
Chapter 21 Fluctuating Feelings

Chapter 21 Fluctuating Feelings

"Th-this... m-mom tripped."

Jack replied nervously, as he rushed over to help pick up the woman on the floor.

"That's all that happened?"

The headmistress asked with narrowed eyes, staring at the other mother's bleeding nose.

"Yes... that's all"

Replied the woman, squinting at Emma.

What bitches...

One punch was enough to stop her from talking anymore.

Come to think of it.

I'm considering this subject very lightly...

A mother beats her husband and son.

In my former world it would be a father beating his wife and daughter.

I personally would be pissed off and punch the guy.

But in this world...

It just causes me pity, not anger.

It must be the same with rap3...

If a man gets raped, I don't think it would cause me anger.

But in this world, it would be the same if a woman is raped.

What a complicated shit...

I guess I'm a hypocrite.

Whenever I heard a story about a boy having sex with his teacher or something like that, I envied it.

Wouldn't that be some pretty aberrant shit in this world?

"Was that all Miss Emma?"

Asked the headmistress towards Emma, looking at her with absolute sternness.

"She's already been told that was all"

Emma replied with annoyance, as she looked at Jack with a complicated expression.

"Well..." Nodded the headmistress after a few seconds "I have yesterday's recordings here, let me tell you that I already watched them and I can confirm what Christian said, but I will still allow you to watch them... Professor Mason could you do me a favor and play the tape"

Nodding, the professor took the VHS tape and then approached a television in the corner of the office, making me aware of its existence for the first time.


Watching that shit is like a dinosaur fossil for my time...

"We have a lot to talk about young man"

Mom whispers in my ear, causing a shiver to run down my spine as I did my best to avoid her gaze.

After a few seconds, the picture appeared on the TV, where you can see 9 different perspectives, all in different parts of the school.

"Okay, this is the tape of all the cameras from yesterday" Mrs. Smith spoke, as she took a small control from a drawer in her desk "I understand this happened in the afternoon, so I'll fast forward the irrelevant".

The image began to fast forward for a few minutes until I could see myself moving forward on it.

"Stop! There it is!"

I said quickly, as I looked curiously at myself... Kuudere?

The director paused quickly slowed down the video, where on the top camera I can be seen calmly walking into the bathroom.

"Look mom, it's me do I look okay?"

Tugging at the edge of mom's clothes, I asked with amusement, causing a small smile on her face.

"Oh, there they are"

A few seconds later, the little twerps appeared, quickly running towards the bathroom, while a smile is seen on their faces.

Although with this crappy camera, it's hard to tell if it's a smile or an angry expression.

"Fast forward 2 minutes and 49 seconds, in that time you're going to see them coming out"

Speak with excitement, feeling a great deal of amusement watching this.

I can't wait to see the look on their parents' faces already...

Fast forwarding the video, the picture perfectly recorded them coming out of the bathroom, while openly laughing at everything.

"They just come out laughing, that doesn't mean they assaulted him!"

I quickly exclaimed the woman who threatened to sue me.

"Woman how old are you, could you just shut up for a while and be patient? *Sigh* By the goddess, these adults..."


The woman stared at me with her mouth open, even the director was watching me with raised eyebrows "Please fast forward the video 7 minutes and 30 seconds"

With a helpless smile, the director fast-forwarded the video, coming quickly towards the moment where I was seen leaving the bathroom.

"Oh, perfect!"

The image-focused perfectly on my disheveled face, a black liquid could be seen on my nose, running slowly to the floor, while a large black bruise was on my cheek.

"For those of you who don't know, that on my nose was blood. Just remarking, as there are people with lesser abilities in this office" I quickly explained, as I looked sideways at the woman impatiently.

As I finished speaking, I felt my mother's hand against mine, causing me confusion.

Looking up a little, I understood immediately. My mother had a rather complex expression, I could see sadness and anger on her face, causing a small smile to spread across my face.

"Don't worry, your son is the strongest"

I whispered next to her, as I moved a little closer towards her, resting my head on her waist.

"But if you got hit why are you smiling?"

Emma asked as she pointed to the big smile she was wearing at the moment.

"And what should I do, cry?" I replied sarcastically, then looked up at the headmistress and spoke to her impatiently "That would be all headmistress, thank you very much."

"I can't do that" Slowly denied the director "I said I would show everything that happened yesterday, the most important thing is still missing"

Oh shit...

The video continued to progress normally, I could be seen walking calmly through the corridors, while my head was looking everywhere. I kept walking for a few minutes until my movement stopped, where I quickly opened the closet door and took out the brooms. Already with them in hand, different cameras focused on me along the way, until what happened had to happen.

"My God..."

Mutter the teacher, watching in disbelief as I climbed on top of Jack while hitting him over and over again, even my crying face was recorded in front of the camera, causing the whole scene to look even more shocking.

"Holy shit, look at that kid hit!"

Emma exclaimed in amazement.

"They're beating your son!"

Noah's mother shouted, watching Emma like she was trash.

"I know... but those punches are unbelievable!"


"Okay, that's enough!"

Exclaimed the headmistress with discomfort, quickly pausing the scene on the screen.


Silence reigned in the office, as from one second to the next, I found all eyes on me, even mom was no exception, meeting me directly with her accusing eyes, as her eyebrows already reached the sky.

"Okay, I admit it! Maybe I was a little out of line, but I was furious. A person can't control their emotions forever, a year of enduring was my limit" I quickly replied, trying to get all these sights off of me, but apparently, it didn't work, as everyone was looking at me even more strangely. With no other option in sight, I opted for the best thing I could think of at the moment, turning to mom, I put on a pitiful expression and whispered "Mom, I'm being bullied..."


Unfortunately, mother didn't help me, she just stared at me as did everyone else, causing my discomfort to rise to another level.

"STOP STARING AT ME!!!!" I shouted angrily, turning to each person in the room "Don't they know that staring at a child in such an intense way is illegal!? What is it with these adults, they are so annoying!"

With great annoyance, I break away from mom and walk to the seat, remaining seated with my arms crossed, while doing my best to forget the stares I still feel on me.


"*cough* So that would be it with the videos..." The headmistress broke the silence, as she motioned for the teacher to come closer "Professor Mason, Christian claimed that he had told you about the constant harassment he was suffering from these students Is that true?"

"Yes, he came to me a while ago. I personally spoke to Jake, Noah and Brad. They pledged to apologize and cease this behavior, but as far as I can see they broke their pledge..." Replied the professor, as he looked at the 3 boys with obvious reproach, then turned to me with a frown "But I also asked Christian if everything was okay and he confirmed that it was"

"Pffff And what do you want me to do, tell him that everything was worse than before? What's the use? It only aggravates things more and experience showed me that. I'm not stupid, I can make the mistake once, if I repeat it twice, I deserve a shot" Rolling my eyes, I reply sarcastically.


I whisper my mother with sternness in her tone of voice, causing my body to startle at her sudden approach.

"Fine, I'm done talking!"


"Then we can confirm that everything Christian said is true..." Slowly nodded the headmistress, then turned her gaze to the threatening woman and asked "Do you have any doubts left?"

"..." Turning her gaze to her son Brad, as a stern expression appeared on her face, causing the poor boy to visibly tremble "No... everything was clear."

"Does anyone have anything else to add?"


No one spoke, everyone was frowning, looking at their children.

I guess they know the shit they got themselves into.

"So... according to the law of our country, I should be reporting this case to the authorities... but I want to know what Mrs. Grey's opinion is before I act since the whole situation depends on her"


Turning my head to mom, I see her with a rather conflicted expression, as she watched the 3 demons and their parents with a small frown on her face

"Headmistress... I don't find it necessary to notify the authorities... What other action can you take?"

"Mmmmm... I could suspend them for a while and refer them to psychologists to help them reform their attitude. Plus they would be forced to apologize to Christian, obviously"

"... That would be fine with that" Mom nodded, causing my eyes to widen.

"NO!!!" I shouted angrily "Really!? A fucking apology!?"

"Do you have a problem with that?" the headmistress asked with a frown.

"OBVIOUSLY!!!" I exclaimed in frustration "What the fuck good is fucking apologies to me!? They made my school life impossible! FOR A FUCKING YEAR!!!! You think some forced apologies can fix that!?"


"If I took this chair and hit him over the head with it, then forcibly apologized so I wouldn't get hauled off by the police would he accept my goddamn apology!?"


"You wouldn't, would you!?"

"Christian! That's enough! Don't disrespect your principal!" mom shouted angrily, causing me to quickly turn to her, as my eyes were already starting to redden from anger and frustration.

"I'm not disrespecting you, I'm just showing you the facts!" I responded angrily, then pointed my finger at the woman who threatened us "That woman threatened to sue me for something I didn't do! I was the victim in this situation, not her damn son! And now that I was proven to be the innocent one, she stands there quietly as if everything she said before never happened!"josei


"What would have happened if I didn't have proof!? I would have been prosecuted for bullying! My damn record would have been tainted for life! You know what that means mom!? I would have to face prejudice for the rest of my life!"


"You're the adults! You're the ones who should know what consequences these shits bring! Then why are you acting like idiots when the truth comes out!?"


"I understand that they're kids! I understand that their actions are things they commit without thinking! I even understand that they act this way because of their stupid parents! But I can't figure out how to understand the slight they're committing on me!" Turning to my mother, I vent my frustration at her "But I resent your attitude more! You're my mother! I told you all about me! You know I can never forget that shitty experience! You know I can never get rid of the anger I feel in those moments! I can never get rid of how horrible I felt when I had to come to school! I can never forget how helpless I felt when they picked on me! And yet you want everything to be solved with some damn apologies!?"


At this point, tears were already starting to fall down my face.

Again these damn emotions started to overflow, my mind went into chaos, days and days of memories flashed through my mind in things of seconds. Days and days of bitterness, sadness, anger and pain were transmitted to my feelings.

Turning my gaze to everyone, I only observe confused or pitiful looks from these people, causing my anger to rise to another level for reasons that even I don't understand.

"You know what? Do whatever shit you want, I'm just a stupid kid who doesn't understand the truth of the world" Getting up from my seat, I grab my backpack that was on the side and walk towards the exit of the office "If you'll excuse me, I have some classes to attend"

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