Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 184 Size Competition (Part 2)

Chapter 184 Size Competition (Part 2)

Galad started sweating bullets, unlike Wilbert which was among the strongest five half emperors of the blue-sky galaxy in close combat prowess, he was more oriented to long range fights, even the water rotating shield he was slightly proud of, wasn't strong enough to stop the fiercest woman of the beast faction.

Aura has never been defeated after all, even when she fought against two of the ten demon lords, she was able to hold her ground and with Erin's help they ended running with their tails between their legs.

And now that she had "Supreme Radiance", defending was nearly impossible, her attacks had to be either dodged or taken front faced with another attack, the other option was if the difference between her and the enemy was too big, but that was temporarily impossible given the current level of the Wonder Myriad stellar chart.

Just as Wilbert was about to unsheathe his sword and send formalities to hell, another voice barged in.

"Such an attitude isn't fitting for the principal of the Wild Claw academy; don't you think so?".

Arthur descended from the sky as he nodded at Wilbert, his younger brother Nicolas which is a vice principal was the one that guided Galad and Wilbert towards the 1-S classroom, how could he miss the chance to cause troubles to Aura after all.

But as he was about to go meet his son, he saw that things didn't look well for his "allies" of hatred, so he decided to lend a hand with some words to apply pressure.josei

Seeing a third half emperor on his side Galad gave Daimon a gaze of sufficiency.

"So, we are competing in size huh, you chose the wrong enemy", mumbled Daimon in a voice high enough so all the presents could hear it.

Calvin laughed out loud completely ignoring the tense situation, which earned him a poisonous gaze from Galad, but before he could say anything a second thunderous laugh made everyone cover their ears.

The ground trembled as a tall old man with a goatee beard wearing a mixture of armor with some claw marks and desert clothing, slowly walked towards them, with every step the ground below his feet cracked and brown mana was radiated from his body each time he breathed.

"Hahaha, what an interesting friend you found Calvin brat!".

"Grandfather", unlike the way he talked to Mireya, Calvin seemed to respect the old man that just arrived.

"R-Rock Dreadnought… Solomon Ghrish", Wilbert immediately changed his stance, this time he didn't bother to show any superficial gallantry and drew his sword, the old man in front of him was known for having the best defense in the whole White Fang galaxy.

Solomon's relaxed smiling expression immediately died and instead a severe frown appeared on his face.

"You have grown a decent pair of balls after becoming a half emperor huh… "little Willy", even if your father were alive here in your stead, he would have to respectfully call me venerable uncle"

Wilbert gritted his teeth, Solomon wasn't bragging, beast races have longer lifespans than humans and Solomon is one of the oldest half emperors alive, in terms of seniority the only one which was above him was probably Salazar Inferas, but since he is a Lich, he is technically not alive.

Then another person arrived but this time it wasn't a half emperor but Calvin's aunt, Mireya stayed behind to close the bar and after leaving she saw from afar that the three Risha mothers, were now facing two middle stage Arch ranks

But when she was about to go help them, her father appeared out of nowhere… drunk and only after convincing him to use mana to sober up, he joined in the fun, of course her speed couldn't compare to a half emperor so she arrived a couple of minutes later.

Looking at her slightly messy hair although her face wasn't visible due to the white mask she wore, it was clear that she rushed all the way from the happy wanderer to the campus, which earned her a grateful gaze from Irina and the others.

Daimon then noticed three more presences above them, but they felt different to any other mage or knight he has met before.

"Three magus kings, this is getting even more interesting", he thought.

Without noticing, six half emperors and three magus kings gathered in front of the 1-S class, the question here was, what would happen now.

Then he saw the green haired magus king descending from the sky wight in front of Erin, before slightly bowing his head while placing his left hand on his chest.

"It's been some time since we saw each other, lady Revy".

Daimon raised an eyebrow at the "friendly" voice of Lars, but he didn't say anything and instead waited to see how things unfolded.

"Get lost", Erin's indifferent cold voice made its way to all the presents, Maxim which was still floating in the air couldn't help but sigh, this old friend of his simply couldn't accept the fact that the Revy matriarch despised him.

The last time Lars confessed his feelings and got rejected, then he tried to get closer to Erin and got his ass handed by her, that time she was an early stage Archmage while he was a recently ascended magus king.

As expected, Lars froze in the spot, originally, he thought that although she was cold towards Edgar, she had some feelings for him and that's why he was rejected, but now years later everyone knew that wasn't the case.

Lars bitterly smiled; he didn't expect to win the heart of the beauty that no one managed to conquer in two thousand years so easily anyway.

"Ahem, I just happened to pass by and saw that there was a turmoil ongoing here, what do you say, if you want to, I don't mind lensing you my bow in this small discussion".

"Heh, that's why you aren't popular with the ladies back then, Lars".

Everyone turned to see the origin of the new voice, a middle-aged man fully clad in wind and lightning flashed before appearing next to Michael.

This time even Arthur couldn't help but get into a defensive stance.

"Lightning Assassin, what the hell is a womanizer like you doing here, since when you take part in conflicts?", he said while gritting his teeth.

Zein snorted at Arthur as he pointed at Michael.

"I'm here to protect my grandson in law of course", his determined expression was only ruined by the lipstick marks on his neck, which made Haylee want to dig a hole to hide.

Arthur then looked at Lars's idiot in love face and he smirked.

"Whirlwind king, Jade king, Ocean queen, if you help me in this little conflict, I give you a spot in the exploration for each one of your academies, free of charge of course".

The principal of the Earth palace academy was immediately interested in the deal, he gazed at Aura before descending from the sky next to Arthur.

"Argent matriarch, next time don't be too overbearing with your words, remember greed leads to misfortune".

Suddenly all the eyes focused on Lydia, making her shook her head.

"Leave my ocean heart academy out of this", she said clearly not taking any side, so the last participant turned out to be Lars.

Lars felt troubled at first, but after seeing that Erin didn't even look at him, he smiled apologetically as he walked backwards.

"Personal matters shouldn't mix with business, lady Revy, how about you convince the representative of you family to give me two spots, then I promise to help you out in this conflict, it's not a bad deal right?".

"Five times", a sudden voice interrupted the conversation this time, now that Daimon had the attention of everyone, he spoke in a calm but firm voice.

"The price for a spot has changed from twice the amount of the treasure offered, to five times for the earth palace and the furious whirlwind academy, also there won't be second year's spot available for them".

Arthur, Wilbert, Galad, Kirik and Horace laughed with disdain, a mere one star ranked mage was talking in such a great manner.

But then Kirik and Horace both took out their sigil lectors and their laughs were interrupted, before their faces paled, they then looked at Veronica and Anya with black expressions before saying.

After a moment they both seemed to have gotten a few years older, but that only lasted a couple of seconds before they spat on the ground.

"Today's matter we'll end it here", they said before they flew away leaving Wilbert and Galad dumbfounded.

And that wasn't all, as they were considering to chase after them, a heavy pressure fell from the sky, the clouds dissipated as three figures descended between the two groups, well more accurately two standing figures and one which was being dragged by the neck.

Daimon recognized two of them, the one who was in a miserable state was the vice principal Nicolas Jolbaris, the one dragging him from his neck was the veiled woman which Daimon recently learned was affiliated to the army.

As for the third one it was a tall man wearing a blue uniform with a lot of golden medals and badges, but the most eye catching one was a big star pendant with wings and claws engraved on it, an emblem Wilbert and Galad immediately recognized.

This time they didn't even bothered to say anything and instead immediately flew upwards throwing their dignified attitudes to the sewer.

The uniformed man extended his hand towards the sky and then said a single world.


While for others a huge amount of Mana gathered on the sky at certain point, Daimon and Yvonne saw different kinds of "flows" coming from six directions of the city, merging into one point under the command of the uniformed man.

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