Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 48 News Does Spread Fast.

Chapter 48 News Does Spread Fast.

It was just as he thought while sauntering toward this place, they'll most likely be discussing the magical beast. He was still sitting on the chair when he heard the conversation between two students again...they were discussing the magical beast as well.

..He wasn't surprised at all, what else would they be discussing?

Some students' gazes were still fixed on him, and he hadn't fully come to understand the reason he just avoided their gazes. He was still sitting on his seat when he noticed something, Ava and Oliver were sitting on the same chair discussing...and it was Oliver's chair.

He was surprised, he remembered Oliver giving Ava the attitude day before yesterday while she was trying to bond with them, and what was his reason? He said she was trying to become friends with them 'cause of him.

The both of them had been in the same class for some time now before Aiden came, but she never attempted to become friends with why now? But here was the both of them sitting on the same chair conversing?

Ava even had to leave her seat and go to his, had they become this close? But he remembered telling Oliver that he wanted him to give Ava a chance, he wanted him to stop giving her the attitude.

Even if her reason for wanting to become friends with them was 'cause of him, at least, she was trying, and he felt she deserved a chance. He remembered also telling them to discuss while heading home the last time they were at school, the day his dad came to pick him up.

He wanted them to bond, he wanted Oliver to stop giving Ava the attitude, and seems like that's what happened...seems like his plan worked. They were sitting on the same chair and conversing, there was no how they weren't friends now.

And he could guess what their conversation was about, what most kids in this classroom were discussing...the magical beast that attacked yesterday. He swiveled his head to glance at the students that were staring at him, he wanted to see if they were still staring at him...but they weren't anymore.

'Why were they staring at me? Was it 'cause my dad was among the warriors that battled the beast yesterday? That was so weird and awkward'.

Aiden was still hearing murmuring, it was resounding around the classroom, everyone was busy discussing...not everyone though. He focused his gaze on Ava and Oliver once again, and at that moment, he was contemplating if he should go meet them...if he should approach them.

Oliver's seat was in front, and so as Ava's, his seat was behind theirs. So from where he was sitting and glancing at them, he could tell that Ava was looking prettier and cute. There was a huge possibility that her beauty might keep increasing as she was growing.

He was still contemplating if he should go approach them when Oliver glanced back and sighted him. Two doors led to this classroom. A person can enter from the front door, and a person can enter from the back door.josei

Aiden entered from the back door, so Oliver and Ava didn't notice him when he stepped foot into the classroom. But Oliver had noticed him already, and he informed Ava at that moment causing her to glance back as well.

Aiden smiled at the both of them, and Oliver stood up from the chair he was sitting on and began strolling toward Aiden while Ava still sat where she was glancing at him stroll toward, Aiden. Some eyes followed him as he sauntered toward, Aiden.

He reached Aiden's seat and sat close to him, then he uttered,

"How are you doing?".

"I'm doing good, you?". Aiden retorted throwing back the question.

"I'm doing great".

There was silence for some seconds, then Oliver voiced out once again,

"I'm sure you heard of the magical beast that attacked yesterday".

"Yes, I'm aware". Aiden stated.

"I'm sure you know that some people were killed by the magical beast, and some places were destroyed".

"Yes, I'm aware of that as well. Wait, I hope no one in this classroom was affected, I hope no one in this classroom was killed. In fact, coming to the whole school, I hope no one in this school was affected". Aiden voiced out with a kind of expression on his face.

"No one in this classroom was affected, no one in this classroom was killed. But as for this whole academy, I can't say, I'm not sure. But most likely, no one in this academy was affected...both students and teachers". Oliver stated.

A type of relieved expression appeared on Aiden's face, but it wasn't full relief.

"The beast was brought down by warriors, and I heard your dad was among the warriors that brought it down. Not only is he a chief, he is also a warrior?". Oliver voiced out once again.

"How did you know this?". Aiden inquired.

"The news spread around, and it spread around fast. Don't you know that news spread around fast in this kingdom?".

"Well, it's true, my dad was among the warriors that brought down the beast". Aiden stated, he didn't want to tell Oliver that he was there when the beast was brought down.

"Wow! You know you're lucky, right?". Oliver said to Aiden.

"Why do you say that?".

"That's 'cause you have a chief and warrior as a dad...especially that warrior part, he'll be able to protect you guys from danger".

Aiden nodded his head at that moment, Oliver was correct. If only he knew his dad was the one that saved him when he was almost kidnapped by four assassins.

Now, coming to the part where students were staring at him when he stepped foot into this classroom and had even gotten to his seat. He wanted to confirm something, so he said to Oliver,

"When I stepped foot into this classroom, some students were awkwardly staring at me. Do you think it's 'cause they know that my dad was among the warriors that killed the beast yesterday? I was thinking that was the reason, but I wasn't sure".

"Yeah, that should be the reason, in fact, that is the reason. The day before yesterday, they found out that your father was an average-ranked chief in this kingdom, but they didn't know he was also a warrior. Many adults would be aware of it, but most kids wouldn't,

Now that the news had spread around and they had found out 'cause you're in the same class with them, they'll definitely give you the's normal". Oliver explained.

"Wow! News does spread fast". Aiden uttered.

Oliver nodded his head giving him the look of, 'Yeah, really fast'. Now, coming to the fact that Oliver and Ava were sitting on the same chair and discussing minutes ago, they were now close. Aiden wanted to ask Oliver about it, how did they become this close? But he decided not to ask now, he'll ask later.

Ava decided to stroll over to them and maybe join in their discussion. But as she was about to stand up from Oliver's seat to saunter over to where they were sitting, Miss Alice stepped foot into the classroom...their class teacher.

She stood up anyway 'cause that was Oliver's seat, not hers. She stood up strolling straight to her seat. The moment Miss Alice stepped foot into the classroom, everyone went silent, their discussion ended. The ones that weren't in their seats strolled straight to their seats.

Oliver stood up from Aiden's seat and sauntered to his. Then Miss Alice voiced out,

"Is everyone present in class today?".

Everyone was present, so the whole class voiced out in unison,

"Yes ma'am!".

"That's good. I'm sure you all are aware of the reason why many activities couldn't take place yesterday, why you guys couldn't come to school". Miss Alice uttered once again.

They all nodded their heads, then Miss Alice continued speaking,

"Places were destroyed, people lost their lives, it was tragic. So even now that you guys are in school, be cautious, always be alert. Who knows? Another magical beast could attack, we don't want anyone to lose their lives. If you guys are alert, you could even be the one to inform the teachers when you notice danger".

They all nodded their heads. And at that moment, Aiden remembered his parents telling him the same thing both yesterday and this morning. Miss Alice was still speaking,

"Activities would definitely take place today, you guys would be taught. Different subject teachers would soon start trooping into your class according to the teaching curriculum. So you guys should stay in your seats and be ready to take in knowledge".

Done making that utterance, she strolled out of the classroom.

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