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Chapter 121

Chapter 121: Infiltration (7)

The moment Shinto had found the page that contained the spell—a system prompt soon popped up in front of him.

[ The spell 'Rainy Slime' can be learnt from this book. ]

[ Warning: Once you have started learning a spell, the next spell from this book can only be learnt after a set of conditions has been fulfilled. ]

[ Do you still wish to proceed with learning the spell 'Rainy Slime'? ]

Without a second thought, Shinto nodded his head replying, "Yes."

[ You have started to learn the spell 'Rainy Slime'! ]

[ Current proficiency in the arts: 0% ]

"Right. Now to see how long this takes for me to learn it," Shinto calmly took a deep breath as he prepared himself to stay in the room for the entire day. However, before he began, a loud voice could be heard shouting from beside him.

"OI! Human!" Rustly cried out. "Are you just going to ignore me?!"

"...?" Shinto glanced over to the slime as he then sighed. "...aren't they already looking through the books?" Helplessly looking over towards Ethaniel and Frey, he noted that they were going through many books around the room as if they were bored.

"H-Huh?" Rustly flusteredly turned to the direction as well. Soon after he let out a cough. "A-Ahem... Well, never mind..."

"Well, if there's nothing for me to translate, I'll get back to reading this book then," Shinto stated as he moved his eyes over to the pages.

"What is this book you're reading anyway?" Rustly seemed to be tilting his head as he hopped towards the bottom of the book, quickly taking a look at it. "...spells of the gloop? HUH?!"

"What seems to be the problem?" Shinto questioned.

"You're reading a book that is of the Slera race's arts!" he clicked his tongue. "Do you know how difficult it is to comprehend the words on the book for a human!?"

"...cough. How difficult could it be?" Shinto helplessly sighed.

"You... Don't get cocky because you have the necklace!" Rustly seemed to be frowning. "You can understand our language, but who says someone who only recently wore our cherished treasure can possibly be able to understand the complicated words of gloop?"

"Is it?" Shinto raised his brow in question as he scrutinized the writings on the page.

[ Rainy Slime ]

「(i) For one to use the arts of 'Rainy Slime', one must first require the medium of an item that allows one to create slime. 」

「 (ii) Then, chant to yourself 'gloop gloop gloop gloop...'」

「(iii) Manourvere the cloud of slime over to...」

As Shinto scanned the page, his eyes grew into confusion as he looked at the contents. Moments later, he received a sudden notification.

[ Your understanding of the gloop language is low, certain words cannot be read until further notice. ]

[ 'Rainy Slime' proficiency has increased by 1.2% ]

[ Wisdom has been increased by 1! ]

"...certain words can't be understood until further notice?" Blinking at the notification, he soon heard Rustly's reply.

"That is what I'm saying!" The slime cried out. "You're unable to read the contents and learn the spell properly unless you understand word for word. That's just how the Slera spells works!"

"Hmmm... Then if so," Shinto was deep in thought as he took into account Rustly's words. "—Just translate stuff for me," he stated whilst handing the book over to the slime.

"E-Eh? Who do you take me for, human?!"

"Someone who is able to read the language and translate for a person who can't," he smiled. "Now, shall we get started?"



Moving through the hallways outside of the destroyed door, Reru cautiously took notice of multiple guards hurrying into the area.

"Reru! What happened? What's with this mess?" The guard upfront uttered in a worried voice as he scrutinized the surroundings, taking note of the broken rubble and evidence of a fight that had occurred here. Not only that, the destroyed door from behind Reru was extremely prevalent. "Did the Farku race get into here? But... That can't be possible."

"It is nothing of your concerns," Reru stated as he walked past by the guards. "You don't have to worry."

"Don't have to worry?" The guard frowned. "Then what went on here?"

"...just a test and some spells that are thrown out here and there," Reru seemed to be shrugging. "But it is nothing. All that matters is that the possibility of Sanke's defeat has increased."

"Huh? How so?"

"Accompany me to see his majesty. We'll discuss the matters there."


Back within the room filled with many shelves, Ethaniel and Frey strolled around the area glancing at the books around—Taking note of the titles of the works: Great Ways to Be Enlightened, The Study of Magic, Gloomeo and Gloopliet, Depra King and the like.

Among the countless books related to magic, there were those that seemed to be novels mixed within the line up of books. Besides those, there wasn't anything related to combat or the history of the catacombs.

"Ugh... Is there anything interesting to read here?" Ethaniel frowned at the sight of the titles. "It'd be nice if I could get a skill or two like what Raina is doing right now..."

"How can you even read the books if it's in the language of gloop?" Frey questioned.

"I mean if Raina could read that book in her hands, then who says I can't either?" he shrugged as he continued to scrutinize the array of books.

"I-Isn't that only like a special case?" Frey raised her brow in confusion. "Anyhow... Where the heck did Kon go? I haven't seen him since we entered!"

"Bah. Keep your mouth shut unless you want to have that slime nag at us again," he scoffed. "Ahem, anyways, Kon should be somewhere, why do you even care?"

"At the very least if I don't find anything interesting here... I could play with him," she muttered out.

"Play?? Who do you take him for?!"

"W-Well... He's a cute pet! It makes me want to pet him a lot when I have the chance to..."

"P-Pet?!" A sudden voice shouted out from the shelves, as a fox abruptly fell down to the ground. Following that, papers scattered around in the area as it descended to the floor.

"...K-Kon?" Frey hurriedly bent down as she picked him up from the ground. "Are you okay?!"

"Ahem, yes I am okay! But, no! I am no pet! I'm the fox who serve Master!" Kon pouted.

"Ha... Did you fell down just to tell us that?" Ethaniel frowned. "What the heck were you doing up there anyway?"

"W-Well... After we went into the room, Master asked me to find something about the catacombs among the books here while he tended to Raina and that slime."

"And he didn't tell us?!" Frey pouted. "Jeez... we could've helped out too!"

"Um, he did ask me to tell you, but I wanted to see if I could find it on my own!" Kon stated.

"...and what's the result?" Ethaniel raised his brow.

"Nothing..." Kon sighed.

"Sigh," Ethaniel shook his head helplessly as he walked away from Frey and Kon. Soon after, his eyes glanced over towards the ground where the fox had fallen, taking note of multiple papers scattered around the area. "...were you holding on to this when you fell?"

"Well, I was about to read it until I heard Frey," Kon answered.josei

"..." Picking up the sheets of paper on the ground, his eyes grew wide in interest.

[ Renryth's Report #3. ]


"NO! You got the wordings wrong!" In the open space of the room, Rustly shouted out in anger. "It's literally 'May rain of the gloopius glooein fall down onto the slimes, cast upon the clouds'!"

"...that's what I've been saying," Shinto glared at Rustly.

"You're pronouncing gloopius glooein wrong..." he sighed.

"Sigh... gloopeus glooain?"

"Gloo-pi-us, gloo-ein."

"Gloopius... glooein?" Shinto muttered out.

"There! You got the pronunciation right, now say the damn thing and be done with it!"

"May rain of the gloopius glooein fall down onto slimes, cast upon the clouds," Shinto murmured in words whilst repeating after Rustly.

[ 'Rainy Slime' proficiency has increased by 2% ]

[ Current proficiency in the arts: 6% ]

[ Wisdom has increased by 1! ]

"Jeez... Are magic spells always this hard to learn?" Shinto clicked his tongue at the thought. Initially, he had thought that the words used for casting spells would generally be on the simple side or easily pronounced, however, he thought wrong.

In comparison to when he could spell out the chants for his Shadow Diviner's skill like the back of his head, it seems that when learning a magic spell from scratch, everything must be taken into account.

Thus, this could possibly explain the slow progression of many players who obtain spells through books or even skill books.

"I told you it'd be hard!" Rustly pouted. "You cocky humans never listen!"

"Well... Even if I listened, I still have to learn the spell either way since it's beneficial," Shinto answered as he got back into reading the book fervently. "And besides, it's not as if we can go out of this room willingly right? So we're just stuck here until Reru gets back."

"Sigh... The Slera Spells are lost in our history since no one can learn them besides a handful..." Rustly muttered out. "How did you even get the book anyway? I thought it was hidden somewhere."


"He has that book?!" Rustly cried out. "Ugh... this guys special treatment..."

"Well, does it matter? I'd be finding for a spellbook to try to read anyways even if I didn't get the book from him," Shinto shrugged. "...and it's a way for me to increase my wisdom at the very least too."

"Jeez, you mages, I can't understand you sometimes..." he sighed.

"Well, I sometimes can't understand them too," he chuckled. "But in any case, I best just get back to reading..." Just as he was about to continue on with the process of learning the spell, he heard a loud shout coming from behind him.

"Oi, Zay!" A male's voice rang through the room.

"...what is it now?"

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