
Chapter 365 Joke

Chapter 365 Joke

"If you give me a solid and fixed betting plan, these people will certainly enter. Seeing people surviving and killing each other is certainly appealing to these people, even more so knowing that, even if they help those who bet, nothing assures them of winning... that's the beauty of betting and these people who have money to spare, like it."

"Well, we will be prepraring everything, we will include several payments for cryptocurrencies and we could also open an account in some tax haven in case they simply want to transfer without being in the tedious step of cryptocurrencies."

"It wouldn't be bad either, you know that in many tax havens there are no registries so there would be no problems."

"100 people would be a good number to start with?"

"It would not be bad... I estimate that with that number, it would last approximately 2 weeks".josei

"I am thinking of taking 3% of all the bets, does that look good? With those profits we have to support the construction of the area they built and at the same time pay the security... with the expenses incurred, all the rest will be profit."

"Not bad... even if 3% seems small, the rich bets are in millions of dollars, we would take a good slice if we bring a lot of people... how do you plan to make the sponsorships to the contestants?"

"Mmmm... that's open to many good ideas... we could well sell simple things like a knife at 10 million dollars to increase the chance of winning, but we could also reach a secret agreement with certain companies and give 'publicity' to their products during this broadcast... considering that this will be visible to the whole world, I estimate that we will have hundreds of millions of people watching us."

"First of all... are you sure you can maintain a website with so many millions of people at the same time?"

"No problem, we'll use the quantum computer to power the site."

"Hoh, so you actually managed to make it useful."

"It wasn't that hard, it was just a matter of time and the necessary minds."

Shrugging, Christian continued "I'll talk to Emily about this whole website thing and let you know... as for sponsorships, I think we could just leave it normal for now and when we prove we have a good audience, we can go as far as closing deals with companies... one knife, $15 million."

"I know there are people out there who would pay that price to win their bet, but I doubt many would."

"We could do it as a group, everyone who wants to help that person, will have to raise the final amount and the knife will arrive... so there will be people who will donate 100,000 dollars, others who will donate one dollar and so on until the goal is reached."

"Hoh... if so, you might as well raise the price, a knife is very important in this kind of contest... well, you prepare the list of what will be able to be given, you know, medicine, best clothes, ropes, knives or whatever"

"It's simple" Nodding, Christian continued "Give me a week and we will have everything ready, I will let you know when we have all the criminals gathered and tell me what safe airport they have in the area for them to arrive... by chance they have drones to be able to send the sponsorships, don't they?"

"Well... as long as it doesn't weigh more than 40 kilos, all good."

"That's enough... in case it weighs more, we could launch it with a small parachute, although I doubt it will be necessary... I'm also thinking of hiring some commentators to make it all more fun."

"That wouldn't be bad, since even if the idea is good, eventually you'll get bored just watching someone slowly die" Chuckling, Dimitri continued "But what will you do with the language? If your idea is to get this out to the whole world, you'll have a big hurdle if your commentators are only in English."

"Well... we could include an automatic translator."

"Like the ones on youtube? Because it's a real piece of crap"

"Yeah..." Squinting his eyes while thinking, Christian continued after a few seconds "I'll see what to do, for now it wouldn't be bad to start with only English speaking commentators and then we'll see."

"It's not bad to start small, just don't forget that the simpler everything is, the more people will come to your show."

"I know."

"Well, that's all son, I'll let you rest, sleep well."

"Take care old man, I'll be waiting for you... if you come when I finish filming the show, you should be here around Helen's birthday, so we'll enjoy it as a family, don't even think about missing it."

"Tsk, what an annoying kid" Clicking his tongue, Dimitri suddenly hung up the call, causing Christian to laugh and put the cell phone aside.

Blinking for a few seconds, Christian stood up and sat down, then turned his gaze to the window and stood up.

Walking to the window, Christian opened it and stepped out onto the balcony, instantly receiving a strong, cold wind blowing over him as the sound of the sea waves grew louder.

Walking over to a comfortable chair, Christian sat down and looked calmly out at the dark sea, while inhaling deeply the fresh air.

Looking up, Christian gazed at the moon for a few seconds and suddenly laughed "Who knew... that boy who was born in a dump and was all alone until the day he died, would have so many loved ones in the future... I have a mother who loves me, two younger brothers to take care of, women to love and a daughter to adore... I even have two cute pets..."

"Even though this world is cruel and stresses me out every day..." Blinking with a soft smile, Christian murmured "I feel blessed."


"Mn?" Pulling another cell phone out of his pocket, Christian raises his eyebrows and mutters "This girl is already live? I thought she was on vacation?"

Opening Hailie's Twitch stream, Christian waits a few seconds and listens quietly.

"Girls, I'm back, the stream was down but the countdown is still on" Looking at the screen while having some small dark circles under her eyes, Hailie smiles and comments.

"Hoh, so that fad is here" Rubbing his chin as he watches the live feed in extendable mode for donations, Christian squints his eyes for a few seconds and smiles "5 dollars for a minute...already 29 hours live...didn't even know it."

"So..." With a mischievous grin, Christian opened the menu to buy bits and muttered "That means if I give you $14,400, you'll get two more days added... nice."

Squinting his eyes, Christian Christian started buying and buying bits, making sure he had enough, not caring the least about the amount of money he was spending right now.

After more than an hour of just buying bits, Christian smiled and muttered "We have $21,000 spent... let's force her to stay for 72 hours."

Re-opening Hailie's chat, Christian pressed the donation world and smiled, then typed a message and copied it "Don't forget to bring me a souvenir of your 'vacation'."

With the message ready, Christian didn't wait more and started giving 10,000 bits non-stop, momentarily turning down the audio to the transmission and spending the next half hour making donations.

During the course of time, Hailie's face changed to a pale complexion as she appeared to scream into the camera, causing Christian to laugh happily.

Finishing donating every last bit, Christian turned the audio back up and heard Hailie's angry voice perfectly.


"Look at the bravery of this girl" Chuckling, Christian dialed Hailie's number and waited for her to answer the call.

"P-please don't go on!" Answering quickly, Hailie instantly lowered her tone of voice and pleaded.

"Hello sis~"


"I saw you were transmitting."

"W-well, I was bored..."

"So what happened to your vacation?"

"I'm still on vacation..."

"Then why are you broadcasting?"

"To pass the time..."

"An extendable?"

"W-well... it's fun."

"Yeah? So what's the big deal about you keeping it up for a week doing that?"

"Don't!" Raising her voice quickly knowing that Christian really could keep her in front of the computer for years if he wanted to, Hailie exclaimed quickly.

"Heh" Letting out a mocking laugh, Christian commented "You sure are brave when you're not in front of me, aren't you? Fighting gangbangers, working on vacation and yelling at me in front of the camera, looks like my cute little sister just became all grown up~"

"I-I'm not yelling at you..." Quickly lowering her voice, Hailie whispered.

Letting out a small laugh, Christian smiled softly and replied "Sis... it's fun to tease you, but I also don't like it when you act so cautious around me or when you talk to me, somehow it makes me feel bad."


"I just wanted to play a little joke on you and at the same time call you to see if you're okay" Looking out to sea, Christian continued "Are you enjoying your vacation?"

"It's fun here, there aren't many people so it's nice to rest" With a much calmer voice, Hailie continued "Although being with that noisy Maya certainly is a problem"

"How is that girl? I saw her on your broadcast the other day and saw she stopped wearing glasses."

"She had refractive surgery for her nearsightedness a few years ago, it was kind of expensive, but it helped a lot with her eyesight."

"Oh, not bad" Nodding with disinterest, Christian continued "Who knew that screaming girl would be your 'sis' even as an adult... those are friendships you have to keep Hailie, I don't know if you've been told that, but keep it in mind."

"I know..."

"Tsk, now you make me sound like an old man" Clicking his tongue, Christian laughed and continued "Are you still live?"

"Yes, but I muted the microphone."

"Activate it. "


"Activate the microphone."



"*Sigh* Well..." With a long sigh, Hailie murmured, so that after a few seconds she whispered, "Ready."

"Can you hear me?"


"Hello people~" With a cheerful voice, Christian continued "Did you like my gift? Now you will have 'Purple' for 3 days more, enjoy it~"



"*Sigh*" With a tired sigh, Hailie continued "I already muted the microphone, anything else? I have to keep this damn broadcast going for another 5 days."

"But I only paid you 3"

"You think they'll stop donating? I assure you they'll keep me on for at least 5 more days."

"Mmmm..." Thinking for a few seconds, Christian commented "The truth is I think you'll be there for a whole week, they'll make sure of that"


"But it'll do you good, let's see if you take your vacation seriously now and get off that computer for a moment" Snorting, Christian thought for a few seconds and whispered "Remember that cell phone I gave you?"

"..." With a few seconds of silence, Hailie replied "The one from that day?"


"I obviously remember it..."

"Then turn it on and type this code in the area where you dial numbers to call '#902832', that will activate the text messages."

"Repeat the number."


"Ready... what are you asking me to do this for?"

"Well..." Looking sideways, Christian whispered "Since you haven't visited me for quite some time, it wouldn't hurt to have some interesting messages from you, I don't know... some nice pictures, what do you think~?"

"*Gulp*" After a few seconds of silence where he could be heard swallowing noisily, Hailie replied "B-but you could come visit me, couldn't you? My p-public would like to see you in the extendable."

"Hoh" Raising an eyebrow, Christian chuckled "You have the guts to fuck your brother in full extendable while your best friend is in the same house?"

"Y-just if you want to... not that I'm forcing you."


Edited By:


Pa treon: https://www. pa /Eroos

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