
Chapter 117 New Home

Chapter 117 New Home


Frowning, Christian gaze lands behind him and sees his door suddenly open, something completely strange, since his cell is never opened unless he asks for it or the old man sends for it, and clearly Dimitri said he must rest today.

Stowing the knife in his clothes quickly, Christian raises his other hand on his desk and continues to eat, though he clearly feels the stares that seem to pierce his back.

"Christian Grey, the millennial boy"

A voice that seemed to hold a hint of mockery sounded from behind him, but Christian nonchalantly wipes his mouth gently and turns, noticing a woman he had seen long ago on television.

"The head of homeland security, Kathia Wood, what brings you to my humble abode?"

Raising her eyebrows, Kathia looked with surprise at the man in front of her, then frowned and asked "Christian Grey?"

"The one and only" Crossing his legs, Christian rested one hand on his leg and the other he used to rest his head on his fist, looking with a slight smile at Kathia.

"..." Looking at Christian in silence for a few moments, Kathia averts her gaze and looks around the place "Nice home"

"I'm glad I have one. Everyday I'm grateful I have a roof over my head, after all there are people who don't even have enough to cover themselves from the rain, but I don't think you know about that" Looking at his 'home', Christian simply smiled as he spoke.

Frowning, Kathia said, "I'll be blunt, what do those drawings you did mean?"

"Hoh" Raising his eyebrows, Christian chuckled lightly "What can they mean? They are simply delusions of a dying child"

"Delusions of a dying child?" Furrowing her eyebrows, Kathia waves her hands and two more women enter with a picture in their hands.

"We went through all your drawings, they all have events that happened and may have events that will happen" Looking at Christian with a frown, Christian was surrounded by the three people as they seemed to press him against his seat "What does this one mean?"

"Haha~" Chuckled Christian softly after a few seconds of silence, slightly stunning the two women who entered, but not caring, Christian suddenly stood up, momentarily startling Kathia.

Raising his eyebrows, Christian looked her in the eye and asked "Why the fear? I don't bite"

Smiling, Christian walks past Kathia and walks to his shower, then pushes a button and pulls out soap "I have a habit of washing my hands when I eat or touch something I consider dirty. It's kind of stressful when you have no more soap or anything left to wash with"

"..." Frowning even more, Kathia followed Christian's movements in silence.

Letting the water run, Christian washed his hands quietly "Sometimes when you touch a lot of dirt, you get stained forever, did you know that? It's like it's paint mixed with glue. No matter how hard you try to remove it, it will always be there in some form, that really makes me uncomfortable"

Picking up her gun, Kathia takes the safety off and points it at Christian's head "I don't like your games, tell us what this painting is about and what will happen in New York"

Without stopping his movements, Christian simply continued to meticulously wash his hands "You know how when you open a door, millions of germs can get on your hands? And when you run those hands over your face, they will enter your body and could wreak havoc, it's kind of terrifying if you saw every single one of them, like ants"

"..." Squeezing the gun tighter, Kathia pushed it against Christian's head "I will not ask you again"

"Sometimes I wonder, what if these germs were the size of a dog? Wouldn't we be wiped out if they were violent? Now imagine if they were the size of a human, it would be terrifying... as always, people don't consider the danger of some beings because they are too small, but when these beings manage to live up to it... only fear will be left"

Cutting off the flow of water, Christian wiped his hands and turned around, then opened his eyes a little wider and exclaimed with panic in his voice "Mrs. Kathia, why did you pull out a gun!? Don't you know they scare me!?"




Looking at Christian with annoyance, Kathia shouted "What will happen in New York!?"

"I don't know, it will rain!?" With panic in his eyes, Christian exclaimed.

"..." With boredom, Kathia counted "1"

"I know what's next, it's 2!" Christian exclaimed quickly.


"3?" Christian continued doubtfully.

Taking a deep breath, Kathia saw that her threats were getting her nowhere, causing her immense frustration considering he should be an easy target.

Smiling slightly, Christian walked past Kathia and her gun, and sat back down at his desk, then picked up his fork and went back to eating "My esteemed guest, what you are looking for no longer exists, and whoever drew those pictures died the day he was sent to prison. So don't look for something that is no longer with us, it's just a waste of time"josei

"..." Looking at Christian for a few seconds, Kathia put away her gun and left without another word, being instantly followed by her people, as Christian's cell closed again.

Looking up at the camera, Christian smirks and gives a thumbs up, knowing the old man is watching him "You could have warned me about this visit old man, but I know what you were getting at, I'll let it go since it served as practice for me"


Walking swiftly through the corridors of the prison, Kathia went with a deep frown, glancing from time to time at the drawing her people were carrying.

Stopping suddenly, Kathia looked at one of her agents and said "Get the order sent down. Christian will enter the free block where the inmates are, let's see if he's still as brave with all those beasts"

"I'll make the calls"


Two days passed quickly, but unlike his normal routine, today Christian was handcuffed and escorted by the same security as always.

"*Sigh* What annoying people" Walking calmly, Christian sighed with annoyance "I'd already gotten used to my cell..."

"In the new one you have more comforts. You have more TV and radio channels"

"Why do I want to watch TV? That bores me" With a slight pout, Christian sighed.

"..." Shaking her head while forming a bitter smile, Strawberry escorted Christian in silence, then reached the new block and opened the entrance to the dining room, a dining room that was filled with women hanging out.

With Strawberry's entrance, the place, which seemed bustling, fell silent, as all eyes turned to Christian.

Looking at each of the women, Christian whispered, "This should be entertaining..."

None of the women here were particularly beautiful to Christian's tastes, but at least half of these women, had dangerous looks, while the other half showed no emotions, something Christian found interesting.

"We'll take your clothes to your new cell, for now enjoy the company" Smiling under her balaclava, Strawberry uncuffed Christian and let him step into the dining room, then turned and walked out, leaving Christian all alone.

"Damn old man, I see traces of your hand in this situation..." With a wry smile, Christian walks over to a random empty table and calmly sits down.

Simply looking at the place in silence, Christian didn't even have to move and was instantly surrounded as seven women stare at him.

"What's a man doing here?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't bother me" With a strange glint in her eyes, another woman added.

Sitting down across from Christian, one woman in particular stared at the others, causing them all to instantly fall silent, then stared at Christian for a few seconds and asked, "What did you do to be here?"

"I exposed corruption"

"..." Raising her eyebrows, the woman looked thoughtful for a few seconds, then looked carefully at Christian "I see... I saw you on TV, Christian Grey?"

"That's my name"

"Interesting..." Looking at him with a strange glow, the woman licked her lips for a few seconds, then smiled and asked "Aren't you afraid of the situation? You're surrounded and you look tasty, but you look very calm for your situation"

"Hehe~" Smiled Christian playfully, causing the women around him to swallow saliva at the sight "We're in Florence, I know the situation here. Being in this block takes a lot of time and effort, do you really want to go back to those holes for not controlling your desires?"

"Tsk" Clicking her tongue in annoyance, the woman sighed and looked at the others, causing them all to sit around Christian "You're no fun at all. I'm Agatha Capone, but just call me Agatha"

Raising his eyebrows, Christian spoke "Italian?"

Widening her smile, Agatha replied with an Italian accent "I come from Sicily"

"Perché sei in prigione?" (Why are you in prison?) Christian asked in the same accent, causing Agatha to raise her eyebrows.

"*Sigh* Ho fatto esplodere l'auto del primo ministro, purtroppo sono arrivati a me ed eccomi qui" (I blew up the prime minister's car, unfortunately they caught me so here I am) With a sigh, Agatha shook her head bitterly.

Turning back to English, Christian asked "How much time do you have?"

"Five life sentences"

"That's bullshit"

"It sucks" Agatha smiled slightly, then pointed at the women next to Christian "They are part of my people, we fell into this hole together"

"..." Turning his gaze to the women silently, Christian nodded "Christian Grey"







All the women just gave their names directly, as they nodded one by one to Christian.

The women were quite plain, all had black hair and with a variety of eye colors, brown, green, blue, and gray.

Other than that, there was nothing remarkable about them other than the thick legs that were reflected by their tight pants, they even had a decent ass to Christian's tastes.

They were all between 30 and 35 years old, including Agatha, who seemed to be the oldest at about 38 to 40.

Agatha had dark green eyes, her hair was dark, but other than that she didn't have many wrinkles on her face, showing that she had a good life before she fell to this place, her breasts were a B cup, and her ass was noticeably worked, along with a rather pleasing waist to Christian's eye.

"They all got life sentences?"

"Unfortunately" Agatha nodded, only to turn her gaze and watch as all the other women continued to silently stare at Christian "You have a loyal audience"

Following her gaze, Christian looked at the other 40 women one by one, then turned his gaze back to Agatha "Are they mute?"

"They're usually pretty loud" she chuckled lightly, then pointed towards a woman who looked to be about 55 years old "Chiara Kurt, she killed 63 men before she got locked up here, be careful with her" Pointing towards another woman in her 40's, Agatha said "Sofia Garcia Hernandez, she was the leader of the biggest drug Cartel in Mexico, she was known to like torturing men, you should also be careful with her"

"All the others are quiet. They are here for hate killings, murdering other inmates in different prisons, espionage or being involved with terrorists or mafias. We also have con artists, arms dealers, and corrupt people. We have people from roughly all professions here, but they are pretty quiet and I don't think they will give you any problems"

Raising his eyebrows, Christian nods "Thank you"

Waving her hand lazily, Agatha smiled slightly "We have our codes and those two are not to my liking. If I wasn't willing to risk profit, If I didn't risk my profits on this block, I would have killed them by now"

"..." Staring silently at Agatha for a few seconds, Christian asked curiously "Were you also from a mafia?"

Losing her smile, Agatha looked at Christian coldly "You don't ask that"

"But I already asked, didn't I?" Christian smiled calmly, not caring about the gaze that seemed to pierce his body.


Edited By: Joy_a

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