
Chapter 18 Feelings

Chapter 18 Feelings


"*Sigh* Then I'll be the first to read your books, I'm glad you want to do something other than just read" Eva replied with a sigh, as a smile formed on her face, then lay down on the bed and positioned Christian on her stomach "Then my little boy will be the best writer in the world, so good that even Martians will come to the world to read what you write!"

"Those green bugs won't get a chance to read this emperor's books!" smiling arrogantly, Christian exclaimed, then lying between his mother's breasts and whispering "But you can..."

"I'm flattered" Eva smiled warmly, as she hugged Christian tightly between her breasts, causing her to open her eyes wide at the impending shortness of breath.


After a minute, Christian was moving strongly from his mother's embrace, trying with all his might to get out of the heavenly torture that already left him breathless.

"Mn?" With a sound of confusion, Eva released Christian from her embrace, causing him to stand up quickly, showing a clouded and slightly tearful expression on his face.

"*Sniffffffff* Haaa... haaa... haaa..." Christian muttered after taking a big breath of air, his chest was heaving furiously, doing its best to recover the oxygen needed for his cells "I almost died..."

"Are you okay!?" Eva asked worriedly, quickly grabbing Christian's face with both hands as she looked at him in panic.

"I'm... Haaa... fine..." Christian replied between breaths, granting his mother a tired but reassuring smile.

"*Sigh* Well..." Mumbled Eva with relief, holding her hand to her chest as she sighed, then she smacked one of her breasts and spoke with a sour face "These fat shits giving trouble again... I can't even hug my kids properly because of these shits..."

"Don't do that..." Christian murmured sadly, taking his mother's hand carefully, as he pulled her away from his chest "You have to treat your body right, if you squeeze too hard it will hurt you..."

"But these things... *sigh*" Eva replied bitterly "They're very annoying..."

"On TV I saw that women get them removed with operations... Would you... would you do that?" Asked Christian hesitantly, not knowing if touching this topic is appropriate.

"..." Lowering her gaze to her breasts, Eva grabbed the edge of her shirt collar and tugged a little at it to observe her breasts, then replied with a teasing "No... although it bothers me to have it, I would never have surgery to be more 'attractive' "

"Really?" asked Christian strangely, he was completely sure that his mother would have surgery the first moment she gets the chance, I always watch her as she looks at her breasts with annoyance and in this world, it's as natural as pulling out a tooth.

"Of course I do, I disdain those bullshit operations, leave that to the faggots" Eva replied disdainfully, as she lay back down on the bed.

"I'm glad" Smiled Christian cheerfully, as he looked at his mother with sparkling eyes, his mind filled with infinite curiosity for unknown reasons (So I still don't know mother well enough... besides... apparently I should never be 100% sure of anything)

"Why?" asked Eva quizzically, finding Christian's attitude rather unusual, although if she thought about it, today her son had acted like never before, something that caused her immense satisfaction.

"Because I really like your breasts..."

"Really?" asked Eva with arched eyebrows, lifting her shirt again to look at her breasts doubtfully, finding nothing pretty about them.

"Yes... they are beautiful, I love them... besides, my best memories are when you were breastfeeding me... it felt so good" Christian whispered with misty eyes, remembering in a few seconds, years of life in which he was so small, that only with his mother's hands, he was covered with warmth, being incredibly comforted by the warmth and serenity that these memories transmitted to him.

The feeling was simply indescribable, the satisfaction was so great that he wanted to scream with happiness. His euphoria was so much that his limbs tensed as if he wanted to hit something to vent his excitement a little.

"Oh, I remember those times, you were so small and delicate... although you were the quickest to stop drinking my milk... Hailie stayed that way until she was 3, even Alan stayed that way until he was 2, but you... you only lasted a year" Eva smiled wistfully, then turned to Christian and looked at him with a smile, slowly lifting her shirt, exposing her two beautiful breasts without a bra "Do you want to go back to those times?"

"May I!?" Christian asked excitedly, looking bright-eyed at his mother.

"Why couldn't you?" smiled Eva, taking Christian's head in both her hands, instantly pressing him against her chest.

'This is... heaven' Christian unexpectedly found himself with a nipple inside his mouth, causing his mind to understand for the first time what he's doing, instantly realizing that he took quite a risk by saying he loves his mother's breasts (How could I let such a stupid word slip...? Although it seems that the results were... incredible...)

Nervously, Christian held with his two small hands, the breast that was in his mouth, while Eva hugged him against her, wrapping one hand around his back and the other around his head, leaving him completely at her mercy.

"So, are you feeling okay?" asked Eva with a playful smile, gently stroking Christian's hair, as Christian acted on instinct and started sucking on the nipple, causing Eva to let out a giggle of amusement "Haha~ no matter how hard you try, no more milk will come out"

)Come to think of it... mom doesn't behave like a man... or should I say a woman of this world... although well, she does swear quite a bit, she can't cook, or sweep... but those are small things... she doesn't act aloof or proud, she's not aggressive, nor did she hit me when I made a mistake... shouldn't the father be more distant? Proud or something... who looks at you badly when you mess up, punishes you, yells at you or something... while the mother is the one who should comfort you, take care of you, and love you...) Thinking about these details for the first time, Christian seriously doubts his perspective on parents (Although right now it's kind of similar... my father is a bitch, while my mother is sunshine... but the roles were supposed to be reversed, my father is like my mother and my mother is like my father... Was I wrong in my other world, were the mothers the bitches and the fathers the good guys?)

Even if Christian had lived more than 20 years in his other world, his only real non-work interaction was when he talked to himself in front of a mirror, he never had best friends, no girlfriends, no family, he practically grew up on the street and alone, while he was thankful every day for having a roof over his head. Everything he knows about life, he read or heard from some movie, series, or documentary.

Unfortunately, he was never interested in documentaries or family films, always preferring action or horror, something that helped him little. While his only source of the meaning of the word "Family" or "Love" came from books, where it is romanticized and exaggerated to such an extent, that his minimal expectations were so exaggerated, that they became a real impossible fantasy.

Well, he did find a woman to meet the minimum, but he died for her, it didn't work out so well.

(Who cares... just enjoy the moment) Christian thought calmly, easily understanding that he can't jump to conclusions with the little to no information he has about the world, as his attention focused on his mother's lazy but smiling gaze (Come to think of it... I'm touching my first breast... Why don't I feel lust? A few hours ago, I almost screwed up because I couldn't control myself at the sight of mom naked... but now I'm practically touching her and I don't feel anything.... well, I do feel something... calm... tranquility... I feel protected)

(If only there was milk...) thought Christian, as little by little his eyelids were closing, falling asleep after a few minutes, still with Eva's nipple in his mouth, while Eva was just watching TV.


"Christian, wake up!"

(Who is this? Let me sleep...)

"My prince, you have to go to school"

(My prince? School? I graduated a long time ago...)

"The headmistress called, I have to come with you to see about the fight"

(What fight? I already finished recording all my contracts, I was going to take a break, hold on... Who the fuck is talking to me? I live alone...)


With a quick movement, Christian got up from the bed, cautiously looking around at everything around him, trying to look for the bastard who dared to enter his mansion.


Eve whispered in confusion, watching with raised eyebrows, as her son raises his fists and turns every which way.

"M-mom?" whispered Christian with a stutter, looking dumbfounded at the half-naked woman next to him, instantly remembering everything that happened yesterday, causing a smile to form on his face, then climbing back on the bed and hugging her "Good morning, mom"

"Good morning" Smiled Eva softly (These new ways of waking up... they can be quite pleasant)

Although Christian always slept with her, he never hugged, never greeted, much less smiled. Not because he is angry or anything like that, Eva came to understand that her little boy simply did not know how to communicate with people, at least that's how it was before, because now all the reality that was so hard for her to understand, became useless, but she is more than happy with the new reality.

"We have to be at your school in one more hour, you should get up quickly since we will take a minimum of 40 minutes on the trip..."

"Just 15 more minutes..." Christian whispered as he moved closer to his mother's body, comforting himself with human warmth, something he never had the pleasure of doing.

"*Sigh* Just 10 minutes, nothing more" With a smile, Eva lay back against the bed, gently looking down at the little boy beside her.

"Mn" Christian nodded lazily, settling a little to his mother's new position, lying with his head on Eva's stomach.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Like never..." Christian whispered, focusing his gaze on his mother's breasts, remembering how nice it felt before he fell asleep.

"I noticed that" Smiled Eva mischievously, as she reached for her cell phone under the bed, showing after a few seconds, a picture of Christian asleep with his mother's breast in his mouth, as a small smile spread across the edge of her lips "Look, you looked so cute, I'll be sure to show this to everyone"

"N-no!" Christian exclaimed in a panic, quickly reaching over Eva's cell phone.

"Haha~" Eva laughed, quickly pulling the cell phone away from Christian, finding it comical the way he embarrassed himself.

'I can't let anyone see mom's chest!' Christian thought as a horrible feeling began to brew inside him, causing his expression to turn pitiful.

"Don't be sad, it was just a joke, I'll keep it just for myself" Eva whispered softly, while inwardly smiling as she saw Christian's panicked face (My boy is so shy~)

"Don't show it to anyone..." Christian whispered with a frown, finding his wonderful morning ruined by the oppressive feeling inside him.

"Relax, I won't let anyone see my cute Christian" Eva replied with a smile, as she reached out her hand to squeeze Christian's cheek.

"Okay..." Nodded Christian, but even his mood was still horrible, causing him to turn his gaze to Eva's chest, and without a second thought, he moved closer to it and began to suckle, causing all previous feelings to disappear, leaving only calm and warmth.

(What was that? 'It felt horrible) Christian thought with confusion, then looked up, to meet the smiling Eva (But this current feeling is... beautiful)

(It looks like my prince turned into a baby again) Smiled Eva softly, as she lovingly stroked Christian's hair.

In this way, 20 minutes passed them quickly, until Eva found that it was already too late and spoke.

"Well, it's been much longer than I told you, get up" Taking Christian in her arms, she pulled him away from her chest, causing him to reluctantly let go.

"I'll get your clothes"

Smiled Eva, leaving Christian on the edge of the bed, as his feet dangled off her.

"Oh... big sister arrived"

Smiled Christian softly, appreciating for the first time in a long time the woman sleeping in the bed next to him.

"Yes... she arrived just as you fell asleep" Eva replied with a frown, as she glanced sideways at the empty bed.

Yesterday Christian's father didn't arrive, causing Alan and Hailie to sleep in their older sister's bed, as they are afraid to sleep alone.

"Come and get dressed quickly, we're running late"

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