Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 10 Fragment Of Laplace

Chapter 10 Fragment Of Laplace

Seeing the various options, he said.

"Oi Evangeline, where do I find the cultivation manual for my mom?".

"Enter the mysterious category and look for a thing called "Fragment of Laplace"; the rest is up to you".

Daimon did as she told and navigated through the list of icons until he found one that resembled a tablet stone with a symbol that looked like a magic circle ۞, once he clicked on it a description of the item appeared on the screen.

[Fragment of Laplace]

[Price: 8,000,000 coins]

[A stone tablet which contain an unmeasurable number of possibilities, when used it will transform in a grimoire that matches the one that uses it, depending on the user it can be something incredible or a useless trash so try on your luck!!!]

… "So basically, you are telling me that the result is random, it could be something good... or not".

Evangeline yawned, "Yeah technically, all the things in the mysterious category have some kind of random element involved, it's a gamble but in the worst case I think the result will still be better than the manuals you can find right now, besides don't forget your mother's new body was also created by the system hehehe".

Listening to her words, Daimon had a bad premonition, "you better don't do anything weird to her".

Evangeline shrugged, "I didn't do anything, all the system does is adapt to the potential of the user, she is your soulmate and thus she is bounded to you in more ways than you think".

Daimon stopped for a second to contemplate things, he also checked on the other categories but a lot of things showed the same message.

[Restricted due to the current level of the host]

The fragment of Laplace was available because the result could be either bad or good and even then, the price for it was quite high almost using all his current coins, after all his initial funds were calculated based on the achievements he has gotten so far and killing an Archmage level magical beast like the dark manticore although it was heavily wounded was what gave him such a big number of coins.

"I guess this is the best I can do for now, if that thing reacts based on the user's potential, then I refuse to believe that my mom is not one of the most talented people that exists", he thought.


[Thanks for buying the "fragment of Laplace, to use it just hold it in your hands and say the activation phrase "Realize", the system will manage the rest of the process (warning only those who have a bound with the host can]

[A new function has been unlocked due to a specific action]

[The Inventory is now available, all the things bought by the host will appear in the inventory, remaining empty slots "29"]

"I mean, after spending so much on my first purchase it would have been an insult to not get something as a bonus", he thought.

Daimon extended his hand a tablet of stone appeared on it, after giving it a couple of gazes he handed it to Aisha.

"You can open your eyes now mom".

Aisha did as he told and curiously started inspecting the thing her son gave her, it was a stone tablet of about 30 centimeters of high and 20 centimeters of long, approximately the size of an average notebook, she tried to decipher the magic symbol that was engraved on it but after a moment of contemplation she couldn't find anything like that on her memory.

"What is this darling, is it a spell book?".

Daimon proceeded to explain her how to use it.

"It is called "fragment of Laplace", you just need to hold on to it and say "Realize" then you will get a cultivation manual from it", "which I hope is a good one" he internally added.

Aisha seemed quite interested on the stone tablet, a mage is someone who seeks for knowledge and she enjoyed her days when she was still inexperienced in magic when each discovery represented new possibilities, now that her son was introducing her to a new world of unlimited new things, she couldn't help but feel the same thrilling emotion she had back then.

"Realize", the magic circle in the stone tablet illuminated and the whole thing started changing until it became a golden medal with a sword engraved on one side and a helmet on the other one.


[Congratulations, your soulmate has gotten the "Record of the War Goddess" first tome]

[Record of the War Goddess, first tome: Morrigan's Trinity]

Daimon was happy something with the word "Goddess" on it should be considered a high-level thing but when he turned to see his mother, he noticed she was… blushed?


Aisha heard her son calling her but instead of answering, she handed him the golden medal which contained the Record of the War Goddess.

When Daimon touched the medal a screen with a little description of the Record appeared in front of him.

[You have perfectly met the requirements of Morrigan's Myth, the Goddess of War, Love and Renovation, the trinity of Maiden, Mother and Lover (It can only be learned by its legitimate owner Aisha Silverheart)]

[Rank: Unknown (Growing Type)]

… "Pffttt, hahaha, seems like you two are truly meant to each other"

Listening to Evangeline's laugh Daimon felt his blood pressure rising but lastly, he only sighed while thinking "stupid system".

"Mom, you don't have to learn it if you don't want to".

Aisha smiled while extending her hand.

"Darling I'm sure that grimoire of yours will help you to go further than anyone has gone before and that worries me, because it means that you will go to a place where I can't reach you… so if this thing will allow me to be at your side on the future, then I will gladly accept it".

Silence fell on the room for a moment, even Evangeline didn't say anything, although she liked to laugh at Daimon sometimes, Aisha's words and determination were worthy of admiration.

Think of it for a moment, if you had already walked a path that you know has good results and you are able to go through it again while maybe even improving it, and then someone offers you another which is covered in darkness and unknown dangers will you be able to decide without any doubts in just a couple of minutes like her?

Daimon gave her the medal and unlike him Aisha had an extra dialogue below the description.

[Do you accept the contract Y/N]

She nodded and the medal turned into golden particles that entered her body.


[Your soulmate has learned the Record of the War Goddess]

[The new function "Shared View" has been unlocked due to a specific action]

[Those who are in a soulmate relationship will now have access to their own status and skill tree tabs (the other functions will only be accessible through the host)]

Daimon was surprised, "that for sure is convenient I guess", he thought.

Aisha on the other hand was curiously inspecting the weird "illusion" that appeared in front of her after forming a contract with the grimoire her son gave her.

[Aisha Silverheart]

[Race: High Vampire???]

[Age: 14 years old (Age adapted to be more compatible with the contractor)]

[Emotional status: Happy/Excited/Surprised]josei

[Cultivation Technique: Record of the War Goddess (first tome)]

Aisha's eyes lit up while she started navigating through the status screen, seeing his mother acting like a child at Christmas, Daimon let out a sigh of relief.

"At least she looks happy about it", he thought.

This time Evangeline answered him.

"She would have been a better host than you if you ask me, at least in attitude".

Daimon smiled for the first time following her game "you aren't exactly the better system I can think of also… but still thank you for helping me bringing her back".

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