
Chapter 200 Event

Chapter 200 Event

"Go ahead."

Nodding, Julia walked to the doors of the venue and opened them, then stepped out and looked at the security of the place "Let the people in a line, anyone who tries to sneak in, get them out"

Taking a deep breath, Christian looked at the bottle of water next to him and sighed "It's going to be a long day."

Looking up, Christian sees a large group of women entering with numerous books in their hands, while excited smiles are seen on their faces.

The person to arrive is a woman around 24 years old, her hair was dark and her body was slim, but instead of asking for a signature, she just stared at Christian's face in a daze.



"Do you need me to sign something?" smiling kindly, Christian asked patiently.

"Y-yes" Regaining her mind, the woman quickly laid four books on the table.

Looking at the covers, Christian spoke "I see you like LoveCraft."

"They're my favorite books!" Nodding quickly, the woman responded with an excited, blushing face.

Taking the books, Christian asked "May I know your name?"

"Ana Brown!"

"I appreciate you being here, Ana Brown" Already having planned for him having to sign on the books, Christian thought no more of it and left his words 'With love to Ana Brown, may life smile on you', along with his signature below.

Signing each book, Christian looked at the woman and smiled "Done."

"C-can we take a picture?" pulling out her cell phone with trembling hands, the woman asked.


"Thanks!" Quickly picking up her cell phone, the woman activated the front camera and looked into the camera with a big smile.

Standing up slightly, Christian walked over to the camera and smiled.

"Ready!" saving the photo, the woman turns to Christian and speaks "I admire you so much for all that you have accomplished, I want you to know that I will always support you!"

"I'm glad to know I have your support, I promise to remember you Ana Brown."

"If you are finished with your order, please leave, we have more people waiting" Suddenly, Julia walked over and spoke.

"Yes..." Nodding in a lowered mood, the woman looked at Christian closely and took her leave.

Looking at the woman's back, Christian smiled softly and looked at the next woman.

Situations similar to this happened throughout the day, while Christian currently looked at a bespectacled and somewhat stuffed woman with an amused smile.

"That's why I've always said that Gandalf is much better than that old headmistress in Harriet Potter's book, it's obvious he would beat her in a death match" Talking for 10 minutes non-stop about their internet debate, the woman finally looked at Christian and spoke as her cell phone pointed at him "Thanks to this whole situation, I took the trouble to come to Detroit from Canada to find out from the author himself who would win in a battle to the death."

Scratching his cheek, Christian thought for a few seconds and spoke "I honestly never thought about a battle between these two great figures, but the power system and the way their powers work is very different, so I wouldn't know what to tell you in this aspect, but..."

Rising slightly, Christian approaches the woman and whispers in her ear "I think Gandalf wins, she is obviously more powerful."

"I knew it!" With a twinkle in her eye, the woman cried out excitedly.

" you want me to sign any books for you?"

"Yes" Opening her backpack, the woman places on the table the complete saga of The Lady of the Rings "These please".

"Your name?"

"Harper Smith"

'The 87th person to have the last name Smith today' Smiling, Christian signed the books and nodded "Thank you for your support."

Situations like this where Christian is asked for an opinion on his books was a fairly common occurrence today, where for the first time, he felt so mentally drained.

From signing books so much, he had to use up the ink from 3 pens and if it wasn't for his strange body, he would be sure that his hand would be numb to the max.

"Thank you for your support."

"A-to you" Nodding sheepishly, the man takes the books and rushes out of the place, causing Christian to sigh wearily.

Looking at his watch, Christian mutters "I've been at this shit for 9 hours with no rest whatsoever..."

Taking a cookie from the package beside him, Christian savors the sweet and squints his eyes with satisfaction "Exquisite~"

"That would be all for today" Moving closer to Christian, Julia spoke with a slight smile "Tomorrow we start at the same time."

"Good..." Stretching his body tiredly, Christian sighed and spoke "2 days signing books and most likely there will be more people tomorrow..."

"You don't need to take pictures with them, we can also limit the amount of books to 1, so we can do everything faster."

"It's ok, I've never done everything and it's a nice experience" Leaning on the desk, Christian muttered to himself "Having contact with so many people and seeing so many smiles really gave me a good feeling..."

Looking at the tired Christian, Leslie smiled slightly for a few seconds, then back to her stoic face.

"Sigh*" Rising to his feet, Christian sighs contentedly and speaks "We're off, see you tomorrow Julia sleep well."

"Thank you for your cooperation."

Nodding, Christian looks at the women working in the place and speaks "I also appreciate you bringing me cookies, if you have any books to sign, you can hand them to me tomorrow before we open the doors, don't be shy, I don't bite"

Leaving the place, Christian climbs into the limo and leans back in the seats.

"It's all very strange..." Closing his eyes, Christian continues mumbling "Almost everyone who sees me for the first time is stunned... I know I'm handsome, but I don't think it's so much that I lose my composure with a simple look... even men are stunned, I don't know how many blushing faces I had to see today."

"What a weird shit."


"So radars are no big deal..." Finishing his last book, Christian threw it on the bed and muttered "It all goes on frequencies and various antennas all around the world... different antennas with different powers, the most powerful one as of today can cover the whole united states without problems and is in the hands of the Chinese, but they could never mount a radar that big without the country knowing about it, it's a good thing but the size of the antenna makes it useless if you want to use it in enemy territory."

"Systems have delays, the best radar detects everything for you in 30 seconds within the medium range, if it reaches the extremes, it can take up to a minute"

"Computers are still a hindrance to current technology...we need the quantum computer and we can restructure the obsolete 0 and 1 system"

"It's already February 20... my siblings start school in a few days.... well, I will make the appointment with Ivana to see the research, then I could take a quick trip to Russia and continue with my objective.... Leslie can go with Lust to get the information about the gold from the Church... I will do that" Nodding to himself, Christian murmured.

Looking at the computer screen in front of him, Christian smirked as he saw himself on the front page of a newspaper "You can really tell the difference in treatment, I'm sure they would have taken the opportunity to talk shit about me before, but now they magically talk about how little I care about racial issues."

From that day with the reporters, Christian was prepared for all kinds of verbal attacks, but he never thought that anyone important would actually go against him and not try to modify his words to make him look bad.

Sure, there's no shortage of people who throw shit, but they're irrelevant people who don't even exist in the grand scheme of things.

Although well, Christian never really knew how much power Eva currently has in the country. For her to slightly guide the media's opinion is something as easy as breathing right now, a few calls, a few threats and that's it, all taken care of.

Picking up his cell phone, Christian looks at his follower numbers on Instagram and mutters "65 million, this is growing fast..."

"The girls have already started their first gigs at small events... we bought factories to produce the records, we control a record label and have the music company put together" Muttering to himself, Christian continued "With all this I'll be able to clean up the gold"

The whole aspect of music is more important than just fame to Christian.

If he learned anything from his old world, it's that movies and music is a great way to launder money and transform illegal assets into legal ones.

Once he steals the 100,000 tons of gold, he just has to trade it to certain countries or mafias, then take the money in dollars and use it to buy records for himself and that's it, money laundered.

Besides, Christian can simply say that he sold the records to Russia and that they are distributed there in different record labels, it is impossible for the U.S. government to demand data in Russia, so, even if they try to investigate who are the people who bought so much money in records, their hands will be tied.

Although this has its downside, since all income has to go through taxes, record manufacturing, legal bullshit and salaries, so you end up losing about 30% of whatever you want to launder.


Looking up, Christian gently watched the large snake crawling towards him, then stretching his arm to the ground and allowing it to come up "Hey little one, I went to see you a while ago and you were asleep."

Gently stroking Lilith's scales, Christian continued "Look how big you've gotten, how long are you? 4 meters? Also, you must be weighing about 70're a very big and strong girl."

"Hisss~" Caressing her head with Christian's face, Lilith hissed.

Looking at his cell phone, Christian smiles and speaks "Let's show the world how beautiful my dear Lilith is."

Opening the camera, Christian starts a live stream and lies back on the couch with Lilith wrapped around his shoulders.

After a few seconds, thousands of people began to join in quickly.

After a minute of silence, Christian looks at the number of people watching and mutters, "We already have 150,000 people..."

Staring at the cell phone, Christian speaks "Hi, it's the first time I've done this, but I'm bored and I want to show you the cutest snake in the world~"

Focusing the camera on Lilith, Christian smiles and caresses his cheek on the snake's head "This is Lilith, my dear friend, isn't she pretty~?"josei

"Hisss~" Caressing her head with Christian's cheek, Lilith hisses.


As Christian happily shows off his faithful companion, the comments were quickly exploding with thousands of people typing at the same time.

"I just saw a freaking anaconda rubbing its head with a human?"

"Is it really Lucifer? I don't think a human could be that beautiful, I'm wetting myself just by watching it."

"Will you sing?"

"Don't you feel sorry for taking an animal out of its natural habitat to satisfy your ego?"

Squinting at that last comment, Christian spoke "PeacefulFish, aren't you ashamed to talk shit you don't know?"

"My dear Lilith came with me for her own desires, she never leaves my side and as you'll see, she loves me very much."

"Hisss~" Without stopping rubbing her head with Christian's cheek, Lilith hissed.

"I showed you pictures of my friend, but I never told you how I met her" Stroking Lilith's head, Christian looked at the camera and spoke "This cute snake saved my life in the army, you can say that thanks to her today I talk to you, since that day she always sticks to me.... By any chance, does anyone know what kind of snake it could be?"

"It's an anaconda"

"It's not" Looking at the comment, Christian continued "It's impossible for it to be an anaconda, in fact, I don't know what kind of snake it is either, but look at this."

"Lilith, open your mouth to see your cute fangs"

"Hisss~" Opening her mouth instantly, Lilith stood still as she bared large white colored fangs.

"It's venomous, as far as I know, anacondas are only big, not venomous" Stroking Lilith's fangs for a few seconds, Christian finally kisses her head and smiles "You can close your mouth, thank you~"


"Shit, she really listens to him."

"Maybe what kind of torture did the poor snake go through to take orders..."

"Did you see your picture? Your face is a torture to anyone who sees it, stop talking shit."

"Yeah... Simp"






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