Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 70 Changes In The Elite Class

Chapter 70 Changes In The Elite Class

Aisha was happy to see Daimon socializing, although as a lover she enjoyed being the focus of his attention, as a mother she wanted her son to enjoy his life at school as much as possible.

The restaurant had many floors, each one was destined to different grade and above the student's floors there was one exclusive to teachers, prefects and other important staff of the academy.

In one of the tables Aliya was waiting for her food, many other teachers were looking at her, while most of the gazes were full of disdain, some others were of sympathy, still she ignored every one of them.

Boris approached her table with two different dishes on his hands, he placed one on her side of the table and the other one was for him.

Aliya smiled.

"Thanks uncle Boris… but I'm not too hungry".

Boris shook his head.

"Lass, I was there the day you were born, if there is someone in this world who you can't lie to, that is me… how is your magic core, has your investigation progressed?".

Aliya sighed, she started eating the food on her plate before answering.

"Not too much, I improved the potion but I'm not recovering, although now I'm able to use some spells again, the most the potion does is keeping me on a stable condition".

Boris nodded.

"Some improve is better than nothing, before you couldn't use any magic which didn't let me sleep at night… I'm not always near you after all".

Aliya smiled.

"Uncle, this is the wild claw academy, if I'm not safe here, then there is no safe place for me in the whole white fang galaxy… speaking of that, why did you ask that kid from the Revy family to act as my bodyguard?".

Boris laughed before hitting the table.

"Because in this academy, there is no one who would dare to act against him, at least not on the surface hahaha".

Boris's thunderous laugh drew other's attention, especially the attention of the class A tutor.

"Oi Ogien, can you shut up, there are other people eating here… it's already bad enough for you to bring someone who can't properly use magic to the teacher's floor!!!".

Boris snorted.

"No one is missing anything from life by not listening to your voice "tutor Syrus", besides you are just mad because two of those pieces of trash you call students got their asses handed by the little monster of my class".

Syrus stood from his table which made Boris do the same, they walked until they were a couple of steps away.

Aliya sighed.

"These two have always been fighting for every little thing", she thought.

Luckily their fight was interrupted by the arrival of the vice principals, one of them was the girl from snow leopard clan and the other was the guy from the Jolbaris family which had a slight disagreement with Daimon before.

"Can't you stop fighting for one day?", asked the girl from the snow leopard clan.

Boris shrugged.

"He is the one that provoked me… vice principal Leeris".

Before the girl could answer, the vice principal from the Jolbaris family interrupted.

"Tutor Ogien, I got a complain due to your attitude towards your students, do you have anything to say?".

Boris smiled.

"My attitude you say… vice principal Nicolas Jolbaris, that little nephew of yours sure likes to lie on a daily basis, so what are you accusing me of this time, favoritism?".

Nicolas frowned his eyebrows.

"What's up with that tone, this time there were witnesses so it's not "my accusation", but one made by a variety of people".

"My tone? You might be a vice principal but I'm a middle stage Archmage, if someone needs to watch his tone that would be you, leaving that aside what the hell do you want from me, I'm not going to flatter that arrogant brat from your family just because his daddy is a half emperor".

The vice principal surnamed Leeris saw that things were getting out of hands so she interfered.

"Ahem, the vice principals and the principal reached an agreement… the elite class will be divided in two sections each one will be conformed of fifteen students, tutor Ogien will keep being in charge of his class, but the other section will be in charge of tutor Syrus, I will deliver the details to you and teacher Aliya tomorrow".

"Alexander will be transferred to the other section, so from now and onwards tutor Ogien please refrain from giving him any of "lessons"", added Nicolas.

Boris had a disdainful expression on his face.

"I have no problems with that, he wasn't going to be able to keep the pace of my class anyway, I'm pretty sure he will fit quite good in that "lower elite class" hahaha".

Both Syrus and Nicolas gave Boris a poisonous gaze, but they decided to ignore his provocations and just sat down in a separate table.

Boris also sat down in front of Aliya; he had a grin on his face as he continued eating his food.

"Uncle you look like a villain with that sinister expression you know?", said Aliya.josei

Boris feigned ignorance.

"I'm happy, because now that the nuisance is gone, both you and me will have it easier".

Aliya nodded.

"He's got a point, the rest of the class doesn't seem to have a problem with the representative so it will be easier for them to act as a team", she thought.

The rest of the lunch break went on without any problems for both students and teachers, the elite class returned to their classroom and waited for Aliya to return.

Now that they weren't just complete strangers sitting in a room, they changed their seats to not be so distanced from each other, the girls from the Risha family sat in a row right next to Daimon and Aisha and Calvin chose a seat in front of Daimon, the only exception was Michael, since he didn't appear on the restaurant, he was sitting in a corner at the backside of the classroom.

The door opened and they saw Aliya and Boris entering, Daimon noticed that the old man had a grin which he couldn't hide no matter how much he tried and he had a weird premonition which was confirmed a couple of seconds later.

"I have good news for you all, the brats from the Jolbaris family aren't part of this class anymore".

Daimon more or less expected something like that to happen, besides him, the only other new year student which was backed by a half emperor on the academy was Alexander, so it was obvious he wasn't going to tolerate being below anyone".

"Excuse my ignorance tutor Ogien, I know that Alexander guy really sucked in the previous class… but how come he was expulsed just due to that?", asked Calvin.

Boris shook his head.

"Unfortunately, he wasn't expulsed from the academy, the elite class was divided in two separated sections, this one will remain the same and the other one will be created around your former classmates, we will have the complete details tomorrow but I guess you all can imagine what would happen right?".

Yvonne laughed.

"Let me guess, we will now compete to see who is the real elite class, what a pain".

Boris nodded.

"Basically yes… there are other things on going, but before anything I want to ask if anyone else wants to be transferred to the other class, keep in mind that if you stay you agree to listening to miss Aliya's teachings, attend to my lessons and being led by the class representative", said Boris while looking at Calvin.

Calvin cleared his throat.

"Ahem, can't we reduce my future weekend lessons to only Saturdays, I want to have at least one day of rest… for personal reasons".

p Boris laughed.

"I'm feeling quite happy right now, so I will go easy on you just this time, the Sunday will be your day off".

Calvin let out a sigh of relief, at least he will have the Sunday to go skirt chasing… or so he thought, if he knew what Boris had in storage for him, he wouldn't have been so relaxed, but that is a story for another day.

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