Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 68 Combat Lessons (Part2)

Chapter 68 Combat Lessons (Part2)

Boris was doing his best to not choke Calvin with his own hands, "people from every class is looking, where am I going to put my face after this", he thought.

"Miss Aliya… your observations before we got to the next match".

Aliya nodded.

"It was a decent exchange of spells, while Calvin aimed to interrupt the balance of the opponent, Liliana made sure to secure her area of movement considering that her opponent was an earth element mage, although I don't understand why someone who comes from the Ghrish family didn't use sand to confuse others instead of directly confronting its enemy".

Calvin's eyes widened a bit, he tried to run away from the training grounds only to be captured by Boris a second later.

"Brat, you dare to lie me… I will give you a "special" training routine only for you, I hope you don't have plans for your weekends for the next six months", said Boris with a sinister grin on his face.

Leaving aside Calvin's future suffering, the next match was announced, Aisha against Leslie, Daimon shook his head feeling a bit bad for Leslie, even he would find hard to win against his mother in a confrontation without any direct hitting spells.

He might be physically stronger, but Aisha had more experience in battle than him, although Aura trained him, Aisha didn't pass the past eight years lazing around, she also practiced a lot in order to get used to her new body.

Both girls went up the platform and stood at a distance from each other, with a gesture from Boris the match started.

Orange flames covered Leslie's body and her surrounding area, the rule was to not use spells that directly hit the opponent but she was using her flames to envelop herself, so Aisha will have to be careful when she attacked her.

Or at least that was her idea, unfortunately for her, Aisha had her own trick, as a metal element mage she always wore a couple of accessories, which had double functions, first it was a part of her look and second… they were excellent conductors of electricity.

The characteristic humming noise made by electricity echoed through the area, Aisha's body was covered in purple electric streams which made her look like the goddess of lightning, with a little tap Aisha disappeared from where she was standing.

Leslie tried to track Aisha's position following the little exploding sounds that were created each time she took a step on the platform, but by the time she reacted Aisha was already grabbing her neck with her hands.

Of course, she lowered the intensity of her lightnings to not hurt Leslie, but the exposition to electricity numbed her nerves which signaled the end of the match.

Leslie sighed, she rose her hands and gave up.

"I concede… next time let me fight against that Alexander guy, so I can consider myself the fourth ranked for some time before sis Liliana officially gets that palace hehehe".

Some of the students from other classes laughed, with the exception of those who came from the Jolbaris family of course.

Some of them even started yelling some provocations at the ring.

"It seems like the Risha family who doesn't even have a half emperor suddenly became quite bold, I wonder if they need a little reminding of who is the real ruler of the beast faction!!!".

And things like that could be heard coming from students not only from the Jolbaris family, but all those who worked for them.

The Risha family was among on its core neutral, although some have started to get close to Arthur Jolbaris, the leaders have stated that they would not meddle into the disputes of the three big families, (Argent, Revy and Jolbaris).

There was only one match left, so Daimon and Yvonne went up the platform but before Boris could tell them to start, Daimon snapped his fingers and all the noisy people in the crowd fell to the ground, some of them had blood coming from their mouths or even their eyes.

Those who were related to the ones that got affected tried to help them stand up but no matter how much they pulled they couldn't move their friends, so they had no option but to resort to words.

"Hey, why are you attacking our friends, they haven't done anything?", they asked.

Daimon smirked.

"As the representative of both the Revy and Argent matriarchs, I can't allow the Jolbaris family and their lackeys to call themselves the "ruler or the beast faction", in my face, or at least that's the excuse… but personally I did it because their yells were bothering me".

His sharp gaze fell on all the presents before he continued.

"Do any of you has a problem with that?".

Silence, no one dared to speak, "what a joke he destroyed two four-star mages with just one attack", it's what was in everyone's mind, and it's also what was making all of them swallow their complains.josei

Boris laughed.

"Well said Kid, the elite class is the top of the food chain, if you can't even control those who will be working for you in the future then, how can the academy expect you to command troops if the need arises".

Although it would seem like Daimon was being a tyrant, that was his purpose, on these past years with the help of the girls, he found a way to overcome the memory of Aisha dying in front of him… he just has to become the strongest.

If that is not achievable for the time being, then he will make others fear him, to the point where the sole thought of Daimon pointing his sword at them will make them tremble, so that they won't ever think on trying to harm his precious family ever gain, so that another situation like the one that happened with the Naktis won't ever happen again.

Evangeline who was watching the whole show, laughed seeing Daimon being so dominant.

"That's how it should be, how can a weakling be my master… train, fight and keep on advancing, there will be a day where your sole presence will make the heavens themselves tremble", she thought.

Boris made sure that none of the guys that have fainted at this point had any severe wounds, and that was not the case.

"Whatever that kid did, it was perfectly calculated to make them miserable without causing a long-term wound… I wonder how many "test subjects", he had to destroy in order to get this much control over this particular spell", thought Boris.

Leaving that aside, the final match started, contrary to what Daimon expected Yvonne didn't move nor she used her darkness element like Leslie, she just stood there which allowed him to look her face to face.

Yvonne had long black hair, although she wasn't as curvy as Aisha, she had a well-developed figure for her age, something he didn't notice before was that her eye color seemed to change from time to time, from a light brown to a yellowish tone, the slight bags under her eyes were barely noticeable and they didn't make her look bad, at most it added an extra charm to her.

"Mm?", Daimon felt something trying to enter his mind and he didn't bother to resist.

A couple of seconds later the whole scenery changed, instead of the platform where they were previously standing, they now were now on top of a volcano, Daimon came out of his daze when he heard Yvonne's voice explaining.

"I don't stand a chance against you on the real world… but this is my playground, let's see if your mind is as strong as your body".

Daimon had a weird smile on his face, unlike on the outside where Yvonne was wearing a skirt and a white shirt, here she had a weird hat which reminded him to the one a witch wears, but that was not what caught his attention but the fact that she mentioned something about his body being quite strong.

"I wonder why do you suppose that my body is strong?".

Yvonne shook her head.

"You probably already noticed, but my eyes are special, I can more or less see the flow of mana within other people bodies, while I have seen some people that have a strong flow of it, like knights… yours is on a completely different level, it's more like a devastating tsunami than just a strong flow, so it's only logic to think that your physical body must be incredibly tough to resist something like that".

Daimon was actually surprised, his knight realm was hidden due to the bracelet of the god of mischief, so the amount of mana that others could see "circulating" through his body, was limited to what he wanted to show, but even then, his natural flow of mana was not the same as others, not that it mattered since others would only consider him quite talented which was already a thing since he didn't bother to hide his darkness and lightning affinities.

Yvonne seemed to be quite wary of him, since Daimon saw that she didn't try attack him, they just exchanged gazes for a couple of minutes, until he decided to break the silence.

"If you aren't going to attack, then tell me how time works on the outside, how much time has passed compared to the five minutes you have been staring at me?".

Yvonne shrugged.

"You can't blame me for that, I have been trying to see what scares you… but I can't see it no matter how much I try, luckily the time flows ten times slower here, so while we have been here for five minutes on the real world it has only been thirty seconds".

Daimon smiled.

"You taught me something new, so let me give you something in exchange… I can see those ghastly things that are haunting you, so let me get rid of them".

Yvonne's eyes widened, for the first time Daimon saw her lose her cool.

"You can also see them!!!", she exclaimed in a surprised voice.

Daimon nodded before adding.

"Yes, because I have seen them attacking others before… but the ones around you are quite different to the ones I know, I wonder what the hell did you do to make them so angry?".

On the real-world Daimon didn't notice them, but now that they were in this illusion created by Yvonne, he was able to see some creatures that were trying to harm her mind, they were similar to the nightmare dwellers that attacked Aisha so many years ago, but unlike that time these ones did have a form.

They looked like hundreds of skeletons burning in a purple flame which were revolting around her, Daimon extended his hand at the sky and on his mind, he shouted, "Myalo".

The next thing Yvonne saw was that the whole world illuminated which forced her to close her eyes.

"Well, turns out he does have a spell to affects the mind", was the last thing she thought, before the illusion world cracked.

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