Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 69 Friendly Meal Time

Chapter 69 Friendly Meal Time

While on the illusion world the scene was quite epic, on the outside people just saw both Daimon and Yvonne closing their eyes and standing still for almost one minute until something finally happened.

Daimon opened his eyes while Yvonne rubbed her face a couple of times, although she felt like her head was splitting, she had a smiling expression which surprised Leslie and Liliana.

"Thanks… I don't know how you did it but it means a lot for me", said Yvonne before leaving the platform to reunite with her friends.

Boris had no clue of what happened but considering all the surprised Daimon has given him, he just felt the girl from the Risha family using some kind of mind spell and then a minute later, he saw a large amount of mana gathering near Daimon before they both woke up.

"The winner is Daimon… well omit the observations for this one, it's time for your lunch break so go eat at the restaurant of the academy, you have one hour and then return to the 1S classroom got it?".

Everyone nodded and they dismissed, while the students followed Boris's suggestion, he and Aliya went to the teachers exclusive dining room.

As they were walking to the restaurant, Aisha laughed.

"So how was it, did Myalo worked as intended in that mind illusion, darling?".

Daimon nodded, Myalo was a spell which needed the caster to have metal affinity, luckily, he wasn't limited in that aspect like other people, up to this day he could use skills related to a variety of different elements, that's how he managed to learn the original spell of his mother.

"Yes, it worked as it was supposed I used the purifying property of mithril to get rid of the both the illusion and an unexpected problem, the only problem is that for it to affect at a spiritual level, it requires a big amount of mana, luckily the mana storing capacity of our cores is quite bigger than other people".

Aisha agreed with her son, unlike when it was used it on the body, when Myalo was used on the spirit, the amount of mana needed was incredibly higher, but it was also true that the magic cores of the soulmates improved after using their grimoires, they all evolved.

Without noticing they arrived at the restaurant of the academy, it was quite crowded since it was every class's lunch break, practically all the tables were already occupied, of course there was space for others to sit but it will be uncomfortable to eat with students from other classes.

Luckily Daimon saw from the corner of his eyes a table which was distanced from others, it had a magic barrier around it with the symbol of the first ranked which combined with the token of identity he was given by Boris.

"I was going to complain with that old man… but it seems everything was calculated", he thought.

Daimon took out his token and the barrier opened for him and Aisha to enter, the table was big enough for at least twenty people but of course Aisha sat right next to her son, unlike others who had to go and get their food on their own at a counter that was at the other side of the restaurant, there was a magic formation on Daimon's table similar to the one that Erin used to order what she wanted to eat.

All this was new for Aisha, back in her school days the academy for the vampire race was quite different, the beast faction Wild Claw academy fiercely encouraged their students to compete with each other to get more "privileges".

And the culmination of all that was the elite class, they had a private ring, the first ranked had a private mansion within the academy grounds and he even had an exclusive table… something that none of the other first year students had, including the other members of the elite class.

Speaking of the other members of the elite class, the girls from the Risha family and Calvin tried to look for a table which wasn't already occupied but they didn't find one, so Calvin shamelessly approached Daimon, of course he asked first since he saw what happened to the guy that interrupted his time with his sister, back at the welcome party

"Daimon, can you let me sit with you… the table is quite big and I won't bother you two, so what do you say bro?".

To be honest Daimon was going to refuse but then he heard Yvonne also speaking.

"Before you say that guy from the desert coyote family to fuck off, take into account whose fault is it that the other classes hate us".

Daimon shook his head.

"I don't know, probably Alexander, I just pointed my sword at those who tried to mess with me after all".

Leslie also tried to convince Daimon.

"Come on, food tastes better when you have company!".

"I already have a good company before you all came though", thought Daimon, but then Aisha took the initiative to invite the girls to sit with them.

"You are right Leslie, you three come sit with me and my brother".

"Thanks sis Aisha", said Leslie as she sat down in front of Aisha followed by Yvonne and Liliana.

Calvin on the other hand wasn't included in Aisha's invitation so he just stood there until Daimon opened the barrier for him to enter.

"I knew you had a comprehensive heart bro; you aren't the first rank for nothing hahaha".

Ignoring Calvin's shameless words, they all ordered what they wanted, unlike the other students the table reserved for the first ranked had magic formations so after a couple of minutes the dishes appeared in front of each respective person.

Without any delay everyone started to dig in, the matches made them use part of their mana reserves, for those below the Arch ranks gathering mana was a manual process but eating anything which contained mana was also a way to recover, in this case the food in front of them tasted even better than it would normally do, due to that.

As they enjoyed their meal, Aisha noticed that while Yvonne made some slight conversation with Liliana, Leslie was having a hard time not talking, something she found amusing, apparently, the girl from the fire crane clan, took Daimon's threat quite seriously.

Aisha knew what her son wanted to achieve, but still as his mother she wanted him to fully enjoy his time on the academy, just like she did so many years ago, making friends and things like that were also important experiences, so she decided to give him a little push.

"Don't take Daimon's words too seriously, I invited you to eat with us so it's not like he is going to attack you if you speak you know?".

Leaving aside Daimon's current weird expression, for Leslie It was a relieve, as she returned to her usual self, without them noticing everyone started participating on the conversation, the subject was the matches that Boris made them go through.

Of course, the first one to complain was Calvin.

"That old man is unfair, first he made go against Liliana which is five or more accurately six ranks above me, and just because I gave up now, I'm going to have "special classes", on weekends with him… sigh I can see my dream of getting a cute girlfriend fading away".

Everyone found quite funny all the "misfortunes" Calvin had to experience, Liliana even gave her opinion about it.

"That's in part your fault though, you should have fought seriously, but I'm also quite surprised that our teacher knew that much about the fighting style of your family", she said.

Calvin shook his head.

"I was reserving that for when someone hard to deal with challenged me to a duel, as a surprise, but miss Aliya gave me away in front of all the people from other classes so now I'm screwed".

"I'm still amazed by sis Aisha's speed, sure I'm only a peak one-star mage but still I didn't have time to react before our match ended", said Leslie.

Aisha smiled.

"Lightning element mages who use a movement spell are hard to deal with in a short-range combat, that Alexander guy would have had a slight chance to win against Mikael if he used his head for once".

Even Yvonne who normally doesn't talk too much, suddenly became more talkative.

"On a serious side note, your brother is a monster Aisha, I was quite confident on my illusion spell since most guys are muscle heads like Calvin, but not only I couldn't properly affect him with it, but he broke the spell quite easily too".

Calvin nearly choked with his food.

"Oi, why the discrimination, I get the insult while Daimon gets the compliment, that's not fair".

This time even Daimon laughed, he noticed what his mother was trying to do, "on my past life I wasn't able to make friends due to my circumstances… I guess it won't hurt trying, I'm going to have to deal with them for quite some time anyway", he thought.

Now that he decided to try and see what happens, he also participated on the conversation.

"Speaking of that Yvonne, I'm also a bit curious about how did you make those things be so angry with you?".

Yvonne smiled; all this time Daimon was only listening but not saying anything so she took this as a little victory, she answered while she laughed.josei

"So, you aren't a decorative statue, those weren't "real" nightmare dwellers, it was a punishment curse casted by… someone of my family, so thanks for that, tonight I'm going to have a good rest for the first time in a couple of months".

Both Liliana and Leslie were surprised, they knew about their friend's situation but supposedly, only the one that casted the spell or other member of the Night Sparrow clan with the same realm could dispel the curse that has been tormenting Yvonne for quite some time.

Leslie hugged her friend; she was truly happy for Yvonne.

"That's amazing Yvi, that punishment was unfair".

Daimon had grin on his face.

"Whoever did the curse it's going to have a fun sleeping time tonight hahaha".

Yvonne also laughed imagining the one that casted the curse getting a taste of its own punishment, curses were powerful spells but most of them have big drawbacks when they are countered.

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