Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 661 - Calculations

Chapter 661 - Calculations

Chapter 661 – Calculations

An Zheng had calculated that as long as the Left Swordhall came back and saw the words on the pavilion, he would definitely stop. An Zheng’s mind had too much information about the Left Swordhall, it seemed like he was busy with this and that, and did not relax his investigation of his enemies at all.

Moreover, the records of the Great Xi Empire’s Ming Fa Si were extremely detailed. In Da Xi, the Ming Fa Si was a government office that transcended the Ministry of Justice and the Supreme Court. It was under the direct jurisdiction of the Holy Emperor Chen Wunuo and was only responsible to Chen Wunuo.

Regarding the Left Swordhall, the first four words of the intelligence department that Ou Yangduo was in charge of were … Arrogant and conceited.

Actually, thinking about it wasn’t a big deal, as someone who could become one of the Templar Generals, why couldn’t he act so arrogantly? There were tens of thousands of Da Xi’s cultivators. To be able to become the general of the temple, wasn’t that just a few people?

But Ou Yangduo’s evaluation, referred terson’s innermost arrogance and conceit.

When Left Swordhall smashed the stone table in front of him with his palm, An Zheng also detonated the lightning. The power of the Heavenly Thunder of Nine Suns, which was equivalent to the peak of An Zheng’s strength, was so great that even cultivators below the Lower Celestial Stage would not dare to underestimate it.

But the Left Swordhall’s reaction speed was beyond imagination.

The moment that magic lightning exploded, his left hand became too weak. The left arm that was blocking in front of his face instantly formed into the image of a peerless divine sword. When it was released, it temporarily blocked the might of the Heavenly Thunder of Nine Suns. But even he could only temporarily block it, not even for a second. However, a second was enough fohird or fourth stage Lower Celestial Stage cultivator.

He raised his left arm in front of his face and stepped back.

And just ten or so hours ago, An Zheng did the same thing in this pavilion. He raised his left arm in front of his face and stepped back.

When Left Swordhall was retreating, he thought that someone was ambushing him, so he focused all of his attention on his surroundings. At least a dozen of sword Qis swept out, but no one approached him.

Because he was afraid of being ambushed, the distance he had to escape was not far.

The distance that An Zheng had retreated, along with the distance of fifteen meters, was An Zheng’s judgement.

And Left Swordhall, was exactly the distance that An Zheng had judged, almost not bad.

In that position, An Zheng even buried a Spirit Mantra Thunder. An Zheng laid on the hill, and when Left Swordhall left, the blue light dots in his left eye started to spin, and the moment Left Swordhall landed, before his feet could even touch the ground, the Spirit Arts Lightning Explosion.


His body was sent flying by the violent energy that exploded from below. However, it was also in that instant that the protection of the Lower Celestial Stage was fully unleashed.

Suddenly, a long sword covered in purple light appeared under his feet. That sword was neither a magical equipment nor a cultivation technique. Instead, it was a defense made up of Zhen Qi after reaching this level. The shape of the sword was the embodiment of his Cultivation Power.

The purple sword was horizontally at his feet. With a flash of light, he dodged to the left. The power of the sword clashed with the power of the Heavenly Thunder of Nine Suns, and time seemed to stop.

A ball of purple light and a ball of black light were squeezing each other, but neither of them could merge with the other. The more they squeezed, the more they became distorted.

Left Swordhall’s face was ugly, somewhat pale. He had been schemed against twice in a row. If his cultivation base had been slightly lower, then he might have already been heavily injured even if he hadn’t died. He had time to check his body before he went out. His lower body clothes were torn by the violent force, his shoes were missing, and there were still some remaining socks hanging on his feet. He looked quite miserable.

He had just landed on the ground, and from a tree several dozen meters away, inside the magpie’s nest, two crossbow bolts could be seen. The distance was too close, and the crossbow had already been released before he landed, so he had little time to react. If An Zheng had only released his crossbow arrow after he landed, then the crossbow arrow flying dozens of meters away was enough for Left Swordhall to react.

However, the Left Swordhall’s every move was within An Zheng’s calculations. The place he landed on, was exactly as An Zheng had expected. Aesult, before Left Swordhall could land on the ground, the arrow had already shot out.

When Left Swordhall stopped, the crossbow arrows had almost reached his face.

Left Swordhall was furious, he roared!


Along with this lifetime of shouting, a stream of sword intent shot out from his mouth. It blocked the Spirit Spell Lightning less than a meter away from his face, but it was unable to block the might of the explosion.

But that thousandth of a second of delay made Left Swordhall react a little more. He raised his left hand and chopped forward. That sword energy was like a streak of light as it forcefully sent the lightning bolt flying before it could completely explode. The magic lightning flew up into the air before completely exploding, directly blasting out a black hole in the air, causing the sky to distort.

However, this wasn’t all there was. There were two spiritual lightning bolts shooting out of the magpie’s nest.

Left Swordhall used his hand as a sword and struck one sword, the second sword was already close at hand. His face turned incomparably pale at this moment, because he finally realized what that mighty object was.

Back then, the Great Western Ming Fa Si who once stood at the peak of the Lower Celestial Stage and looked down on him sat at the seat of honor.


The spirit lightning exploded in front of Left Swordhall, causing all of his True Essence to explode, he opened his mouth and took a deep breath. That was just one breath, but that was a desperate attack of a third or fourth stage Lower Celestial Stage Ranker, so there was nothing more representative of his true strength than this breath.

A huge purple fireball had already exploded in front of him. If he slowed his movement by a thousand times, he would be able to clearly see the scene of the flames trying to spread and engulf everything around him. The process of the fireballs growing up was extremely shocking.

Then the breath shot out, and the fireball reached his lips.

If the following scene could be clearly seen by others, it would definitely cause everyone to be extremely shocked. The powerful fireball was blown away by him, changing its shape. It was originally a power that was released in all directions, but now it was blown in one direction.

The fireball had turned intail flame, and Left Swordhall had relied on this breath of his to block the power of the Heavenly Thunder of Nine Suns less than a centimeter away from himself. The fireball was about to touch his swollen lips, just a little bit more.

It was then blown backwards, and everywhere it passed, it was destroyed. The Heavenly Thunder of Nine Suns that was blown out cuole in the ground, and then was blown back into the ground by the power of the breath.

Following that, the ground shook for a bit, and then a large lump appeared. Dozens of air currents shot out from the ground like a geyser, and hot air rushed up to the sky. After that, the ground sank down. After falling down, the deep hole was completely black. It was extremely smooth, like the surface of a mirror.

Even the four spirit lightning pellets were unable to truly injure the Left Swordhall.

At this moment, a weak power flashed by the tree. Of course, the furious Left Swordhall would not let him off. His figure shot forward like lightning, the palm in his hand slashing down, and when he was still dozens of meters away from the tree, the long sword light arrived first.

The purple sword light directly split the tree into two. The jade-green spirit stone hidden inside cracked open with a ‘kacha’ sound.

The jade-green grade spirit stone had cracked open, and the power it released had just happened to trigger the lightning. Just half a second was enough for Left Swordhall to rush in front of the big tree.

The fifth lightning bolt.


This time, Left Swordhall was in a more miserable state than the last four times, because he really did not expect that the person inside the big tree was actually noeal person, but was actually a bolt of lightning. At such a close distance, his reaction speed was not as fast as before, and even the Left Swordhall’s heart couldn’t help but sink.

The most terrifying thing was that when the spirit lightning exploded, it was not only the power of the Heavenly Thunder of Nine Suns. In front of the Spirit Magic Thunder, there were still many steel tribulations, and each of them was inlaid with a Golden-Rank Spirit Stone. When the might of the Heavenly Thunder of Nine Suns was completely released, those iron tribulations were shooting towards the Left Swordhall at a much faster speed than bullets.

Left Swordhall raised his left arm out of habit … Pah pah pah pah pah!

Two of them on his shoulder, one on his stomach, one on his thigh, and one that brushed past his ear, taking away half of his ear, leaving a long bloody scar on his face.

The power of the Heavenly Thunder of Nine Suns followed suit and directly blasted Left Swordhall flying. This time, the Left Swordhall flew for at least a few hundred meters before landing on the public road in the distance. josei

And on the official road, there was the sixth Heavenly Thunder of Nine Suns An Zheng had prepared.


Left Swordhall flew out horizontally with his back facing the sky, so when he was about to land on the ground, the spirit lightning on the road exploded, causing all the blood and flesh on his back to fly out. It was a scene that could not be described with words. There was not a single piece of flesh left on his back, and the remnants of the flesh that hung on his spine looked extremely creepy.

Not only the back, but also the back of the head.

Starting from the center of the head, half of the Queen’s scalp was gone, the back of her head had been lifted up and flipped forward, her hair was facing upwards, the bloody wound covering the front half of her head, the skull underneath the flesh was clearly visible, and there was even a hole on the skull, the Left Swordhall’s brain was squirming inside it.

This waowerhouse of the third stage of the Lower Celestial Stage, if this was a first stage Lower Celestial Stage, he would have already been smashed to smithereens. After continuously being hit by the forbidden technique’s Heavenly Thunder of Nine Suns, so what if he was at the first stage of the Lower Celestial Stage?

However, Left Swordhall clenched his teeth and stood up. The flesh on his waist was split open, and two of his kidneys were exposed outside. One of them was broken, and the other looked completely fine.

There was not a single piece of flesh on his buttocks, and there was even a little bit of flesh on his bones.

His face contorted in pain, and his lips quivered violently.

But he did not fall.

Left Swordhall stood there and inhaled deeply, using to calm his emotions and pain from his back. The first thing he did was to take out a crystal bottle from his spatial magic tool and pouill into his mouth.

However, An Zheng would never give him such an opportunity.

On the high slope in the distance, just as the sixth Heavenly Thunder of Nine Suns exploded and Left Swordhall was about to stand still, but the latter half of his body had been blown away, An Zheng had already stood up. A hard bow appeared in his hand, which he took out from the Ming Fa Si’s sanctuary. His hard bow was already full, and the last Heavenly Thunder of Nine Suns was tied to the arrow.


The arrow pierced through the sky, just as Left Swordhall was about to take the pill.

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