Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 80 Anxiety And Reaching Home.

Chapter 80 Anxiety And Reaching Home.

Running in the wilderness was so hard 'cause there were leaves everywhere and tree branches everywhere. He had to be dodging while running. And it wasn't easy for the girls too, so they couldn't easily catch up to him.

He was still running when he thought of this,

'Did I fully accomplish the quest? I was able to come out and glance at them for more than a minute, but they sighted me. Did I accomplish the quest?'.

This was something that was making him anxious. You know, after all the stress of getting to the river, coming out of his hiding place, and now, running not to get caught. It would then happen to be that he didn't complete the quest 'cause the females sighted him and some were chasing after him.

..That would be really bad.

He was still running, and they were chasing after him...then suddenly, they stopped, they knew they couldn't catch up to him. They shouldn't waste their time. Do they want to chase him until he comes out of this forest? They were f**king naked.

By now, Aiden had already noticed that they weren't chasing after him anymore. But that doesn't mean he reduced his pace, he was still running, but not as fast as before.

And because he was running so fast seconds ago doesn't mean he wasn't following the right paths that would lead him out of this forest. He was running so fast, but he knew where he was going.

It was getting darker and darker, evening was heading toward complete dusk though there was still light around. He needed to get out of this wilderness fast before he comes across anything dangerous.

His dick wasn't stiffened anymore, it had mellowed down completely. And at that moment, a thought struck his head. As known, this forest was just like a shortcut to getting to the Mudville River.

There was the main place a person would have to follow to get to the river and come out of it. That was the place the females do follow to get to the river and come out of it. He doesn't know the place, maybe it was an intersection.

He might have passed it without knowing. What if the females stopped chasing after him for a reason? Maybe they wanted to ambush him from the main pathway they'll use in coming out of the river.


They didn't see his face, but at least, they saw the robe he was wearing, they could easily use that to know him in addition to his height. And again, who knows, he could still be wearing the mask when they'll see him.

..Aiden thought of this, and he knew he still had to be very cautious even after coming out of this forest.

It would get to a certain point where he'll take off the mask, it had played its role. He thought of what he'll tell them when he gets home. Even if he doesn't meet any of his parents, his sister and the servants would definitely question him...they'll like to know where he went to.

But there was a huge possibility he'll meet his parents once he gets home...even if one of them.

'Would they spread the news about what happened? Would they tell everyone they saw a kid glancing at their naked bodies while they were at the Mudville River? That he used the forest as shortcut? Yes, they'll most likely spread the news'. Aiden thought to himself.

..This was something else that was also troubling him.

Well, even if the news spread, they wouldn't know it was him...there are many kids in this kingdom. If the news spread, many parents would start hoping it wasn't their male was such a shameful act.

And something else, Aiden was still thinking if he completed the quest or not, he hadn't gotten the system's notification. He was still thinking about it when the system's interface appeared in front of him,


<Ding! Ding!>

<Daily quest completed>

<You glanced at females at the Mudville River>


<+10 Exp>

<+10 Skill points>

<Current Exp: 1,835/3,300>

<Current Skill points: 26,055>


A smile appeared on Aiden's face at that moment, he completed the quest. And right after that, his status interface appeared in front of him,



<Name: Aiden Dankworth>

<Age: 7 years>

<Level: 13>

<HP: 10/10>

<Rank: Unranked>

<Strength: 5>

<Agility: 4>

<Physical DMG: 3>

<Endurance: 4>

<Speed: 3>

<Charm: 9>

<Skill points: 26,055>

<Exp: 1,835/3,300>

<Mana: 0.8>



Done glancing at the interface, it disappeared. And Aiden was satisfied at that moment, he completed the quest. Now, all that remains was for him to find his way out of this forest completely and make sure none of those females catches him if they have intentions of doing so.

Slowly, he was getting closer and closer to coming out of the forest, and slowly, the sky was darkening more and more. He strolled until he was finally out of the forest, then he took off the mask.

He didn't want to return it to his item panel yet 'cause he might still need it, so he just put it into one of the pockets on his robe. He kept on sauntering until he could see people now, a few of them.

Then strolling a little further, he was out of the path that led to the forest, he could now see more people. Now, he had to be really cautious, as he thought, those ladies could still have plans of catching him. He glanced around as he walked into the village square.

He had been walking for minutes now, but no one had run towards him to catch him, and no one had raised alarm for people to catch him. It could be they had no intentions of catching him, they don't plan on catching him anymore...

..As known, his thinking was based on probability.

But that doesn't mean he wasn't cautious anymore, he was still glancing around while walking. As he strolled, he was getting closer and closer to his house. Locating that forest wouldn't be a problem for him anymore, locating it again would be as easy as f**k.

As he got closer to his home, he became anxious. For every single meter he covers, his anxiety increases. Have his parents arrived home? And if they have, is it the both of them that were at home currently? Or only one of them?

Well, he had already thought of what he was gonna tell them if they asks him where he went to. This was something he had already thought of when he was heading toward the forest.

He had arrived at the front of his house currently, and he opened the gate, stepped foot into the compound, and began strolling toward the main edifice. As he was walking toward the main edifice, he glanced at the place where the horses were, and he didn't see the horse his dad used in carrying him and Hazel to their different academies today.

After dropping them at their academies, he went straight to work. Now, if his dad had arrived home, he was supposed to see the horse among the other horses, they weren't complete. So there was a very huge possibility his dad wasn't back home.

He kept sauntering toward the edifice until he got to the door, opened it, and stepped foot into the main building. Right now, he had arrived at the living room, and the person he saw there was Alora.

She immediately stood up from the chair she was sitting on, strolled toward Aiden, and inquired of him,

"Where have you been to?".

"Ummm". That was the answer Aiden gave to her.

Then a thought ran across his mind at that moment,

'Seems like none of my parents have arrived home. Seems like even my mum hasn't arrived home yet'.

..But he was wrong.

He decided to ask Alora, a lady he thought of while in the forest.

"Is my mum back home?".

"Yes". Alora responded.

Aiden's eyes widened as he voiced out, "What!".

"What do you mean what? Don't you want her to be back home? Oh! You know she'll question you regarding where you went to". Alora uttered.

'You're right, completely right'. Aiden thought to himself.

He inquired of her once again, "What of my dad, is he back home?".


He breathed a sigh of relief. And at that moment, Emma arrived in the living room with a kind of expression on her face glancing at, Aiden. She began strolling toward him as Alora paved way, and Aiden's heart was beating a little at that moment.

She reached where he was standing and inquired of him,

"Aiden, where did you go to?".

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