and dressed up, they gathered around the dining table and ate breakfast...Alora and Lydia joined them at the dining table.

After they were done eating, Alora and Lydia cleared the table of plates. Hazel and Aiden were carrying their bags ready to go to school. Right now, Emma was standing in front of both of them as she uttered,

"You guys have to be careful while in school, be cautious. You guys know what happened yesterday, even one went to see what was happening, he had guts", Emma made that last utterance focusing her gaze on Aiden, and he quickly glanced down. She was referring to what he did yesterday.

She was still speaking, "I don't want to lose any of you. You both are very precious to me, so be cautious and stay safe".

Aiden and Hazel nodded their heads, and Aiden couldn't help but think about what his dad told him yesterday about being cautious and vigilant, it was the same thing his mum was telling them now.

"You guys heard your mum. If I was to say something, I'll say the same thing, be cautious. I'll be taking you guys to your different academies, as usual, let's go".

And the three of them began strolling out of the house at that moment...Ethan, Aiden, and Hazel. They got to the compound and sauntered to one of the horses on it. Then Ethan helped the both of them ascend the horse, then he ascended it as well.

The horse neighed as he rode it out of the compound. He rode the horse until they arrived at Hazel's school, then he helped her descend from it, handed some copper coins over to her, and reminded her to be cautious.

Then he put the horse in motion again as they began heading to Aiden's academy. They got to the compound of Aiden's academy, and he helped Aiden come down from the horse. And at that moment, Aiden came to realize that the academy's compound was empty, no one was walking on it.

..Neither students nor teachers, it was just empty.

This wasn't how it was day before yesterday, the first day he stepped foot into the compound of this academy. The first day he did that, students were roaming about freely on the compound...well, maybe there was a reason for it.

But what he knows was that the academy wasn't empty, students were in the edifices, and he could even see some walking in the corridors.

"Welcome to your second day of school. It should have been your third day today if not for what happened yesterday". Ethan said glancing at Aiden still sitting on the horse.

..Yeah, what he said was true, no denying it.

Ethan handed some copper coins to Aiden just as he did to, Hazel. Then he uttered to, Aiden,

"Remember to always be cautious, I'll be going now".

And with that, Ethan rode the horse out of the academy's compound. As Aiden began sauntering on the compound, a horse rode into the compound. Aiden was glancing front when the horse ran into the compound, but he knew it was a horse due to its neighing.

He quickly glanced back thinking that it might be his dad, maybe he rode back to tell him something...but it wasn't his dad. It was a man that also brought his child to school. The man got down from the horse and helped his son get down from it as well...

..And that's when Aiden stopped watching, he just focused his gaze front as he kept sauntering.

As he was strolling, he wondered what would be happening in his class now. Were they discussing the event that took place yesterday? Or weren't they? Was any of them afraid? You know, wanting it to not repeat itself.josei

Do they know his dad was among the people that battled the magical beast yesterday? These were the thoughts running through his mind as he was sauntering toward his class. He got to the staircase and began mounting it.

He mounted all the staircases until he got to the floor where his class was situated...this was gonna be his second day in this class. He got to the door of the classroom and entered it, and at that moment, he could hear murmuring, many people were conversing amongst themselves.

..And he could most likely guess what their conversations were about. They were discussing the event that took place yesterday...these kids were talking about the magical beast that attacked yesterday.

It was based on probability though, he wasn't sure if that's what they were conversing about.

As he stepped foot into the classroom, some swiveled their heads to glance at him, they noticed him, while some didn't. The ones that didn't notice him were the ones that were so immersed in their conversation.

The ones that noticed him kept staring at him as he was strolling toward his seat, and it was becoming so awkward...why the f**k were they staring at him? Or wait, do they know his dad was among the warriors that battled the beast yesterday? That's why they were staring at him?

As Aiden sat on his chair, he heard the conversation between two students sitting close to him, they were discussing the magical beast that attacked yesterday.

..Since they were discussing it, then that should be what everyone was discussing too...this was confirmation.

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