Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 41 New Skills (Part 1)

Chapter 41 New Skills (Part 1)

Daimon prepared himself for the avalanche of answers he was about to get before asking.

"So how did it go, are you happy with the grimoire you got?".

After a moment all the girls turned to see him.

"Yes, I love it"

"It matches my way of fighting quite good"

"I can't wait to try these new spells!!".

"I want to fight right now"

"It's going to be fun when you use it Daimon".

He sighed, they all spoke at the same time so ultimately, he couldn't understand anything of what they said, he could only distinguish Narasha saying his name at the end, "they are like children at Christmas… but I guess I will be the same when I get mine", he thought.

"Okay, let's check one at a time, first Narasha".

Erin shook her head.

"Favoritism for the new girl, no fair", she said.

Daimon smiled.

"Technically the newest is master Aura though".

,m Erin didn't say anything and Narasha took over, a screen visible to all the presents appeared floating in the air.

[Sword of Origin, first tome: Darkness Vanishing Sword Gram]

[Light is born from darkness, you have met the requirements of the legendary sword Gram, be witness to its might and let all the evil creatures suffer under its edge]

[Rank: Unknown (Growing Type)]

Once they finished reading the little description, she changed to her skill tree tab so everyone could what she got.

[First tome's innate talents]

[Blessing of light (Passive): Both the wielder and the owner of the grimoire will be immune to harmful negative effects caused by darkness elements, the damage dealt is doubled when fighting in a dark space (Only usable in Gram's form)]

[Light branding (Passive): Wounds dealt by the sword will leave a light burn that weakens the strength of the enemy (Only usable in Gram's form)]

[Current spells available]

[Gram Transformation: Allows the weapon to take the form of the legendary sword Gram (the original weapon's stats will be maintained but you will access the innate talents of Gram)]

[Duration: 1 hour] [Cooldown: None] [Price: 30 AP]

[Light Conversion LV 1: The wielder can convert any kind of energy into light to use it as a wave attack (current maximum 10% of the wielder's reserve)]

[Duration: Null] [Cooldown: 1 minute] [Price: Undefined (depends on the amount of energy converted)]josei

Daimon was baffled, "she is a perfect match for me… with this it would be easier to deal with the vampires when the time comes", he thought before asking.

"Can you please use Gram's form? I want to see how the sword will look like".

"Mm", after a moment Disaster changed from an oriental one-edged form to a European broadsword design, it had a golden guard with a blue gem in the middle of it, the blade was made out of a silver metal which reflected light.

Aura nodded

"With this you can fight alongside Narasha and keep the fact that you own Disaster as a secret, since you have the Revy clan head, the champion and… the ancestor as your supporters it will be easy to explain saying that they forged this sword for you".

"Yeah, it will be troublesome if others get to know that I have Disaster so I was only planning on use it when… there won't be any witnesses left to speak about it but I think this is a better option, still I will need a lot of strength to properly use the sword", said Daimon.

Erin smiled.

"You shouldn't have said that little Daimon, now you gave a certain battle maniac a chance to make you go through some barbarian hellish training".

Aura shrugged.

"A good man must be strong, there is nothing wrong in having a good training regimen, besides he will spend more time with me thanks to that, and you can't interfere".

Before those two continued discussing Elizabeth interrupted.

"My turn, my turn!!", she said before opening the description of her grimoire

[Divine Sun Cycle, first tome: Eos's Graceful Dawn]

[Having a strong bond with the sun along with a graceful beauty, you have met the requirements to receive the title of "Eos" the goddess of the rising run]

[Rank: Unknown (Growing Type)]

Elaine read the description and she sighed, "she is going to brag about this for a long time", she thought.

With a satisfied smile, Elizabeth showed them her skill three.

[First tome's innate talents]

[Maiden of the sun (Passive): According to the position of the sun in the sky the strength of the user will be temporarily augmented (Maximum 300% of the current maximum output)

[Sun forge (Passive): The hands of a skilled blacksmith transmit some characteristics in each of her creations, as long as the user desires things created by her will have the protection of the sun (Only Elizabeth Revy can allow others to access her creations)]

[Current spells available]

[Dusk Renewal LV1 (Passive-Active): During the day the body of the user absorbs the light of the sun to create a rune, once per day the user can break a rune to heal all the wounds suffered]

[Duration: Null] [Cooldown: 24 hours] [Price: None]

[Crown fire LV1: It allows the user to gather the light and heat radiated by the sun in order to create fire with its properties)]

[Duration: Null] [Cooldown: None] [Price: Unknown (depends on the amount of condensed fire)]

Elizabeth was all smiles, the innate talent sun forge was especially of her liking, she couldn't help but tighten her arms around Daimon and kissing him a couple of times.

"You are making big sister fall deeper for you with each day that passes ♥"

With the exception that Elizabeth was unconsciously using quite a bit of force to hug him, Daimon was enjoying her affection, until Aisha interrupted them.

"Ahem, Liz, are you trying to crush my darling to death?", she said.

Elizabeth immediately let go of him, although Daimon did feel a bit pressured his body was not normal so he didn't feel any pain.

"I'm fine mom, still I hope Liz can take into account my current realm".

All the girls laughed, since they already understood that Daimon didn't like to see them discussing, they decided to follow the order in which they became his soulmates to show their newly acquired "toys".

So now it was Elaine's turn, she was happy about her grimoire but she kept her cool unlike her sister.

[Moon's Gentle Ode, first tome: Selene's Crescent Moon]

[Love, a serene mind and a bond with the moon, you have met the requirements to receive the blessing of Selene the goddess of the moon]

[Rank: Unknown (Growing Type)]

Elaine blushed a bit, out of the three Revy ladies she was the only one that still felt ashamed due to having accepted Daimon as her future lover despite the big gap in their ages.

She changed the screen to the skill tree.

[First tome's innate talents]

[Moon Enhancement (Passive): Although the moon is inclined to peace, those who are blessed by them are also skilled in combat, when the moon is in the sky the user will have all her senses improved and her body will heal itself]

[Sleeping Lover (Passive): When sharing a bed with her lover, the user will be able to heal and comfort her chosen partner (It only works with Daimon Licht)]

[Current spells available]

[Rising Tide LV1: As the avatar of the moon, the user can control the sea and other water bodies at will]

[Duration: Null] [Cooldown: None] [Price: Unknown (Depends on the quantity of water manipulated)]

[Moon Summoning LV1: The user can summon a little moon to benefit other people by boosting their stats for a period of time (Maximum boost 15%)]

[Duration: 1 hour] [Cooldown: 1 hour] [Price: 20 AP]

Elizabeth patted her sister's shoulder.

"It's like this skill were created for you sis"

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