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Chapter 178

Chapter 178: Black Bird (3)

Upon the voice of Hikari that rang through the area, the clouds within the snowy skies began to clear away, revealing that of the blue sky. In the next moment, a shining pillar of light shot down as it enveloped the monsters that were in front of Reru and Raina.josei

"...?!" Raina's eyes opened wide at the sight. "Light...?" she questioned as she saw that the light had seeped down into the ground moments after it had enveloped the enemies. "Shinto or Ethaniel is here?"


Shaking abruptly as the elementals were swallowed by the light, they abruptly floated back, away from the duo.

[ Heavenly Wright Lv 2 ] [ 475 MP ] [ Cooldown: 5 Minutes ]

The power of the heavenly skies, blessed upon the judgement of good bestows down a shimmering light over to the user's targetted direction, dealing 240% magic damage to all enemies within range over the next 4 seconds.

*If the target is judged as [Evil], the damage is increased to 450% and the skill lasts for additional 2 seconds.

"Hey, you two!" Hikari shouted out with a tired voice. "Are you okay?!"

"Huh?" Hearing the voice of the woman from the distance, Raina turned her head over to the direction as she noted that it was the priest, Hikari. "Oh... It's that girl?"

"What?" Reru frowned. "Why are you here? Shouldn't you be back there helping those humans?"

"I came on behalf of them," Hikari stated. "I'm here to help."

"You're here to help?" Reru seemed to be raising his brow as he soon turned his head over to the direction of the elementals that were finally getting themselves together after the earlier spell that Hikari had sent their way. "If so... Then I'll leave those two to you! I'm going straight to Rustly!"

"Going alone?" Raina asked. "Will you be okay, though? If more of those enemies come... Will you be able to face them? From the looks of things... You're not able to go up against them even when we're here..."

"What bullshit! I can and I will!" Reru clicked his tongue. "I'm only not able to defeat them because it takes too long! Clear away the monsters and come join up with me!"

"Wait-" Just as Hikari about to utter out her words, the slime had already left the premises. "...what am I supposed to do? My damage is low and even against evil marked enemies, I only got rid of 15% of their health..."

"Ugh... You don't have more skills like that?" In the eyes of Raina, an ability like that was something that she hadn't seen before. To think that a cool skill that could shine downlight from the skies only dealt that much damage.

"No. I'm not a damage dealer," Hikari helplessly shook her head. "I'm only just a priest who's been supporting my allies the entire time. My damage skills are quite lacking since all my equipment has been focused on healing percentage and defensive."

"If it's like that... Then what can I do?" Raina frowned.

"Aren't you a mage? If I distract them for you, can't you cast a spell like Meteorite Fragmentation? Or... Something that could CC them? What specialization are you?" Hikari questioned.

"CC...? Specialization?" Raina blinked at the terms uttered out by Hikari, however, she soon shook her head, ridding away the thought. "I don't have any of that. I'm just a level 37 mage. No specialization, no CC, or not even the spell Meteorite Fragmentation."

"...?" Hikari raised her brow in question upon hearing Raina's words. "'re only level 35? How did you even get here? What...?" From her memory, access to the Fal Kingdom was only accessible when one was level 70 or above. This was because the routes that led to the kingdom was constantly consumed by blizzards and snowstorms.

To be able to even get through the disasters awaiting, one would need to be above level 70 with proper gear. Yet, the mage in front of her was doing just fine without such equipment.

"...did she managed to find someone to bring her here for some quest?" Hikari thought to herself. "But that wouldn't make sense... She'd at least would've come prepared for the cold winter. Even with my equipment I still barely survived the harsh cold..."

"Uh... Well," Raina uttered out with a lack of words to form a sentence. "...thing's happened. That's the only thing I can tell you."

"...?" Hikari raised her brow. She wondered whether or not it was the slime and that the brawler who was seemingly a glass cannon due to the amount of health she lost per hit were all together as a group. "Seeing as how that slime knows that mage and that the brawler was together with the mage..." she mumbled to herself as her eyes opened wide. "...then that means they're with Shinto?"

Perhaps the brawler and mage were together with Shinto. From what she had heard from the slime, he was with someone named 'Shinto', but he never further gave any details. With the opportunity right in front of her, she could...


Whilst profoundly thinking to herself, multiple spikes of glacial ice protruded out from the ground over to Hikari.

"...hey! Watch out!" Raina shouted out.

"...?!" Belatedly moving her head up to see the spikes, she narrowly swayed to the side in hopes of dodging the attack, however, she failed to do so and took the attack head-on. "A-Ack...!"

"Hey!" Raina shouted out as she moved her staff over to the mobs, quickly casting out [ Flames of Etheral ] in hopes of delaying the monsters next set of attacks.

"Cough... My bad, I'm sorry," Hikari coughed as she silently murmured out a chant and soon slowly healing herself up from the yellow to green with [ Curing Hearts ]. "I was distracted for a bit. But I'm back in the game."

[ Curing Hearts Lv MAX ] [ 85 MP ] [ Cooldown: 35 Seconds ]

From the heavenly divine touch of the white priest to their comrades, the user restores the health of an ally for 200% of the user's magic whilst doing so, granting a 15% magic defence increase for 10 seconds.

*An ability derived from the maxed level skills of [Cure] and [Magic Defence Up].

"Um... Even if you were not distracted... What about my earlier question?" Raina asked. "How are we going to defeat them if our damage is low...?"

"..." Hikari thought to herself as she turned towards Raina with a resolute face. "Since you're 35 and our damage is low... Then, we'll have to disregard our resources and throw all our skills at it. I'll heal in between whilst you interrupt the monsters casting."

"Right... I can do that," Raina nodded her head.


Outskirts of the village paved by abandonment, two girls steadily fought against the horde of monsters as their health remained at a constant number.

"U-Ugh... Too much! I ran out of AOE clearance spells!" Crowelin clicked her tongue. "Hey, Frey! Do you have any left?"

"No... My only one is on cooldown!" Frey cried out. "Are we dead?!"

"Ugh... Then get behind me!" Crowelin shouted out. "My skill is running out and I don't want the aggro going on you, so hurry!"

"A-Ahem... R-Right!" Frey hurriedly stepped away from the horde of monsters as she stayed behind the paladin. At the moment she did so, Frey raised her brow in question. "But... I'm a brawler! I can't do stuff whilst I stay behind you!"

"Do something like Mana Aura Recovery or just sit there for a bit whilst you recover your MP with your passive!" she stated. "If you're not a Maitreya or Jala specialization... Then just wait for your cooldowns to go off before going back in!"

"Huh? What?" Frey tilted her head in confusion.

"Just anything!" she cried out. "If you stay in battle with aggro on you... You're dead!"

"Ahh! I know that." Frey pouted. "Ugh... I want those cool skills like yours! Then maybe I can stay in battle for much longer..." murmuring to herself, she sighed. "I'm only just level 36..."

"W-Wait... Could you repeat that?! Level 36?!" her eyes widened in surprise upon hearing the number that was stated by Frey. However, before she could further touch on the topic, her shield and hammer were busy fending off against the attack. "Argh... No time. I should focus!"

"Kikk..." The goblins laughed in a sinister manner. continuing to hit at Crowelin's shield and wearing her down. "Kikk!"

"U-Ugh... I need to switch into combat mode before my shield..." as she muttered out her woes, countless black feathers were swiftly thrown down to the ground over to the goblins.

"Kikkk...!" Attacked by the sudden black feathers which stuck at them like arrows, the goblins angrily turned towards the sky as they noted that a black raven was circling in the snowy atmosphere. "Kikk!!"

"Huh... What? A raven?" Frey's confusion from earlier grew worse as she looked at the sky. "...another enemy?!"

"It's attacking the goblins though. If it's not an ally... Then could it be a monster's feud?" Crowelin thought to herself. Monster's feud tended to happen among normal mobs on the occasion where they are enemies with one another and that they cannot bear to see each other, thus fighting it out even when their goals remain the same: to prey on enemies. "Frey... Let them fight it out. We can escape from here in the meantime."

"Huh? Escape?" she questioned. "Then we'd have an airborne enemy on us to deal with after they fight it out... How do we fight that?!" whilst reasoning with Crowelin, their conversation stopped as the two heard a loud shout of a familiar voice from the forest.

"Over there, that's where the village is!"

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