
Chapter 180 Organization

Chapter 180 Organization

"Of course it does, it's great" Not wanting to disappoint the young woman, Christian smiled and nodded.

"This gives us momentum for what's to come, a foundation to what I intend to do..." Looking around at all the women in the place, Christian continued "But let me tell you about myself."

"..." Turning his gaze to Emily, Christian asked "How secure is the place?"

"I have all signals intercepted, nothing you talk about will get out of here, no matter what cell phones we have right now."

"Good" Looking at his team, Christian continued "As you may know, I went to prison at the age of 12, ADX Florence, a prison where the worst of society falls... drug dealers, terrorists, spies, murderers, among other types of people."

"What I am going to tell you right now is something that is considered a secret that you will have to protect with your lives, I trust them to you and I expect you not to trust them to anyone, understood?"

Looking face by face, Christian saw the seriousness in their eyes and continued "To begin with, I met a lot of people in that place."

Removing the black rose ring, Christian leaves it on the table "The Italian Mafia named me as the flower of the Mafia, I have their full backing with that title."

Removing the necklace from his neck, Christian continued "The leader of the Cali Cartel gave me this necklace, it represents how much she managed to trust me and the esteem she has for me, to the point that she gave me information on how she moves hundreds of tons of drugs without problems and at the same time she offered me her protection whenever I need it".

Taking the simple gold ring from his hand, Christian continued "The leader of the Sinaloa Cartel gave me this ring to have total impunity in Mexico, I won her affection and trust after a while and she gave me her maximum symbol of authority".

Pulling a notebook out of his clothes, Christian threw it on the desk "I became friends with the famous 'Bomber', a terrorist expert in explosives, here are all the studies of her life".

Taking off the cuff link with the Bratva star, Christian continued "That's a small number of people I met, as I managed to have connections with many more women, but this black gold cuff link you see in my hand is the most important one."


"This cufflink was given to me by the man who trained me since I arrived in prison, he taught me how to kill with more than a thousand different ways, he taught me more than 50 different types of fights among other things... no matter if I tell you his nickname, you wouldn't know him even if you had him in front of you... he is the shadow of Russia, the guardian of the Bratva"

Looking at the incredulous faces of the women, Christian continued "The Bratva of Russia, a mafia that has more than 4 million members all over the world, globally recognized as the biggest and most powerful mafia in history."

"Russia is in their hands and their shadow is in hundreds of countries, experts in their own with revenues of over 100 billion dollars a year, something that is publicly acknowledged, so deep down it may be even more in the shadows"

"This little cufflink gives me a power in Russia, I can kill a whole city and I'll never be locked up, that's a small example of what I can accomplish."

Pulling a small box out of his pocket, Christian opened it and took out a coin "This coin gives me the power to move the entire organization to fulfill my request, if I want I can kill the president of this country and her entire family."


Swallowing saliva at the same time, the 7 women in front of him began to sweat coldly.

"But with all that covering my back, a rich girl dared to hit my brother leaving him in the hospital."




"With all this happening, I really felt helpless... I am a person with great skills, I have great backups watching my back and an economic empire on my hands... but still I am not untouchable and people close to me are not untouchable either."

"That frustrated me, it made me think about blowing up an entire military base to kill that stupid girl who dared to touch my brother, but my master brought me back to reality and helped me come up with a new plan"

"But before I tell you about the plan, I want to ask you something... I need to know if you will be totally with me or you are only here for the money, because I can't do all this while I have to watch my back because of mistrust... I opened up to you by telling you about all this, I need to know if I made a mistake or my belief of trusting you was the right one" Looking carefully at his team, Christian asked seriously.


Looking at each other, the team was silent for a few seconds, and as always, Envy was the first to speak.

"What is your goal?"

"To make us untouchable."

"You'll finance everything?" looking at Christian seriously, Pride continued "I don't plan to help in drug trafficking or anything similar."

"We won't need it, and you could say I'll be funding most of it"

"I'm in" Nodding, Pride responded instantly.

"I'll follow you, it'll be fun" Smiling, Greed responded.

"I like the idea of being untouchable" Envy commented "I'm in"

"I don't have anything better to do" Wrath added "I'm in"

"No need to ask" Winking at Christian, Lust replied.

"I want to see that book, I'm in too" Looking at the notebook with the explosives knowledge, Gluttony spoke with a glint in her eyes.

"*Sigh* A lot of work for my being, but I already signed your contract" With slumped shoulders, Sloth nodded.


"Perfect~" Having confirmation from the women, Christian continued with a smile "Let me tell you about my plan"

"For starters, we have a place as a base of operations in Hawaii, it's a private island with over 300 square kilometers just for us"

"Right now a 4 story bunker is being built under the island, that entire island will be our base in the future"

"I managed to get the plans for radars and various types of defenses to implement on the island, first I have to familiarize myself with the technology and I will see the possibility of upgrades"

"With the base ready I just needed a plan to get money without resorting to drugs or something similar... and I already have an idea to finance everything and for that I will need your help" Smiling slightly, Christian continued "I have an information of a hidden treasure of the Catholic Church, the approximate is 100,000 tons of gold"

"100,000 TONS!!!?" Opening her eyes wide, Greed shouted in disbelief.

"Yes, 100,000 tons, but we'll see about that later as we need to study the site and see what is necessary to get it all out undetected, now shut up and listen"

"*Gulp*" Imagining having over 100,000 tons of gold, Greed couldn't help but get excited at how beautiful it would be.

"I'll explain what I want to accomplish with our organization..."

Taking a deep breath, Christian pointed to himself and spoke "I will make everyone believe that I am the real Lucifer"




"It's confusing, I know, but I managed to understand that human beings will never manage to fear another human being from their whole being... there will always be the danger that they will rebel against what they fear, and this has happened for thousands of years with kingdoms or empires"

"That is why I will personify Lucifer, I will make them fear me for the unknown and the supernatural, make them think that only their aggressive thoughts against me can cost them their lives, make them fear that at any moment I will come and take their lives... I want them to fear me with their whole being... only when I achieve that will we be untouchable"


At this point, everyone looked at Christian in silence, feeling chills at his greedy and insane plan.

"How do you plan to accomplish that?"

"I was waiting for your question my dear Envy" Looking at the woman with a smile, Christian continued as he pointed towards his own head "With intelligence"


"I will win the hearts of the common people, the 99% of the world" Turning his seat towards the city, Christian continued "They are the important ones, they are the creators of power"

"I thought you wanted to be feared, not loved" Envy commented.

"And that can come in the same bag" Smiling, Christian looked at all the women again and continued "Being just feared will end up overthrowing me, I am not stupid not to realize that, that is why I will win the hearts of those who are not a danger, and I will win the fear of the dangerous ones... I will wage war against every existing power of this world, and I will make sure to trample them to the point where they cannot raise their heads in my presence"

"You plan to antagonize all the powers of the world?" Raising his eyebrows, Envy asked.

"Not all of them, just the most annoying ones or the ones that displease me, I just have to leave an example for the others"

"How do you plan to manage to convince others that you are Lucifer?"

"Technology" Smiling while showing his teeth, Christian continued "If I say that because of your sins there will be a drought in China, everyone will think me crazy, but if that drought comes... everyone will go crazy"

"That level of technology is not yet achieved"

"It may be that even the others can't, but I am Lucifer, nothing is impossible for me"


"Now I'll tell you what you will do" Looking at all of them, Christian continued.

"You will do training with the specialized forces of the Bratva, they are professionals in their work and will give you everything you need to polish your skills"

"We will go to Russia?" Raising her eyebrows, Gula asked.


"They'll train us mafiosi?"

"Keep in mind that the Bratva are the remnants of the KGB, they are experts at what they do"

"For how long?"

"4 to 5 months at the most"


"We have our first mission in 4 to 5 months, or I'd leave them longer in that place"

"What will we do?"

"We'll get everyone I know out of jail ADX Florence."


"Continuing with the plan..." After giving them a few seconds to assimilate all the information, Christian continued "I need each of you to find 5 trustworthy people with skills that will work under you, I recommend that they are good in your same fields."


"Let's take Envy for example, she can get information out of people just by having normal conversations and they won't even notice, she has a certain knack for being a good intelligence agent... that's why I recommend you look for 5 people who will help complement her and who are good at intelligence."

"Greed can look for good snipers, but make sure they are trustworthy... if you are not 100% sure, you can have a chat and I will be watching from a distance, I can tell with certainty if someone is lying or not."

"I recommend you look for people who are going through problems or who are in need, we can fix that whole situation and loyalty won't be so hard to ask for... any doubts?"

"What exactly will we do?" With several hesitations, Envy asked.

"I want you to be my body within the organization, each of you will have an area to handle, Envy will handle the intelligence with Paglue cybernetic help, Greed will handle the snipers we have, Gluttony will handle the explosives team and everything to do with explosions... in general, you will all handle one area"

"At the same time, all of you will look for your own body, that's why I told you to look for 5 people each and those 5 people will be your own team, those 5 people will look for 5 other people and so we will form a pyramid, the idea is that we will reach a point where no one will know the real body or the real head of the organization"

"If we manage to get the gold out, we will have trillions of dollars to finance everything we want... we have the money, the power, the skills...we only lack the people"

"Only you will know me, your subordinates will not know of my existence, just as your subordinates' subordinates will not know of your existence... I want to get to the point where we will be able to work side by side with our people and they will never know that we are their leaders, who govern them..."




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