Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 375 - Goodbye Old Friends

Chapter 375 - Goodbye Old Friends

Chapter 375 – Goodbye Old Friends

In the past, many tragic battles had taken place in the eastern border of the Big Dipper City. Countless hot blood had been spilled on this piece of land. The conflict between the two countries was irreconcilable. The war between the two countries lasted the longest. Even with the appearance of the Great Xixi, the two countries remained at a stalemate on the surface.

The territory of the Youguo was larger than the State of Yan and they also had a larger population. They had always been the leaders of the You, Yong, and Ba alliances. The other two nations had always contributed, so in Youlan’s battle, the State of Yan was actually at a disadvantage most of the time.

The turning point appeared in the establishment of Tie Liuhuo.

When An Zheng arrived at the Da Lie City, he realized that the hundreds of thousands of elite State of Yan s were actually not present. Zhang Yunfan was welcomed by the guards of the Great Lie City. They informed General An Zheng that Fang Zhiji was not in the east border, but in the Youguo instead.

“Say that again?”

“The Great General is not here, he is in Youguo …”

Zhang Yunfan looked somewhat awkward, “According to the general’s instructions, we cannot casually leak out the news, but... However, this lowly general was filled with respect towards the Prince Fu, so if he were to lie to him, he would be extremely uneasy. Actually... The war against the Youguo never stopped. The Great General had ordered for the seal to be placed on the information channels to be passed on to the imperial government, so as to not allow anyone to leak it out, the army had now reached the capital city of Youguo, Bei Ping.

An Zheng’s face became even uglier: The imperial government has ordered us to stop the war with the Youguo, why does the Great General not stop?!

Zhang Yunfan: “The Great General said that hundreds of thousands of men and women were killed just like that. How much manpower and resources are involved? Food, support, civilian, a million people. The war for the Youguo had progressed further and further, reaching the depths of the Youguo. However, because of a single sentence from the Imperial Court, all these people had to stop their preparations. “On the surface, it seems to be responsible for the country, but in reality, it is the most irresponsible decision.”

An Zheng was incomparably shocked in his heart, yet, he did not know what to say for a moment.

With regards to the war, his understanding was definitely inferior to Fang Zhiji’s. But he did not expect Fang Zhiji to be so stubborn. An Zheng had many friends who were still on the battlefield in the east, and might even have followed Fang Zhiji deep into the Youguo. The life and death of Chang Huan, Huo Tangtang, and Nie Qing, these people, immediately caused An Zheng to feel uneasy.

Zhang Yunfan saw that An Zheng’s face was ugly and explained, “What the Great General did was wrong. He went against the King’s orders, but … The King is in the Fanggu, do you know anything about the war in the east? When the King gave the order to retreat, the Great General had already traveled a thousand miles into the Youguo. How to explain this to the soldiers? “The soldiers fought with their lives on the line to snatch the land of the thousand miles, retreating as they pleased. Can the soldiers accept the land that they have won, even if they say they don’t want it?”

“The Great General said that if An Zheng truly wanted to retreat, then he would have chilled the hearts of hundreds of thousands of soldiers. If there were to be more wars in the future, would the King still be able to command the army? The soldiers were working so hard for him? All these years the had been bullying the east border. How many citizens had died and how much land had been lost? “Now, to be able to avenge his in one go, I have no choice but to stop because of my domestic affairs …”

Zhang Yunfan looked at An Zheng, “Prince Fu, you must understand this well. Think about it, will the warriors listen to the orders of the imperial government in the future? After risking their lives and spilling their blood, at the end of the day, the imperial government threw away all the territories they had fought so hard for. That was only throwing away the trust the soldiers had for the imperial government. ”

An Zheng sighed: “The King is considering the strength of the nation. The imperial government can no longer afford to fight against the Youguo, the citizens can’t either.”

Zhang Yunfan said, “Great General used war to nurture his men, he doesn’t even need the supplies from the imperial government.”

He pointed to the outskirts of the Great Lie City. “The Great General has already taken down a thousand miles of fertile land, so this place will be a fertile land in the future. Wherever the army goes, they will naturally take the food of the people of Youguo as supplies. ”

An Zheng said: “Where is the great general now, I need to go see him.”

Zhang Yunfan said, “This general really doesn’t know. The speed at which the great general is advancing is extremely fast. I’m afraid he’s almost at the northern level.”

An Zheng was silent for a while, then asked, “Eternal Nation, Overlord and Youguo are allied. As the Great General advances, aren’t you worried that the combined forces of Eternal Nation and Overlord will block his retreat?”

Zhang Yunfan shook his head, “Great General was indeed worried about that earlier, so the army split into two.” All the way forward, all the way to the back. However, news suddenly came a few days ago. Da Xi had ordered all countries to mobilize their armies and set off for the Western Regions. The envoys from the Eternal and Hegemony came at the same time and went back after meeting the general. As for what they discussed, no one knew. But since then, although Yongguo and Hegemony have mobilized their forces, they have been very quiet. ”

An Zheng thought about it carefully. The reason why Eternal Nation and Overlord were like this was because they wanted to protect themselves. When they mustered their troops in this generation, they had an excuse to evade Da Xi’s request to march westward. In front of their own interests, what was an alliance? It could be said that the Youguo had already been betrayed by the Eternal Nation and the Overlord. Although they didn’t know what Fang Zhiji had promised him, it was bound to be an irresistible enticement for both Yong and Ba’e.

“Protect the city well.”

An Zheng said: “Give meam of scouts as my guides.”

Zhang Yunfan quickly ordered some of his best scouts, and before long, a team of a hundred people was gathered. An Zheng looked at the war horses that Zhang Yunfan had prepared for him, and the corners of his mouth twitched, but he remembered that there might be more wars at Youguo.

“Let me ask you a few people, have you seen Chang Huan and Huo Tangtang who are from Fanggu before?”

“The three people you mentioned are all in the army at the front lines.”

An Zheng nodded: “Let’s go.”

The hundred elite soldiers of the Eastern Army and An Zheng spurred their horses at the same time, galloping towards the east of the Great Lie City. Along the way, An Zheng asked them about the battle in the eastern border in detail. From the words of these soldiers, An Zheng could tell that they respected Fang Zhiji far more than they trusted the imperial government. It could be said that if a conflict were to arise between the imperial government and Fang Zhiji, they would be more willing to stand on Fang Zhiji’s side.

All the way from the city to the east was scorched earth. The traces of war might take at leasundred years to repair, or even more. Everywhere he passed, he saw ruins. One by one, the villages were razed to the ground. An Zheng could even imagine how ruthless Yan Jun was when he pushed forward. But is war never like this? Back then, when the State of Yan, Eternal Nation, and Overlord’s allied forces attacked the heart of the State of Yan, it was also this tragic when the war almost reached the Fanggu.

No matter what happened between countries, the people still suffered.

He had been running seven hundred miles east of the Great Lie City day and night, but he hadn’t met a single living person. Farming was abandoned, villages were destroyed, and the army was worse off than locusts. After the locusts, as long as they were still alive, they could start anew. But after the war, they would all be dead. What was the point of rebuilding them?

After a day and night, An Zheng had no choice but to stop and rest. He was fine, but the hundred soldiers were unable to hold on.

An Zheng let everyone sleep, and stood alone outside the temporary camp, and looked at the desolate land in the distance with an indescribable feeling in his heart. Could you say that Fang Zhiji was wrong? From the point of view of the people, there will never be a war. However, from a soldier’s point of view, winning as soon as possible was the best outcome. Maybe Fang Zhiji didn’t plan to stop from the beginning. An Zheng had a nagging feeling that this person had some sort of secret hidden in his heart.

It was as if Fang Zhiji especially hated the Youguo.

A soldier brought out a jug of wine and passed it to An Zheng: “Prince Fu, you can rest for a while. I’ll guard it.”

An Zheng shook his head: “I don’t need to rest, go back and sleep, I still need you to lead the way.”

The soldier nodded and did not say anything else.

After he walked a few steps back, he turned his head back. “Prince Fu, our great swallow will be fine, right?”

An Zheng laughed: “Of course not.”

The soldier nodded again, “That’s good, that’s good...” They all said privately that the great general had disobeyed the imperial court’s order, and the great king would definitely blame them in the future. “Since the King is young, it is easy for others to bewitch him. When the time comes …”

Halfway through his words, he realized that An Zheng and the King were one of the closest people to him, and didn’t dare to continue his words anymore.

“The King may be young, but he is a man of his word.”

An Zheng said: “You are all meritorious officials of the great swallow, Your Majesty will not blame you. Didn’t the King say before that he would give the Great General Fang Zhiji the power to decide when to attack? Don’t be bewitched, the King has no doubts about the Great General. ”

The soldier’s face immediately brightened, “I believe what Prince Fu said!”

An Zheng suddenly thought of a problem. “Do you know why the Great General hates the Youguo so much?”

The soldier was startled for a moment, then walked back to stand next to An Zheng: “Prince Fu’s words are wrong, it isn’t why the great general hates the Youguo, every single one of us hate the Youguo to the bone. However, I heard that a very important person of the Great General died in the hands of the people of Youguo. Ah … I’m just saying, I can’t believe it. ”

An Zheng replied, “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about the things you’ve told me.”

The soldier thanked him and left without another word.

After resting for half a day, An Zheng set off again. This time, after travelling for almost a day, they finally saw a rather large city. Along the way, all they saw were ruins, and the large city in front of them seemed to be the only one that was still in good condition. The flag of the State of Yan was stuck on the wall, and the Yan Army soldiers were patrolling back and forth on it. Judging from the number of garrison troops on the city wall, the size of the army inside the city was not small.

An Zheng planned to enter the city to see what was happening, so he sent people to call for the city gates to be opened.

Before long, the city gates opened wide, buerson immediately rushed down from the city walls, heading straight for An Zheng like a bolt of lightning. Before he even reached him, the laughter had already reached him.

“Hahahaha, I really didn’t expect you to come!”

The man immediately pounced in front of An Zheng, his face plastered to the floor.

An Zheng hurriedly took a step back: “Greetings, sir.”

The armored An Zheng shook both of his hands as he grabbed onto An Zheng’s shoulders, “Stop bullshitting. I didn’t give you the Prince Fu’s salute, so you are not allowed to call me mister. “I can’t believe I can still see him in my life.”

An Zheng laughed, “Where is my master?”

Chang Huan was startled for a moment, then realized that An Zheng was talking about Huo Tangtang. He also laughed, his face was full of pride and satisfaction: “Of course it’s at home, what are girls doing in public, at home washing clothes and cooking for me!”

An Zheng sighed: “Can you stop bragging?”

Chang Huan pounded his chest: “Do I look like someone who would lie? “Now, I have the final say …”

Then he turned around and looked back. After confirming that there was no danger, he shouted, “It’s a man, the head of the family!”

Just as he was speaking, someone behind him suddenly said, “That’s right, a man must have some face as the head of the family.”

Huo Tangtang, who was dressed in cloth clothes, appeared behind him, and then, slightly possessed her body.

Chang Huan’s face paled, and quickly went behind An Zheng: “There’s … There were guests, there were guests … Um, can we talk about it later? ” josei

An Zheng laughed loudly.

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