Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 376 - True Killing

Chapter 376 - True Killing

Chapter 376 – True Killing

“This is called Chang Deng City.”

Chang Huan smiled and said as he walked: “You said the name of this city is simply for me. I don’t know if it was superstition or something, but the general left me here to defend, and he led the army to continue the assault to the east. There are twenty-eight thousand soldiers here, we are guarding the return route of the great army, and we must pass through this place. If we fail, the great army will be trapped in the Youguo’s hinterland and die. ”

He asked An Zheng: “Why did you suddenly come to the Eastern Region?”

An Zheng explained the current situation of the State of Yan once more. However, this so-called great chaos was still not a game between the two superpowers. It could even be said to be a game. Daxi Shenghuang casually opened his mouth, causing the hundreds of small nations attached to the Da Xi to charge upwards. They would either die on the battlefield in the west, or under the punishment of the Da Xi. Wasn’t the Western Regions the same as well? With just a few words from Golden Crown, the three thousand Buddhist nations in the Western Regions will fight with Da Xi with their lives on the line. ”

An Zheng said: “So I must see Fang Zhiji as soon as possible, if he does not retreat, State of Yan will not be able to protect himself.”

Chang Huan: “Get him to retreat … I’m afraid no one else will be able to do it. ”

An Zheng: “On the way, I asked the soldiers of the Eastern Army, they couldn’t explain why Fang Zhiji must definitely destroy Youguo, they only said that Fang Zhiji might have a family or friends, in any case, someone very important to him died at the hands of the people of the Youguo.”

Chang Huan: “You know... When you were at Fantasy City, did you remember Tie Liuhuo’s assistant general being assassinated by the Youguo? ”

An Zheng nodded: “I do.”

Chang Huan sighed: “That is Fang Zhiji’s wife and brother.”

An Zheng was a little unhappy in his heart: “So Fang Zhiji is using the power of the entire State of Yan to take revenge for his wife and brother?”

Chang Huan shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t think so. Honestly speaking, although I have been in the Eastern Region for a long time, I do not understand Fang Zhiji at all. Some people said that he was a devil, a god of death. Some people said that he waonfucian general, a saint. No one could convince anyone else with their own words. Anyway, the Fang Zhiji that I have seen, cannot be considered to be a person with selfish motives. ”

An Zheng nodded: “I still need to see him as soon as possible. If I can’t split my troops and get out, it would be hard for State of Yan to even protect himself. Even if we take down the Youguo, so what if the State of Yan is exterminated, what use does the Youguo have? ”

Chang Huan: “Stay here and rest for the night, I have a magic tool that can be used to contact Fang Zhiji.”

Inside, there was a sand table, it was crafted extremely meticulously, and from the State of Yan’s border to Beiping City, it was all in this sand table, the mountains and rivers, the villages and cities were all clearly visible. Chang Huan pointed to the side of the sand table, where an iron-like object was embedded. Beside the item, waen that looked like it was made of pure gold.

He lifted his brush and wrote on the iron scroll, explaining An Zheng’s intentions for coming here. Then, with a flash of light, the words disappeared.

“This was left behind by Fang Zhiji. Because Chang Chen is really too important, he requested for me to report about Chang Chen every day.”

An Zheng said: “He actually trusts you.”

Chang Huan laughed bitterly: “Which leader is not the trusted aide who trusted the words? If it wasn’t for the fact that all the guardians of the city are dead, how could I have survived? The war against the State of Yan is far more tragic than you can imagine. Three months ago, the Youguo army had surrounded and attacked Chang Deng City, attempting to trap Fang Zhiji in the center of the Youguo. General Mo Yan, guarding Chang Chen City at all costs. After seven days and seven nights, his Cultivation Power was exhausted to the point of death. General Zhou Yanshan took over his position as the main general. One and a half months ago, Yongguo and Hegemony’s allied forces stormed Chang Chen City, General Zhou Yanshan died in battle, and Lieutenant General Huo Chen took over. One month ago, the assassins of the Youguo snuck into the city and assassinated Huo Sen … ”

Chang Huan pointed to his own nose, “Therefore, it’s my turn. The trusted aides and henchmen that Fang Zhiji left in Chang Deng City have all died in battle.”

An Zheng said: “Even if we were to eliminate the Youguo like this, would we be able to protect its territory? In the end, it was still not split up between the BoHai, Yongguo, and Hegemony people. ”

Chang Huan shook his head: “Fang Zhiji never listens to the advice of others. Do you think that no one has tried to persuade him otherwise?

Just as he was talking, the sound of horns rose from outside.

Chang Huan’s expression changed, “It’s here again … You are lucky. If you are any slower, you will be caught up in the enemy’s army. No matter how powerful a cultivator was, in front of the great army, they seemed to be completely powerless … Once cultivators with Captive Stage fell into that trap, even if they killed thousands of enemies, what could they do? “Isn’t he tired to death?”

He straightened his armor and said, “Upper City!”

As his personal guards gave the order, the city’s defenders immediately gathered. The State of Yan’s eastern troop that Fang Zhiji had personally trained was indeed elite and strong. Even in sucredicament, it was still very orderly and efficient.

An Zheng followed Chang Huan up the city walls, and the guards had already gathered at the top of the city walls. The heavy crossbows were already loaded and could be fired at any moment. All the soldiers were in an orderly fashion. Although they were fast, there was no trace of panic at all.

It was evident that Fang Zhiji was the ruler of the troops.

Battleships gradually appeared in the sky outside the city. The flags of the Youguo that fluttered on the warships announced their identities.

The corner of Chang Huan’s mouth raised, carrying a hint of the cold smell of blood.

“Crossbow ready!” josei

A row of crossbow bolts on the city wall turned around and aimed at the approaching battleship in the sky. Each crossbow required four people to operate, two to load and two to aim. The power of the crossbow was even greater, it was the most powerful weapon used by the city guards to deal with the enemies in the air.

Chang Huan turned his head to look, seeing that Huo Tangtang had followed him, he shouted loudly: “Go home!”

Huo Tangtang shook her head slightly and stood by his side.

Chang Huan seemed to be really angry, and pushed Huo Tangtang away: “Why would a woman run up to the city wall? “If you don’t havlace here, then scram back home!”

If it was the Martial Academy, how could Chang Huan use sucone to talk to Huo Tangtang? If it was the Martial Academy, how could Huo Tangtang endure Chang Huan’s words. But at this moment, it was impossible for Huo Tangtang to be angry. She just shook her head and rolled up her sleeves. “You’re my man, and I’m wherever you are.”

An Zheng was bitter, this was war. If it wasn’t for this dog shit war, people like Chang Huan and Chang Huan could have easily found a place to live in seclusion. The two of them accompanied each other as they cultivated. That was the life they should be leading.

But now, they had to face enemy battleships and countless battles every day.

“Crossbow, fuck you!”

Seeing that the other party’s Battleship was about to reach him, Chang Huan only needed one hand to pull Huo Tangtang behind him before he pointed at the distant sky and roared. The well-trained and well-coordinated eastern great swallow soldiers quickly moved, a row of crossbow bolts shot out at the same time. That line of fire was like the roar of a huge dragon. The fireballs flew into the air with long tails of flame and exploded in the midst of the enemy battleships.

A fireball struck right at the bow of the warship, and the soldiers of the hidden army on the deck were smashed into pieces. The warship’s head left a large hole, and many soldiers fell down from the sky while howling in pain. They were not cultivators. After landing on the ground, they only had one result, and that was their bodies being smashed to smithereens.

The sky seemed to be burning with fireworks as bullets exploded one after another. The battleships began to sway left and right to get out of the way. Some of the battleships clashed together to avoid the fire bullets, and then the two battleships fell down together.

“Why are there so many!”

One of the Yan Army soldiers shouted out, but quickly loaded the fireballs into the crossbows.

An Zheng looked at the soldiers, their expressions calm. Think about the lives of the citizens of the great swallow. If not for these border soldiers killing day after day, how could they have lived a peaceful life? To say that time was peaceful was good, but there was a group of people on the battlefield who could not see it and used their flesh and blood to defend this kind of time was good.

After losing at least a dozen battleships, the hidden troop battleships behind finally approached the city wall. Fire bombs were being shot down from the sky one after another. Now, it was time for them to take revenge.

The fireballs exploded on the city wall, and severed limbs flew everywhere.

An Zheng watched helplessly as a soldier carrying a Fireball Stronghold entered the crossbow cannon and the enemy’s fireballs fell beside him. Under the immense might, even the crossbow bolts were blown into smithereens. Human bones, flesh, and wood shavings were flying everywhere. The pieces of flesh stuck to the other soldiers, but they didn’t have time to care.

“melee team, come up!”

Chang Huan bellowed: “The enemy’s cultivators are coming down, do not give them a chance to stand on the city walls, come down and kill each of them!”

A group of cultivators from the military had come out from a specially constructed place on the city wall to avoid the fire bullets. They had the right to hide in that place. This was because they were going to face an even stronger enemy in a while, and the cultivators of Youguo would descend from the skies. If they were killed in the earlier bombardment, then who was going to protect the soldiers on the city wall who didn’t know how to cultivate? Once the defenses on the city walls were broken, the hidden troops would soon break into the city.

Just as the military cultivators emerged from their hiding spots, the warships atop their heads began to be filled with people jumping down. One magic item after another was blasted down from the sky. The cultivators of the Yan Army, on the other hand, raised their heads to face the incoming attacks. One magic item after another was blasted towards the sky. Looking at it from afar, it was truly a beautiful sight to behold, flowing with brilliant lights and vibrant colors. However, no one could describe that scene as beautiful because it was a battle.

A rain of blood rained down from the sky. It was unknown just how many cultivators from the underworld were killed before they could even land on the ground.

Outside the city, horns sounded one after another. Countless soldiers of the hidden army appeared like ants in the distance, carrying all kinds of siege equipment as they charged towards Chang Deng City like a violent tide. There were at least fifty thousand of them. As for the battleship in the sky, it hovered above the city walls. Hidden Army cultivators constantly descended, along with flaming bullets.

The commander of You Jun did not care about the lives of his own men. He just wanted to break out of this city!

“Fuck you!”

Chang Huan cursed, and rushed towards the enemy cultivators who had landed on the city walls. Behind him, Huo Tangtang did not move an inch away.

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