Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 62 Questioning Them.

Chapter 62 Questioning Them.

And at that moment, Aiden thought of his, he also hung out with friends fact, they went hunting, his parents mustn't hear of it. He came back late today as well.

His mum wasn't aware, but he was sure she'll find out. His dad, Ethan, definitely reached his school to pick him up but didn't see him. So once he gets home, he'll ask Aiden where he went to, Aiden would give him the answer he had in mind...and Emma would end up finding out.

At that moment, Aiden thought of the daily quest he received from the system today...drink three cups of water. He'll have to go accomplish it now though it wasn't easy, he would have accomplished it since if not that he was doing some sexual stuff with, Alora.

..Something was making him glad at this moment, his thinking was wrong, nothing happened to, Hazel...she was safe.

Alora and Lydia began taking the bags from the living room, Hazel was sauntering toward her room to go change up, Aiden was about to go drink three cups of water to accomplish the quest...then Ethan stepped foot into the house.

The moment Aiden sighted him, he knew something was gonna happen. He immediately remembered that he didn't wait for him to come pick him up from school...something was definitely gonna happen at this moment.

Hazel hadn't even gotten to her room when Ethan's voice resounded, he hadn't even sat on one of the chairs when his voice resounded.

"Aiden, Hazel, can you both please come here?".

..Just as Aiden thought, something was already happening.

Hazel didn't even know that her dad had stepped foot into the house already 'cause she was facing the other side. But the moment she heard Ethan's voice, she had to turn around to glance at him.

She heard 'can you both please come here?', so she began sauntering toward him at that moment still dressed in the robe she wore to school and her school bag with her. Aiden had already reached where Ethan was standing.

Seeing that Hazel was still wearing the robe she wore to school and still carrying her school bag, this was the thought that ran through his mind at that moment,

'Seems like she's just coming back from school. By this time? This is just wow! I have to find out what made them come back from their different academies late'.

Ethan balanced on one of the chairs in the living room, then he said to Aiden and Hazel,

"You guys should sit".

Aiden and Hazel glanced at each other at that moment, then they did as he said, they took their seats. At this moment, Emma hadn't come to understand what was happening. Her husband just came into the house, the both of them didn't greet each other...what he did first was call, Aiden and Hazel.

She didn't understand what was happening, but she didn't say anything, she wanted to see what would happen. By now, Lydia and Alora had finished taking the bags from the living room...and they immediately strolled to their room.

..They should stay there for now.

Ethan glanced at both of his kids, then he focused his gaze on Hazel and said,

"Hazel, according to what I'm seeing, you are just coming back now. You're still wearing the robe you wore to school this morning and you're still carrying your bag. I came home one certain time today to see if Aiden was home 'cause I didn't see him at his academy when I went to pick him up,

I thought he might have gone home, but getting home, I didn't see either you or guys should have been back home by that time, we'll come back to that later".

And it was at that moment that Emma came to realize something, so Aiden also came back late from school today? And worst of all, his dad didn't see him at his academy when he went to pick him up? Where did he go to? So both of her kids came back home late today?

At least, she knows the reason why Hazel came back late, she wanted to know Aiden's own. Ethan was still speaking with his gaze focused on, Hazel,

"Where did you go to that is making you come back by this time? I remember you guys were told to be cautious due to the magical beast that attacked yesterday. But the day you guys were told to be cautious, that's the day you both decided to come back home late. I ask again, where did you go to?".

"Dad, I just hung out with friends, visited some places...we didn't engage in any bad stuff. You know, hanging out with friends is something I rarely do, so I decided to do it today. Is anything wrong with that, dad?". Hazel retorted.

"There's nothing wrong with that, it's even good that you hung out with friends today. But next time you do something like that, try to come home earlier, look at the time you're coming home...anything can happen,

I didn't bother to go to your school to pick you up 'cause I felt you would have gone home already. But I was a little worried when I came home and didn't see you". Ethan voiced out once again.

"It wouldn't happen again, dad". Hazel uttered once again with her head bowed a little.

Ethan was done with, Hazel, now it was time to focus on, Aiden...even Aiden knew it was his turn. He focused his gaze on Aiden and began speaking,

"I went to your school today to pick you up as usual but didn't see you. I asked some students to confirm if you were still in school or not, and I found out everyone had gone home...including you, the classrooms were vacant. Now, I was wondering where you went to,

You aren't familiar with that city where your school is situated, so how were you able to go home yourself if at all you went home? I was confused. I decided to come home to confirm if you had arrived home or not. I arrived home, met Alora, and confirmed that neither you nor Hazel was home,

That made me a little worried again. I decided that I'll wait for you guys to come home so I can ask you guys which I'm already doing. Aiden, where did you go to?".josei

Emma sat there wanting to hear what Aiden's answer would be, where did her 7-year-old son go to?...where does he know? Remember, Aiden had already thought of the answer he was gonna give his father in case he asks him such a question which he's already done.

His answer was gonna be similar to Hazel's own, but one thing was for sure...he can't tell them he went hunting, that would be a very wrong move. He began speaking,

"Just like Hazel, I hung around with the new friends I've made. They showed me some places, took me to their houses, and so on. And as for locating home, one of them helped me with that. The one named, Oliver, the first person to treat me nicely...he's familiar with a lot of places in this kingdom".

After making that utterance, he began wondering if they'll believe what he just said.

"Is that what truly happened? Is that why you came back late?". Ethan inquired with a kind of expression on his face.

"Yes, dad, that's what truly happened". Aiden retorted.

"Hmmm, that's good though, hanging out with friends. But you still need to be careful, you're just a seven years old boy, and I'm sure the friends you hung around with are kids like you. You guys need to be careful, you need to be cautious, there are bad people around, anything can happen at any time,

Hanging out with friends isn't a bad thing, but you still need to be cautious". Ethan voiced out.

"Yes, dad". Aiden stated.

And with that, Hazel sauntered out of the living room completely straight into her room. Then Ethan focused his gaze on, Emma, he had something to ask of her as well.

"You guys took time at the market, I didn't see either you or Lydia when I came home...and I knew the time you guys left. Why did you guys take that much time at the market?".

Ethan was in his questioning mode at this moment, he came home to not meet a lot of people...he wanted to know why they took time to get home.

"There were a lot of things to buy, and I wanted to buy the best. I had to move from place to place". Emma responded.

"So, did the knights I ordered for did their jobs well? Did they follow you guys around?". Ethan inquired once again.

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