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Chapter 177

Chapter 177: Black Bird (2)

"Thing's aren't looking good?" Shinto tilted his head as he questioned the words that were stated out by Blake. "What's going on?"josei

"It seems that the Twilight Monsters had caught up to your companions without us knowing. However... They seem to be in a rather interesting area," Blake explained. "To be precise, they're fighting in an abandoned village."

"...Frey and Raina found an abandoned village?" Shinto raised his brow. "Where? Show us the place."

"It's over here," Blake nodded his head as he once again transformed into a raven. "Follow me."


On the snowy fields of the Bareth's Tundra Plains, Frey stood in a tired stance as she continued to battle against the countless goblins within the surrounding area. Unlike from before where she had to constantly dodge the attacks of the sinister-looking mobs, this time, she now had the aid of a priest to sustain herself.

"Hah... Hah..." Frey uttered out in a tired breath. "Why is there suddenly a second wave?! Why are there so much more mobs than before!"

"Gloop! Gloop!" Reru cried out as his sword swung in an arc, quickly gashing at the wolf that had tried to attack Frey from her flank. "Gloop!"

"A-Ahem... Yeah! I better not get distracted..." Frey coughed. Although she didn't understand a single speck of word that was stated by the slime, she could vaguely understand the communication that he was trying to tell. 'Watch out for your damn flank!' was what she thought. "I'll watch out for myself next time."

"Urk... Despite being able to use my spells now," Hikari uttered out whilst she casted out a bright light over towards the frontliners, Crowelin and Frey—slowly keeping their health at a steady rate. "With the way these monsters are flooding in, I'd be back to my helpless state in no time..."

"This is the 3rd wave of monsters..." Crowelin raised her hammer up towards the sky as she muttered out a spell. In the next moment, three shields soon appeared around her.

[ Varna's Protection Lv 6 ] [ 2 Light Orb / 240 MP ] [ Cooldown: 7 Minutes ]

With the protection from the heavenly skies, the user is granted the protection of Varna with her blessing of defence—creating three shields that can absorb up to 1500 damage for each. If a shield breaks, the user regains 10% of the damage that dealt the final blow as health.

"It's the 3rd wave of monsters, but at the very least there aren't any mages to interrupt our spells," Hikari breath out a sigh of relief as she held onto her staff, soon casting out a white spell over towards the monsters. "We're able to fight back this time."

[ White Silence Lv 5 ] [ 120 MP ] [ Cooldown: 5 Minutes ]

With the blessing of light blessed upon the white priest, the user casts out a light ever so blinding on an enemy, inflicting 300% light magic damage whilst silencing the opponent for 5 seconds.

"Kikk!!" Upon being hit by the silent white light, the goblin stumbled back at his feet. However, before he could get back to balancing himself, an arc of a sword was soon swung towards him, quickly turning the mob into grey ash.

"...gloop," Reru seemed to be sighing in a tired manner at the sight of the goblins. In the next moment, he soon turned towards the direction of the village as he turned towards Frey. "Gloop! Gloop!"

"Huh...? Is it my flank again!?" Hearing the slime's voice, Frey abruptly frantically looked around her. But, as she finished scrutinizing her surrounding area, she raised her brow, confused. ", there's no more enemies around me..."

"Grr... Gloop!" Reru frustratingly leapt past  Frey and soon to Raina who had been chanting out a spell. "Gloop!"

"Huh?" Interrupted by the sight of the slime, Raina tilted her head. "...are you trying to tell me something?"

"Gloop..." Reru furrowed his brows as he latched himself onto Raina. "Gloop!" In the next moment, he began dragging her over towards the village.

"H-Huh? Hey! A-Again?!" Raina cried out.

"What the...?!" Frey's eyes widened at the sight of Raina and Reru leaving the area. "Hey! Don't leave me!"

"Gloop!!" Reru shouted out in reply.

"Ugh... If only I could understand you..." she clicked her tongue. However, just as she was about to chase after the two, her movements were abruptly stopped as more monsters soon appeared from the forest. "...argh! Another wave?!"

"More goblins and wolves," Crowelin uttered out as she turned towards her resource bar. "I've got 6 more light orbs to use... And I'm almost running out of mana... This isn't good."

"This isn't good at all," Hikari muttered out. "Where is that slime taking that mage? If it's into the village... Then it must mean that..." As she was about to continue her sentence, a loud scream protruded out from the distance.

"AHHH!! Someone! Help!" A familiar voice soon rang out, especially for Frey.

"Huh...? Isn't that... Rustly?" Frey blankly stared out into the direction of the voice. But, she couldn't keep at her distracted state any longer as she soon turned back to monsters who were seemingly much aggressive than before. "Argh... I can't go with this horde!"

"Neither can I," Crowelin frowned. "But... If there are no mages, then..." Thinking to herself, Crowelin soon shouted out. "Hikari! Go after them! We'll hold on the lines until you guys get back. Hurry!"

"Huh? But..." Hikari uttered out in an indecisive manner. Although she knew that Crowelin could sustain herself easily as she had the ability to regenerate and heal much better than other classes of similar archetype, the issue fell down to the brawler who couldn't receive more than three hits from an enemy.

"Don't worry about her. She'll be fine if I take the hits for her," Crowelin stated as she soon muttered out another spell.

[ Ardant Blemish Lv 1 ] [ 4 Light Orb / 600 MP ] [ Cooldown: 30 Minutes ]

With the blessing of the heavens bestowed upon the hammer of justice, the user creates a shield in which can absorb up to 30% damage of an attack for a minute. During the duration of the skill, the damage received will be split evenly among the user's allies as health recovery but the user themselves cannot receive benefit from this (Maximum of 340 health per hit).

"...!" Noticing that Crowelin had activated one of her recently obtained skills, Hikari nodded her head. "Then I'll go."


Through the snow-covered paths of the village, Reru persistently dragged Raina through the area whilst he frantically glanced around the area.

"Gloop..." muttering out to himself, Reru continued to search around. "Grr! Gloop!"

"A-Ack... Reru... Where are you taking me?" Raina struggled with the grip of Reru. "If you're looking for Shinto with the necklace, he's still in the forest..." As she was about to continue her sentence, her mouth soon shut upon hearing a language extremely familiar to her from Reru.

"Shut up and listen," Reru sluggishly spoke. "Find Rustly!"

"," Raina was momentarily stumped at the sudden revelation of Reru. But, she soon shook her head. "Where did you last see him?"

"Over here, quick," Reru shouted out. "If what I fear is true then..."

As the two turned towards the direction of where Reru had pointed out, icy spikes shot out from the grounds of the village towards the two.

"...?!" Noticing the spikes, Reru pushed Raina out of the way. "Grr... These guys are here?"

At the front of Reru and Raina, multiple ice elementals with countless blockades of ice spinning around them stood in front of the two. At first glance, they seemed to be your typical monsters. However, if one were to ignore all of the monsters that they had seen recently and considered the typical blue mobs in the plains, they were abnormal.

With purple-like coating on their core and black ice floating around them, they were of the Twilight Race much as the goblins and wolves that they had faced.


"Monsters here as well...?" Raina muttered out in a worried tone.

"...Rustly is in trouble. I'm not sure what kind of bullshit he did... But," Reru protruded out his sword as he entered into a combat stance. "—We've got to clear out the elementals and quickly go through them. Rustly should be inside that rubbled old house."

"Got it," Raina nodded her head as she began to chant out a spell from the tip of her staff. "Burning through the waves..." As she casted out [ Burning Waves ], the voice of Rustly protruded out into the area.

"AHHH!! Someone! Help!"

"...Rustly!" Reru cried out. "Damnit... Why is your spell so weak?!"

"My level is low against them..." Raina uttered out as she noted that the spell that she casted out hadn't left a dent on them. "...what can I even do?"

"Cast out Flames of Etheral or something! Like you did with those goblins earlier!" Reru clicked his tongue. "Do something! I need to go past them whilst saving my remaining energy!"

"Ugh... Do something like that time with the goblins?" Raina questioned. It wasn't easy to replicate what she had done. After all, it was thanks to the hidden effects of the gloves that she had worn. "I don't think I can... Ever since that time, I could get it to work anymore.

"Bah... You!" As Reru angrily glared at Raina, other spikes of purple-ice protruded out from the ground. However, instead of being hit by the sudden attack, a blast of white light swiftly destroyed the ice.

"O' light, bless me the power to rid of sin!" Hikari's voice protruded out into the area. "I cast upon the heavenly blast!"

[ White Priest - Heavenly Wright ]

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