
Chapter 20 The Apple Does Not Fall Far From The Tree

Chapter 20 The Apple Does Not Fall Far From The Tree

Once the principal left, I turned to the woman who threatened my mother.

"Mrs, I want you to know that if your children are not given proper punishment, we will initiate legal action and you have to know that our country has no mercy with children who commit these actions, considering how serious the case is, it would be a miracle if you don't send them to juvenile prison for their threats towards me, I could even appeal as attempted murder if we consider that they threatened me with scissors. I'm sincerely sorry you have to go through this, but you should have raised your son better" Finished speaking, I didn't bother to look at the woman again and returned to my mother's lap, who was looking at me with a proud smile.

"Hahaha~ My little prince is amazing" Eva laughed loudly, then hugged me a little tighter, while whispering softly "But to the other one you have to tell me these things first... you don't have to put up with anyone bothering you or mistreating you got it?"

"Mn!" I nodded, sinking a little more, to stay propped between Mom's breasts.

"How dare you lie to me!"

But just as I began to relax as I waited, a scream sounded from behind us, causing Mom and I to turn back.


"Don't give me excuses, you useless child!" exclaimed angrily the same woman mom pushed a while ago "Just wait till we get home! Damn it! I break my back at that shitty job and your useless father can't raise you right! That stupid bitch!"

So that's where that kid's stupidity came from.


What the fuck do they have kids for?

Well... most likely that child is an accident, an accident that even after it was born, it wasn't wanted.

"*Sniff* M-mom..." Jack sobbed pitifully, as he tugged at the edge of the woman's polo shirt.

"Don't cry!"


A loud slap landed on Jack's face, causing everyone in the office to stare at him in disbelief, as my mother slowly set me down on the floor.

"Emma, calm down!" shouted Noah's father running towards Jack, then pushing back Emma and grabbing Jack between his hands "What do you think you're doing?"

"Back off bitch!" shouted furiously the woman named Emma, pushing Noah's father hard.

"Who the fuck do you think you are pushing my man!?"

Shouted Noah's mother, who until now was completely silent, aggressively pushing Emma.

Holy shit, how intense...

I was watching the whole thing with some amusement and pity.

Knowing the shit Jack must go through at home, I manage to understand his shitty attitude a bit, but that doesn't mean I like him, if he dares to bother me again, I'd beat him up, but with pity.


I scream Emma with extreme fury, hitting Noah's mother hard, making her fall to the ground, while blood gushes from her nose.


That must have hurt.

"You think you're so brave you piece of shit?"

That voice...


Turning my head quickly, I see my mother approaching Emma, as she slowly rolled up the sleeves of her work shirt.

"Do you have a problem!?" Emma replied aggressively, approaching with hostility towards my mother.

"I can't stand your damn voice anymore!"

Finishing speaking, Mom quickly punched Emma's face, causing her to recoil for a moment, as blood began to drip from her lips.


With a scream, Emma throws a punch at Mom, causing my heart to stop for a moment.

"Even your punches are useless"

Eva whispered lazily, easily dodging Emma's punch, then grabbing her arm and pulling it, while lifting her leg and punching the woman's stomach.

"You hit your son, you can even hit your man, all to hide your cowardice, useless bitch" Eva spoke calmly, looking disdainfully at Emma, who was breathing heavily beside her.

Mom kneed her in the pit of her stomach, knocking the wind out of her instantly.josei

That shit must hurt...

Holy shit!

Mom is unbelievable!

Gripping Emma's hair tightly, Mom lifted her head, causing their gazes to meet "Didn't you say you wanted to fight? Didn't you like telling me I'm a bad mother? What happened now? Did the mouse get your tongue?"

"Bitch!" Emma shouted angrily, throwing a punch towards Mom.

Without letting go of the woman's hair, Mom tilted her head slightly, easily dodging the woman's fist, then placing her leg behind Emma and with her other hand pushed her to the ground, causing her to fall with a thud.

"Ugh!" Emma spat out a bit of spittle, as she looked fearfully at the woman crouching beside her.

"If you dare insult, my son, again, I'll kill you" Eva whispered in the woman's ear, as her cold eyes darted towards Emma "Got it?"


Mom is...



How did I hear that?


"Can you hear me!?" Mom yells again, causing me to snap out of my thoughts, instantly seeing a red mark on Emma's face.



"I didn't hear you!"



"I don't speak the stuttering language!"

"YES, I UNDERSTOOD EVERYTHING!!!" Emma shouted with red eyes, as she held her hands to her face from the strong burning that assaulted her.

"Good, I like talking to smart people" With a few last pats on the woman's face, Eva got up and fixed her clothes.


Looking at the woman straightening her clothes, my heart pounded violently.


It's hot...

As if noticing my gaze, Mom turned to me, causing her serious expression to freeze, as her eyes widened.

"This..." Eva replied nervously, looking at the woman on the floor, then her hands, and then towards me again, but this time there was seriousness in her gaze "This is what you should never do..."




Everyone in the room stared at my mother, as her face became increasingly uncomfortable, causing her to turn her gaze towards them.

"What the fuck are you looking at!"

Hearing her scream, everyone turned their gaze, while Eva froze again, slowly turning her gaze back to me.

"This..." Turning her gaze nervously towards the other parents, Eva turned to me earnestly "This you must never do either..."

"Mommy!" Jack exclaimed sadly, causing everyone to look away from him, Jack was hurrying towards Emma, touching her bleeding face with concern "Are you okay, mommy?"

"Get your hands off me!" shouted Emma in annoyance, quickly slapping Jack's hands, as she slowly sat on the ground, touching her face in obvious pain, but not daring to look at Eve, who right now watches her with dead eyes.

Frowning, I look with annoyance at the woman on the floor.

How could a mother be such an asshole?

"M-mommy *Sniff!"

Jack sobbed, gently grabbing the edge of the woman's clothes, who didn't even give her son a second glance.

Now I feel bad for hitting him...


With a snap of annoyance, I walk over to the woman, quickly reaching her side, bring my face close to hers and stare into her eyes.

"Woman, I don't know what you went through in your life to be so violent, but that child, the one you hit a few seconds ago, cares deeply for you" I speak seriously, then turn my gaze to Jack "That child is your son, flesh of your flesh and blood of your blood... Don't you know how horrible it feels to have a family member mistreat you? Because I can tell you... it sucks, the most horrible shit a child can feel... more horrible it feels if the aggression comes from someone like his mother, who is supposed to be his pillar, the person who loves him the most and cares for him... I honestly don't know how he still cares about you, because if I were him, I wouldn't even feel sorry for you... you should consider that, because at this rate when you are a wrinkled old lady, you won't have anyone with you... it must be horrible to die alone... I may not even attend your funeral... a pity"

Shaking my head with disappointment, I turn to Jack, without bothering to say another word to the woman who looks at me dumbfounded, approaching the crying child, I take his face between my hands and look him deeply in the eyes "I hate you, but I understand you... it's not your fault that you're an idiot, the fault is that shitty mother you have... I honestly don't know what to tell you, since I understand that your intelligence is still null compared to mine, but remember my words, they'll serve you in the future..."

"You are not useless, you are not trash, you don't have to hit others just because your mother does it... your mother is the trash, your mother is the useless one, no... she's worse than trash, a person who takes out her frustrations on her family doesn't even deserve to have a nickname... you have to be better than her, better than that trash, prove it to yourself, because others don't matter..."

"If ever that bitch tries to hit you, hit her back... it might be scary at first, but you're a man and you have to deal with it..."

"Because if you don't put a stop to that situation, you will live miserably for life... everything works, a broom, a stick, a chair, whatever you have at hand works to defend yourself... I recommend you not to think too much about the police option, since I honestly don't think it will do much good... sure, they might take her to jail, but sooner or later she will get out and she will be much more aggressive..."

"You know what? Just call them if you need a lot of help, it even helps to run out of the house and yell for help, the neighbors will hear you... shit, I'm rambling a lot... just remember my words, as they will serve you a lot with that mother crap, but if none of the options I gave you work.... let me know and I'll take care of keeping that bitch in jail for life... Capichi?"

"*Sniff*" Jack didn't answer me, he just stared into my face with tears in his eyes as his snot drips wildly.

"I'm asking you, do you understand what I told you!!!?"



"Do you understand!!!?"

"Y-yes!" nodded Jack quickly, as he quickly brought his hand to his face, looking aggravated at me "I-I understand!"

"Good, I like talking to smart people" Nodding to myself, I gently smack him a few times in the face and turn around proudly, feeling like I just committed a very good deed, but as I turn around I am met with something that freezes me.


They were all looking at me with an impressed face, even the teacher and the headmistress who had arrived at some point during my speech were looking on in amazement.


I screwed up already...

As I look back at my mother, I notice that she has an expressionless face, while her lips were opening and closing, like a fish out of water, which makes my nervousness rise to another level.

I turn my gaze to Jack's cheek, then turn back to my mother with seriousness on my face "Was that what I wasn't supposed to do? I just didn't understand... then I wanted to show you, so you could tell me if I could or not... And what I said to him was just a joke... ha... ha... ha"

Smiling nervously, I walk cautiously towards my mother, taking advantage of the fact that she was still frozen in place, and gently hug her leg, rubbing my cheek with a small smile "Did I tell you today that I loved you very much?"




"*cough* May I know what happened here?" the headmistress asked with a frown, looking sternly at the woman on the floor.

"Jack can explain"

I quickly replied, granting the boy the decision that could change his life.

Now the question is.

What changes will his life have?

Honestly, I only see bad paths...

Stupid mother, apparently the father is a docile bitch, personality problems, lack of self-esteem, etc.


Given the changes in the world, Jack is likely to become a real bitch in the future. At least most of her paths lead to that, there is always the possibility that she will think differently and try to change.

Although my thoughts were created based on my reality, poverty.

Because in this school we are in, almost all the students are close to poverty. Honestly, the system of studies in the United States is something strange, poor people study with poor people. Sure, there are occasions where two types of neighborhoods come together in one school, but it happens so rarely that it is insignificant.

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