Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 185 Size Competition (Part 3)

Chapter 185 Size Competition (Part 3)

All the residents of the academic city suddenly looked upwards; a dazzling blue light illuminated the sky before a sad angry scream could be heard.


Then another dazzling light appeared on the sky, this time it was yellow light which took the form of a sword before shotting itself towards the horizon disappearing after a couple of seconds.

Daimon which was using injected about ten thousand mana points into his infinity eyes, as he tried to inspect what was happening, there was no spell called only "punishment", that and Daimon could see the mana flow of the uniformed man, and unlike the flows of others this one was light blue colored.

The color of the mana flow indicates the affinity of the mage or knight, but the "neutral" color of mana is light blue.

"What is happening here", wondered Daimon as he kept injecting mana in his eyes, after he reached one hundred thousand mana points, he finally became able to see the external mana circuits in the body of the uniformed men along with his magic core, for a split of a second.

"Mm?", the uniformed men felt a faint trace of discomfort, but he discarded it immediately, he just used a combination spell with the help of six people to teach those guys from the light faction a small lesson, so it was normal for him to feel tired.

The uniformed man then turned to see Arthur and with a wave of his hand Nicolas which was unconscious was thrown at him like trash.

Arthur noticed that his younger brother wasn't in danger at all, but his face was swollen and a couple of his bones were broken, he gritted his teeth and then shouted at the uniformed man.

"What is the meaning of this Parzival!".

"Since when the army takes part in the feuds between families, are trying to start a war?".

Seeing Arthur's bloodshot eyes, the uniformed man snorted as his mana exploded out of his body.

"Don't forget who you are talking to Arthur Jolbaris, I Parzival Harizel not only am the field marshal, but also the designated executor of the White Fang galaxy, which means that if someone breaks the rules, I have to administrate a proper punishment".

"Don't tell me that you think I didn't notice that idiot brother of yours guiding two foreign half emperors all the way to the elite class's classroom".

He then pointed at Irina and Yvonne before saying.

"While the army doesn't interfere in the fights between the noble families, unless they affect the commoners past a certain point, they are the daughter and granddaughter of instructor Richard, so I'm not here as the field marshal but as Parzival Harizel, a half emperor".

Arthur gritted his teeth but he calmed down not too long after, this time they gave Parzival a good excuse to step in, so he had no other choice but to swallow his complains, he turned around but as he was about to leave, he heard Aura speaking.

"Nicolas Jolbaris has put the students in danger, I hereby strip him of his position as vice principal, and he is now banned from the grounds property of the academy in the whole galaxy".

Feeling his body shaking due to the anger, Arthur gave Aura a hateful gaze before leaving with his brother.

"I will remember this humiliation", he said as he left.

Parzival then turned to see Lars and Maxim which had hard to read expressions.josei

"Magus kings, you came here for something which is unrelated to me, I will take my leave now, please give instructor Richard my regards", he said to Irina as a crack opened in which he entered before disappearing.

The veiled vice principal also bowed towards Aura and Erin before returning to her usual tasks.

Lydia now descended from the sky; Aura agreed to let her meet Daimon so she could rest assured knowing this wasn't a scam, also she had a couple of things she wanted to confirm.

Mireya, Solomon and Zein left since all of them had some other things to do, as for Irina, Veronica and Anya they all rushed towards their daughters before hugging them as they dragged them into the 1-S classroom.

The other students, including Erin and her daughters also followed them, the only ones which purposely stayed behind a bit were Daimon and Aura, Daimon wanted to do one last thing and Aura of course stayed behind just in case.

Once the others were already inside, Daimon gave Lars a condescending gaze before he smiled.

Lars frowned bas he saw the black-haired kid looking at him as if he was looking at a loser, but his next actions made him grit his teeth.

Daimon pulled the right side seam of his pants, making the big thing which was normally hidden in his boxers to be pressed against his leg, showing the silhouette of its doted size even when it was dormant.

Then without saying anything Daimon turned around and returned to the 1-S classroom, Aura which was laughing at Daimon's actions, followed after coldly glaring at Lars and Maxim.

Needless to say, but Lars was furious right now, a one-star mage mocked him, he a magus king which is on par with half emperors.

A cold flash of killing intent dazzled in his eyes, but he was brought back to reality when Maxim placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Forget it, we didn't come here to fight, Lydia isn't cooperating, and just the two of us aren't enough to ensure a defeat against those two… you have waited one thousand years, so what does a couple more of years do amount for?".

Lars seemed to be in conflict for a moment, but ultimately, he gritted his teeth while swearing to take his revenge at its due time before he turned around and flew in the same direction as Arthur, Daimon demanded five times the original price, which means he would have to give away five pieces of thunder nimbus vine if he wanted a spot.

"Fucking crazy brat", swore Lars, before Maxim also followed him, but unlike his friend, Maxim had a contemplative expression.

As Daimon went to the classroom, Aura walked next to him with a weird smile in her pretty face.

"What was that for?", she asked.

Daimon had a small grin on his face as he answered.

"I opened a faucet slightly so that it drips on his head, eventually the drops of water will break his skull, a broken spirit without physical pain… it's not that easy to achieve but that's what makes it interesting".

Daimon smirked remembering how Lars looked at Erin, and how his expression became twisted after being completely ignored.

"Rare Arch ranked materials fell from the sky directly into my hands, and now I found a new material to create a monster servant too, what a good way to start the week".

Aura chuckled, although counting earnings before getting them is a bad practice, she agreed with Daimon this time, the position of captain of the first year's team was his for sure, as for the one of the second years… she had a little surprise for later.

Before Daimon entered the classroom, he turned to see Aura and after making sure no one was looking at them, he slightly bent down and kissed her pretty lips.

"Mm~", although she was taken by surprise, Aura didn't resist at all, her cute wolf wail wagged as she enjoyed being kissed by Daimon.

The kiss didn't last too much, Daimon did it because he noticed the slightly jealous gaze she had after he took it against Lars for trying to hit on Erin, although he indeed felt angry at first seeing some random guy trying to get close to Erin, for some reason today he realized that he was being a bit childish regarding his soulmates.

Of course, he as their lover had the responsibility to step in if they were in trouble, the truth was that none of them had been in a situation which truly required him to defend them.

Although they liked when he was protective or even slightly possessive, they were his lovers, nor things or decorations.

He will act if he feels it's necessary and then he will make sure to make the other party regret having ever set their eyes on his girls… or if there is a good reason to interfere, like today.

"It should have been like this from the very beginning", he thought as he stopped the kiss, earning a needy gaze from his cute wolf girl.

"Don't look at me like that, you'll get the first turn later, okay?", he said as he caressed her fluffy ears.

"Mm ♥", Aura nodded, her tail wagged continuously, then with a happy renewed smile she hummed before using space shift to return to her office, not without saying.

"You seem different today… I like it, go see the matches of the tournament today, there is a little surprise I have been preparing for you ♥".

Daimon nodded and he entered the classroom which had a little uncomfortable atmosphere right now, Erin and the blue haired female magus queen Daimon saw earlier were having some sort of "stare contest" which was interrupted by his entrance.

Lydia immediately focused her attention on Daimon as she started evaluating him, but the contrary also applied.

The woman in front of Daimon was tall to the point that she was on par with Erin, she had shoulder length blue hair, its color also became lighter towards the ends making it look like a calm sea.

Her eyes were also of a pretty light blue color, her generous figure was tightly clad in a sleeveless blue dress, with a black combat suit below of it, it was a slightly strange fashion sense as it didn't let one guess whether she is a mage or a knight.

The small exchange of "evaluations" didn't last even one second, and after they both confirmed what they wanted, Lydia nodded.

"I guess Aura Argent's reputation of never bragging about others is true after all, pardon my intrusion, I will take my leave now, I hope to see an interesting match in a couple of days to make our deal official".

Erin softly snorted at Lydia, she stood up and brought Daimon into her arms.

"Humph, I told you so, no one among the freshmen of this nor any of the other academies is even near Daimon's level".

Lydia raised an eyebrow, her words meant that even the talents of her academy were no match for Daimon, but she didn't enter into a discussion with Erin and instead just looked at Daimon.

,m "As long as he is stronger than Arthur's son then our deal stands".

After saying that Lydia left the classroom, leaving behind a Daimon which was lost in his thoughts and a certain pair of fox daughters and mother, which were cursing her in their hearts.

"Let's see if you can keep that calm exterior once you see the results of the tournament", mumbled Erin without letting go of Daimon.

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