Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 79 Sighting Him And Chasing After Him.

Chapter 79 Sighting Him And Chasing After Him.

He could say every single one of them was sexy, and their packages were enticing. He knew some men would have glanced at them without them knowing...some men would have visited this river without the knowledge of the females.

It wasn't possible for them to know about this river and not want to visit glance at naked females. And at this moment, Aiden began wondering if his mum had visited this river before...or even his sister.

..No, Hazel hadn't visited this river before, he was sure.

He hadn't heard her talking about it before, and which time does she have to visit the river? But there was a possibility his mum had visited it before.

So at this moment, he was glancing at the nakedness of people's sisters and mums? Well, it wasn't his fault, it was the fault of the system. Well, he couldn't blame the system completely. Even if she didn't give him the quest to come glance at them, he would have come on his own someday.

His dick has completely risen, and his gaze was focused on the buttocks of a certain teenage girl currently, and her buttocks were big. He was just wishing he could put his dick into her pussy or ass.

At that moment, he began thinking of, Alora...he needed a nice blowjob from her, he needed her to suck his dick at this moment. He was f**king hard and horny all because of these naked females.

But Alora wasn't here, she was at home, so it was better he stops thinking about it. Why did he find his way to this place? Why was he glancing at naked females currently? 'Cause of the quest the system gave to him.

He was as horny as f**k currently, he wanted to put his dick into one of the females' asses or pussy, but he can't. But at least, he had accomplished the quest.josei

Though it was evening, he took the risk to find his way to this forest and also locate this place. He had accomplished the quest, he was glad...but has he truly accomplished the quest?

Most of the females that were outside the river were facing the other side, none of them were glancing at as the females in the river. He was still glancing at their naked bodies with his risen dick when the system's interface appeared in front of him.


<Host would have to go out of his hiding place to fully complete the quest. Host would have to step foot onto the sandy ground to fully complete the quest>



Aiden almost shout out the word 'What' before stopping himself after he got the notification from the system. He quickly remembered that they could hear his voice and know that someone had been glancing at them.

..Coming to the system's notification, was the system trying to put him in trouble?

She was telling him to come out of his hiding place, the quest was to glance at females at the Mudville River, she didn't tell him anything like this. Was the system purposely trying to put him in trouble in the name of giving him a quest?

He needed to confirm something, so he uttered to the system from his thought,

'Are you serious?'.

<Yes, host, I'm serious>

'But you didn't tell me this at the beginning of giving me the quest? You just told me to come glance at females at the Mudville River which I'm already doing. Why this all of a sudden? Are you trying to put me in trouble?'. Aiden uttered to the system from his thought once again.

The system didn't give answers to his questions, instead, she said.


<Host wouldn't have to stay out for too long. Host can just come out of his hiding place for about a minute before going back into it. That's when you've fully accomplished the quest>


Seeing that the system didn't even give answers to his questions, he knew she was serious. But how would he come out of his hiding place and step foot onto the sandy ground without them noticing him?

But as the system said, it was just for a minute, and he was wearing a mask. Even if they notice him and glance at him, they wouldn't know who he was. But he hoped they wouldn't notice him.

And for sure, he needed to do as the system said, he needed to try to accomplish the quest, he doesn't want to miss out on the rewards. He sighed, then thought to himself,

'Just for a minute'.

Then he began strolling out of his hiding place slowly, he came out of the leaves. Right now, he had stepped foot on the sandy ground, then he strolled forward a little. He was taking a full glance at them, he was seeing them properly.

..He was supposed to be happy about this, right? He was glancing at their naked bodies fully without having to hide.

But no, he wasn't happy, he was afraid, what he was doing right now was very dangerous. But that didn't stop his erection, his dick was still as stiffened as ever as he glanced at their sexy bodies. Their enticing boobs, pussies, and buttocks.

Glancing at the river, he could tell that it was really cool...the females were enjoying themselves swimming in it. He was calculating the time, within some seconds more, he would have completed the one minute.

None of the females were glancing at him. The ones that were outside the river were busy laughing and immersed in their conversations, while the ones in the river were busy swimming and enjoying themselves.

As of now, he was sure a minute had passed, none of the females had noticed him, it was about time to stroll back into his hiding place. And he could choose to stay there and glance at them for as long as he wanted.

But he wouldn't want to waste too much time glancing at them 'cause everywhere was getting darker and he needed to get of his parents would have most likely gotten home by now. It was about time to go back into his hiding place.

..Just as he was about to turn around and begin walking off, one of the females turned around and sighted him.

And this was the thought that ran through Aiden's mind at that moment, 'Shit!'.

And immediately, the female raised an alarm.

"Look! a young boy is glancing at us, I think he's been glancing at our nakedness for some time now".

And immediately, many of the females turned around and sighted Aiden, both the ones in the river and the ones outside the river. They glanced at him, but didn't see his face due to the mask he was wearing...but they confirmed that he was a small boy.

At that moment, Aiden took to his heels, what else could he do? And the females didn't just stay there, some of them chased after him, and many of them were teenagers.

'I knew something like this could happen'. Aiden thought to himself as he was running passing through leaves and dodging tree branches.

Some of the girls chasing after him were completely naked, while some were wearing their panties and bras, and some were wearing their panties only. By now, Aiden had already noticed that some of the females were chasing after him...and it was making him really terrified.

He has to make sure they don't catch him, 'cause if they do, he'll be in serious trouble...the son of a chief came from his home to come glance at naked females at the Mudville River? His parents would be so disappointed in him...

..And one thing was for sure, the news would spread around.

The girls were fast 'cause all of them were young, but Aiden was fast too, so they were gonna have a really hard time catching him. Many of the females at the river kept praying that the girls that chased after him would catch him.

They couldn't believe that a small boy like that had been glancing at them for some time. What gave him the courage to come to this place? He wasn't even afraid glancing at the nakedness of females, they wished they had seen his face.

'I'm being chased by naked females, holy f**k, this is bad. How long would they keep chasing me?'. Aiden thought to himself.

At that moment, his heart couldn't have been more glad that he wore a mask. If he hadn't worn one, they would have seen his face. And even if they don't catch him now, they'll still track him down 'cause they've seen his face. And it would be easy 'cause he was the son of a chief.

'They mustn't catch up to me'. Aiden thought to himself as he was still running.

..He was running at full speed, and the females were still chasing after him.

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