Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 42 New Skills (Part 2)

Chapter 42 New Skills (Part 2)

"Ahem", Erin cleared her throat to draw everyone's attention but she didn't stop there, she also extended her hands towards Daimon without saying anything.

"These two are for sure mother and daughter", thought Daimon but he still walked and sat on her lap.

Evangeline was amused by the whole situation.

"Every one of them wants a piece of you, the difference is that some are quite open about it like your mother and those two fox girls hahaha".

Erin smiled seeing that her "invitation" was accepted, while her tail waggled a couple of times, she showed them the description of her grimoire.

[Immemorial Darkness, first tome: Leto's Duality]

[Protecting the maiden of the sun and the moon due to maternal love, you have met the requirements to receive the blessing of Leto the progenitor of both night and day]

[Rank: Unknown (Growing Type)]

Daimon already understood more or less how the fragment of Laplace worked, the grimoire they got was not only related to their elements or their specializations, it also took into account their personalities, hobbies and other things.

Erin was happy with the description of her grimoire, her daughters were the reason of her past efforts to reach the pinnacle of this stellar chart, but it was also true that right now sitting in her lap she had found a reason to surpass her current limits.

She rubbed her face against Daimon's before closing the description and opening the skill tree tab.

[First tome's innate talents]

[Eclipse Weaponry (Passive): When the sun is in the sky the user will have access to the bow and arrows of the sun, when the moon is in the sky the user will have access to the spear of the night]

[Mother of Darkness (Passive): Before there was night and day only darkness existed, all the energies controlled by the user will have the corrosive effect of the Immemorial darkness (It doesn't affect other soulmates or Daimon Licht)]

[Current spells available]

[Dark firmament LV1: Summons a dark veil to cover 50 meters around the user, all the elements or energies surrounded by this veil will transform into darkness under the control of the user]

[Duration: 30 Minutes] [Cooldown: 12 hours] [Price: 200 AP]

[Accurate Shot LV1: Shoots and arrow using the fire of the sun, the arrow won't miss the target as long as it's shot during the day (Only usable with the bow and arrows of the sun)]

[Duration: Null] [Cooldown: None] [Price: 1 AP]

[Freezing Pierce LV1: Covers the weapon in the coldness of the night, each wound dealt will cause internal damage in addition to slowing down the enemy's senses (Only usable with the spear of the night)]

[Duration: 1 hour] [Cooldown: None] [Price: 10 AP]

Daimon was curious about why Erin had three skills instead of only two like the other girls so far, and not only that but the spell "dark firmament" was incredible, the domain of an Arch rank will enhance the power of the mage or knight and in some cases, it had other effects of wide range, on the other hand transforming all the mana in an area into darkness at the complete disposition of one was… outrageous for the enemy at least.

Of course, you could say that the enemy will instead use the mana in its magic core to attack, but once its out it will also transform into darkness, the conversion might not be immediate but that would be a nightmare for the enemy because his attack would end up being controlled by Erin.

Still the area was only 50 meters which was the principal flaw but the skill was only level one so who knows how much will it improve later.

Liz had a complex expression on her face.

"That spell it's… unfair, I wonder if you got it because you are a half emperor, what do you think mom?".

Erin shrugged.

"It could be, a half emperor domain is far stronger than the one of an Arch ranked and this spell seems to be a direct boost to my domain, it's going to be a good surprise for anyone that tries to mess with me, considering that my domain already involves using dark element".

Daimon nodded, he basically gave wings to a tiger, he turned to see Aura, only she was left and seeing how good were the skills that Erin got, she as the other half emperor within his soulmates for sure have something on the same level.

Unlike Erin, Aura didn't asked Daimon to sit on her lap, instead she proudly smiled before opening the description of her grimoire.

[Invincible Odyssey, first tome: Peerless Devi]

[A beauty in either of her forms whom no enemy on the same level has ever been a match for, you have met the requirements to receive the title of Devi]

[Rank: Unknown (Growing Type)]

Daimon felt interested in the phrase "beauty in either of her forms".

"Master what does it mean that part of "either of her forms", can you transform in a wolf like in the stories of the werewolf race?", he asked.

It was a normal supposition, werewolves believed their ancestors were able to transform into a complete wolf form, unlike the modern ones that only kept some wolf characteristics like the tail and ears.

Erin laughed.

"Not exactly a wolf but she does look different than the current "Aura", I guess it will be an advantage when she completely become yours little Daimon ♥".

Aura who was about to answer almost choked with her words.

"Hey Erin, what kind of nonsense are you spouting? don't listen to her Daimon, it's not another "form", it's the same me but… a bit older".

She sighed, "stupid Erin it was going to be a surprise for when the time came… I really need another best friend", she thought.

Daimon couldn't help but imagine Aura's face in Erin's body and the result was surprisingly… tempting.

Evangeline sometimes wanted to see the world burn but she also knew there were some limits to how much she could mess with Daimon, so she warned him.

"If you keep thinking on that, "charm" is going to activate you know?".

He shook his head to get rid of the thought, before saying.

"Someday I would like to see it… when master is ready for that of course".

Aura nodded, it's not like she planned to hide it anyway but Erin spoiled the surprise, "whatever, I will have more time alone with my cute disciple later", she thought before opening her skill tree tab.

[First tome's innate talents]

[Supreme Radiance (Passive): No defense can stop the attacks of the user (they need to be performed with a weapon and can still be avoided by the enemy)]

[Sword Deity (Passive): All the wounds dealt with a sword to an enemy won't be able to heal during one day, (with enough training the user will be able to get the invincible sword life spark)]

[Current spells available]

[Sharp Sky LV1: Allows the user to use all the things as weapons in a 50-meter range (all the elements and energies included)]

[Duration: 30 Minutes] [Cooldown: 12 hours] [Price: 200 AP]

[Critical Series LV1: The next attack will deal 100% more damage than the previous one (it can be chained up to 5 times)]josei

[Duration: Null] [Cooldown: None] [Price: 10 AP (The price will double with each attack)]

p [Invincible Aura LV1: Clads the weapon in energy that make it sharper and stronger, once per day if the weapon were to be destroyed the clad takes its place]

[Duration: 1 hour] [Cooldown: 30 minutes] [Price: 30 AP]

Erin was perplexed, Aura has never been defeated nor fell behind in a one-on-one battle but now… she felt sad for anyone that tried to challenge her to a duel, and unfortunately for all the people of this stellar chart that was the way how half emperors solved differences nowadays.

Daimon smiled, a team must be balanced and all the girls now had their roles in the team, Erin would be control, Elaine is the support, Aura and Liz are the attackers, now the only one left was him.

There was also one thing he noticed.

"Evangeline, you told me they all would get the life spark thing so why only my mother and Aura have it on their skills?".

"The first tome focuses on creating a good base for their future cultivation, your mother was centered in combat just like that wolf woman, on the other hand the fox girls seem to have a better talent for magic, still the second tome will cover that for the ones that didn't get it on the first".

"As for the sword girl… she is a special case so I don't know how will she change in the future".

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