
Chapter 182 Pride

Chapter 182 Pride

"My father taught me to always be a loyal person and to pay kindness... it was thanks to your help that I was able to discover his cancer and be able to start treating him... all those medical expenses are very expensive and we could never have afforded them... you saved my life and now you saved my father's, if you ask me to jump into a volcano, I will do it for you."

"..." Looking silently at the woman showing absolute seriousness, Christian smiled slightly and spoke "I have a proposition for you."

"Which proposal?"

"I will take your father to the hospital and accompany him in those moments, also let's see him the best hospital that specializes in cancer in the world, no matter if it costs millions of dollars to cure him, we will do everything we can to cure him of his disease"


"I won't accept your refusal" With a smile, Christian squeezed Pride's cheeks and continued "We will take him to the M.D Anderson Center in Houston, it is publicly said to be the best hospital for cancer treatment in the world, I will make a donation of a few million and make sure your father is the priority."

"..." Staring silently at the man, Pride bit her lips and didn't bother to respond.

Pride has only met two men who are more stubborn than herself, the first is her father and the second is the person who right now sees her with a soft smile.

Staring at Christian steadily, Pride finally nods and smiles slightly.

"Your smile is beautiful, you should do it more often~"



"I'd like to say that I'll repay you for everything you've done for me.... but my father's life and mine are priceless... other than serving you for the rest of my life, I can't think of anything else" Looking at Christian with a conflicted face, Pride whispered.

Smiling playfully, Christian whispered "You don't need to pay me, I do it because I consider you an important person to me, but if you insist on paying me, you can be my sex slave for the rest of your existence just like Greed and Gluttony~"

Smiling slightly, Pride replied "I guess I don't have a choice."

"..." Smiling as he caresses Pride's face, Christian remains silent for a few minutes, then sighing and speaking "Fine, I'll make the calls for your father's situation, tell him I'll accompany him to everything."

"I'll talk to him" Sitting up slowly, Pride sits cross-legged and smiles slightly, staring at the young man who pulled out his cell phone.

Texting his mother to get everything done, Christian finishes in a few minutes and looks up, then looks at the woman still smiling in front of him.

"I'll let you train, they're already looking at the hospital situation" Standing up, Christian stretches his body and looks at Pride's crotch, easily noticing the remarked lower lips due to his position.

Thinking for a few seconds, Christian smiles playfully and suddenly bends down, then gives Pride a quick peck on the lips and walks towards the exit.

"..." Blinking for a few seconds in a daze, Pride looks at the young man's back and yells "Wait!"

Raising his eyebrows, Christian stops and turns his gaze "Yes?"

"Marry me!"

Blinking in a daze, Christian looks at Pride's serious face and asks "Why?"

"I like you."


"I don't know... maybe your way of being, your bravery, your smile or maybe your smell" Murmuring softly, Pride continued "I didn't know exactly what I felt, but after this talk and that playful act of yours, I came to the conclusion... I think I like you a lot, no... I think I love you"


"Ever since I got home from the army I started thinking about these feelings... I analyzed them and even talked to my father about them... I wasn't sure and it was something new to me... I didn't even realize it and I ended up obsessed... but I was still in doubt until today"


"I want to make you happy, I want you to marry me."

"..." Staring silently at the woman who suddenly declared herself, Christian found himself in a difficult situation, knowing full well that all her words are real and she has genuine feelings for him.

"..." Staring at Christian, Pride waited for his response.

"I'm sorry... but I can't accept that" After a few minutes of silence, Christian finally shook his head while a bitter smile is seen on his face.

"Why?" Not feeling disappointed and waiting for this answer, Pride asked.

"*Sigh* Because I don't want to hurt you."

"I don't understand..."

"Pride... I'm not a man who considers himself pure, I like to have fun and I seriously doubt that at some point I could ever be faithful in a relationship... at the same time I'm extremely possessive and even somewhat controlling."


"I know your feelings are genuine and believe me I appreciate them, you are an amazing and beautiful woman, but I don't want to hurt you, you don't deserve it."

"..." Looking at Christian in silence, Pride nodded "I like that about you as well.... your sincerity."


"I understand what you mean, but let me ask you something... do you already have someone else?"


"More than one person?"


"Have you slept with anyone on the team?"


"Have you thought about it?"


"With whom?"

"With all of them."

"That's all I need to know" Pride nodded, staring at Christian.

"I'm glad I had that proposal, I hope you manage to find the right one" Smiling slightly, Christian prepared to leave.

"Who said I'd give up?"

But as he set foot outside the room, Pride's voice rang out again, causing Christian to raise his eyebrows at the unexpectedness.

Turning to the woman, Christian looks at her quizzically "Didn't you hear everything I told you?"

"Yes, but that's not going to stop me" Smiling slightly, Pride continued "I will make you my husband no matter what."

"Are you crazy?"

"Not at all" Getting up from the ground, Pride slowly walks over to Christian while staring him straight in the eyes, then standing in front of him and taking his chin with 3 fingers.

Holding his face only inches away, Pride whispers earnestly "I will never give up without a fight, my goal is for you to be my husband and I will do everything in my power to achieve that."

"..." Looking at the woman in front of him, Christian felt strange, living for the first time a situation where a woman wants to have a marriage instead of his body.

But suddenly, Pride brought her face closer and kissed Christian's lips chastely, then broke away and smiled "You will be the father of my children"


Looking at the man's astonished face with a smile, Pride turns to go back to her business.

"..." Staring at the woman's back, Christian licks his lips and leaves the place, feeling that this group of his is getting funnier and funnier.

Staring at the door where the man disappeared, Pride swallows saliva and loses her confident mask, then slowly sits down on the ground and pulls her cell phone out of his backpack.

Dialing a number, Pride speaks quickly the moment the call was answered "I asked him to marry me."


"He turned me down"


"But I won't give up"

"That's my daughter" After a few seconds, a male voice rang on the cell phone, while a smile formed on Pride's face "But it's not good for you to ask a young man to marry you so quickly, you had to have scared him off"

"Dad, he's not like other men, he didn't get scared but he rejected me after a few seconds."

"And do you know why he turned you down?"

"Yes... He said he likes to have fun and that he doubts he can be faithful in a serious relationship."

"He's pretty sincere, at least he didn't leave you delusional like most people would."

"He said he didn't want to hurt me... dad... love is so complicated" Scratching the back of her neck, Pride whispered.

"And that makes it so beautiful, my daughter... you don't know how glad I am that you're finally experiencing it... have you thought about what you'll do?"

"I don't know yet... but I'll think about it later, I've already decided that he will be the father of my children..."

"You're being too hasty, you're not even boyfriend and girlfriend yet and you're already thinking about children."


"Just remember that sometimes to achieve your dreams you have to make sacrifices... Dad will support you and give you advice whenever you need it."

"Thanks dad..." Nodding with a soft smile, Pride thought about his words 'Sometimes we have to make sacrifices...'

"Dad, I'm going to Russia with my team to train for 5 months, but my future husband said he would accompany you to the hospital and at the same time he is already looking for a doctor for you here in the States"

"Hoh, he seems to like you quite a bit if he offered to accompany me."

"He is very kind in certain situations"

"That's fine, I would love to meet him"

"I'll be about 5 days in New York and then I'll leave for Russia, when I'm ready about the hospital I'll put you in touch with him."

"I'll be waiting for your call, but now that you're talking about him.... What is his name? You always told him Lucifer and that he was from the army, but I don't know his real name."

"Christan Grey."

"Nice name."

"Yes... it's nice... dad, I'll leave you for now, I'll be working out, I can't skip my routine".

"Bye, have a good time"

"I love you."

Hanging up the call, Pride lost her smile and returned to her serious face, staring at the door where Christian exited.


"*Sigh*" Leaning back on the couch, a man of about 55 smiled softly to himself as he looked at the fireplace in front of him.

"What happened to the muscle brain?" Leaning next to the man, a young man of about 16 asked as he looked at his cell phone.

"Don't talk to your sister like that" Gently tapping the young man's leg, the man reprimanded him.


"She's experiencing love."

"Hoh?" Raising his eyebrows, the young man looked at his father with interest "Who is the unfortunate one?"

"I don't know, she met him in America."

"Is it possible for someone to fall in love with my sister? I know she's not ugly, but she has a look that scares anyone, I doubt she'll manage to get a boyfriend."

"But apparently she managed to get a man to like her" Laughed the man lightly "Your sister asked him to marry her and he turned her down because he didn't want to hurt her, apparently the man likes to live life"

"Is he a bitch?"

"Maybe, I don't know him, but if he really was such a man, he would have played with your sister before turning her down"

"You don't know his name?"

"Christian Grey, why?"

"Today we can find a lot on the internet" Typing quickly, the young man searched for the name, but the results made him frown slightly.

After about 15 minutes of silence, the young man sighed and spoke "I can't find anything that resembles the name and army, do you have any characteristics?"

"Your sister says he has the most beautiful eyes in the world, she says he's violet, but I doubt they're real, maybe he wears contact lenses... he also said he was an albino."

"*Gulp*" Looking at the images on Google, the young man swallowed saliva and his face became strange, then quickly typed in a new search.

After a few minutes, the young man looked at his new home and smiled nervously "I think I found it..."

"Let me see!" Quickly approaching, the man stared at the cell phone.




"Where did that picture come from?" After a few seconds of silence, the man asked.

"Do you remember a few years ago a boy became very famous for exposing that pedophile ring?"

"The one who went to jail?"


"Are you telling me that..."

"Yes, this man I'm showing you is him."


"Lately there is a lot of talk about his return, they talk about supposed prophecies or what he will do now that he is free... they wonder if he will continue writing books or if he will open new companies... practically his face is already viral on the internet thanks to the fact that he appeared on Twitch with his sister."josei




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