
Chapter 116 Exterior Update

Chapter 116 Exterior Update

Waiting in boredom for about 10 minutes, Christian sees the person he was waiting for, and just like last year, she arrived with a box in hand.

"Christian?" Raising her eyebrows, Sara walks over to the glass and sits down "That was fast"

"Something like that" Christian smiled, then picked up the cell phone and held it up "I can call mom"

Opening her eyes a little wider as she frowns, Sara asks "Where did you get that?"

"I traded it for drugs" Smiled Christian with amusement, but seeing Sara's frown deepen, Christian sighed and replied "I borrowed it from my therapist, he gave me the authorization to make a call"

"Well..." Sara nodded with hesitation as she set the cake down on the small table.

Dialing his mother's number, Christian takes the cell phone and waits with bright eyes.


"Hi mom, did you miss me?"




"Yes!" Christian nodded happily "How are you? Are you eating well? Are you taking breaks? You're not overtaxing yourself, are you?"

"*Sob*" A small quiet sob was heard from the other side, causing Christian's excitement to drop, and a sad expression replaced it.

"Mom... come on, don't make this call something sad... I want to hear from you"

"..." Taking a deep breath, Christian just listened to his mother sob quietly for a few minutes, but then her voice came "My boy..."


"Are you eating well?"

"Yes mother, and you? Are you eating well?

"I'm cooking much better now *Sniff*" Sniffing, Eva replied softly. Her voice was still cracking a little.

"I hope so, last time I almost died from your cake" Christian smiled softly, then continued "But it was very exquisite, I ate the whole thing"

"Are you with Sara? Did she bring you your cake?"

"Yes, she's in front of me with my cake, I guess I'll gain weight again"

"Just don't eat at night, okay?"

Hearing his mother's sweet voice again, Christian couldn't help but smile warmly "Yes mom..."

"I was looking at the pictures Sara was taking of you, you are getting more handsome every day, do I have to worry?"

"Why would you? Didn't I say I would marry you?"

"It's times like these I love your memory" Eva laughed lightly.

"*Sigh*" With a sigh of contentment, Christian continued "I missed your voice mom..."

"And I have to sleep every day without my nice pillow"

"It must be torture"


Smiling and talking happily, Christian conversed for more than half an hour with his mother, catching up on all the situations in Eva's life, and every time his mother asked about the prison, Christian spoke vaguely about it not doing much and changed the subject, not wanting to worry the woman any more.

But at that, Strawberry entered the place and indicated with her hands that she had to hang up the call, causing Christian to sigh with disappointment.

"Mother, I have to hang up the call, we'll talk another day"josei

"You have to go already?" Eva sighed, depressed.

"Yes, but we'll talk again another day, I love you mom"

"I love you my boy, we'll see you again. Your aunt Sara is doing everything she can to get you out"

"Don't worry mom, jail isn't as bad as they say, believe me"

"Well... see you later"

"Bye mom, send my love to Hailie and Alan, tell them I miss them"

"Yeah... I'll tell them" Eva replied in a much lower mood.

"*Sigh* I love you mom, bye" Hanging up the cell phone, Christian sets it aside and looks at Sara "Sorry, I kept you waiting"

"It's okay, I'm glad you had a chat with Eva, that will calm her down quite a bit" Smiling softly, Sara replied.

"How did everything go with you?"

"All good. As your mother already told you, the business is already bearing a lot of fruit. The fortune today amounts to 68 billion dollars in assets and it's going up every day. Starbucks already has 573 stores and your mother is thinking of listing it on the stock exchange. Also, its app has been well received and has more than 170 million users worldwide. The best thing is that because people leave their money in the app, we have 3.6 billion dollars more to use without any problems since all that money counts as future sales of coffees. We don't have to worry about paying it back since you can't take the money out of the app... in fact, that strategy was admired by many... not to mention Instagram and Tik Tok, which generate hundreds of millions of dollars every month in advertising"

"That was the idea" Christian smiled slightly "Looks like mom is doing well"

"She's doing more than well. She was even contacted by Forbes magazine and they want to add her as one of the richest women in the world, she will also be in several categories of CEO or people who started from the bottom"

"That's amazing...we have a lot of money now"

"It's normal, your investments took off in incredible directions. Even Netflix, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, is successful today and you have at least a quarter of the company... Uber and Uber Eats were another triumphant idea. We are already in more than 30 countries and although it does not generate a lot of money, it gives us a lot of prestige... Bitcoin is the most impressive thing, it's already at $857 each. Unfortunately nobody thinks they are smart enough to patent it yet, but I'm keeping an eye on it.

"How are my books going?"

"I don't remember how many you have published exactly, but I think they are already around 68. Each and every one of them are Best Sellers. We have many requests for movies and your mother was seeing whether to accept them or not. I think she accepted a movie of the secret Da Vinci Code along with Angels and Demons, these two for about 130 million dollars and 18% of what is collected.... Last I heard, she was negotiating for your Lady of the Rings book"

"She sure knows how to negotiate"

"No one can resist your angry mother, and lately that's her only mood" Sara sighed.

"I hope she's a little more relaxed now" Sighed Christian "And you Aunt Sara, how are you doing?"

Smiling softly, Sara nodded "Everything is going perfect for me, your mother gave me 20% of the law firm and started a new company with Jayden, he will practically help rich people spend their money with a commission. He also received 20% of that... your mother told me it was your request, thank you Christian"

Raising his eyebrows, Christian waves his hand nonchalantly "The firm thing was my idea, but the company mom opened with uncle Jayden was her idea. You don't have to thank me, we're family... but I wasn't asking about your money or professional situation, I'm asking you how your life is going"

"My life?" Frowning slightly for a few seconds, Sara ends up sighing and nods "It's going well, we have more work lately, but I usually leave it to the people who work with me, but Jayden is bugging me to have a kid *sigh*"

Smiling with amusement, Christian asked "And why don't you want to have a child?"

Awkwardly, Sara sighed "I don't know... when I think about having a child, I get really nervous, I don't feel ready to have one"

"Right now you are 33 years old Aunt Sara, you can say you are at a high point in your career, you don't lack money, and you have a good house... don't you think it's the best time? Later pregnancies can be risky"


"But you can still adopt, there are many children who are waiting for a good woman like you to adopt them and give them the love they never had. If you don't want to have a child of your own, you could think about that idea... I would have liked a woman like you to adopt me if I was one of those children" Smiling softly, Christian looked at this woman with a complex.


Knowing that Sara doesn't want to talk about it anymore, Christian smiles and looks at her whole body "But you might as well start losing weight, you look like you're eating well lately"

Looking at her stomach, Sara pursed her lips and said "I have to visit a lot of people and we usually eat at the businesses, it's not my fault"

Sara really had gained weight. If she was somewhat plump before, today you can perfectly say she is in a state of obesity, not to the point of saying she is morbidly obese, but she does have a big belly and thicker legs.

"Aunt Sara, I am not saying that you are to blame, much less tell you that you look bad, because for me, you will always be the cute Aunt Sara in my mind. But keep your health in mind, I would hate to have to go bury you because you went into cardiac arrest or something similar"

"..." Cupping her breasts, Sara squeezed them lightly and then sighed "Good... I'll start exercising"

"Also start a diet, I recommend you find someone to help you train and prepare your eating schedule" Smiling, Christian continued confidently "I know you can do it, cheer up!"

"Thank you..." Sighing, Sara spoke with a slight smile.

"I consider you my family, don't thank me" Waving his hand lazily, Christian asked curiously "Did they start construction on the house I asked for?"

"The one in Malibu?"

"Yes, the one on the edge of a cliff"

"It was hard to find a good land, but the same architect who is looking at your building took the project since he found it interesting, we already have the land and the construction started half a year ago, all based on your requests... it should be ready in about four years, since it has a lot of specs"

"Nice" Christian nodded with a smile, already imagining his future mansion and workshop, then sighed "Good, then I'll see you another day since we're running out of time"

Nodding, Sara gets up and takes the cake to a guard, to then return to the glass and says "See you Christian... lately we had a breakthrough for visitors, it's likely that in a few months your mother will start coming... I hope"

"I know the work that Aunt Sara does. You don't have to put a greater burden on yourself, all this is not your fault" Knowing that the woman is trying to just cheer him up, Christian smiled and said, then stood up and waved goodbye. "Bye, see you next week"

Leaving the place, Christian grabs his cake and leaves while being followed by Strawberry.

"I'll go eat with the old man. Do you want cake?"

"I don't like cake"

"Your loss" Christian smiled slightly.


June 29, 2014 (One year later).

Sitting in his cell while eating some exquisite tagliatelle with white sauce and mushrooms, Christian hummed lightly.

As always during these last few months, Christian did not leave his knife and played with it constantly, moving it between his fingers or twirling it endlessly, while eating with his right hand as if nothing was happening.

Today he is already 14 years old, and at this time his body had undergone great changes that would surprise anyone who had not seen him for a long time.

Today Christian is already 169 centimeters tall, growing more than 20 centimeters in the past two years. He himself doesn't know how he grew so much, but he attributes it to the large amount of exercise he did hanging on bars, and that all that somehow stretched his body, something irrational but considerably logical.

But that wasn't the biggest change, for starters there was his body.

His whole body was now neither thin nor scrawny, even though he wore his inmate clothes, you could easily notice the musculature he kept underneath, with a big back and thick shoulders, while even his forearm showed muscle. His physique couldn't be considered anything beastly or bulky, it would be more accurate to say he had the body of a swimmer. Every muscle in his body was easily shown, and he was incredibly ripped.

Abdomen, obliques, pectorals, transverse muscles, biceps, triceps, in general, everything on him was perfectly sculpted, even his hands and fingers.

But that was not the only thing. Christian, under Dimitri's advice, never stopped working on his flexibility, something that is easily demonstrated now in his fingers when handling the knife. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that right now he can twist his whole body like the possessed people in the horror movies of his old world.

Leaving the body aside, what had undergone the greatest visible change was Christian's face. His childish features were almost gone, his eyelashes grew, his jaw sharpened even more, his eyes seemed to always have a glint in them, while, with a simple glance, you would realize that those eyes seemed to be deep and catching.


Edited By: Joy_a

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