Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 11 Magic Knight

Chapter 11 Magic Knight

While Daimon was busy speaking with Evangeline, Aisha kept exploring the status window until she found the skill tree and there were some things, she didn't understand so she decided to ask her son.

"Darling… can you come here for a moment? I have some questions about a few things".

Daimon nodded and sat next to her, as the owner of the system he could see the status and skill tree of Aisha without needing to ask her to make it "visible" unlike her.

He focused his attention on the skill tree and he was in awe by what he saw.

[First tome's innate talents]

[War Goddess Divine Body (Passive): With each battle you face your body will grow stronger, once enough battles are fought you will obtain the life spark of the war]

[Maiden of the Battlefield (Passive): when on a battle all the stats will be augment by 5% per every enemy you are facing (Max amplification 200%)]

[Current spells available]

[Renovation Rune LV 1: by applying the rune to a weapon, each attack you land on your enemies will drain their vitality and stamina and transfer it to you]

[Duration: 20 minutes] [Cooldown: 1 hour] [Price: 10 AP]

​ [Crow mantle LV 1: creates a layer of darkness to protect the user while also increasing the agility and time of reaction]

[Duration: 10 minutes] [Cooldown: 1 hour] [Price: 20 AP]

"Wow those are some nice skills "he thought, "Evangeline why do the spells use AP instead of mana, and how is she supposed to get AP if her magic core is not like mine?".

"Well, her grimoire comes from the system so it is only logic that you need AP to use its skills, but that won't always be the case some of them might use mana instead, as for the AP part, looks like you are pervert up to your very "core" hahaha, to transfer AP you will need to spend some time "bonding" with her.

Daimon doubted for a second before asking.

"I'm genuinely afraid to ask, but what the hell do you mean with "bonding", be more specific"

Evangeline smiled, "unfortunately for you, just some hugs and kisses will be enough to give her AP hehehe".

Daimon felt a blood vessel pulsating on his neck, "can't you be a normal system, only one freaking time?".josei

She shrugged, "there is another way which would actually made her magic core generate AP on her own, without you needing to supply her".

Daimon nodded "okay… and that method is?".

… "Just change your current soulmate bond with her to "lover", and the system will do the rest…"

She didn't even finish her sentence when Daimon immediately denied "forget I asked… why do you want me to do that kind of things to my own mother anyway?".

Evangeline's tone became serious for a moment.

"Because having her as your partner will only benefit you both, also being a soulmate is not something that can be forced, she could have refused if she really wanted to but since she didn't at some point you will have to do it whether you want it or not, the part of a soulmate being a lover is not only to show you know?".

"And in case you are worried about future genetic problems with your offspring, let me tell you that won't happen because your mm "DNA" was it? changed since you got the Apex Predator Physique".

Daimon was perplexed, "I… will cross that bridge when it is needed, I wonder what will I become in the future", he thought.

"The spells you got look quite useful, what are your doubts mom?".

Aisha doubted for a moment before making the number two with her fingers.

"First, I guess that "passive" means that I won't have to do anything for the spell to work which is the latest magic theory that is being currently developed by the "Greenwich Sage" the best magic theorist in all the galaxies that conform our stellar chart, but why does it say that I will get a life spark after facing enough battles… only those who focus on body cultivation also called "knights" can light up their life sparks to develop "Aura" but no one has been able to be both a mage and a knight at the same time".

Evangeline interfered to help Daimon solve this question.

"That is easy, as something bestowed by the system of course the Record of the War Goddess will not be a half-assed manual unlike the ones you can normally find, this stellar chart must be really isolated if they haven't seen the birth of dual concept cultivators or "magic knights" before".

Daimon shook his head, "so what if we are in an isolated place… who in the vast universe can assure that knows everything", he thought before answering to Aisha.

"Seems like the path mom is walking this time is not exactly a mage's one but something called "Magic Knight", so you will be able to use both magic and aura in the future… probably the same applies to me".

Aisha couldn't hide her smile, the thrilling sensation of being a pioneer in a non-explored field of knowledge is something that many Archmages will exchange all their belongings for.

Satisfied by her son's answer she proceeded to ask her second question.

"My other question is, what is AP and how do I get it, I really want to try these new spells ♥?".

Daimon saw the happy and exited expression on Aisha's face and he

"Ahem, AP is something generated by my unique magic core, the way for mom to get some of it is having physical contact with me… a hug should work fine", "for the time being" he internally added.

Aisha smiled, she dragged her son into her arms and caressed his hair.

"You know darling… I'm really happy that all this happened ♥, even if we might face a lot of hardships in the future, we are no longer tied to those selfish idiots anymore se we can live the way we want to".

Daimon tightened his arms around her, all this time Aisha has been on extreme alert against the Naktis and their schemes, due to the greed of the Silverheart family she had to live as an exotic bird in a cage "beautiful but not free" and yet she never complained even once, instead she always showed him a smiling face even when she… died.

He closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again, but this time his gaze was fierce and determined, "I won't let you suffer anymore… if someone tries to harm you, I will personally rip their flesh and spread their bones on the ground", he silently swore to himself.

And so, a few days passed in the blink of an eye, on a remote mountain at some far from any civilization place in Lykos a pair of silver haired boy and girl were training, these two were of course Daimon and Aisha.

"Darling put on your weight on your left foot and hold on firmly to the handle of your sword, then swing your sword, this fighting stance is the most basic one and yet it is also one of the most complete and balanced ones for those who use sword as their main weapon".

Daimon didn't know whether to laugh or cry they have been training for almost 6 hours on the last few days, all started when he asked his mother to teach him, Aisha was easy at first but then she remembered that her son will also use battle aura in the future so her training method changed to a spartan one.

Knights are people who for a variety of reasons can't learn magic, it could be due to lack of resources, damages on their magic cores or low talent in magic which tend to be the most common reason, so instead of cultivating their cores they cultivate their bodies until they are able to light their life spark to produce battle aura, the method was invented when some youth human from a renowned family discovered his low talent on magic.

The story tells that the youth looked for another way to become strong and one day he got an idea by seeing how others could advance on their magic cultivation when eating high ranking magic beast's meat, some rare magic beasts have something like a magic core called "beast core" but its function is not the same, the beast core is developed once a beast unlocks wisdom thus allowing it to become a rational being, the core contains the knowledge from the beast's ancestors which is passed through their bloodlines.

So, unlike other living being's magic beasts store magic in their bodies, flesh, organs, blood and even in their bones, the youth started researching this phenomenon and a couple of years later he was able to replicate it on himself becoming the first knight in the story of this stellar chart, this first knight shared his discoveries with the magic community earning fame and wealth.

As the time passed, he took disciples to inherit his legacy and body cultivation started to flourish, there were some really outstanding knights on the history which were able to advance further away until knights were on equal standing as mages thanks to the development of battle aura which could even be combined with the element, they have affinity with.

On modern days both mages and knights competed against each other to determine the better path, but up to this day there was no winner decided yet.

Aisha saw her son's technique getting a bit better with each training session and she nodded.

"That's enough for today darling".


Daimon fell on his back while gasping a bit.

"Haaa…haaa, mom I think we should take a couple of days off the training".

Aisha smiled and shook her head.

"Nope, mommy wants you to be the most outstanding vampire in all the history, but don't worry today I will call my friend so we will be leaving this mountain at noon hehehe, I will create a more efficient training regimen for you ♥".

Daimon for once was glad his body was abnormal "thank goodness I have such a monstrous physique or I wouldn't be able to endure this", he thought.

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