
Chapter 364 Father And Grandfather

Chapter 364 Father And Grandfather

Literally Christian dedicated himself to learning about this woman's day to such an extent that he could be sure he knew more about her day than she did.

"I see..." Looking at the image of a Japanese woman talking with a smile to a Japanese policewoman, Christian rubbed his chin and muttered "A Yakuza group... the second strongest group... but no matter how you look at it, this is a typical Asian scam, nothing unusual to see, but... why the fuck did they target the security of my house?"

"Let's see..." Taking the Yakuza woman's face, Christian began to search through the files and read everything he had on the woman, so that after a few minutes, he sighed and muttered "Just a pawn, let's go get the leaders."

Pursing his lips as he spends the next hour reading all the reports on this group, Christian raised his eyebrows and suddenly chuckled "What a fucking joke, I knew that bitch wouldn't give up."

Looking at the picture of a Chinese woman in front of a Japanese woman, Christian chuckled and muttered "My dear fiancée playing her little games, how hilarious."

"Tsk..." Clicking his tongue, Christian narrowed his eyes and muttered "This bitch is breaking the boundaries... should I kill her?"

Tapping his leg gently with his fingertips, Christian thought for a few seconds and sighed, then grabbed his cell phone and opened Envy's chat to send an audio "Contact the Chinese and tell her that heiress Long is breaking the treaty, try to get another piece of meat out of them for this offense."

Tossing the cell phone onto the couch, Christian watched the image for a few more seconds and snorted "Fucking bitch."

Closing the computer, Christian put it aside and sighed, then leaned back on the couch and quietly gazed at the moon through the window, while the sound of the sea soothed his senses to his satisfaction.

The minutes passed and apart from the silence of the hearth and the waves of the sea echoing eternally, Christian was easily lost in his thoughts as time passed quickly.


Blinking at the notification, Christian pulls another cell phone out of his pocket and looks at the messages, then raises his eyebrows and reads it "We finished the construction for you to bring the criminals, all set to transmit. Got the internet platform ready?"

Raising his eyebrows, Christian dials the number and smiles "Good night father."

"I thought you were asleep."

"Sleep is for old men."

"How are you?"

"All good, I was resting"

"And your little girl?"josei

"She's asleep, today she was playing all day and didn't have her nap, so she went down quickly."

"Still giggling?"

Smiling softly, Christian nodded "Yes, since she learned to smile, she never erases her smile... I really love to see her like that, it's especially fun to see her smile since she has so few teeth."

Laughing softly, Dimitri asked "How old is she already?"

"Mmmm... about 10 months, now in November she will be one year old."

"And what do you think? Do you think that little girl brought out your weird side?"

"Since when am I weird?"

"Kid, if not you're weird, then everyone is."

Letting out a snort, Christian replied "Helen... she certainly is special, she already speaks a lot of English, she likes to paint and she especially enjoys it when I read her books... she seems to remember perfectly everything I tell her and I am constantly helping her to learn more... although many times I have the thought to just stop doing it."

"Why? Isn't it better for your little girl to be smarter?"

"*Sigh* Of course it's the best, but... it saddens me to see how fast she's growing up... she's not even a year old yet and I already see her running around everywhere... what will happen when she's 10? Will she want to go live on her own? What will she do when she is 12? Will she come in with some bastard and tell me he's her husband?"

"Hahaha~" Laughing, Dimitri replied "Do you really think your daughter would do that?"


"Don't forget that that child is your blood, she seems to have inherited your intelligence, your good face, your blood, your genes... let me tell you from today onwards that that child will be just as attached to her family as you are."

"I don't think so" Shaking his head while smiling bitterly, Christian sighed "That girl is only like that with me, Elisa she hardly respects and my mother she doesn't give her two looks... the only way she cooperates with her mother or grandmother, is when I'm not around... I'm constantly prodding Helen to respect her mother and that the love she gives me, Elisa deserves it too"

"Well... that sounds like a problem."

"Yes... it really is nice to know that your daughter loves you very much, and I won't deny that it makes me feel very good to know that she prefers me, but I know perfectly well that it is wrong... honestly Elisa is the best mother I have ever seen in my life and it makes me feel bad to know that my little girl doesn't love her back completely... although today it is getting much better than before, I still think there is a long way to go for Helen to learn to accept her completely."

"Weren't you the same way? I don't remember a time when you spoke well of your biological father."

Snorting in disgust, Christian replied "There are many reasons why I don't talk about him, but leaving that aside... yes, from day one my interactions with him were quite stiff, I remember everything perfectly... even though my mother was never home and he was the one who always took care of me, I still preferred my mother to him... it's weird, I would say it's something more biological... I just felt more comfortable in my mother's presence and much safer."

"But at that time you were on bad terms with that man?"

"I'm talking about the time when I was a baby, at that time he was not a bad father, although he committed a lot of stupid things and today I openly loathe him... I must admit that my first days he was a good father, but still, something in me was rejecting it"

"Don't you think it's the same for your daughter? Your father took care of you but you still preferred your mother, who was never at home and apparently, you hardly shared with her during that age."

"Well... it's not a very crazy theory" Frowning slightly, Christian murmured "But if that were the case, Helen should be attached to Elisa, not me."

"*Sigh* My son, don't forget that your genes are totally weird and dare I say mutant. Never close your mind to a possibility and while I'm not telling you to identify why this happens, I want to remind you that you also lived this situation... don't be too hard on that girl and let everything flow slowly, I'm sure that in the future you won't want to regret for some wrong step."

"..." Staring at the roof for a few seconds, Christian sighed and nodded "Okay... but it's not like you have to worry about this, it's not like I plan on beating my little girl for simply not giving the same love to her mother."

"Of course I know you wouldn't hit her, but I do know you would scold her for something totally unfair."

"Tsk" Clicking his tongue as he smirks, Christian snorts "Looks like it's true that saying 'Parents straighten out children while grandparents spoil them'"


"Old man?"


"You got sentimental?" smiling mischievously knowing full well that those words had to have made some impression on Dimitri, Christian chuckled and continued "Old man, don't forget this... to me, you are my father, and as a result, Helen is your granddaughter."


"Already everyone in this family knows about you and Helen also knows her grandfather Dimitri, I almost always talk to her about you and my little girl always listens to me. I am sure that when you get to see her, she will be very curious in her beautiful eyes about this great grandfather of hers that she is always being told about."


"So... when are you coming? you've been saying for a while now that you'll come to see me but nothing happening."

"Tsk, what a damn annoying kid" Snorting suddenly, Dimitri was silent for a few seconds and continued "I'll come to see you when you finish recording your series, I'll be about a month with you so get everything ready for this old man."

"Are you okay sleeping with the squirrels?"

"Are you okay sleeping with the fishes?"

"It certainly seems like an extravagant idea."



"Helen... what does she like?"

Raising his eyebrows, Christian laughed and answered "My little girl likes children's books very much, ideally they should have nice pictures... she also likes to paint, she also likes to play with some plastic blocks with which she always builds towers... that little girl also enjoys playing with the animals very much, it is not uncommon to see her playing with Lilith and Kitty or visiting the fish to just watch them swim."

"I see..."

"So... what were you telling me about in the message?"

"Oh, yes, I have the area ready for you to bring the criminals."

"On an island?"

"No, it's really hard to maintain an island since while we have several hidden ones, most are not habitable because of the harsh climates, you know how Russia is"

"So where is it?"

"We have a good area in the Siberian forest. While it's also cold, it doesn't get to the point of being that harsh and certainly if they have clothes and food, they could survive for up to a month... but we arranged everything to make them last longer."

"What do they have?"

"Well, for starters we fenced off everything in a 17 square kilometer radius, everything is surrounded by trees and nature in general. We took care to hide several cameras in the trees and we can make sure that the blind spots in the whole area are no more than 10"

"Hoh, that sounds very thorough" Rubbing his chin, Christian asked "How good is the image quality of the cameras? And how secure is the fence?"

"The fence is fully electrified ready to kill at the slightest touch, but we also have 400 soldiers ready to surround the area ready to take it all out."

"I assume they wear general uniforms?"

"Obviously, we also made sure to put in people who speak fluent English and no accent, so they don't identify us with the language in case the worst happens."

"What did you add to make people survive more?"

"We made 47 caves around the whole area, although they are not at all comfortable and most of them are wet, they will certainly serve to save you from the cold and if you can light a fire, spending the night won't be a problem."

"47 caves... not bad" Squinting towards the ceiling, Christian murmured "Security, cameras, natural area and caves... I guess everything is ready."

"And you? Do you have the lucky list?"

"Not yet, but it's not hard, this world is full of potential participants" Chuckling, Christian thought for a few seconds and continued "The platform should be ready and it's certainly not a problem... we'll have to plan how we'll send people to you and we need to start getting the invitation out to the rich and at the same time expand it in the world... any ideas? "

"If you want you can leave that to me, you know perfectly well that we have networks to spare."

"Do you think they would be interested in betting on this?"

"If you give me a solid and fixed betting plan, no doubt these people will come in. Seeing people surviving and killing each other is certainly appealing to these people, even more so knowing that, even if they help those who bet, nothing assures them of winning... that's the beauty of betting and these people who have money to spare, like it."


Edited By:


Pa treon: https://www. pa /Eroos

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