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Chapter 120

Chapter 120: Infiltration (6)

[ The book: 'Spells of the Gloop' has been opened! ]

[ The 'Sticky Slime Ring' is resonating with the book! ]

[ One of the three spells that are contained within the ring can be learnt permanently. ]

[ You may also try to learn two more spells outside of the abilities aforementioned. ]

"...oh?" Shinto's eyes shone in curiosity as he read through the string of notifications that rose upon opening up the book. " in total, I have five choices."

[ Spells of the Gloop ]

A book that contains the spells of Slera recorded throughout the generations of the slime. Though in the language of gloop, the author who was once a great mage among the Sleras, wrote this book in name of humans who wish to learn the arts.

-One of the five abilities: [ Sticky Grounds Lv 2 ], [ Poison Cure Lv 2 ], [ Poisonous Goo Lv 2 ], [ Rainy Slime Lv 1 ] and [ Slimy Spikes Lv 1 ] can be learnt permanently.

*The time it takes to learn a spell within a book is dependant on each person. Raise one's Wisdom stat to gain proficiency in learning a spell efficiently.


"Looks like the skills from the ring will be at level two and the newer ones will be at level one, huh?" Shinto tilted his head whilst scrutinizing the details of the book. Soon after, his eyes turned towards the skill description of each ability.


[ Rainy Slime Lv 1 ] [ 175 MP ] [ Cooldown: 15 Minutes ]

The user creates a small cloud within the sky as it rains down slime onto a small radius (5m), quickly dealing 560% magic damage over the next five seconds. During the skill duration, there is a 25% chance of inflicting poison onto the enemies caught within the rain.


[ Slimy Spikes Lv 1 ] [ 75 MP ] [ Cooldown: 45 Seconds ]

The user creates a small spike that protrudes out from either the ground or as a projectile. As the spike hits an enemy, deals 75% magic damage. If the enemy steps onto the ground with the spikes deal 105% magic damage instead.


[ Sticky Ground Lv 2 ] [ 180 MP ] [ Cooldown: 19 Minutes ]

The user creates a small field of slime within the area for 15 seconds. Enemies who step on the affected grounds will have their movement speed decreased by 16%. For those who you view as allies, their movement speed will instead be decreased by 11%.


[ Poison Cure Lv 2 ] [ 55 MP ] [ Cooldown: 1 Minute 50 Seconds ]

The user shoots out a small drip of slime onto an ally, curing them of the poison status. While doing so, the drip of slime nullifies the effects of [Sticky Ground] for the next 1 hour.


[ Poisonous Goo Lv 2 ] [ 85 MP ] [ Cooldown: 12 Minutes ]

The user shoots out a small poisonous gloo of slime within a small radius (2m), inflicting poison on enemies with it that deals 800% magic damage over the next 7 seconds. Those who are inflicted with this specific poison will have the effects of [Sticky Ground] enhanced on them wherein, the slow effect is increased to 31%.


Studying the skills that were given, Shinto nodded his head. "Hmm... it looks like the stat jump from level one to two is small. Though I guess it's accounted for."

Comparing to the current skill descriptions of the abilities within his ring, the increase of benefits was only minimal. But, this was just for level two. There were many more levels to come.

Within Spiritual Warriors, a skill had multiple layers to it. From its effects to the upgrades. There were many ways to upgrade a skill to better match current newer ones that a user may obtain—one of them was through levelling the skills up.

An ability would usually start at level one, and then as one continuously use the skill, it would level up to level two, and the process would continue up to the max level, wherein it was usually at ten.

During the progression, stats such as cooldown would oftentimes get lowered. Not only that, the percentage and other effects of the skills would be increased. Though, despite the good effects of levelling the skill, one would have to trade-off the resources that are used, as most skills would usually increase its cost usage.

"In any case, as for the other two skills..." Shinto glanced over to [ Rainy Slime ] and [ Slimy Spikes ]. "A damage over time skill and a projectile skill..."

In contrast to the other skills that were given, the two aforementioned skills were much damage-based than in terms of supporting, which was what Shinto was mainly looking for.josei

"Do I need damage skills?" Shinto thought to himself. With his current array of abilities, the damage-type skills currently outweigh the supporting ones.

Although the ratio of support to damage was five to four on paper, if Shinto were to use [ Sanctum Brilliance ] moments after exhausting the usages of his two divinity skills, the ratio would be five to six.

Thus with this, the question now would be: would he need another skill that deals damage instead of helping out of allies?

"Hmmm... Rainy Slime deals 550% damage over time while having the off-chance to poison them during the duration..." Looking back forth to the description of each skill, Shinto was deep in thought. "Meanwhile, Slimy Spikes is of the basics of skills... with it being a 70% magic damage skill that has a 45 seconds cooldown..."

As Shinto contemplated on his selection of choices, Frey and Ethaniel were loitering around from a far distance. They saw that Shinto was intensely looking at the book he held in his hand.

" that book so interesting for Master to read it so seriously?" Frey blinked at the sight. "What's he even reading?"

"Do you think I know?" Ethaniel shrugged. "He just started reading it after that damn slime gave him the book."

"Is this favouritism?" Frey pouted. "That slime didn't even come to us or anything and just left like that after talking to Master and Raina!"

"Gloop..." The slime by their side jumped up and down as if trying to talk to them.

"Sigh. Damn slime, how are we supposed to communicate with you if we can't understand you!?" Ethaniel cried out.

"Gloop!" The slime seems to be angrily glaring at Ethaniel.

"Grr... What kind of look is that?"


"Argh, shut up will you?"

"...Ethaniel, I don't think you even need the necklace to understand him at this point," Frey helplessly sighed at the one-sided conversation between Rustly and Ethaniel. "It feels like you're able to hold up the conversation on your own..."

"Hah? What bullshit," Ethaniel scoffed. "All I hear is this guy complaining in that gloop language. A conversation is impossible."

"Is it...?" Frey muttered out as she quickly glanced away from the two. Soon after, she turned to look at Raina who was busy reading through a book within her hands whilst waving around her staff continiously. "Man, Master and Raina are busy with reading books, you and that slime are busy arguing... What do I do?!"

"What busy?" Ethaniel clicked his tongue as angrily turned to Frey. "Just go grab a book and read it or something if you're that bored."

"Reading books..." Frey helplessly looked around the grandeur of the room with many shelves filled with books. "Aren't they all mage related? Wouldn't that be useless?"

"Gloop..." The slime seemed to be helplessly letting out a sigh as he hopped over towards Shinto.


Still, in amidst of thinking about the ability that he would choose to better compliment his skills, he heard a sudden voice that interrupted his line of thought.

"Shinto, Shinto!" Rustly shouted out.

"...huh?" Shinto glanced away from the book as he turned towards Rustly. "Did something happen?"

"Those stupid humans are annoying the hell out of me!" Rustly complained. "Can you translate what I'm saying for them?!"

"...sigh. What do you want me to say to them?"

"Tell them, instead of being useless humans that are standing there like stupid apes, ask them to do some research or something! Or even learn the damn language! There are books here for a reason!"

" that all?" Shinto asked helplessly as he turned his head over towards the direction of Ethaniel and Frey. " I thought it was important."

"What? Human! This is important!" Rustly grumbled. "It's so much better than seeing those humans lazing around doing nothing! They could even be discussing tactics on how to go against the Farku, the old man and Sanke, but nooo, they're complaining!"

"Tactics..." Shinto thought to himself as a sudden thought clicked in his mind upon hearing the words coming from Rustly. "That's right!"

"Huh? What's right?" Rustly questioned.

"The skill... I know exactly what skill I should get now," Shinto nodded his head as he quickly turned away from Rustly. Soon after, he began to turn to the page of where the ability that he wanted to learn is at.

"Huh? Hey! Are you just going to ignore me and not translate for them?" Rustly clicked his tongue. "Ughh! Stupid humans!"

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