Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 662 - Pills Can Kill

Chapter 662 - Pills Can Kill

Chapter 662 – Pills Can Kill

Left Swordhall didn’t have any other choice. If he consumed that pellet, he wouldn’t be able to stop An Zheng’s arrows. It was the Heavenly Thunder of Nine Suns, a forbidden technique that Left Swordhall was extremely familiar with. Actually, he already knew about it when the first Heavenly Thunder of Nine Suns exploded, it was just that he could not believe it.

Right now, he didn’t have much time to hesitate.

Left Swordhall made his choice the moment the arrow was shot. He did not place the pill in his hands, but pushed his hands forward, blocking the attack with all his might. josei

A longsword appeared in front of him, wreathed in violet light. It was not a magical artifact, but rather his Sword Soul. A person who specialized in the way of the sword, and could becomhird stage Lower Celestial Stage Ranker, and live in a high position as a Temple General, was undoubtedly powerful.

However, it was the first time in his life that sucerson had been forced into this situation by An Zheng.

An Zheng had guessed that the Left Swordhall would have suceaction, so he teleported over the moment the sword shot out. His current teleportation distance was far enough, and this distance was something that he had calculated with a calm mind.

The longsword shrouded in purple light horizontally stood in front of Left Swordhall, and then quickly rotated, blocking the arrow.


Left Swordhall’s body was uncontrollably sent flying backwards, the sword spirit looked as though it was flickering. Even when the Immortal Palace of the Western Regions fought with the Monk of the Buddha, the Left Swordhall was at a disadvantage everywhere, but it had never been this tragic. Of course, it was impossible for the powerful monks to kill him at that time. After all, Da Xi and the Buddhist Kingdom had not yet fallen out.

Once a general of the Temple, the Great Xi Empire, was killed by a disciple of the Buddha, the war would begin a long time ago. At that time, he was just pretending that he didn’t know anyone, and whoever won would take up a lot of space.

Today’s Left Swordhall was in a sorry state to the extreme. After the seventh Heavenly Thunder of Nine Suns exploded, he was already covered in cuts and bruises. What made him most angry was that his opponent had only just revealed himself.

The Left Swordhall looked too miserable. Previously, his body was broken beyond recognition and there was barely any flesh left. The few remaining flesh threads hung on his bones, making him look extremely terrifying.

At the same time, the Heavenly Thunder of Nine Suns exploded right in front of him. Under such power, he was unable to raise his protective Zhen Qi, and even though the sword spirit blocked seventy to eighty percent of the Heavenly Thunder of Nine Suns’s power, it was still heavy enough to leak out.

Half of his face had been blown away, leaving only his bloody face on the left side. One side of his jaw was missing flesh, and his bones had broken. Above that, the cheekbones were gone, the eye sockets were still there, but the eyebrows and eyelids were all gone, so the eyeball looked particularly ugly.

Originally, the back of the head had turned over and covered the front half of the head. However, this time, it exploded and the front half of the head was ripped off. Of course, it wouldn’t look too bad if it was just a baldy, but it had no scalp, and its skull was exposed to the outside.

The injury on his face looked horrifying. Although the injury on his left side didn’t look that serious, it was actually more severe. His heart was protected by his left hand, but the damage to it was too severe. He could almost see the beating heart through the bloody hole.

If someone were to see Left Swordhall like this, they would definitely not be able to recognize him.

An Zheng calculated the time, he only had ten minutes.

Therefore, he couldn’t possibly delay it for even a second, because that second might very well cause all of his efforts to go down the drain. The moment the last Spirit Mantra Lightning Bomb exploded, An Zheng had already rushed in front of Left Swordhall. With a shake of his hand, he threw ouandful of Iron Tribulations, straight towards Left Swordhall’s chest and face.

“I was waiting for you to come out!”

The Left Swordhall who looked to be in such a miserable state actually had the strength to retaliate.

With a casual wave of his hand, those iron tribulations were sent flying far away. An Zheng’s Broken Army Sword passed through the Jade of the Iron Tribulations and rushed straight to Left Swordhall’s chest.

Left Swordhall suddenly extended his hand out and clenched it, the sword spirit that was almost shattered earlier instantly became solid and shot towards An Zheng from behind. If An Zheng didn’t go back and defend, even if his Broken Army Sword could pierce Left Swordhall’s chest, Left Swordhall’s sword spirit could still pierce through his heart.

An Zheng frowned, without any hesitation, he continued to stab forward.


Left Swordhall’s sword spirit pierced towards An Zheng’s back, but dozens of Holy Fish Scale appeared and blocked An Zheng’s back. In this world, there were no magic tools that could pierce through Holy Fish Scale, not even the current Broken Army Sword. Any physical attacks would be greatly reduced in front of the Holy Fish Scale.

However, the sword spirit was not corporeal, it was an illusory sword aura.

Therefore, no matter how powerful the Holy Fish Scale was, it was impossible for it to completely block the sword qi.

Witu sound, an illusionary sword image pierced through An Zheng’s back and out of his chest. If An Zheng did not forcefully move his body in that split-second, his heart would have been pierced through.

Witu sound, An Zheng’s Broken Army Sword also pierced the Left Swordhall’s chest.

An Zheng’s heart relaxed for less than a second, because this strike had, after all, accurately pierced through the opponent’s chest.

But very quickly, An Zheng became worried.

When he saw the already severely damaged and invisible face of the Left Swordhall, he laughed strangely.

Left Swordhall did not avoid them on purpose because he was not afraid.

The Broken Army Sword pierced through Left Swordhall’s chest and heart, but... But Left Swordhall was fine. He raised his incomplete left hand and grabbed onto the Broken Army Sword as he stared straight at An Zheng, his eyes covered in blood.

“You didn’t think of it, did you? This heart is already meaningless. ”

He held the Broken Army Sword tightly and An Zheng was unable to pull it out even after drawing a few times.

Then, the Broken Army Sword started to turn red, it was two people fighting over the Cultivation Power, the black Qi was rushing from the Left Swordhall to An Zheng and the purple light was charging from An Zheng to the Left Swordhall, the two powers were fighting against each other on the Broken Army Sword and if the Broken Army Sword was not the Purple-Rank Divine Artifact, it would have been destroyed long ago.

The temperature of the Broken Army Sword became higher and higher, red to the point that it looked like it was about to become transparent. Smoke rose up from the right hand of An Zheng who was holding the longsword, and then the smell of burnt flesh.

But at this time, no one could let go. If they let go, they would die.

“Ever since last time in the Mount Cang Man, when I saw a peerless expert like Fang Zheng actually die, I started to think … A person’s greatest flaw could, to ordinary people, be their head, but to cultivators, it was their heart. If my heart is broken, then the probability of my enemy dying will increase by one fold. ”

The Left Swordhall laughed sinisterly: “I just didn’t think that all the insights I have gained from Fang Zheng would be used to deal with him. At that time, you were so powerful that I didn’t even have the chance to fight you. Looking at you right now, even if you rely on some tricks to injure me, you are still too weak in the end. ”

He slowly pushed forward and An Zheng’s arm was pushed back.

The huge gap in strength between the two of them could still be seen at this moment. The Lower Celestial Stage and the Higher Completion Stage were not only on the level difference in terms of numbers, but also in terms of quality. If one were to use a simple analogy to describe their Cultivation Power, it would be … The Left Swordhall’s Cultivation Power only had Purple-Rank, but An Zheng’s Higher Completion Stage only had Golden-Rank.

An Zheng gritted his teeth without saying a word, because at this moment, he couldn’t even speak.

“Do you understand it now?”

The Left Swordhall walked forward while An Zheng retreated. The distance between the two was half a Broken Army Sword. Left Swordhall’s hand continued to move further and further away, while An Zheng’s Cultivation Power was rapidly being exhausted, to the point where he did not even have the Heavenly Thunder Shower to use it anymore.

Competing with an expert of the Lower Celestial Stage that was so profound, could only be said to be impossible. But An Zheng was already trapped inside, unable to free himself. His only chance was to win in terms of the consumption of the Cultivation Power … His Cultivation Power was more powerful than the Left Swordhall s, but this waaradox that could never be achieved.

If An Zheng didn’t have Qu Liuxi, it would never have been possible.

However, An Zheng had a woman who deeply loved him. A woman who was constantly pondering about what kind of dangers An Zheng might meet. Therefore, An Zheng had a lot of medicinal pellets on him, and every pellet was specially made by Qu Liuxi based on her physique. To others, these pellets might only be of value, but to An Zheng, it was worth saving lives.

An Zheng’s Blood Pearl Bracelet started to spin, and a pellet of peak Golden-Rank flew out by itself and floated into An Zheng’s mouth. An Zheng’s originally pale face regained some color, and he started to retaliate... His hand pushed forward, and the Left Swordhall began to retreat.

At this time, both of their Cultivation Power were inside the Broken Army Sword, but An Zheng looked much better than the Left Swordhall. At least, he did not have much injuries on his body.

“How can someone like you not die so easily?”

Left Swordhall looked at An Zheng with his lidless eyes, looking extremely terrifying.

After consuming a pill, An Zheng recovered some of his energy. Gritting his teeth, he replied: “Because people like you are not dead yet.”

Left Swordhall coldly snorted. “I know you must have made a lot of preparations to kill me, but when it comes to competing with your Cultivation Power, you’ve already lost. Even if you have pills to maintain your Cultivation Power, do you have backup? In at most three minutes, the experts of my Left will arrive. Your pills can support you for three minutes, can I help you kill people? ”

An Zheng did not reply, because he had exhausted his Cultivation Power once again.

The second pill flew out and entered An Zheng’s mouth, replenishing the Cultivation Power that An Zheng rapidly consumed. However, under such a life and death battle, the energy consumption of the Cultivation Power was like a flood pouring out.

“In the end, you still died by my hands.”

Left Swordhall laughed sinisterly, “At that time, the sword spirit asked me why I wanted to kill you. Because you and people like us are natural enemies. Even if we have not reached the point where we will not stop until we die, we are still natural enemies. Thus, we were able to eliminate them ahead of time. Why not? ”

An Zheng clenched his teeth: “So he’s still here.”

“Yes, you still want to kill him?”

Left Swordhall suddenly laughed out loud. “Your Cultivation Power is exhausted again, do you still have anymore pellets?”

His left hand, which was holding the Broken Army Sword, was already devoid of flesh. The toughness of his bones was shocking. He lowered his head to look at his left hand and smiled, “You must have found out that I specialize in left-handed swords. Many people in the martial arts world know this, including my enemies. But you are all wrong about one thing... What I specialize in is left hand, not left hand sword. Do you know why? Because … My left hand is my sword. ”

He raised his right hand and broke a fingerbone in his left hand. Then, he thrust forward.

“A sword in the left hand, a sword in the left.”


A ray of sword light shot out from the fingerbone, and instantly pierced through An Zheng’s body. An Zheng’s movements was extremely fast, he was only able to dodge once again, the sword light pierced through his chest, and this time, it was even closer to his heart.

It was only then that An Zheng realized that the Left Swordhall’s heart was actually noeart. In other words, it was not a normal heart. His heart was made of steel, and there were runes flashing on it. That was to say, he had replaced his heart with an instrument and a spell formation.

“How many more times can you avoid it?”

The finger bone in Left Swordhall’s right hand thrusted forward again, the sword light pierced through An Zheng’s body again, but An Zheng still avoided it.

An Zheng swallowed the third pellet, then suddenly raised his other hand and grabbed the sword beam.

The sword beam was a materialization of the Sword Qi, grabbing the sword beam, but An Zheng’s hands were bleeding.

“You asked me earlier if pills could kill?”

An Zheng suddenly laughed: “I can, but you don’t know how to use it.”

Left Swordhall’s face suddenly changed. He finally reacted, but it was already too late. Previously, when An Zheng shot out the iron caltrops, he hid some pills inside them, but they were all swept away by the Left Swordhall, causing the iron caltrops to fly all over the place. Of course, the Left Swordhall would not care about all these, but these were all fatal.

An Zheng kept on consuming pills, and the speed at which his Cultivation Power was being consumed was astonishing precisely because of the effects of the pills.

The surroundings were filled with the medicinal aura of the medicinal pill, which was designed to increase the flow of blood through the body. At the same time that Left Swordhall pierced An Zheng’s body consecutively, An Zheng controlled his Heaven’s Eyes to take all the shattered pills, and stuffed them into the wound on Left Swordhall’s back.

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