Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 63 Completing The Quest To Drink Three Cups Of Water.

Chapter 63 Completing The Quest To Drink Three Cups Of Water.

"Yes, they did their jobs well, they followed us around...they even followed us to this house". Emma retorted once again.

"That's good then". Ethan voiced out.

Aiden was still sitting on the chair when Ethan said to him,

"You can go now, I'll go change up".

And with that, Aiden strolled out of the living room straight into his room. Entering the room, he began thinking about the moment he had with Alora minutes ago...before everyone came home.

A smile appeared on his face at that moment, he finally got to have a taste of Alora's body to a certain extent. As known, he didn't penetrate her, but he got to suck her boobs, finger her pussy, and even eat her pussy. And best of all, she sucked his dick.

..And if they see the chance again, they'll engage in another round of sexual activities.

He couldn't be happier...and at that moment, a thought struck his head. He needed to complete today's quest, he needed to drink three cups of water. It was nighttime already, once tomorrow reaches, he'll fail the quest and miss out on the rewards.

He needed to head over to where they store drinking water, and that's where he began heading at that moment. He arrived there, took a cup...and now, it was about time to drink three cups of water...

..How was he gonna achieve this when he wasn't even thirsty?

For sure, this was gonna be hard, but he has to do it. He filled the cup with water, then began gulping. He emptied the cup of water, and that's one, two more to go. He filled the cup with water once again and began gulping.

Halfway drinking it, he felt like he should just give up, it wasn't easy at all. He was drinking water when he wasn't thirsty...and to make it worse, he was to finish three cups of water. But no matter what, he has to accomplish this, he can't miss out on the rewards.josei

He kept on gulping until he emptied the cup of water again...and by now, he could feel the water in his stomach...he was a little uncomfortable. It felt like if he dares drink another cup of water, he would throw up...

..But no matter what, he has to accomplish this.

He filled the cup with water once again, sighed, then began gulping. He emptied the cup of water, and mission accomplished. At that moment, he felt like he should just lay on the ground there and doze off...he was uncomfortable.

But he can't sleep there? So he began strolling toward his room. Once he gets to his room, he'll fall on the bed. And that's exactly what he did, the moment he entered his room, he strolled to his bed and landed on it.

He was a little uncomfortable, but he was satisfied. At least, he's completed today's daily quest, all he was waiting for was the system's notification informing him that he had completed the quest.

He was still lying there when the system's interface appeared in front of him,


<Ding! Ding!>

<Daily quest completed>

<You drank three cups of water>


<+10 Exp>

<+10 Skill points>

<Current Exp: 1,685/3,300>

<Current Skill points: 25,890>


A smile appeared on Aiden's face the moment the interface appeared in front of him. And the smile was still plastered to his face even after the interface had disappeared.

It just felt like he should doze off...but he hadn't even eaten dinner. At that moment, a thought crashed into his head..the river Oliver told him about, the river that was only meant for females.

'What did he call it again?...The Mudville River'. Aiden thought to himself.

He would definitely love to go to that river himself, but as Oliver had already told him, if he gets caught, he'll be in serious trouble. But no matter what, that urge to go there alone someday was really strong.

At least, Oliver had already shown him the way to go there without many people noticing. That forest they hunted in would be the easiest way to get to the river without anyone noticing. The time when there'll be problem is if someone happens to be in the forest...especially an adult.

But he was definitely gonna try it out someday. He wouldn't show himself just as Oliver did, he'll hide in the leaves while glancing at them. With effort, he'll be able to locate the forest they hunted in today...and he still remembered the path Oliver showed him that leads to the river.

'Why isn't there any river meant for only males? Why females only?'. Aiden thought to himself.

Aiden was still lying on his bed when the door to his room pushed open, and Lydia popped her head inside while uttering,

"Aiden, come outside, it's time to eat dinner".

"OK, I'll be out soon". Aiden voiced out.

And with that, Lydia took her head off the door and closed it. Aiden was still a little uncomfortable due to the water he drank, but he knew he'll have to eat dinner...he felt like eating dinner.

So he stood up from his bed and sauntered out of his room.


"Dad, you don't have to bother about coming to pick me up today, I can find my way home. As I said yesterday, I have a friend that knows a lot of places in this kingdom, he's the one that brought me home yesterday,

Even without his help, I think I'll be able to find my way home today". Aiden uttered to his dad.

"Are you sure?". Ethan inquired with a kind of expression on his face.

"Yes, I'm sure, dad. Isn't this nice? It hasn't even been up to 5 days since I started attending this academy, but I can start going home myself, I'm already aware of the paths to follow. And best of all, I have a friend that can render assistance,

And this would make things easier for you, dad. You don't have to be coming to pick me up from school everyday". Aiden said to his dad once again.

Ethan nodded his head and stated, "True, true, makes sense. But you have to be careful always, Aiden. You're a small boy, someone might try to harm you, there are lots of bad people around. And most likely, I'll have secret enemies. So be careful always".

"Yes, dad".

This was a conversation that took place between Ethan and Aiden the next day. He chose to tell his dad this so he could start coming home himself just as Hazel always did when she was his age.

Even if any problem occurs, a situation comes when he'll be confused...Oliver would be there to help him out.

It was dawn again, the Dankworth family had woken up and engaged in activities. Aiden told Ethan this when he had already dressed up fully prepared for school, and Hazel was prepared as well.

Hazel was standing close to them when Aiden was saying those things to, Ethan, and a smile appeared on her face at that moment. And right after that, a thought ran through her mind,

'The same thing I did when I was a kid and still doing till now, my brother wants to follow the same path'.

Alora was also close when Aiden said that to his father. And after Aiden had finished relaying that message to his dad and received consent, he glanced away...and he and Alora's eyes met.

..The moment that took place, he remembered the moment he had with her yesterday, and she remembered it as well.

..But she didn't glance at him for too long, she quickly glanced away, and Aiden glanced away as well.

It was time to eat breakfast, Emma and Lydia began serving the food on the dining table. They had been in the kitchen all this while, that's why they weren't around to hear what Aiden was telling Ethan.

After the food had been served, everyone gathered around the dining table and had breakfast. And after that, Ethan rode Aiden and Hazel to their different academies. While Aiden was on the horse heading to his academy as Ethan had already dropped Hazel at her academy...he thought of something.

He thought of the meats Oliver was supposed to bring to school today, hope he doesn't forget...he was so eager to eat them. Remember, they all hunted, but none of them carried a grass cutter home apart from Oliver.

Not like they didn't want to, they couldn't. Aiden wanted to see if Oliver was good at preparing meats or not.

They arrived at Aiden's school, and after Ethan had brought him down from the horse and handed some copper coins to him...Aiden reminded him not to come pick him up today.

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