
Chapter 106 The End Of The Game

Chapter 106 The End Of The Game

Taking a deep breath, Sara stood in front of the jury "As you will hear, Christian shows no aggressive or murderous traits... what's more, thanks to that recording it automatically proves my client's innocence, he should have arrived home after leaving school, most likely he would have been doing homework or playing music as he likes so much, but because of the acts of those people, Christian ended up with more than 10 shots in his body, causing his life to be at stake for days"

"He had to defend himself, those people openly showed their evil intentions by trying to drug them, even more so when they gave the order to murder two children of ten and eleven years old, while still thinking of kidnapping Christian"

"This should not be a trial against my client, because as far as I know, the fact that victims are being prosecuted is something absurd and illogical!" With an angry expression, Sara spoke, then turned and spoke "That's all for now your honor"

Staring at the jury, Christian frowned slightly as he thought 'Why don't they show reactions?'

"Proceed the plaintiff"

Rising from her seat, counsel said "I call Christian Grey to the stand"

Nodding, Christian gets up and walks to the stand.

"Christian, why did you shoot the victims in the head? Wouldn't it be better to wound them? Didn't you say that you were able to hit them perfectly thanks to your great intelligence?"

With a second of silence, Christian looks at the lawyer directly and speaks "Could you tell me how old I am?"

Without noticing anything wrong with the question, the lawyer answers "12"

"Could you tell me if I am a student?"


"Then how do you want me, a 12-year-old still in school, to risk your life and the lives of your siblings by trying to aim somewhere just to hurt them? What if I missed and hit him in the leg? What if he can still move after I shoot him? Wouldn't I be instantly mowed down by those women? And what would happen next? Would you be responsible for the death of my brothers? Would you bring back to life an 11-year-old boy and a 10-year-old girl?"


"Lawyer, keep in mind that they were 11 people against me, a simple 12-year-old boy. I have no experience in fights, I have no military training or anything similar, I just opted for the safest option with my null skills... and as you will see, because of my inexperience I believed in a corrupt policeman who almost ended up killing me"


"That's it?" Seeing the lawyer's silence, Christian asked.

"No, I have another question... could you tell me why you murdered Jimmy Carter after he begged you for mercy?"

"Because it was a hoax, while he was shedding fake tears, he was crawling towards the gun one of the women was holding, I murdered him as he approached her in self-defense"

"And why didn't you wound him? Jimmy was unarmed, posing no threat to you or your siblings"

"Did you even think about the difference in strength? One slip up and he could pounce on me, he's twice my size... counselor, I understand your position, but also understand mine... I didn't want to murder those people, I just wanted to get home, log on to the computer and play for a while, then I would spend time with my mother and fall asleep with a smile like every day... I didn't wake up and say 'Today I will murder 12 people just because I want to', I was forced by the situation"

"That's all your honor" Without answering, the lawyer just turned around and went back to her seat.

"Does the defendant have anything further to say?"

"Yes, your honor." Nodding, Sara stood up "Your honor, we would like to note that the police found on Jimmy Carter's cell phones, messages incriminating the man, where they talk about him coming to town just to kidnap Christian, something he has been planning for days, as for the other assailants, none of them had jobs or families, causing everything in them to be left without answers as to why their actions, but they all had incriminating evidence in their emails and cell phones, with the same common goal, to kidnap my client Christian Grey"

"That's all your honor." Sitting back down, Sara spoke.

"Does the plaintiff have anything further to add?"

"No, your honor"

"Then the jury's decision, you will have 1 hour to decide the verdict, the trial is paused for that time"

Sighing, Sara looks at Christian and smiles slightly. "Everything went wonderfully, it looks like the lawyer didn't want to lock you up either, she had plenty of ways to attack you and didn't... it's either that or she's a novice"

"I hope so..." Still sensing something was wrong, Christian frowned slightly, then turned to the officer and asked "Can I have a chat with my mother while I wait?"

Glancing between the boy and the woman a few seats back, the officer nodded "Yes, but she needs to come closer"

"Thank you," Smiling gratefully, Christian turns and looks at his mother, motioning with his head for her to come closer.

Rising quickly, Eva approaches Christian and crouches down to his level.

Noticing Eva's tense and complicated face, Christian just smiles and says "What are you worried about?"

"I..." Opening and closing her mouth, Eva didn't know what to say.

"Is it because of what you said on the stand? Your murder and Brayan's situation?"


Bringing his head closer to his mother's, Christian rests his forehead on hers and smiles softly "It doesn't matter what you have done in the past or for whom, I care who you are now, the best mother in the world and the person I love the most"

"..." Staring into Christian's eyes for a few minutes, Eva finally smiled softly and nodded, kissing the boy's forehead quickly. "When we get home we'll watch movies all day"

"I'd like to." Christian smiled slightly, then frowned slightly and said "But something's not right mom..."

Noticing Christian's concern, Eva frowned and asked "What's not right?"

"The jurors... the judge... they didn't show emotion when I talked about my situation, it's just weird... I can't properly explain why, but I have a bad feeling"

"..." Remembering the jury, Eva simply sighed and said "I didn't find anything weird, maybe you're just nervous, which can play tricks on you"

"Yes... nervous" Christian nodded doubtfully.

Time passed quickly, Christian, Sara and Eva were talking quietly while waiting for the verdict, until the judge arrived along with the jury, causing Eva to return to her seat quickly.

Turning his gaze to the jury, Christian stared at each one's face, so that, in a moment, where his gaze met a man's, his eyes widened.


His vision began to flicker, violet began to cover his vision little by little, while his heart seemed to clench tightly, and from one moment to the next, a whisper reached his ear "Remember this feeling~"

"Mom..." Christian murmured with recognition, looking dazedly at the dark hands that seemed to embrace him from behind, while all his surroundings seemed to stop.

"Remember this~" The voice whispered again, as the dark hands caressed the boy's face "This is what it feels like when you're knocked down and broken~"

"This is what it feels like when they steal your dignity~" The voice whispered again "They played with you and you didn't get a chance to get on the board~"

"My dignity... they played with me" Christian muttered dazedly.

"Yes~" Whispered the lovely voice "They played with you, you never had a chance~"

"They played with me..."

"Now what will you do, my son~?"

"I will... remember..."

"And then~?"

"I will regain my dignity..."

"Perfect~" whispered the voice, as hands began to enter towards Christian's body. "Now mom will be watching you every moment~"

"Yeah..." Christian muttered in a daze, as everything flowed back to normal.

"The verdict has been made. The representative of the jury please stand up-"

Blinking for a few seconds, Christian processes everything that just happened, remembering especially the smirk he received for a moment from the man on the jury.

"Haha..." Laughed Christian lightly, causing the judge to frown and look at Christian.

"May I know what you're laughing at?"

"At this whole charade" Turning to the jury, Christian smiles "But go about your business"

Frowning slightly, the representative takes the stand and said "We find Christian Grey guilty of his crimes. We feel that because of his intelligence, he should have been mindful of his actions and if we let him go free, he believes that the law does not exist, and he must pay for his actions. The votes ended with 8 in favor and 4 against this decision"

Nodding, the judge said "Based on the jury's decision, Christian is sentenced to spend 8 years in the maximum-security prison ADX Florence, he will have no access to visitation and no access to bail, plus he must frequently see a therapist so he doesn't go off the rails"

"Those damn scumbags, how dare they~!" Although the voice sounded sweet, Christian clearly sensed the anger in her voice.

"..." With his words, the whole place fell into a deadly silence, where even the plaintiff lawyer was opening her mouth wide.

"She's angry..." Christian spoke, looking straight up at the ceiling.

Frowning, the judge spoke "What did you say?


Loud thunder began to sound, startling everyone and waking them from their stupor.

"hahaha~" laughed Christian loudly, as he banged the table loudly "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA~"

*Pa* *Pa* *Pa* *Pa*

Striking with her gavel, the judge exclaimed "Christian, behave yourself in court!"

Abruptly stopping his laughter, Christian looks up and stares coldly at the judge "What trial are you talking about? If the outcome of the trial was decided the very moment money came into your wallet!"


More thunder rang out, causing more than one person in the audience to shudder.

"..." Opening her eyes wide, Sara reacted and tried to speak "Your honor, the grounds on which you pleaded guilty are inadmissible, you can't lock a person up for just being smart!"

"Don't bother" Turning his gaze to Sara, Christian smiled showing his teeth and walked slowly towards the jury.

"You all got carried away by greed, didn't care about anything else and locked up someone you knew was innocent!"

"Get a grip-!" The judge began to exclaim angrily, but stopped mid-sentence when he saw the boy's glowing eyes focus on him.

"Repeat what mom says~" Whispered the voice, followed by her words.josei

"I gave my effort to try to improve this world even a little, but you greedy pigs insist on making it dirtier every day." Pausing momentarily, Christian's expression turned cold and he whispered.

"T̴̡͍̙̀͊h̴͇͙̞̓̕̚e̵̡̡͍͆̾̚y̴͇͍͇͊͋̔ w̸͕̫͖̐͒͝i̴͓͍͖͆̓l̴̢̦̙͆͆̿l̵͍̻̝̒͊̚ b̸͕͖͊̒͝e̸͕͇̔̓͜͠ c̸͙̻̙̽̕͝u̵̠͖͇͊͠͝r̵̦̦͚͋͛̐s̴͖̪͐̓̔͜e̵̡̦͎͛͠͝d̵̟͍̞͆̾͝ f̵̡͎̪̾̽͊o̴̢̙͊̾͐r̸͙̟͍͑̾̓ e̴̝͕̐͜͝͝t̵͕̠̒̚͘e̴̻̪͇͒̔̓r̴̠͍̀̓̽n̸͉̠͚͋̽̈́i̵̡͍̼̓̓̾ẗ̸͚̻͍́͒̈́y̵̦̘̫̓́́́"

[A/N: Here Christian speaks in another unknown language, but in order for you to understand what he meant, I left it in English]

A strange language came out of his mouth, while, for some reason, the judge and jury felt chills running down their spine.


With a strange fear, the judge looked quickly at the officer and spoke, "Take him away!"

Being taken by the arm, Christian blinked for a few seconds and turned quickly to his mother and exclaimed. "I'll see you in 8 years, I knew there was something dirty, I left records saying goodbye to my brothers, I love you so much mom!"

Still in a daze, Eva stood watching with vacant eyes as Christian was taken away, feeling that it was all just a bad dream.

"Your honor, this sentence is irrational, ADX Florence is only for extremely dangerous criminals, besides it is a women's prison, it is forbidden by law to send men there!" Sara quickly exclaimed.

"If you don't like the verdict, take the case to the supreme court." Answering coldly, the judge took his things and walked out along with the jury, leaving the whole audience looking at each other in disbelief at what just happened.

Reporters, writers, even people from radio stations, all looked at each other in disbelief, and seconds later, they quickly got up and left the place, knowing that, with this, a juicy controversy was coming.


Edited By: Joy_a

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