
Chapter 199 Lucifer

Chapter 199 Lucifer

Leaving the hospital, Christian finished reading the papers in his hand and nodded "You have to buy these 3 medicines and come back in 2 weeks, there you will start the first treatment and for now they will try to avoid chemotherapy, you were quite lucky that the cancer is newly developed and apparently, it is not malignant".

"The doctor was very kind, she is nothing like the unbearable man who treated me in Puerto Rico" Nodding with a smile, Luis replied.

Reaching the vehicle, Leslie opened the door for them and they entered.

"Leslie, let's go to a pharmacy and buy these medications" Handing Leslie the prescription, Christian entered the limo.

"No need, I can do that."

"It's okay, it's something quick" Not caring about the cost of the medications, Christian sat down next to Luis and spoke "What time is your flight?"

"It leaves in..." Looking at his watch, Luis replied, "70 minutes."

"We have plenty of time" Nodding, Christian spoke.

Spending the whole way chatting happily, they finally arrived at the airport and got out of the limo.

Handing the bag of medicine to the man, Christian spoke "It was a pleasure to share the day with you, you have my cell phone if you need anything, don't hesitate to call".

Taking Christian's hands, Luis smiled softly "Thank you for your help young man, when you have time come to Puerto Rico, you are welcome in my humble home."

"I'll be sure to give me a ride around those parts."

Looking at his watch, Luis spoke quickly "Thanks for everything, I'll go get ready for the flight".

"Have a safe trip"

"Bye" Nodding, Luis takes his reluctant son's hand and they walk towards the airport under Christian's steady gaze.

After about 15 minutes, Christian finally speaks. "Let's go".


"Just come back as soon as possible, yes?" Taking Christian's hands with a sad expression, Elisa asks.

"Of course I will, after I finish my business I'll go home" Smiling softly at Elisa's teary eyes, Christian replied.

"You promise?"

"I don't need to make you a promise to keep my pretty Elisa" Hugging the woman, Christian caresses her long crimson hair and smiles "I wouldn't last many days without you~"

"I love you" Hugging Christian, Elisa smiled warmly "I already agreed to be your secretary, just tell me when you're ready and we'll work together!"

"Of course I am" Releasing Elisa, Christian took the woman's soft face and gently kissed her fleshy lips "Remember to feed my fish, and take care of the squirrels!"

With an intoxicated expression, Elisa nodded.

Turning to the woman who was already seated watching television, Christian moved closer to her and kissed her lips, then smiled "Take care, I'll see you around."

"Why so many goodbye? It's not like you're traveling to another world" Waving her hand lazily, Sarah licked her lips and replied.

Rolling his eyes, Christian sighed and walked towards Elisa, then kissed her lips again and spoke softly "Remember to call me, I love you"


"See you" With one last kiss, Christian walks towards the jet's exit, then down the stairs and walks towards the captain "You're all set, have a good flight"

"Relax, they are in good hands" Nodding, the captain replied.

"Appreciate it" Nodding towards the woman, Christian walked towards the limo and climbed in, then sighed and fixed his suit.

Opening the window, Leslie asked, "Are we going to the event?"


Days passed quickly since his trip to Texas, Christian dedicated himself to learning military technology while making sure to constantly update his social media.

His music company was officially opened and announced to the public, something that immediately caught the media's attention, but it was all overshadowed by a certain video that leaked on social media.

Pulling out his cell phone, Christian looks at the comments on his photos and smiles "Stupid people".

The latest comments he receives is something that could be considered very bad for any public figure, but Christian already uploaded multiple stories and photos where he laughs at there reactions.

The comments varied, he had insults with the word 'Racist' and even named him as 'supremacist', all because of the video where he sang about a black woman who dreamed of being a drug dealer and saying 'Nigga' on a stage.

Although not all of his comments are of this style, it can be said that it is a small number of people who attack him, but the media as always magnify everything and put gasoline on the fire.

After about 30 minutes of travel, Christian finally arrived in the center of the city, while to his right was a large line of people that seemed to follow him around the corner of the street.

Arriving in front of what appeared to be a bookstore, Leslie stopped the car opened the window "I'll open the door for you, we have a lot of reporters outside."

"Fine" Looking at the large number of cameras outside the bookstore, Christian muttered "I can't avoid the media anymore, let's show my attitude."

Christian thought deeply about what image he wants to give to the media.

At first he thought about being the typical nice figure that everyone loves and doesn't mess with anyone, but thinking about how restricted he would be, he finally scrapped the idea and took a different route.

Be the man who speaks his mind and laughs at controversy.

They call him a racist for saying 'Nigga'?

Well, he'll say it 20 more times in front of the camera.

They tell him he can't rap because he's white?

He will release 10 rap albums and at the same time, he will say 'Nigga' 100 times in each song.

The less he cares about criticism, the less they will bother to criticize him in the future, knowing that it won't affect him in the slightest.

Although this can only be done by a person with backing and importance, because a random celebrity, could get burned by that attitude.

Seeing the door open in front of him, Christian adjusts a smile between frivolous and mischievous.

The moment he stepped out of the vehicle, multiple lights came to his body, while a large number of reporters approached him.

But before the questions started pouring in, Christian raised both his hands and shouted "I'll answer questions, but one at a time, don't hurry!"

Standing quickly to one side of Christian, Leslie looked at everyone with narrowed eyes.


Hearing only the shouts of the people in line, Christian looked at the security of the place and nodded, then looked at the reporters showing impatience on their faces.

Pointing to a random man, Christian spoke "You first."

Approaching quickly, the man brought his microphone closer and spoke "Christian Grey, may we know how long ago you got out of prison?"

"I got out about a year ago for good behavior" Answering with a smile, Christian looked over to another reporter and pointed "You"

"Could you tell us if the rumors that you were in the army are true?"

"Yes, I was in the army for a few months, next."

"What do you plan to do now that you are free?"

"That's a great question!" smiling even more, Christian looked towards the cameras and spoke "Today I publicly announce that I'm coming back to the world with another stage name, from today I will be, Lucifer!"

"Christian Grey, what was the reason for your new stage name, are you ashamed of yourself?"

"Not at all, but Christian Grey died because of the corruption of this dirty country inside the prison, today you see a new man and not the naive boy who believed that justice would always win."

"Lucifer, we heard rumors that you opened a new music company, are you thinking of singing?"

"The rumors are true, I opened a new music company and we already have some talents recruited by me, in a few days you will have more official news about all this... as for me singing, it is something I am currently quite interested in" Nodding with satisfaction at hearing his new name, Christian looked at the woman and answered kindly.

"Lucifer, what do you think about the scandal you are currently surrounded in, from being named as a racist to being branded as a white supremacist?"

"That's the most laughable shit I've heard in the last few days" Unscrupulously insulting, Christian continued "If people think of me as a racist because of my song, that's on them, I personally don't care about skin colors and I've always said I judge by character...what I try to do in that song is to imply that gang life is not all pretty, no more, no less"

"So why is the main character black?"josei

"Why not be? Do you have a problem with black protagonists?" Raising his eyebrows, Christian continued "But leaving behind the endless circle of yes and no, I must say that in the lyrics of the song, I specifically said that skin color doesn't matter, black, yellow, white, pink, red or whatever color you are, evil can grow inside all of us and something as stupid as your skin color doesn't matter."

"Couldn't you have made the protagonist white skinned?"

Rolling his eyes, Christian looked at the man who won't let skin talk and replied "This story is true, the woman being talked about actually existed and the **** of her father was a fact, this is just a little story I heard from a friend in jail"

"Couldn't you have left the skin color out and just talked about the situation?"

"You know what?" looking at the man with narrowed eyes, Christian continued "All your questions have to do with the damn skin color, you want to label me a racist? Do it, I'll even let you have it easier."

Staring directly into the man's camera, Christian raised his middle finger and spoke "Blacks, whites, yellows, pinks, everyone with skin, fuck you! I'm a flesh supremacist and I hate everyone with skin because they make me feel inferior!"


"Any other questions?" Recovering his calm smile, Christian ignores the man and looks to the other sides.

"Christian, aren't you worried about attracting the displeasure of religious believers with your new stage name?"

"I already said I'm not Christian, and as for your question...why would I care what other people say because of my name?" looking at Leslie, Christian speaks "That will be all for today, now if you'll excuse me, I have books to sign."

Suddenly moving, Christian walked past all the reporters like it was nothing, while Leslie quickly followed him.

Entering the building, Christian looked at the desk in front of the door and walked towards it, then looked at the woman approaching him.

"Julia White, nice to see you again."

[A/N: For those who forgot who that woman is, Julia was part of the 4 editors Christian met at his publishing house.]

Looking at Christian in a slight daze, Julia blinked repeatedly.


"Y-yes" Shaking her head quickly, Julia smiled stiffly and spoke "You've grown up."

"I get that every day" Looking at the spot where several women watched him from afar, Christian spoke "Shall we initiate?"

"You can have a seat, we'll let people in whenever you want" Recovering from her initial daze, Julia smiled professionally and pointed towards the table.

Nodding, Christian walked over to the desk and Leslie stood behind him, then pulled out a gold pen with black accents and played with it between her fingers.

Nodding towards Christian, Julia walks over to the women who didn't dare approach Christian and begins to organize the whole process.

"Are you sure about what you did?" looking at Christian, Leslie continued "You just dropped a bombshell on your name, you will be criticized everywhere."

"The media doesn't matter, eventually they will lose their relevance and social media will take over with the new youth" Leaning his arm on the table, Christian rested his chin on it and continued "The new generation loves attitude like mine, even more if it comes from a man, believe me it will be for the best"


After about 5 minutes, Julia approached Christian and spoke "We'll open the doors".




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