Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 479 The Results Of The Test (Part 2)

Chapter 479 The Results Of The Test (Part 2)

While Daimon was jumping on the roofs of the buildings, which made him glide as his fall was deaccelerated by the effect of the atmosphere which was boosting him overall, he noticed that the crazy girl had a serious expression for a change.

"What's the problem, I highly doubt that just this little amount of massacre can alter you?", he asked, which made Sarah giggle.

"It's not that, to be honest, besides a very small number of people, I simply can't feel anything for others, so I'm pretty sure that what I'm about to see in that place won't cause any waves in me… but Jas is different", she said in a low voice.

"I see, so that's why you watched over her from the shadows, and even fought Adam in secret", said Daimon understanding a bit more about the relationship between the crazy girl and Jasmine.

"Mm, Jas is "light" and I'm "darkness", she was supposed to live carefreely with Casy, while I dealt with idiots like that Adam guy, but once again I couldn't protect her…", she said.

Daimon remained silent for a couple of seconds, Bell still blamed herself to this day that she couldn't save her friend, so for Sarah what happened with Adam was history repeating itself.

Because being honest the chances of someone snatching Jasmine from Adam's claws were infinitely close to zero, the fact that Daimon appeared and changed the dead end for Jasmine, was seen as a miracle by the crazy girl, in other words she failed to protect her little sister, just like it happened to her mother, and that angered her.

For a change Daimon could relate to her, he knew what it felt to not be able to protect someone precious to you, that impotence and hatred burned deep into one's soul, and would not disappear easily.

But at the same time, he now knew that one shouldn't be consumed by it, but use it, having tasted defeat once, use that burning rage to never let it happen again no matter what.

"I know it might not be my place to say it, since it hasn't been that long since I got to meet her, not to mention I didn't meet the younger Jasmine, but the "current" Jasmine is stronger than what you think", said Daimon.

He was there and saw Jasmine at her lowest, when she was devastated after realizing she was but a mere doll for Adam, the dread should have been worse since he used whatever method he had, to make her be so positive towards him, so the recoil should have been quite bad, and yet she managed to recompose herself in a day, though it took her more to return to her bright self, she shined more than before, at least that's what Daimon thought of the current Jasmine.

Listening to Daimon, Sarah's eyes glowed for a split of a second.

"Of course, she is, she is my Jas after all… leaving that aside if you praise other girls that much, I'll get jealous you know~", her previous seriousness disappeared as she returned to her crazy self, making Daimon sigh.

"I guess it's my fault for treating you like a normal person", he said as he increased his pace, since they were about to arrive at their destination.

"Ahh, even your words inflict pain on me, as expected of my destined one~", Sarah didn't even bother to said it out loud, making Ender and Tila who were just a few meters behind of them listen to the crazy things she said, making them nearly lose their rhythm and trip.

Daimon's eyebrow twitched, Narasha's offer to cut her sounded more and more tempting as the time went by, but right now he had other things to pay attention to.

'If my supposition is right, then "that" is most likely to happen in this situation, let's see what are you up to, hero', he thought.

The west area of the Brown Wind town could be considered both the worst and the best, depending on your standing, for those who had the resources to pay for the services of the ladies and gentlemen that "worked" in the many brothels that were, it was a fun ride.

But for the ones providing the services things weren't that good, after all unless one is out of option who would be happy to whore itself out to be able to continue living, that being said, on the surface these brothels had another side and that is the fact that they were loan houses too.

They will lend money, and even directly food to anyone, no questions asked, with a high return fee of course, and if you weren't able to pay, well, they'll make you pay one way or another.

That included selling a family member or two, do labor work in especially dangerous places, and the list goes on, the only thing that was not publicly allowed was using the people as food.

But with the correct bribe to the correct people, rules could be bent, and no one has spare energy to complain about the death or disappearance of strangers here, of course there were some cases of people trying to get revenge, but those poor idiots all ended up disappearing too.

Having gotten the support of the strongest entities in the town, the Wild Night brothel which happened to be the biggest and most lucrative one in Brown Wind town, had gotten a bit out of hands.

In both prices and the things that happened inside its walls, for the vat majority there was only fun, drinking and being served by the many staff of the establishment, it was a wonderland, it was so wonderful that some clients stacked debt and ended up as workers as well, in other words the whole place was blatant trap, only those who stood at the top could truly enjoy the night scene, without the having to worry about ending in a miserable state.

And among those, we have Jeremy, the one who ran Wild Night, everything was going well today, the blood moon week had finally started and unlike others who were afraid of it, he was excited as it was one of the most profitable events for him.

The door of a room on the basement of a four-story building which was perfectly maintained, and decorated, opened and a man wearing leather armor entered in a hurry.

"Boss, unless we take some extreme measures, we don't have enough "goods" for the special deal… if those guys don't get the usual, we'll be in deep shit", said the guard to a man who was sitting on his bed, there was a woman wearing light lingerie dancing exclusively for him.

The man who was sitting on the bed was naked, which made the guard's face pale, he tried to speak but words didn't come out, and before he managed to say anything his head fell from his neck.

"Learn to knock in your next life you idiot, someone come clean this mess!", shouted the man as he put on his pants, and then pointed at both the corpse of the guard and the woman who even after seeing such a thing didn't stop trying to entice the man.

Her face twisted with despair as she heard him calling the guards, she bowed on the ground as she trembled and then shouted.

"No, please master Jeremy, I'll do it better next time I swear, you'll enjoy it!!!", her voice was filled with fear as tears ran down her eyes, unfortunately her pleas didn't work as two metal armored guards entered and dragged the corpse and the woman who kept yelling and belling until one of the guards hit her head with his fist making her bleed and lose the capacity to speak.

"Beni, go see how are those idiots doing, we have to get those women no matter what", said the man who was still half naked, a figure emerged from the shadows of the room and limited to nod without saying anything.

But then just as the figure lurking in the shadows left, the whole place startled trembling, Jeremy saw dark gray lines appear on the walls of his room and he cursed.

"Shit, the defensive property has kicked it, did Ismael and Hal joined hands, fucking bastards they should know that I have a one-time favor from those guys in reserve, did the fight didn't go as planned?", he mumbled as he got up from his bed, then full set of armor, including helmet and a longsword, everything on the Arch rank and everything with cores embedded into it, covered him.

"Booom!", the moment he set foot out of his room, he saw something going through the wall and jumped backwards to avoid it, just to see one of the metal armored guards, clashing against the wall, turning into meat paste due to the strength of the impact.

A group of ten metal armored soldiers came from the opposite direction and gathered around Jeremy, there was a middle stage Knight Lord among them who was one of the two captains of the guards, he outstood like a sore thumb since he was actually quite short despite having beard and a moustache.

"Master, we are being attacked by Rock Gale and Fire Dune, they have already destroyed four of the upper floors, more than half of the guards have been killed, and they are coming downwards, Omi has gone to fight them, you must grab all the assets and leave…".

The words of the man stopped, when a nail suddenly appeared on his forehead, it was a pitch-black nail covered in a dark green mist, to the horror of the other guards as well as Jeremy the flesh, bones and even the armor of the man melted into a puddle of blood.

"Don't stand there you fools cover my retreat!", shouted Jeremy making the guards wake up their daze, they all took out shields and formed a perfect semi-sphere with then to protect Jeremy.

Surprisingly the shields were covered in dark brown lines and actually combined to not leave even the slightest space between them, also the dark brown lines created a protection on the ground too, in case of underground attacks.

And that isn't all, the shields worked as two-sided mirrors as well, so the guards and Jeremy could see what was happening outside of the semi-spherical protection, while the people outside only saw a moving personal fortress.

Having done a lot of stuff, Jeremy of course had enemies so he spent a lot in security measures, which is why he was confused about how just Rock Gale and Fire Dune could break all the way into the basement.

But his question was answered quite fast, as he saw a couple of unknown figures entering the corridor in which his personal room was located, through the hole on the wall from which that metal armored guard came out earlier.

It was then when the world suddenly seemed to turn gray, the air vibrated as an invisible pressure extended through all the corridor, as a silver haired masked young man slowly walked towards Jeremy, accompanied by a dark green haired girl who was casually humming as she retrieved the ring from the corpse of the guard who exploded into meat paste earlier, without touching any of that of course as her hand was covered in black and green battle aura which made the bloody mess disappear at once.

Jeremy was about to order his guards to start moving towards the secret escaping tunnel he had, when he finally noticed that they were all collapsed on the floor, having troubles to even breath, which made it impossible for them to talk.

"Crack!", a crystal shattering sound made Jeremy turn to see the center of the many shields that formed the personal fortress, his eyes widened as he saw the peak Lord rank cores start to crack all at the same time.I think you should take a look at

There were ten shields, which meant ten peak Lord rank cores were supporting the fortress at the same time, the resulting defense wasn't as simple as one plus one, it was exponential, and yet it had started to falter just by the terrifying pressure that was coming from that masked silver haired man.

"I don't know you, why the hell are you attacking me you bastard!", Jeremy's voice came from within the personal fortress, which made Daimon smirk behind his mask.

"Now, I'm pretty sure you must have heard those words quite a few times already, considering the smell of blood coming from below this corridor", he said as he pointed to the floor.

Jeremy gritted his teeth, below the basement it was the storage where the secret "goods" he sold were kept, it was isolated and prepared to block anyone from seeing, feeling or smelling what was stored there.

"Adjudicator, isn't this run-down place, too far from the central reign for someone with such a tight agenda to appear, or perhaps someone rat me out, so you were sent here?", said Jeremy, more cracks appeared on the cores of the fortress so he used the time to activate the effects of his armor, helmet and sword all at the same time.

But he didn't come out to try and fight, adjudicators are special forces dispatched by the strong cities to hunt flesh eating demons and those who work with them, but they are always too busy dealing with a lot of stuff, especially in the blood moon week, so Jeremy had troubles believing he had enough bad luck for one to appear in this town, at the border of the wasteland.josei

Unless someone got profs of his special deals of course, which shouldn't be possible as everyone who knew about it was under a blood contract, not to mention he had all their families within his grasp, just in case.

Daimon of course didn't know what the hell was the guy talking about, he just let out more of his Overlord Pride, and the aura which somehow was now affecting the real world instead of just the mind like previously, due to the boosting effect of this place, pressed down on the personal fortress, making it dent inwards.

"Shit!", Jeremy cursed and then made an opening to jump out of the fortress, at the same time, the cores finally exploded and the fortress fell upon the guards crushing them to death.

Seeing the blood river coming from the now scraps of the personal fortress, Jeremy had an unsightly expression, he threw a dark marble to the ground and a massive current of black smoke flooded the corridor.

'This is a secret mix of poison that only I know about, get poisoned and die you bastard!', inwardly screamed Jeremy, he has taken the antidote already, so he was going to use the smoke curtain to escape, every adjudicator has received the full support of a big city, so they were all at least peak Lord ranks, though the pair of people that appeared to hunt him looked young, they should be stronger than him.

But then to Jeremy's despair, he saw that the two of them casually walked within the poisonous black smoke, completely ignoring it, which made sense as both Daimon and Sarah have strong poison affinity, which by itself doesn't mean they are immune to any poison, but they are both knights too and have insanely high vitality for their respective realms.

Not to mention Sarah is a half Nethereal and her lineage seems to be related to poison and darkness too, as for Daimon, there is nothing he can't prey on, poison is useless on him, in fact he was actively inhaling it, since variety helped level up the claws, he obtained from the manticore so many years ago, though he didn't use them normally, it's a skill with a lot of potential, it just didn't adapt to his fighting style… yet.

Jeremy saw red, he rushed into his room and then came out with a pretty woman in his hands, he pointed his sword at her neck and then shouted.

"Get the hell out of the town for the next three hours and don't look for me, or I'll slice her damn throat, I know you can't kill anyone who hasn't done deals with flesh eating demons, and this woman hasn't participated on anything I have done!".

Daimon stopped and the crazy girl just went on with the situation like usual, since she knew Daimon never did anything without a reason.

"And there it is, the cliche "saving the hostage" kind of situation one would expect from a hero, so that the enemy can escape and then return to seek revenge", said Daimon with a smirk as he saw another "notification" similar to the one that appeared for him earlier, been triggered.

[Save the hostage and go free all the captives that are being treated badly even now]

He couldn't help but laugh at the situation, from the very beginning since he saw that poor imitation of a notification, his instincts had told him to trample on the objectives and do things the way he always does, which means to do as he pleases.

"Huh, what the hell are you rambling about, did you not hear me, I will slice her…", Jeremy's eyes widened as he felt a horrible pain coming from his chest, he looked downwards just to see a thin black sword piercing his armor from the back, his flesh and the chest plate.

And that wasn't all, the sword also pierced the chest of the woman, they were both skewered by the black sword, only now Jeremy noticed that the masked man wasn't in his previous position anymore.


"I-Impossible, you are only a Lord rank, this armor should protect me even from Arch rank attacks at least ten times!", said Jeremy as he spat blood.

But that's not what was terrifying him the most, but the fact that the masked man also attacked the woman he was keeping hostage.

"Hiding in the shadows in front of me is one of the stupidest things to do", said Daimon, the woman Jeremy was using as a hostage was none other than Beni, the secret assistant of Jeremy.

That being said, what Jeremy said was true, she was never involved into his deals with flesh eating demons, for the only reason that Jeremy planned to use her as a fake hostage to escape if an adjudicator appeared here.

The reason as to why Ender, never ever thought Daimon or Sarah were adjudicator, was because they killed Omar and his subordinates like it was nothing, and adjudicators couldn't kill humans that haven't done deals with flesh eating demons, unless someone with a really high rank authorized it.

And Omar wasn't worth all that, it also helped the fact that the crazy girl was quite wild, which didn't align with what people knew about adjudicators, unfortunately for Jeremy he assumed the wrong thing, because he knew all the things, he has done made him a potential target.

Not like it would have changed anything, since the result would have been the same if Jeremy resisted in another way, instead of using his subordinate as a hostage though.

"Y-You aren't an adjudicator, who the hell are you…", said Jeremy as he fainted, the woman followed him not too long after.

This happened because Daimon made Disaster drain enough mana and vitality for them to faint, without killing them, the energies of Lord ranks weren't up to the liking of the capricious sword anyway, so it could do without them.

The moment the woman fainted; a new notification appeared in front of Daimon.

[Failing to fulfill the mission will result in a penalty, starting in 3-2-1…]

The countdown froze in one and didn't advance, in a sense, missions are like contracts, that's why they have to be accepted, at least that's Daimon's case, maybe other system users have no choice but for him that's not the case.

He can't be tied through contracts, and there is no penalty for him rejecting a mission, he can choose whether he wants to do something or not, that's one of the major rules of the system.

That being said once accepted there might be a penalty if he fails, anyway these so-called missions were forced onto him, he didn't agree and so he could get the benefits if he completed them, but he couldn't be penalized if he didn't.

This was one of the directions that the system has taken adapting to Daimon's wishes, he is the one that makes other suffer loses but he doesn't suffer them himself, something he decided back at that mountain range where everything started.

"Crack!", Daimon saw the fake notification crumbling apart to then disappear, surprisingly the one which asked him to solve the problems of the town stayed, probably because he was doing so… in a sense.

Ender and Tila arrived just to get pale since Daimon hadn't retrieved his aura back into his body.

They nearly fell to the ground due to the sudden change on the pressure, but managed to regain their footing because Daimon retrieved his aura in time.

"You two go sort out the things at the storage and release those in the secret rooms", said Daimon to them.

Of course, he wasn't going to go down there to get rid of all the human meat that Jeremy had stored, he could see through the floor and there was a lot, not to mention the smell of blood was also quite strong, there were also a lot of cages with women of all ages on a room previous to the storage, those were probably on the "waiting" line to be stored, but they were still alive.

Daimon had no interest in that, instead he tore off a necklace which Jeremy was wearing, because with his infinity eyes he could see a large metal door hidden in a completely separated area underground, with a lock that had the same shape.

"Time to get some souvenirs", he said as he used Disaster to cut a hole on the ground and then jumped into it.

Sarah's eyes sparkled as she jumped into it, to follow Daimon, not without dragging both Jeremy and the woman who were fainted, along with her.

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