
Chapter 181 Problem

Chapter 181 Problem

"Keep this in mind, you have to seriously think about who you trust, it doesn't really matter that your subordinates have great skills, but we need their loyalty, because any mistake these people make, it will get to their leaders, that's you."

"If a subordinate of Envy's subordinate makes a mistake, the problem is on Envy's head, so make sure your people don't do stupid things because one mistake will bring us down."

"Never say that you know the head of everything, never say that you are the main body, just make it understood that the organization has existed for a long time and is expanding, you are some members and nothing more."

"Any doubts?"

"What will you do while we train?"

"Me?" smiling while looking at the city, Christian answers "I will win the hearts of the public, while in my free time I will research the fundamental piece for the world domination, the quantum computer"

"..." With all said and explained, Christian fell silent and waited.

After a few brief minutes, Pride spoke "I have some military friends who are out of work and might be interested in joining, but I don't know if they can be trusted."

"This is where my dear Plague comes in" Smiling slightly, Christian looks at the young blonde next to him and continues "With Plague we will create a system of our own, we will give you cell phones and computers that are completely free of government or other organization spying, these devices will come with a system that will have information on people all over the world, they will only enter the person's name and they will even know how much money they have in their bank account or what they ate the day before... at least that's the plan, we still have to plan it and create the whole system"

"In fact my mother has something similar, I just have to copy its operation and change the records, she even has the information ready" Emily added with a smile, then continued "Governments around the world have dozens of spying programs, cell phones, cameras, computers, even banks... nothing escapes the eye of technology... even the US government has a program called 'Eye of Heaven', where they are dedicated to observe all the individuals in their country, even if it is irrelevant what they have, they will save the information in case they need it"

"Eye in the sky..." Looking at Emily with deep thoughts, Christian Christian whisper "Everyone conforms by looking at everything... the eye of the goddess."

"..." Tapping the desk gently with his fingers, Christian whispered "The Goddess sees everything, Lucifer hears everything... listening to everything can bring more information than just seeing everything... if I manage to create a system that analyzes everything that is spoken by people... the information would be tremendous, much more than just seeing everything... people talk about their desires, their actions, what they like and what they hate... it would be a monstrosity to be able to classify all of that"

"Do you think it's possible?" Looking up, Christian asked Emily.

"..." Thinking silently for a few seconds, Emily finally nodded "If we manage to have something like artificial intelligence, it should be possible, but with the current power it's very difficult, it would take months to get a day's worth of information out and it would most likely all come out with errors."

"But quantum computers would have no problem, no?"

"You could do it in seconds" Emily nodded "But we are still far from achieving that technology, no matter what country studies it"

"We'll see about that, just knowing it's possible is enough for me" Turning to his team, Christian continues "Any questions?"

"Will we be illegal?" Nodding, Envy asks.

"For now yes, when we have the foundations of the organization ready and I am already embedded in the public eye, we will formally create a mercenary group, before that we have to act quietly and without anyone knowing who we are... because when the wrong people find out that a new organization is growing... we will be in trouble and bad intentions will come from all sides."

"What will you do when you have the power?" looking at Christian with interest, Pride asked.

"..." Losing his smile, Christian looked down and saw the boxes in front of him, thinking deeply about his next steps.

After a few minutes of silence, Christian spoke "I will show everyone that Lucifer is not the bad guy, but the one who punishes the bad guys... ****, pedophilia, human trafficking, corruption that ends up harming human lives... I will punish all those actions, I will make them fear, I will make them have nightmares and every moment they think of doing some of these actions, my image will appear in their minds haunting them every second."


"Why would you do that? Do you have a problem with those kind of people? Isn't that the same as drug dealing or murders?"

"Yes, it is" Nodding, Christian looks at Pride with a neutral look "But these people disgust me, every time I think about situations like that my blood flows strongly, as if my being is screaming at me to beat them until they don't breathe... on the other hand drug dealing doesn't give me anything, neither does murder, much less simple corruption like influence peddling or something similar... in simple terms, I choose these people as my target because I want to... no more, no less"

"Your weakness is children" Envy commented with interest.

"I wouldn't say they're my weakness, it is because I chose to protect a handful of them that I am here, talking to you about taking over the world"


Looking at the women who still seem to be taking it all in, Christian sighed and smiled "Well, let's put all that talk aside, we're leaving in 5 days for Russia, for now let's have fun."

Quickly turning her eyes, Greed looked at the bar and smiled "These beauties were attracting me a while ago".

"I'll take care of their stay in New York while they're here, in 5 days I'll send them to Russia with my private plane, so they'll be comfortable."

Getting up from his seat, Christian approaches the 6 women who are still looking at him and smiles "What do you want for lunch? We can send out for food or we can go to some restaurant, I don't care"

"I want to go to a fancy restaurant!" Greed exclaimed quickly as she poured herself a glass of whiskey.

"Pour me a glass" Quickly approaching Greed, Wrath spoke.

"Can I take the notebook?" pointing towards the table, Gluttony asks expectantly.

"Sure you can, just don't break it."

Nodding quickly, Gluttony runs over to the table and grabs the notebook, then walks over to the couch and sits down to read it.

Smiling at how excited she is, Christian turns his gaze to Lust and asks "Are you feeling okay? How's your wound?"

"I'm completely healed, I can be 7 days doing anything~" Winking at Christian, Lust replies in a sensual voice.

Rolling his eyes, Christian nods and looks at the 4 women who still don't move.josei

"Sloth, I have video games, sauna and whatever else you want to relax, do whatever you want in this place, think of it as your home."

"*Sigh* I was waiting for that" With a sigh of relief, Sloth takes off her jacket and is left with a tight white t-shirt, then takes off her shoes and takes off his pants, being left only with her blue colored underwear.

"..." The team didn't even flinch, being used to the fact that this woman can get almost naked anywhere just for comfort.

"How relaxing~" Stretching her body, Sloth looks at the women drinking alcohol and approaches them, leaving everyone else silent.

"Do you know where I can find a gym around here?" looking at Christian, Pride asks.

"We have one on the second floor" Looking at the half naked woman with a frown, Leslie spoke.

"Can I use it?"

"It's all yours" Christian nodded.

"Thanks, I'll go change clothes."

Looking at Pride's beautiful ass as she leaves, Christian sighs at the workout fanatic and looks at Envy.

"How have you been?"

"Good, I've been resting at my parents' house" Nodding with a neutral face, Envy replied.

Staring at the woman, Christian nodded and spoke "If you need to talk, feel free to seek me out, I'll always be willing to listen to anything."

"..." Frowning slightly, Envy stared at Christian's handsome face for a few seconds, then sighed and nodded "I'll go get a drink."

"Just don't drink so much."

Looking at the woman's back, Christian sighs and turns to the women at his back, seeing that Leslie looked annoyed and Emily kept looking at him.

"Leslie, they're like that, take it as a sign of confidence" Smiling slightly, Christian walks over to Emily and stands in front of her.



Staring into her nervous eyes, Christian touches her face and slowly brings her face closer, then gives her a soft kiss on her forehead "I'm so glad to hear you're okay."

"..." Blushing, Emily plays with her fingers as she lowers her gaze.

"Now go meet the others, you too Leslie, I want you to be able to work as a team and for that you need to get to know each other."

"But I-" Looking up quickly, Emily tries to speak.

"Yes, I want to spend time with you too and we'll have plenty of time for that in 5 more days, but for now live with the others, yes?"

"Mn" Lowering her gaze, Emily nods meekly.

"Thank you" Fluffing Emily's hair, Christian smiles softly and sees Leslie who was staring at him "Don't be so unsocial, get to know them and live with them, they have my trust too."


Looking at the two women slowly walking towards the others, Christian smiled and started walking towards the stairs, then down to the second floor and looking for the gym.

Arriving at the place, Christian looked at the woman slowly changing clothes, tending a sports bra on while still in her panties, showing off the biggest and most beautiful ass Christian has ever seen in his two lives.

But without giving her another glance, Christian walked over to the woman and stood in front of her, their two gazes meeting instantly.



Sitting down on the ground suddenly, Christian looked at the woman and patted her thighs "Lie down and rest your head."

"..." Frowning slightly, Pride looked at Christian silently.

"Don't make me repeat myself, lie down."

"*Sigh*" Sighing, Pride nods and slowly lies down with her head on Christian's thighs.

Looking into Pride's beautiful brown eyes, Christian brought his face close to hers and gently, began to stroke her hair "What's wrong with you? I saw you lost while we were talking and when I said that they had to go to Russia for 5 months, you looked very doubtful."

"..." Looking into Christian's beautiful violet eyes, Pride just remained silent.

"*Sigh*" Knowing that this woman is the most stubborn one, Christian moved his hand and started caressing her face "You can talk to me about anything, I really care about all of you and right now I won't be quiet without knowing what's troubling you"


Squeezing Pride's face a little tighter, Christian smiled softly "Kyra... Pride, you don't need to be strong all your life... everyone has vulnerable times and that makes you human, please trust me in whatever you need"

Biting her lips slightly, Pride looked at Christian with complex feelings for a few seconds, then whispered softly "My father has cancer..."


"He started a while ago with discomfort in his lungs and cough... now that I came back from the army and had money, I took him to the doctor to get checked, after many opinions and results, we were left with the reality... my father has cancer in one of his lungs."

"..." Looking at the woman's worried face, Christian was silent for a few seconds, then sighed and spoke "I'm sorry... but I know you don't need my pity, how is your father? How complicated is his situation?"

"Thanks to my taking him in time it didn't manage to expand or mature completely, so we have an 80% chance for a successful recovery... but if I go to Russia I won't be able to accompany him to the doctor."

"Then don't go, you can see that later, I understand that your father comes first and I support him."

"No... I have to go, I can't stay behind"




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