
Chapter 19 Harassment

Chapter 19 Harassment

"Before we go in... Do you have anything else to tell me?" Eva asked earnestly, as she stood in front of the principal's office.

"Mmmmm... Did-I already tell you that I love you?" I answered nervously, doing my best not to look away from mom.

I don't know why I feel so nervous, I know I didn't do anything wrong.

Well, maybe I did overdo it by beating them until they bled, but those bastards deserved it.


Why the fuck do I feel so nervous?

My hands are sweaty, my heart is pounding violently, I even feel like I lack the strength to move towards the door of the room.

It wasn't my fault!

That shitty teacher doesn't know how to control kids!

"Yes, you told me" Eva smiled, opening the office door, she turned to Christian and took his hand "Let's go in"

As I entered the office the first thing I saw, were 4 adults with the 3 little bitches between them, causing immense satisfaction to see my artwork on the face of the pig named Jack, who right now was looking at me with fear, while hugging his mother's leg. The boy's face was quite swollen, lips, cheeks, eyes, literally everything on him was swollen, while the purple color was showing everywhere.

The other two were relatively better, only one has bruises on one side of his face, but the fear in his eyes at the sight of me was no less than Jake's.

"Yes, you told me" Eva smiled, opening the office door, she turned to Christian and took his hand "Let's go in"

"Good morning Mrs. Grey, please have a seat"

Hearing the voice, I shift my gaze to the headmistress, who was standing shaking my mother's hand. The lady was between 40 to 50 years old, with hair between black and white because of her age, she wore glasses and had a somewhat fat figure, but it is normal if we consider that at that age almost everyone gains weight easier.

"Good morning, Principal Smith" Eva smiled, as she sat down she took me in her arms and sat me on her lap, then turned her gaze to the parents "Good morning"

The moment she saw the children, her eyes widened a little more, causing instantly a frown to be created on her face, to then lower her gaze and look at Christian with some anger, but without saying any words, she turned to the principal and waited in silence, ignoring the furious look of the parents next to her.

"Well, now that we are all here we can start talking" Mrs. Smith spoke, as she took some papers from her side and put them down in the middle, looking up again, the principal pointed towards the parents who were still standing to the side "Mrs. Grey the ones standing next to you are Jake's parents, Noah and Brad"

"And as you may already know, Mrs. Eva is Christian's mother" the principal spoke towards the parents "I guess you all already know why you are here today, but I would like the children to explain everything to me to get a broader view of the issue"

"With all due respect principal, what do you have to look forward to? Just look at my son's face" Asked the woman behind Jack, as she looked with unconcealed anger at my mother "Your son almost killed my son Don't you know how to raise your children? Is that what you teach at home?"

"Excuse me!" Eva exclaimed in disbelief, then changed her gaze to a furious one "It was your son who was always picking on mine, besides Who the fuck do you think you are to tell me how I raise my children?"

"Ladies!" The principal exclaimed angrily, causing the two mothers to fall silent, but both did not look away from the other "We are in the presence of children, show respect!"

"Mrs. Smith, she just got angry because of how Jack was left" A man behind Noah spoke, while looking with pain at the child next to him, who was accompanied by who seems to be the mother "We have known each other for a long time, our children have been friends for years, but we have never been through a similar situation before, just look at the 3 children, just looking at their faces breaks my heart"

"I understand your situation Mrs. and Mr. Brown, but as headmistress, I can't conclude just by looking" Replied the headmistress, as she turned her gaze towards the pig "Now, let's start with you Jack Can you tell me what happened yesterday?"

"Y-yes" Nervously nodded the purple boy, as tears formed in his eyes "I-I was reading a magazine with my friends, but Christian came along and *Sniff* hit me really hard *Sniff*"


This shit in my stomach again?

Did the rice make me sick?

"That's it?"

"Yes *Sniff*"

"Noah and Brad Anything to add?" asked Mrs. Smith, turning her gaze to the other two boys, instantly receiving a negative response from the boys "Well, if that's all with them? Christian, could you tell me what happened yesterday?"

When I was named, all eyes turned to me, even my mother stopped looking at the other woman and watched me with a frown, causing my nervousness to rise to another level.

Calm down...

It doesn't do me any good to be nervous.

"Th-that's not all principal!" I exclaim nervously, causing a frown to appear on my face, as my mind constantly works to get out of this bad situation "Give me a second..."

Christian, you're not to blame, you have nothing to be nervous about...





"Well..." He speaks after a few seconds, this time looking seriously at Mrs. Smith "Principal Smith, it is my understanding that every student in this school has a behavior record right?"

"Yes, everyone has one Why do you ask?" Replied the principal, as she reached out to grab other papers on the corner of her desk.

"Could you read mine? Please?"

"I guess so... but I'll summarize it since these files are very long" Nodded the director, as she searched through the papers, pulling out after a few seconds my record.

"Christian Grey, 8 years old... you are in this school since the beginning of your studies, impeccable behavior, according to the teachers you are somewhat absent-minded, but you always contribute when asked..... your grades are among the highest in the school... You don't have many friends at school, but you've never had any problems with anyone..." Explained the principal slowly, as she raised her eyebrows as she read the file, then looked up at me "That's the general summary Now will you tell us what happened yesterday?"

"Yes, let me explain everything from the beginning" I nodded quickly "Mrs. Smith, as the file says, I am not very sociable. It's not that I have few friends, I just don't have any. I always mind my own business, I don't bother anyone, I don't talk to anyone-"

"You little prick what does that have to do with the fact that you hit my son?" interrupted the same woman who fought with mom, causing my mother to quickly turn to her.

"What the fuck did you say to my son, you fucking whore?" yelled Mom, her face red with fury, quickly lowering me to the ground, as she stood up and approached the woman.

"Bitch! You want to fight!?" Replied the woman with hostility, as she aggressively approached my mother.

"You and how many others!?" Shouted my mother angrily, instantly pushing her backward, causing her to fall to the ground, as she looked at my mother in disbelief "You weren't going to fight!? Fight you piece of shit!"


Mom is unbelievable!

The woman stayed on the ground, staring in shock at my mother, who looks at her with disdain.


"LADIES!!!!" Exclaimed the headmistress angrily, banging loudly on her desk "Can you two behave like adults and stop fighting!?"

"*Tsk* You're saved, for now, you worthless bitch" Eve spoke with annoyance, staring into the woman's eyes, then turning around and sitting down again, quickly placing Christian on her lap, as the woman clenched her hands tightly.

"Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Grey, if you ever engage in this kind of behavior again, I will be forced to call the police!" Spoke the headmistress angrily, then turned to Christian and smiled kindly "You can go on."

"Well... as I said before, I never bothered anyone, let alone hit another person..." I spoke again, looking seriously at Mrs. Smith "But honestly I couldn't stand it anymore... those 3 kids kept bothering me... as you may know, they are 3 years older than me, we don't have classes together or anything, but they always come to my classes to bother me, even in free times they don't leave me alone..."

"Is that true?" Looking up at the children, the headmistress asked.

"N-no!" shouted Jack nervously, as he pointed his trembling finger at me "He's lying!"

"Mrs. Smith, I find it wrong that you have to question our children. It is obvious that the boy named Christian hit our children and now he is trying to make something up to defend himself" Replied the last woman, apparently Brad's mother, and then turned to my mother and spoke to her seriously "I would like to warn you that my sister is a lawyer and if the principal does not give your son a proper punishment, we are going to take legal action against your son for bullying. I am sincerely sorry that you have to go through these bad times, but you should have raised your son better."

"What did you say!?" Responded my mother furiously, preparing to get up aggressively.

"Wait, mom!" I exclaimed quickly, grabbing mom's shoulders, forcing her to sit back down, as she looked at me with confusion "You don't have to waste your time with these people, let me finish talking!"

Getting off mom's lap, I stood in front of the principal's desk and looked at her seriously.

"Director, for a year they have been bothering me. They hide my stuff, hit me, scratched my notebooks, put pins in my seat, even threatened me with scissors, saying they would cut my hair for weird" Clenching my fists tightly as I remembered the amount of shit I had to live through, I turned my head to show the bruise on my face to the principal "Yesterday I went to the bathroom, classes were already over, but somehow they found me, went to the bathroom and started harassing me. Jack, Noah, and Brad started pushing me all over the place, until someone didn't catch me and I ended up hitting the toilet with my head, causing me to lose consciousness for a while, the last thing I remember is their laughter as they came out of the bathroom"josei

"Is that all true?" the headmistress asked me with a frown "You have to know that it doesn't do you any good to lie"

"Are you really going to believe all her lies?" the woman asked with a frown, but the headmistress ignored her and continued to look at me.

"It's true principal, some time ago I talked to the teacher in charge of my class about this, he said he would talk to them, but instead of solving the problem, he aggravated it, since his abuses became more reiterated. If you don't believe me you can call him, you can even call my classmates, they always saw everything" I explained calmly "Yesterday I did hit them, but not because I am aggressive, but because I realized that talking is no good, I had to defend myself. I tried everything, I asked them to leave me alone, I talked to an adult, I tried to avoid them, but they are such idiots that they couldn't find anything more fun than bothering me. That's why I decided to make the smartest decision, to defend myself"

"If what Christian says is true, let me say that this is a serious case" Replied the principal, looking seriously at the parents behind me, then approaching the microphone next to her and speaking "Professor Mason, come to my office please"

"Headmistress, I understand there are cameras in the corridors, you could look up yesterday's recording and see for yourself how I was followed into the bathroom, you could also see what my condition was when I came out of it"

"You don't miss anything do you?" smiled the headmistress slightly, as she stood up and headed for the door "I'm going to get the recordings, I'll be back in a few minutes. I don't think I need to remind you that I will call the police if you fight again"

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