
Chapter 105 Trial

Chapter 105 Trial


"No need." Watching Leslie get out of the vehicles, Christian smiles as they quickly began to secure the area, causing the reporters to leave a wider path for safe passage.

Nodding, Sofia gets out of the vehicle and opens Christian's door, then helps him out.

The moment he stepped out of the vehicle, Christian found himself blinded by the dozens of flashing lights coming from the cameras.

"Christian, how does it feel to be judged as a criminal!?"

"Christian, is it true that you executed your caretaker!?"

"Christian, could you tell us what you think of your alleged attacker!?"

As the blinding lights ran out, multiple reporters tried to surround Christian and shrouded him in questions, but without giving him time to respond, Sofia grabbed her gun in her belt and reached out to keep them away. "Make way!"

"Christian, what do you think with this whole situation!?"

Looking at all the people, Christian sighed, knowing that thanks to his interview that was already aired on TV, his face became more controversial than ever.

Smiling slightly, Christian looked up at the sky, finding the whole place strangely cloudy, while at home the sun was still shining as usual, but disregarding it, Christian let himself be carried away by the cops and entered silently.

Upon entering, Christian was quickly taken to a holding cell, and had to wait another 20 minutes for the trial to begin.

[A/N: Keep in mind that, in real life, trials last quite a long time, sometimes years. But to shorten everything, I will make the whole trial last only one day, since making it longer will only serve as useless filler. I'll be shortening the whole process and thus avoiding filler, showing only the main points of each situation]

Sitting in his cell, Christian waited patiently for Sara and a policeman to come after 20 minutes.

Opening the cell door, the policewoman took out her handcuffs and placed them around the boy again, then waited to the side.

"Christian, we already talked about what you have to do, they will bring you in to testify and just tell your 'truth'" Emphasizing the word 'truth', Sara looked at the boy seriously and spoke.

Nodding, Christian walked out of the cell, only to be grabbed by the shoulder by the police and led into the courtroom along with Sara.

Entering the courtroom, Christian saw his mother in the audience, while the whole place was full of people, including several cameramen in certain corners of the place.

Taking a deep breath, Christian walked to his place and stretched out his arms to have the handcuffs removed, then sat down next to Sara.

Turning his gaze, Christian saw the prosecuting attorney, who was staring at him with a serious expression.

With a slight smile at the woman, Christian nods and looks forward again in anticipation of the judge and jury.

After about five minutes, a man in his 50s enters and sits at the top, and 1 minute later 10 men enter with 2 women and sit in the jury box.

(A/N: I don't know anything about trials, I did my research and I'll do it based on what I know, so it won't be the best, since it's all improvised by me. I never read a novel where there is a legal trial, I tried to find one for reference, but after hours I ended up finding nothing)

After about 15 minutes of swearing and talking to the defendant about the rights, the judge nods and speaks.

"We begin the trial against Christian Grey, accused of murdering 12 people, including his babysitter Jimmy Carter, because of the seriousness of the crimes, Christian Grey will be tried as an adult"

Frowning slightly, Sara speaks "Your honor, considering the status of the crimes my client is accused of, this trial does not merit that he be tried as an adult"

Looking directly at Sara, the judge says coldly, "Your client is charged with killing 12 people out of hatred, Christian Grey will be tried as an adult and there is no point in arguing, now stop interrupting and let the plaintiff begin"

With a frown, Sara just nodded and sat down.

Nodding, the attorney stood up and walked to the center, looking directly at the jury. "On Thursday, May 10, 2012, Christian Grey murdered in cold blood 12 people, among them were his security personnel, his caretaker and a policewoman, this young man of no more than 12 years of age had no regard for human life and ended the lives of these people. Christian Grey had no regard for the lives of these people and was their direct executioner, disregarding all laws in his actions"

Turning to the judge, the lawyer said "Your honor, I would like to call Christian Grey to the bench"

Arching his eyebrows, Christian looked at Sara doubtfully, instantly receiving confirmation from her.

Rising, Christian walks and steps up on the stand, looking directly into the woman's eyes.

"What time did you make the 911 call?"

"I couldn't tell you, I didn't see the time"

"Could you tell me the reason for your call?"

"Because I saw that they had a suspicious attitude"

"You distrusted people who worked for so many months with you?" Slowly approaching Christian, the lawyer looks directly at him and speaks in an accusatory voice.

"You will understand that when one person brings to light the crimes of over 250 people between the Elite and the government, you will have to learn to distrust everyone, even if it only leads to a stressful and perhaps miserable life for me"

"So you're saying you don't trust anyone?"

"Objection, irrelevant." Sara stood up quickly.

"This is relevant your honor, this is to look at the psychology of the defendant, Christian Grey" Counsel defended herself.

"Overruled, Christian, answer the question please"

Nodding, Christian looks at the woman and says "Of course I trust people, I trust my family, my friends, and my close ones"

"If you trust your family, do you also trust your father? As far as we know, you broke his nose"

"Objection, provocateur" Sara spoke quickly.

"Sustained." Replied the judge, then looked at the lawyer and spoke "Focus on the case"

"I'm sorry your honor." Looking at the boy who didn't flinch at her words, the lawyer frowned slightly for a second, then spoke again. "Christian, could you tell me how you got a gun that day?"

"I stabbed the neck of the woman who tried to drug me, then I took the gun from her belt"

"And what did you do after that?"

"I shot all the people who tried to kidnap us"

"How did you, a child, manage to have those shooting skills?"

"I learned how to unlock a gun by watching movies"

"And how did you hit every shot?"


"You expect the jury to believe you had those skills through math alone?" with a sarcastic voice, the lawyer turned to the jury "Each shot was a bullet into a victims' skull without a single miss, do you think that can be accomplished through math alone?"

"..." Receiving a dubious look from the jury, the attorney smiled slightly, then turned to Christian and asked "Who taught you how to shoot Christian?"

"I already told you, nobody taught me how to shoot, and I don't expect the jury to believe me, because what I say is the truth and that is what they are looking for today" With seriousness, Christian continued "Don't forget that I have world awards for my achievements in mathematics, and any soldier or any weapons expert, knows that mathematics is fundamental when it comes to hit, that can be confirmed by the officer next to us"

Turning his gaze towards the officer who was a few meters away, Christian spoke "Officer, you passed a training to have your position, and carry your weapon, can you tell me if what I say now is real?"

Turning his gaze to the judge, he receives a nod, causing the woman to say "Yes, it's basic stuff that anyone would know, but we usually don't have that much math, as it's a field more used for snipers"

"Thank you." Smiling slightly, Christian turns his gaze to the lawyer "Don't base your questions on your little knowledge, I just measured the angle and recoil force, a normal person might not be able to, but I can"

"..." Frowning slightly, counsel withdrew "That's all for now your honor, I would now like to call Eva Grey to the stand"

"Your honor, that was not forewarned" Rising, Sara rebutted.

"Is Eva Grey here?" ignoring Sara's rebuttal, the judge asked the attorney.

"Yes, she is in the audience"

"Ms. Eva Grey, please take the stand"

With hesitation, Eva looked toward Sara, receiving only a bitter smile from her as she nodded.

Rising, Eva walks to the stand and gives the oath before the flag.

"Ms. Grey, could you tell me where you were on the day of the events?"

"In Seattle, working"

"Could you tell me how long you left your children alone?"

"2 days, and I didn't leave them alone, I hired a specialized nanny to watch them while I couldn't, plus there's the cleaning staff and security watching the home"

"But you still left them with a stranger, not caring about what might happen to them"

"Objection, provocateur"

"Sustained, focus on the case"

"I'm sorry your honor" The lawyer nodded, then looked at Eva and asked "Ms. Eva, could you tell me if you have ever been in jail?"

"Objection, irrelevant"

"Overruled, answer Ms. Eva"

"Yes, I was. For a month"

"And what was the reason?

"..." With a complicated expression, Eva looked at Christian.

"Answer Mrs. Grey!" with an impatient voice, the lawyer shouted.

"Objection, it's irrelevant to the case!"

"Overruled, answer!"

"I..." Biting her lips for a few seconds, Eva ends up sighing and speaks "For murder"

Opening his eyes wide, Christian looks at his mother in disbelief.

"Mother and son are murderers." Nodded the lawyer, then turning and said "That's all for now your honor"

"The defense follows" Nodded the judge.

"Your honor, I would like to call Eva Grey to the stand"

Without heading back to audience, Sara called her back.

Approaching Eva, Sara asked "Ms. Eva, could you tell me where you were born?"


"We know you were on trial for murder, may I know the verdict?"

"Not guilty"

"Could you tell me the reason for the trial?"

"I..." Opening and closing her mouth, Eva looked at Christian again, then sighed and said "I murdered my ex-boyfriend's aunt"

"Could you tell me why you murdered her?"

"She... tried to **** him again... I arrived on the scene and there was a confrontation, she attacked me and I just defended myself"

Opening his eyes even wider, Christian looked at his mother in disbelief, as all the pieces of his father's insanity came together. 'He's...always suffered'

"I understand." Sara nodded "It's unfortunate that mother and son have to suffer so much form criminals"

"..." With a silence, Sara looked at the jury and spoke "Mrs. Eva, could you tell me what Christian is like at home?"

"He is a quiet child, he likes to play with his siblings and spends most of his time reading or drawing"

"Has Christian ever presented aggressive or homicidal attitudes with you?"

"Never, he is always a quiet person with everyone, he is attentive to his family and the staff at the home"

"Thank you" Nodding, Sara turned and said "That's all Mrs. Grey, now I would like to call Mrs. Smith to the stand please"

At her words, Christian raised his eyebrows and turned, watching his principal enter.

With the oath now ready, Sara stood in front of the headmistress and spoke "Could you tell me where you know Christian from?"

"I am the principal at his school"

"Mrs. Smith, could you tell me about Christian's behavior?"

"Since the bullying was solved, Christian has had impeccable behavior, he has the best grades in the school, he is respectful to his teachers and any worker in the place. Plus, he takes his free time to teach a girl whenever he can, causing today, she is one of the top students along with him"

"Could you tell me if Christian ever displayed homicidal behaviors?"


"That would be all, thank you for introducing yourself"

"You're welcome" Smiling slightly, Mrs. Smith got up and walked out, but not before winking at Christian, drawing a smile from the boy.

"Your honor, I would like the evidence granted by the police, Christian's call towards 911, to be played"

Nodding towards the officer, the judge said "The audio of the main evidence will begin"

With his approval, Christian's call to 911 began to be played from the beginning, having the entire courtroom in silence during the minutes of its duration, but the more it passed, the more incredulous those present looked, so that after 7 minutes, the audio ended.


Edited By: Joy_a

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