Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 480 The Results Of The Test (Part 3)

Chapter 480 The Results Of The Test (Part 3)

The moment Sarah jumped into the hole Daimon cut on the floor, all the lights went out as she fell into a dark space, but far from feeling that apprehensive sensation of dread that normally would invade anyone who suddenly find itself deprived of any source of light, the crazy girl was like a fish in the ocean.

Why you ask, well, she was now able to move in the air without using any martial art or battle aura, she was by all means flying unlike earlier where she just floated and descended slowly when they moved through the town.josei

Daimon who had already landed raised his head only to see the crazy girl frolicking in the air, she made some circles and spins, it would have been a pretty sight if not for the fact that she suddenly det her body fall, in a try to make Daimon catch her, just for Daimon to move aside making her crash on the ground.

"Booom!", the ground trembled a bit as pieces of the rock floor exploded due to Sarah's heavy landing.

"Oi, are you trying to kill me, why the hell did you used battle aura to accelerate your fall…", said Daimon as a realization struck him like a truck.

'Did she do it on purpose so that I would dodge making her crash against the ground?", he wondered, just to see the crazy girl giggling at him while she licked her lips.

"You are really beyond salvation", said Daimon, he then ignored Sarah and snapped his fingers producing a wisp of white flames, which then ignited and exploded erasing the ominous darkness that was flooding this room.

It was as if the sun had appeared inside this room, as the extreme darkness disappeared, there were actually torches on the walls which were lit up by Daimon's Demon Light.

Daimon then looked at the origin of this ominous darkness, which should have made anyone feel uncomfortable and actually harm people, for the simple reason that it was produced by torturing and killing countless of people in a dark room where the sunlight never shone.

The result would be an extremely negative darkness mana, which was called "Corpse Darkness", Daimon knew about it thanks to the fact that the Revy and the undead had been at war before, and those who focus in necromancy use this modified mana to nurture their artificial undead.

As weird as it might sound, natural undead can't use this type of mana for themselves, because it is harmful for all living beings, as it is produced by lots of corpses, rotting and a dark isolated space, it was basically poison.

Even undead are alive, if not they wouldn't be able to advance, they just another race with many subspecies, at least that's the current accepted theory, since artificial undead can't advance, they will only reach as far as the "ingredients" used to create them, allow them to, no more and no less, they were just flesh dolls.

As to from where did all this toxic thing came, there was a breach on the wall near one of the corners of the room, this isolated place was where Jeremy hid his vault, the breach led to his secret escape tunnel, which was connected to the slaughterhouse, where all those poor women in the cages that Daimon saw earlier, would have been turned into "goods" to be sold.

"Hey, I actually felt quite light earlier, but these guys are about to kick the bucket", said Sarah as she showed Jeremy and Beni to Daimon.

Their lips and their wounds had turned purple as if they had been infected by something, and there was also black blood seeping from them.

Daimon's hand shone in white light, his light isn't the gentle type but the destructive type, so healing spells aren't his thing, at most he can heal minor wounds on others, but using light mana he cleaned the corpse darkness that had infiltrated their bodies, to prevent them from dying before he could get some answers.

"That guy let this place be flooded by that mana to make it easier from him to escape, he really was afraid of being captured", said Daimon.

Jeremy had many tricks up his sleeves, unfortunately none of them worked but one must applaud his preventive measures, but Daimon didn't pay attention to that, he was instead interested in the fact that before he blasted away the corpse darkness, he also felt the boosting effect of this place becoming stronger, just to return to normal when he dispersed the corpse darkness.

He didn't bother to avoid it earlier because he and Sarah would not be affected by it, of course it's not like they were going to absorb it, but unlike humans they wouldn't be poisoned just by being exposed to it.

It still shouldn't have had any positive effect on them and that's what was bothering Daimon, but ultimately, he couldn't think on a proper explanation, besides that maybe the darkness mana in this world got stronger during the so-called blood moon week.

With Sarah who was dragging Jeremy and Beni that nearly convulsed to death a moment ago, but where still out, following him, Daimon walked towards the giant metal gate at the other side of the room.

Of course, before opening it, he asked to his sensing specialist maid, which was comfortably staying in his shadow.

'How is it Rita, any traps I have to look out for', he asked, Rita could still use her extremely sharp mana sense to a certain extent without exposing her existence, and Daimon could communicate with her directly to her mind, because she is linked to him through the Terror Contractor skill.

'Yes, after inserting the key, there is a need to take it out and put it in a secret lock that is hidden at the upper left corner of the door, otherwise a mechanic trap will go off and shot poisoned darts from within the door', she said.

Jeremy was really paranoic, not like he didn't have reasons to though, a mechanic trap without using a source of mana will be hard to detect with mana sense, of course that limited to Lord ranks who hadn't gotten the natural reinforce to their detection abilities that becoming an Arch rank would give them.

But Jeremy didn't think an Arch rank would come for his vault, when such a person wouldn't have the need to rob a small middle stage Lord rank like him, also it's not like he had the means to defend against an Arch rank whose senses were sharp enough to detect that little trick as that would need to be a middle stage one, or an extremely talented early stage one.

Daimon nodded and then quickly inserted the key on the lock, and after rotating it he took it out and jumped, following Rita's indications he just moved a small practically undetectable metal plaque which had meld with the door perfectly to reveal a second lock, in which he inserted the key, this time rotating it on the contrary directions.

The sounds of gears moving came from the giant door which slowly opened to reveal the fruits of the many years, in which Jeremy has been doing practically everything he could to amass fortune through the suffering of others.

It was actually not that big, being a one-story building, but in exchange the quality of the things here were better than what even Ismael had in his hands, it was easy to see it because the guards of Jeremy had not only armors with cores embedded into them, but their shields and swords were the same.

They were generic mass-produced magic equipment, but still they all had it, it's worth mentioning that these types of equipment weren't offered in any of the stores, a doubt which Daimon was planning to solve later through Ender.

That being said, everything was put in racks, as storage treasures had really small capacity in this place, besides a dozen of armor and swords sets, there were large boxes with tons of high-grade mana crystals just lying there accumulating dust.

In exchange the beast cores were put in a secured rack, each placed in a slot made out of metal to accommodate them individually, it was easy to see which held more value for Jeremy.

"I can't believe they treasure those crappy cores over this mana crystals~", playfully said Sarah as she grabbed some mana crystals and tossed them here and there.

"I have been thinking about that, it seems that they don't know how to properly extract mana from them, their arrays have different compositions than the ones I know, and also those cores are different than the ones from the magic beasts on the same realms in Neptune and the four galaxies", said Daimon.

The effect of those armors left a big impression on him, that wasn't something that a Lord rank treasure should be able to do, probably the people of this place focused on how to extract power from these strange beast cores instead of mana crystals, as to why, it might be related to the fact that they somehow attached the innate ability of a magic beast to the equipment result of such methods, which was outrageous, a weapon which can power itself, besides Disaster, Daimon has never heard of anything like that.

That being said, apparently there was a limit of uses before the core broke and it didn't seem as if it was replaceable, as it was embedded into the equipment, so they sacrificed durability in exchange for power, maybe that's why this equipment wasn't offered publicly.

Putting the matter at the back of his head for now, Daimon proposed himself to take all this loot in his inventory, and then he saw a fake notification as he has decided to officially name them, appearing in front of him.

[These riches were earned though the suffering of people, destroy them or prepare a compensation to the victims]

Daimon softly snorted and kept the racks and everything else in his inventory, seeing the words "Five Million" in the count for high grade mana crystals of the inventory, Daimon couldn't help but smile behind his mask, which again triggered a fake notification.I think you should take a look at

[Failing to fulfill the mission will result in a penalty, starting in 3-2-1…]

Once again of course it didn't work against him, and the notification crumbled apart a second later, Daimon then turned around and beckoned towards Sarah, it was time to go to their next target.

The crazy girl nodded, she didn't say anything about Daimon taking all the things of the treasure, as she knew she would get her share, Daimon isn't someone that would fight over such a thing.

After robbing the fruits of all the hard work of Jeremy, Daimon and Sarah both jumped upwards and then walked through the destruction they caused earlier, until they returned to the surface where Ender and Tila were already waiting for them.

Needless to say, but they had disgusted expressions after having seen all the "goods" stored by Jeremy, not to mention all the women in the cages which were about to be turned into that.

Tila was especially angry, why wouldn't she be, she is also a woman and she could have ended like that too, those poor women were kept near the storage and the slaughterhouse, some of them had gone mad after listening to the butchering sounds for weeks, and had to be put out of their misery.

So of course, when they saw Daimon returning with Jeremy and Beni, their gazes were filled with murder intention, they might not have the slack to provide for strangers, but they never ate other humans, even when their stomachs rumbled, they instead grabbed a sword and hunted to survive, that was what brought them to where they are right now.

"He'll die later, for now chain him up in a cell, I don't care what you do to him as long as he is in condition to talk when we return, leave the woman aside", said Daimon as Sarah threw them to one of Ender's subordinates.

"Go, give that inhuman bastard a little lesson, but don't lay a finger on the woman… I'll execute anyone who doesn't follow the terms mentioned by young Gabriel, understood", said Ender.

"Y-Yes!", a couple of subordinates grabbed the two prisoners and took them to the headquarters of Rock Gale.

"Next is Ric and Tom's stores, they have the double of guards, but their equipment isn't as good as Jeremy's, also you already killed the captain of their guards, so it should be easier to get rid of them", said Ender.

Daimon nodded and they then jumped and gilded towards the south, Ric and Tom's stores had a commercial agreement, one specialized in equipment and the other in potions and alchemic products.

They were actually two large buildings connected through a small house that was in the middle, inside which there seemed to be some kind of private party going on.

"Hahaha, old Ric you sure know how to treat others", said a man with short brown hair, who seemed to be in his late twenties, it was Alan, the guy who earlier clashed with Daimon and Sarah in the chief's store and its current manager.

He was now drinking while embracing a pair of girls wearing only light lingerie, while his hands touched here and there, the girls served him the drinks.

He wasn't the only one enjoying debauchery, there were a pair of men in their forties who were enjoying the show of a few girls dancing for them, one of the men was tall and slim while the other was short and fat.

The tall one who was also bald, was Ric, as for the short fat guy with black hair, that was Tom, the motive of this celebration was that they closed a deal to buy things from the store of the chief with a discount, as long as they got some women up to Alan's liking.

Which was a bargain for them, who had connections with a couple of towns and often bought some slaves in the shadows, while they also took charge of providing Jeremy a few extra workers from time to time.

"Ah, I still can't believe that bastard dared to speak me in such a way, luckily that idiot of Ender will be dealt with tonight, I heard he's got a nice aunt whose husband died hunting as well as a cousin who should be around my age, sell them to me later will ya?", said Alan, his face was slightly red as the alcohol had started to kick in.

"Sure, two or three disappearing won't make a difference to Jeremy anyway", said the fat Tom as he raised his cup, he was too happy thinking on the profits that buying things at a discounted price will bring them.

Ric was the same, just as they stood up to take their respective companions for tonight, to their bedrooms, they heard a commotion coming from outside.

"Damn those bastards, I told them they could have a couple of drinks to celebrate and they are already drunk fighting, I'll cut their salaries for this!", cursed Ric as he walked towards the door, ready to scold the guards that were drinking outside.

His body suddenly froze a few centimeters away from the door, gray lines of light appeared on the walls, making Alan and Tom who were playing with the women, get angry.

"Are they really going at it so hard, Ric I told you to not leave them drink until Jake returned, hey Ric are you listening to… me?", Tom who walked towards his friend, also froze when he reached a few centimeters away from him.

But it was for a different reason, Ric froze because there was a black sword piercing the reinforced door like butter, and Ric's head along with it, surprisingly there was no blood coming out of the wound.

And Tom froze because he was in shock out of the fact that Ric who was celebrating with him a couple of seconds ago was now as dead as one could be.

Unfortunately, he didn't have the time to regain his composure as the black sword moved downwards, slashing the door and Ric's body in two, while at the same time the gray light lines on the walls faded away.

"Well, it seems you are quite lucky, this saves us a visit", the indifferent voice of a man came from the dark lightless area outside of the house, the lights had gone out and a silver haired masked man came out of it along with a dark green haired girl.

Sarah saw Alan whose stupor disappeared along with all the color on his face, he sent his strongest personal guards to deal with the pair of people that appeared here, so unless he was seeing ghosts, then that meant his subordinates were dead and now they had come for him.

He tossed the woman he was embracing a moment ago towards Daimon in a try to gain some seconds, as he turned to make a run for it, but then he vomited blood as a huge pressure fell in the room.

ƥ Sarah's image flashed and then she appeared behind Alan and grabbed him by his shoulder.



The sound of bones breaking followed by a horribly pained scream echoed through the room, as the bones of Alan's legs pierced his flesh and stuck outside of his skin, the crazy girl had used her stupidly high physical strength, to smack him downwards, and that directly broke his legs, nailing him to the ground.

"Now, weren't you trying to hit on me earlier despite me already been taken, what's the hurry now~", said the crazy girl with a smile that wasn't a smile.

Alan wanted to scream and throw a threat as that has worked him all his life, but he was distracted by the inhuman amount of pain that came from his lower body, his eyes widened in horror as he saw his legs slowly melting.

"Aghhhh!", with a lung-tearing scream, Alan fell to the ground as the flesh was slowly falling off his bones.

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