Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 987 - Eyeballs

Chapter 987 - Eyeballs

Chapter 987 – Eyeballs

Seeing that Zhou Sen had walked back, Chen Shaobai angrily rushed over and grabbed him by the collar, pressing a fist into his face. If An Zheng had not stopped him, this punch would have smashed Zhou Sen’s head. Zhou Sen’s hollow eyes fell to the ground, as if he had lost all power to resist. His body trembled uncontrollably, his hands and feet becoming even more violent.

“Don’t kill him, you have to ask him about the situation.”

An Zheng stopped Chen Shaobai, and Chen Shaobai was so angry that his face turned white: “Why are you still keeping him?!”

An Zheng shook his head: “He doesn’t have the power to kill so many people, you have only seen the surface. His body is covered in blood, his hands and mouth are all covered in blood, but think about it, with his cultivation level, ambushing one or two people to kill him is noroblem, but there are more than 20 people here, how could he kill them all alone? Furthermore, all of these people have their internal organs devoured. Although there’s blood in his mouth, his stomach is very shriveled, and he doesn’t look like he ate a lot. ”

Chen Shaobai said: “Even if he wasn’t the only one who killed them, it is definitely related to him. This place is so strange, maybe he is the traitor. ”

A group of people rushed up to Zhou Sen and cut him into pieces. Li Mingjie, who had been obedient to Zhou Sen earlier, was itching to tear him inthousand pieces. Under An Zheng’s obstruction, Zhou Sen still suffered from many punches, to the point where his face became distorted. He fell to the ground, spitting out blood. His eyes became more and more empty.

It wasn’t easy for An Zheng to calm the crowd down, and he ordered people to tie Zhou Sen up, then pulled Chen Shaobai to the side.

“This matter is getting weirder and weirder. Previously, I thought that the thing we were walking into was not a mountain, but something magical equipment.” If we can’t find a way to break it, then this magic tool can trap us to death here. Zhou Sen was not the main issue. As the saying goes, mages are the three of them. Do you remember when they were outside, all the female corpses were tainted? Apparently, the monsters here were targeting women. As for men, they either kill them or eat them. ”

Chen Shaobai frowned, “You mean those who killed these people, were you talking about the Mages and the other two?”

“Not necessarily.”

An Zheng squatted and pondered: “But there’s definitely something wrong with the three of them, only the three of them have been out for awhile.”

Chen Shaobai: “In other words, these three people were deliberately released by the people who trapped us. Their goal was to lure us in. So someone has been watching us all this time, treating us like toys. ”

An Zheng acknowledged: “What he wants is for us to suspect each other and kill each other in the end. There will be a conspiracy behind this, so you must be careful. ”

“What are you two talking about!”

Just then, Li Jianjie stood up and shouted loudly, “What matter is there that is shameful? You can’t say that in front of all of us. I suspect that it’s the two of you who are behind this. It was you who wanted to come in first, so we followed you in. From the start, we didn’t know where this place was, but the two of you definitely know! ” josei

“Exactly, what are the two of you discussing behind the scenes?!”

“I think we should arrest the two of them. Maybe only the two of them know what’s going on. They are purposely plotting against us to kill each other, so that they can keep the treasures here to themselves. ”

Chen Shaobai scolded: “F * * k you …. Who the fuck told you there were treasures here? We are here to save people, and from the beginning to the end we never said there was any treasure here. It was because of your greed that you followed us in, thinking that we were here foreasure. Before entering, we advised you that you guys aren’t able to deal with the dangers with your strength. You guys were too greedy and insisted on following us in! ”

Li Mingjie said, “Cut the crap. Now that everyone is trapped here, we can’t get out. Don’t even think about getting out!”

“Exactly! If something is to be said in front of us, we will at most die together. ”

“If you continue to plot something, let’s kill these three nuns first. Anyway, don’t even think about getting out.”

Chen Shaobai smirked: “Relying on you?”

An Zheng teleported over and grabbed Li Mingjie’s neck, lifted him up, and then heavily threw him onto the ground. This fall left Li Jianjie bleeding from head to toe. He did not even have a chance to react, nor did he have the chance to see how An Zheng did it. In the blink of an eye, he was already put down, and if An Zheng did this on purpose to kill him, he would already be a dead man by now.

“Don’t think you can threaten me.”

An Zheng stepped on Li Mingjie’s mouth with one foot, causing his lips to crack and several of his teeth to fall off, “If I hear you bewitching again, I will stuff all of your teeth into your head. With your strength, if I wanted to kill you, would I need to go through so much trouble? ”

An Zheng turned around, and the person who was about to attack him from behind was instantly frozen. An Zheng grabbed his hair and pulled it over, then immediately flung it away. The man hit the stone wall and his arm broke. The three dark purple star point s in An Zheng’s left eye turned, and everyone was frozen, unable to move.

“Now shut up. Whoever spouts nonsense again, I don’t mind sending you to hell first. In any case, if it wasn’t for the two of us, neither of you would be able to get out. Sooner or later, you would all be dead.

He kicked Li Jianjie into the air and lowered his head to check on the injuries of the three Magi.

Witipping sound, An Zheng tore off the clothes of the common mage. Some people were cursing in their hearts. This bastard still wanted to do such a thing at this moment. This was too f * cking shameless, but his eyes were still staring without blinking.

“Whitey, come take a look.”

An Zheng called out, Chen Shaobai walked over quickly and lowered his head to look at the Common Mage. It waair of soft and fair breasts, soft and tender. They were truly beautiful. White as snow, pink as a bud. However, it was precisely because of this beauty that caused others to suspect … When she first met him, she was severely injured, and blood was still flowing out of her chest. But now, only a shallow mark was left on her wound. The wound had already disappeared.

“Stop pretending, get up.”

An Zheng grabbed his by the throat and suddenly lifted her up. In that moment, the commonly used mage opened his eyes, and his throat made “ka ka” sounds. His tongue extended out from his mouth and almost licked An Zheng’s face. What kind of eyes were those … The eyeball had already turned completely green, and the vicious and venomous look in it was like being pulled into the depths of hell just by looking at her face to face.

She didn’t seem to be able to speak. The hissing sound in her throat was likoisonous snake spitting out its tongue.

“You are alsitiful person. Your body was taken over by something.”

An Zheng closed his right eye, and the three dark purple star point s in his left eye started to quickly spin. Heaven’s Eye power, the power of the Eye of Nine Incarnations, and the power of the Dao Sect’s seal were all released. When An Zheng tried to see through the inner workings of the common saying of mages, the common saying of mages began to struggle intensely, using their hands and feet to frantically attack An Zheng. However, An Zheng’s Reverse Scale Armor was too strong, so her punches and kicks basically had no meaning.

A moment later, it was said that the mage’s arms were broken and her legs were bent aerrifying angle. However, she seemed to have no idea of the pain and continued to madly kick. The broken bones were pierced through from the flesh, and there were still shreds of flesh on the white bones.

Suddenly, the other two girls who were lying on the ground jumped up and pounced towards the person beside them. It bounced up, straight up. Fortunately, Chen Shaobai was already prepared for this. He kicked over one of the cultivators, and when he stepped on him, the other cultivator had already threw himself onto the ground and bit onto his neck. He suddenly raised his head, and a large chunk of flesh and a piece of his windpipe appeared in his mouth.

Those cultivators were scared and scattered. They actually didn’t even have the courage to resist. On the other hand, although Li Mingjie had been beaten up badly by An Zheng, An Zheng did not use the Cultivation Power, and did not even try to kill him. After struggling to get up, he wanted to run, but after thinking a bit, he turned back and rushed towards the girl. Ni Lin suddenly turned around and stared at Li Mingjie with his dark green eyes. Li Mingjie screamed out in fear and ran away once again.

“If there’s no need to stay, just kill them all.” They can’t save us anymore, so they can only kill us all. ”

An Zheng shouted.

Chen Shaobai stepped on the girl’s skull until it cracked, and white brain matter slowly flowed out from the hole. The way her head was deformed was terrifying, but this girl was still frantically struggling and kicking him, as if she didn’t feel any pain at all. If it was a normal person, they would have been stomped to death, but she became even more ferocious.

Chen Shaobai was enraged, he kicked down again, immediately crushing his head, the shattered pieces of his skull and flesh flew out in all directions, splattering everywhere. The upper part of his neck was squashed flat, and the girl’s body struggled a few times before he stopped moving.

Chen Shaobai immediately chased after the other girl, summoning his Scythe of Death. From behind, he hooked towards the girl with a sickle, and pierced through her shoulder. He pulled her back, causing her to fly backwards. Chen Shaobai used his Scythe of Death to firmly hold her down. She cried out hoarsely, and her tongue actually split into two, shaking uncontrollably. There were still a lot of reverse thorns on her tongue, making her look extremely disgusting.

“There’s something in them.”

The three dark purple star point s in An Zheng’s left eye revolved faster and faster: “The driving shell is already empty. This thing had many meridians that linked to her lower abdomen, it was actually … It was actually born from within her body. ”

Chen Shaobai’s face changed when he heard it, “Damn it!”

Just at this moment, the girl with the shattered skull suddenly stood up. Her two hands clawed wildly at her neck a few times, grabbing the pieces of flesh in one hand, then she stumbled and ran towards the exit. “Run after her! She’s trying to escape!”

A few cultivators reacted and chased after her. An Zheng shouted “No”, but it was already too late. A barrier seemed to have appeared in front of them. It looked no different from the surrounding environment, but the few people who had charged over had already disappeared.

“They’re out!”

Li Mingjie shouted, “We can finally get out! Everyone, hurry up and charge out!”

The remaining people reacted and were about to rush out, but suddenly, a lot of things floated out from behind the barrier. When An Zheng and Chen Shaobai saw it clearly, their faces immediately changed. It was a bloody eyeball that dripped blood along with some blood vessels. It quietly floated out and looked at everyone. It wasn’t just the direction of the exit. Many eyeballs were also floating in the air around them, as if a group of ghosts were staring at them.

There seemed to be a curse in those eyes.

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