Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 986 - Confinement to death

Chapter 986 - Confinement to death

Chapter 986 – Confinement to death

An Zheng and Chen Shaobai walked in front, and the few tens of cultivators supported Peacock Palace’s Nai Chang Shi who was leading the way behind. An Zheng looked back from time to time and realized that the three girls were getting worse, their faces turning even paler. The three of them could not even raise their heads. They were almost carried away.

According to the time taken, even if the mountain was several tens of kilometers wide, it should have already reached its end point. With their speed, they had walked for more than four hours and a hundred miles, but the cave in front of them still led straight to the distance, and there was no light.

“Something’s not right. Even if we go to hell, it’s about time.”

Chen Shaobai looked at An Zheng, and An Zheng nodded: “Stop, let’s ask them what’s the situation.”

The two of them stopped, and the rest of the people who were tens of metres behind also stopped, with the leader being Zhou Sen, who immediately shouted out after seeing that An Zheng and the rest had stopped: “Why did you stop?!”

An Zheng: “I need to ask about the situation clearly, the environment here is getting weirder and weirder.”

Although Zhou Sen looked like he was supporting the often said mage, in reality, he was holding onto the often said mage’s mingmen. “I asked her just now, she is indeed going to be gone for a long time. “The two of you stay in the front and leave obediently. Otherwise, I will strangle her to death. When the time comes, no one will be able to go in or out.”

An Zheng frowned, his eyes filled with killing intent.

Zhou Sen did not know who An Zheng was, but he took out his dagger and pointed it at the heart of the common saying mage: “Tell me, how far do you have to go?”

As the saying goes, a mage weakly says: “Don’t... Don’t go, you can’t get out … “Here, there’s a ghost.”


Zhou Sen’s expression changed. “There can’t be ghosts in this world. This cave must lead to some treasure trove. You’re the one who refused to talk about it.” Don’t try to scare me here, the people from your Peacock Palace must have already gone in. Don’t lie to me, otherwise I would let you be the first one to die. ”

As the saying goes, a mage’s body went limp and he fainted.

Zhou Sen did not dare to let go, as he was afraid that An Zheng and Chen Shaobai would rush over and snatch the two girls away.

“No one knows where we’ll end up if we go any further.”

Chen Shaobai looked at Zhou Sen and said coldly: “Could it be that you want to go to hell?”

Zhou Sen’s hand trembled unnoticeably. He looked at the crowd and said loudly, “We’ll wait here and ask when they wake up.” The two of you, go ahead and scout the path ahead. Go and have a few people follow them, you can’t let them escape first. ”

He directed everyone to sit down and rest, and surrounded the three of them. He kept his dagger pointed at the heart of the common mage. Those people discussed for a while, and assigned seven to eight people to follow An Zheng and his group to scout ahead, and another ten or so people to the back to see if there was any trap. There were only twenty or so people left waiting on the spot.

Chen Shaobai pulled An Zheng closer: “Before there is a way out, they will not dare to kill, let’s find a way out first.”

An Zheng nodded and walked out with Chen Shaobai. The seven to eight cultivators did not dare to get too close, following behind An Zheng and the rest who were about ten metres away. These people held their magical equipment in their hands and were ready to act at any moment. Chen Shaobai turned around and glanced at them, then snorted: “Just you guys?”

Those people were so scared that they stood there and did not dare to leave. Chen Shaobai looked at them in disdain and continued to move forward. The path they had taken seemed unchanged. It waunnel that would never end, with identical walls all around, identical domes overhead, and the same ground beneath their feet. There were no changes, no ups or downs.

An Zheng turned around to take a look. Those people were still maintaining their distance and following him, but it was obvious that the fear on everyone’s faces was growing more and more intense. They had already walked for at least another two hours, but there was no change at all.

“We... Let’s go back. ”

Someone behind him said witrembling voice.

Sometimes, fear wasn’t just something you could face. It was something like a ghost or a demonic beast that suddenly appeared in front of you. Such a long journey that seemed to be endless gave people no less fear than the sudden appearance of a demon beast. Because there was no goal, no hope, nothing. They were all cultivators, and their stamina far exceeded that of ordinary people. However, right now, a thought had appeared in everyone’s mind … They would not walk to the exit until they were dead.

“Let’s go back …”

The voice of the second speaker was similarly trembling, even to the point of begging.

Chen Shaobai snorted: “So fast.”

An Zheng took ouearl and placed it by the side of the road: “Don’t take anyone else, let’s walk forward a little, and see if we will encounter this pearl again.”

Everyone continued to follow An Zheng and the rest fearfully. An Zheng calculated his footsteps and walked about five kilometers, his surroundings did not change, and he did not see the pearl either. An Zheng had no choice but to stop and turn back to look at them.

“Go back, there’s no end to it.”

Chen Shaobai sighed: “We can only go back.”

Everyone turned back, worried that something might happen behind them. They were waiting for An Zheng and Chen Shaobai to come over first, then they followed behind them. After walking for only two hundred steps, An Zheng suddenly stopped. Chen Shaobai was startled for a moment, and asked him what was wrong, but discovered that An Zheng’s face was somewhat pale.

Following An Zheng’s line of sight, Chen Shaobai saw the pearl on the side of the road.

He had walked at least five miles, but he had only walked two hundred steps when he saw the pearl.

“This... “What’s going on?”

Chen Shaobai subconsciously asked.

“Hurry up. If the distance between going forward and going backwards is different, then we will be able to reach the place where the Mage and the others stopped in half an hour at the most.” If we find them, we will immediately return. Otherwise, we might be trapped here forever. ”

Everyone quickened their steps and in less than half an hour, they were back at where Zhou Sen’s group was. Zhou Sen looked at An Zheng and subconsciously held the dagger close to the heart of a commonly used mage: “Is there a way out?!”

An Zheng shook his head: “Let go of his for now, I have to treat her wounds, if she dies, none of us will be able to leave. The three of them have been in here before, and they can still run out, so the key is them. ”

Zhou Sen sneered. “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re planning to do. You want to take these three nuns away, don’t you? Leave us here, no way. I’ve already sent people back to scout the place. If they can go out, we can also go out. ”

Just as he finished speaking, he heard hurried footsteps. An Zheng turned to look, and his expression immediately changed. A dozen or so people ran out from the direction where An Zheng and the rest were. All of their faces were pale white, obviously scared to the point that their souls were almost disappearing. They were the group of people that were heading out of the cave, but they were only able to return a few minutes slower than An Zheng. Furthermore, they were returning in the direction that An Zheng and the rest were heading to. In other words, they should have been following An Zheng and the others the entire time. However, they were heading in the other direction, so why would they appear behind An Zheng and the others? If that was the case, why didn’t An Zheng and the others meet them when they turned around? Or perhaps, they would meet again if he moved a little further forward?

“You all... What the fuck are you guys doing! ”

Zhou Sen scolded, “Didn’t I tell you to head towards the exit? Why did you go in the same direction as them? ”

Although he was cursing, his hands were already trembling in fear. Because he knew very well that those people were heading towards the exit.

The cultivator who brought the group of people back was called Li Can Jie, his face was especially frighteningly white: “We … We were heading towards the exit, and we came rushing over as soon as we saw light. We thought that we had walked out of the cave, but … I didn’t expect to meet you. ”

An Zheng asked him: “Did you turn the corner?”

“Absolutely not. We followed the cave all the way, and we definitely did not turn. You also saw this cave, we walked straight all the way here, there is no turning at all. There were no forks in the road, and it was impossible to turn back. Furthermore, I left a mark on the way out, afraid that I would encounter something wrong. Even after walking away, I still haven’t seen a mark … ”

“What did you leave behind?”

“I made a cross with a knife on the stone wall.”

An Zheng pulled Chen Shaobai along: “Let’s go take a look.”

The two of them walked in the direction of the exit. Zhou Sen immediately ordered, “Follow them. Don’t let them escape first.”

After walking for about two hundred meters, they saw a deep cross on the stone wall. “That’s impossible. We have walked for at least an hour and we still couldn’t see the exit, that’s why I carved this mark. We have walked for at least a few dozen miles in one hour, how could we only see two hundred meters?”

An Zheng looked at Chen Shaobai: “It’s possible that we’re not even in the same mountain anymore.”

Chen Shaobai: “What do you mean?”

An Zheng sat down and recalled his previous experiences: “We came out of the great hall of the underground palace, walked along that path and saw this cave, and then we entered. From the point of view of the underground palace, the mountain was not very tall. It was at most twenty miles wide. However, we all ignored one thing … We came down from the ground and entered the underground palace. How can there be a mountain underneath the ground that we can see the peak? ”

“Unknowingly, we all forgot that this is the underground palace and not the outside world. We saw the mountain and didn’t doubt it, so we came in as a matter of course. When we met the three of them, it was said that the Brilliant Peacock King had brought his men into the cave. That’s why we didn’t suspect him … ”

Chen Shaobai immediately turned around: “Those three people are the key.”

An Zheng and the rest immediately turned back. When they walked over, they only walked around two hundred metres before seeing the marks on the stone wall. However, when they turned around, they could no longer see the Common Mage, Zhou Sen and the rest. Everyone’s heart sank as if they had sensed something. An Zheng told his men to move as fast as they could, without delay, and everyone ran for as long as they could. After running for a good two hours, they finally arrived at their destination.

And at that place, an accident had already happened.

The ground was littered with corpses. The twenty or so cultivators who had remained in place all died. Everyone’s neck was bitten intole, their windpipe was broken, and their blood was blown out of their windpipe while bubbling. A large part of the group had their stomachs cut open, and all their intestines and organs eaten clean. Corpses were strewn all over the place. It was obvious that they had fought before. There were traces of fighting on the ground as well. The walls were splattered with blood, and there were also marks of beast claws.

Everyone’s eyes had been gouged out. Some of them had even gouged out one, while others had gouged out both of their eyes. Strangely, although his eyes were gouged out, they were not taken away or eaten. Instead, they were just hanging on his face, making him look even more terrifying.

“The three of them aren’t dead yet.”

Chen Shaobai crouched down and looked at them: “None of the three Peacock Palace s died, and they are still unconscious. There’s no blood on their hands or mouths. ”


An Zheng leaned against the wall and stood there, his mind was in a mess.

Just at this moment, the bloodied Zhou Sen walked back into the cave with a livid expression. His body was still dripping with blood and footprints along the way. His hands were covered with blood, and there were bits of meat in his nails. There was blood at the corner of his mouth, and when he opened his mouth, thick silk was pulled out from his white teeth …josei

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