Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 49 Getting It Right Again.

Chapter 49 Getting It Right Again.

She said something like everyone should stay in their seats and be ready to take in knowledge, but would they be able to stay in their seats? They were still itching to continue their conversations.

So not long after Miss Alice walked out of the classroom, they began moving to different seats moving back to the people they were discussing with before. Oliver glanced back at Aiden, stood up from his chair, and began sauntering toward him.

He reached where Aiden was sitting and joined him in his chair. And as he was about to say something to him, a teacher stepped foot into their classroom, the maths teacher. And they were just like, 'Ughhhhh', meaning the teacher stepped foot into their classroom at the wrong time.

..He should have let them discuss for some time before stepping foot into their classroom.

At that moment, everyone had to start moving back to their different seats once again. Oliver stood up from Aiden's chair and strolled straight to his sitting on it. Then the maths teacher sauntered to the front wall of the classroom and hung his board on it.

..As known, each teacher would have to bring in their board to each class they step foot into.

At that moment, Aiden was just glancing at the man...this was the man that annoyed him a little the last time he stepped foot into this classroom, and that was the first time he and the man met.

He was standing in front of the classroom currently doing his thing, checking out if any students were missing. And by now, he had already sighted, Aiden. Done scanning the whole classroom and confirming that no student was missing, he uttered,

"I am sure all of you are aware of what happened yesterday".

'Ugh, he's gonna talk about this as well? Would every teacher that step foot into this classroom today talk about it?'. Aiden thought to himself.

All the students retorted in unison apart from Aiden, "Yes sir!".

"It's been a long time since something like this happened. You know, a magical beast attacking this community. And 'cause of its attack, places were destroyed, some people's homes were destroyed, some people lost their lives,

But thanks to the king, both people who lost loved ones and people whose homes were destroyed would be compensated. Due to its attack, lots of activities couldn't take place yesterday, and that included you guys coming to school,

The beast only attacked this community, this city, but the king had to pass across information that other communities should be shut down as well, all activities should be halted...everyone should go home".

At that moment, Aiden was just like, 'So, what's all this rambling for? Go straight to the point'.

The man was still speaking, "I'm telling you guys this 'cause I want you all to be cautious when going home, anything can happen at any time. Some people weren't cautious, that's why they died. No, I'll say they weren't expecting it, they weren't expecting that a magical beast would attack at that moment,

If you guys are cautious, you'll be able to avoid danger and save your lives. That's all I have to say regarding that matter".

At that moment, another thought ran through Aiden's mind, 'Telling us the same thing, to be cautious. I've heard that countless times now, it's an old story'.

"Now, it's time for the teaching to begin". The man voiced out once again.

There was a certain equation they were still on. He was gonna continue from there 'cause not all of them had grabbed it completely. Some solved it and got it right, while some solved it and failed it. He wanted those that failed it to try solving it one more time.josei

..The same equation, but with different numbers.

And after today, they are done with that equation, he wouldn't be going back to it. Whether the ones that failed it grabs it or not, he wouldn't be going back to it.

"So, you guys remember where we stopped the last time I stepped foot into this classroom".

They retorted with 'Yes', then he continued speaking,

"I gave you all something to solve on that same equation, some got it right, while some failed it. That only means some people haven't grabbed it. After today, we aren't going back to that equation, whether you all grab it or not".

He sauntered to the board he hung in front of the classroom and wrote an equation on it...that same equation with different numbers. Then he glanced at the class and uttered,

"You all should watch while I solve this equation. As I'm solving it, I'll be explaining, you all should watch and listen carefully. After I'm done solving it, I'll give you guys something to do...the same equation with different numbers".

Done making that statement, he began solving the equation. And truly, as he solved, he explained. But even with all his explanations, there were still some students that hadn't still come to understand the equation completely.

They had learned new things, and they had come to understand the equation better, but they'll most likely fail once he gives them something to do. Done solving the equation, the man glanced at the whole class and voiced out,


Both the ones that understand and the ones that didn't voiced out, "Yes sir!".

"Bring out your books and reed pens, it's time for you guys to solve yours". The man uttered once again.

And at that moment, everyone began bringing out their books and reed pens from their bags, including, Aiden. This same equation, Aiden was gonna solve it in minutes. As students were bringing out their books and reed pens from their bags, the man wrote the equation he wanted them to solve on the board.

Then he glanced at the whole class once again and uttered,

"I want you all to solve this".

A smile appeared on Aiden's face at that moment, as simple as f**k. He had already brought out his book and reed pen from his bag. Then opening an empty page, he began solving the equation on it. Other students had started solving the equation as well.

When Aiden had finished solving the equation, some were still in the middle of the equation taking it slow. Not like they didn't know how to solve it, but they have to be taking it bit by bit in order to solve it right.

While some were just there cracking their brains. They were still at the beginning of the equation, and they were finding it hard already, these were the people that would most likely fail the equation.

But as for, Aiden, it was as easy as f**k for him, he had finished solving the equation and was glancing around. Within some minutes more, some students had finished solving the wasn't easy.

As time passed, more students finished solving the equation, and that's how it kept on going. And at that moment, this was the thought that ran through Aiden's mind,

'And it's one equation, what if it's like two or three equations that were written on the board, how long would it take them to solve it?'.

By now, all the students were done solving the equation. And the maths teacher began going round checking the books of the students to see if they got it right or not. This was what he noticed while checking out their works, there were still some people that failed the equation.

But many got it right, that was something he also noticed. The last time he was here and gave them an equation to solve, the people that got it right and the people that failed it were almost the same number. But now, the people that got it right were many, and the people that failed it were lesser.

That shows that more people had gotten to understand the equation completely, so his teaching and explanation weren't to waste...he was glad. But he wasn't done checking out their works yet, so he couldn't fully decide.

He kept strolling checking out the works of the students, and things were still going the same way. Getting to Aiden's table, he wanted to see if Aiden would get the equation right again. The last time he was in this class and gave them an equation to solve, Aiden got it right though it was his first time in an academy.

He was really surprised, and what was Aiden's reason for getting it right? He had been taught all these things at home, so he was aware of them...not all though. So now, the maths teacher wanted to see if he'll get it right again.

He checked Aiden's book, glanced at his solving from up to down...and he got it right again.

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