
Chapter 214 The Secrets Of The Vatican

Chapter 214 The Secrets Of The Vatican

Wrapping the object with his cloth, Christian sets it down and looks around, then looks at the metal triangle and opens his eyes a little wider "I thought this was made out of wood..."

Moving closer to the triangle, Christian sighs "Now that was cruel."

"What's that for?"

"See that toppled wooden pole?"


"This used to be called 'The Judas Cradle', they would tie the suspect up and pull him up with a pulley system a few feet, then release him and drop him on the triangle, but you didn't fall on his stomach or back, they would tie you up in such a way, that you would fall with your ass on the pyramid and it would tear you all up"

Opening her eyes wide, Lust imagined the scene in front of her, causing her face to instantly turn pale.

"But this is nothing compared to that" Staring at the collapsed wood beside a large two-handed saw, Christian sighed "That has a simple name 'The Saw', it's a tool especially for women."

Weighing for a few seconds, Lust opened her eyes wide and staggered back "Don't tell me that..."

"Yes, they would tie the woman head down, strip her naked and cut her from her vagina to her ribs."

"W-why would they do that!"

"It was only used for women who were accused of being witches and of being pregnant by satan himself, so it was only used on pregnant witches."


"B-but witches don't exist!"

"That's why I tell you it was the cruelest thing, they killed the baby and the woman for nothing."


"Master, and that what that?" pointing towards a large metal artifact, Leslie asked with interest.

"That's called an 'Iron Maiden', the victim was stuffed inside alive, but..." Approaching quickly, Christian looks carefully at the structure and finds the basic latch, then opens it carefully so as not to destroy it and see a skeleton inside pierced by several sharp bronze shards "What killed was the inside, you were pierced all over and died instantly, here's an example"

"This shit gives me the creeps" Rubbing her arms, Lust muttered in disgust.

"Master... we've got something here."

Turning his gaze to Leslie, Christian walks over and sees another room that connects to this room.

"Fuck..." Looking at the scene in front of him, Christian cursed in disbelief "I always knew these bastards were crazy, but to do this... it goes against all their belief."

In front of his eyes, Christian managed to see several giant wooden crosses on the wall with skeletons on them, while in the center another cross could be seen lying on the floor with another skeleton on it.

Objects of torture could be seen next to it, clamps, rusty blades, and various weird shit Christian had never seen before.

"These bastards were torturing people on top of the greatest symbol of the church..." Looking at the skeletons, Christian frowned slightly "That's a girl..."

"Yeah... Maybe 8 or 9 years old by the size" Looking with disgust at the cross, Lust whispered.

"..." Staring silently at the scene for a few minutes, Christian finally sighed "Then we'll get a camera to photograph all this, we'll also record everything... I plan to take all this stuff back to my island."

"W-why would you take this with you!?"

"I find all this fascinating..." Smiling slightly, Christian lit from the sides and sighed "That would be it in this area, let's go through the other corridors."

"..." Looking at the hanging girl, Lust sighed and shook her head, then followed Christian in silence.

Leaving the room, Christian followed the old path while looking all around him.

After 15 minutes of going straight, Christian finally found another writing on the wall "Defensio deae."

"What does it mean?"

"Defense of the goddess" Entering the place, Christian walked for a few minutes and came to a large room, finding more interesting objects.

"Weapons?" Picking up a rusty sword on the floor, Lust muttered.

"It seems to be the armory" Looking at the armor on the floor, Christian picked it up and muttered "This armor was from the crusades... the cloth is very rotten and in a few more years it would disappear, but it still keeps its initial shape... how fascinating"

"Why is it all on the floor?"

"Most likely it was on wooden shelves, but over time the wood rots and the weight of these weapons means they end up on the floor much sooner."

"There don't seem to be any corpses here..." Looking at the large cross carved into the stone, Lust murmured "This had to have been a beautiful sight in its best state."

​ "I'll also take this back to my island."


Glancing at the compass on his watch, Christian looked up and muttered "We should be below the Holy See, only 60 meters from our marked destination..."

"Why do you think this is abandoned?"

"It's hard to say, let's follow the path to see if we find anything" Leaving the place, Christian kept walking.

After another 10 minutes, Christian murmured "It was something to assume... there was a landslide in this place, most likely the rest of the road is disabled, and since there were only worthless things on this side, they didn't even make an effort to clear the road".

In front of him, the road was clogged with large stones and dirt, while the lower half of a skeleton was visible on his side of the road.

"This person sure was unlucky, a few more inches here and he would have survived."

Chuckling lightly, Lust kicked the skeleton gently.

"What's this..." Bending down, Christian looks at a bag that appears to be leather "If I touch that everything will break..."

Bringing his hand gently closer, Christian lightly touches the bag to open it without damaging the leather that was obviously in a lousy state, managing to do so successfully after a few seconds.

Cautiously reaching his hand in, Christian raises his eyebrows and looks at the coin in his hand "Fuck."

"What's that?"

"Denarius Argentum, this fucking coin was made before Christ!" looking at the coin with fascination, Christian frowns slightly and looks back "But this is impossible... these torture objects weren't supposed to exist back then... even the first inquisition was supposed to be in the year 1184.... I shouldn't be these things here if I follow my initial thought."

"The coin is very ugly..." Looking at the design, Lust muttered, not interested in any of the history.

"Of course it is, it was Rome's first coin and was based on Greek coinage..." Putting the coin down carefully in the sack, Christian murmured "But I fail to understand why this guy carries those coins, they were supposed to have ceased to be useful after the coinage upgrade."

"Wouldn't that be a waste? They should have had a good amount of coins by now, and even if they want to change them, they should still continue to accept the same old one, no?"

"Maybe... the coins were based on the importance of what it's made of, bronze, silver, gold" Nodding, Christian keeps the coin in the bag and mutters "I'll take all this, I'm excited about history somehow..."

Looking at the collapsed road in front of him, Christian bites his lips and mutters "There must be more corpses down there, maybe they have treasures at this time, but... that road doesn't lead to the vault we're looking for, let's turn back, then we'll see we'll take all this out."

"*Sigh*" With a sigh of relief, Lust nodded.

"We'll keep digging in the torture room?"

"Yeah, we save ourselves a lot of mining with that place, we'll break through the wall and go straight to our destination."


"*Sigh*" Looking at the corpse, Christian sighed with emotion and went back the way he came.


May 17, 2018. (2 weeks later)

Looking at the brick-like structure in front of him, Christian smiled excitedly.

"We're here..."

The path was tumultuous and tiring, Christian found more rocks than ever and the worst part was that where the vault was supposed to be, there was nothing.

Christian had to make several paths with that landmark and he always found corridors of some catacomb leading to piles of skeletons, he even found more armories, areas to pray and some corpses with armor and several coins from ancient rome.

Needless to say, Christian has already looted everything he could find and is currently packed in a warehouse several kilometers away.

He made sure to record the entire catacomb and even stole the Latin engravings.

Having Leslie and Lust by his side, Christian spoke up "The boats arrived?"


"Did we confirm where the sewer goes?"

"Yes, we have people look after the place, we also prepare the boxes to pack what we steal before we send it on the boat."

"Well... the time has come" Taking the bar, Christian took a deep breath and started to hit the wall, so that after 10 minutes, Christian let go of the bar and kicked the wall hard, causing a big hole instantly.

Without going in, Christian took his flashlight and pointed inside, finding large libraries with a floor that appeared to be cement.

"Don't move, I have to see if it has detectors or something similar" Pointing towards the ceilings, Christian squinted as he saw nothing, then tucked his head in a bit and pointed sideways "Nothing..."

Stepping in cautiously with a gun in his hand, Christian pointed to both sides and whispered "Go inside and don't talk so loud, also don't run or jump, we don't know they have detectors in here somewhere"


Approaching the wooden library in front of him, Christian points to the sides and looks at the books "This seems to be made of leather... but I see all kinds of books in here..."

Picking up a book, Christian carefully opens it and looks inside, then frowns slightly "This is..."

Looking at the strange writing, Christian began to smile with excitement as he remembered where he saw this before, then turning pages and seeing different drawings.

"Fuck... this really exists" Looking excitedly inside the book, Christian whispered "The hidden library of the vatican".

"What's so special about this?" looking at the strange drawings, Lust asked doubtfully.

"This is Mayan writing, the drawings are ancient mathematics" Smiling, Christian began to turn pages and continued "It has always been known that the church burned all the records of other civilizations that did not follow its beliefs, disappearing much of history with their primitive tactics."


"The Mayans, for example, have many structures that should have been impossible for that time, plus several records were found that their mathematics and astronomy were very advanced, causing several speculations of aliens helping them"


"But there was also a rumor..." Looking at the hundreds of shelves, Christian spoke "The Catholic church didn't burn everything and kept it all for themselves... thus profiting from everything and hiding the history for the others"

"Are you saying that..."

"It may be that in this library we have much of the histories of ancient civilizations.... Egypt, the Mayans, the Aztecs, we might even find writings from ancient China."

"This must be worth a lot of money, no?"

"Money?" chuckling, Christian muttered "This is priceless, we're talking about historical records of civilizations that were erased from history, and if it weren't for their structures that to this day endure, we wouldn't know of their existence."

"But this doesn't look like the gold we're looking for" Scratching her never, Lust asked.

Honestly for her these books are no different than trash.

What's the point of having records of history?

What's the use of knowing the mathematics of ancient people?

Those questions were on her mind, but seeing Christian's excited look, she didn't dare ask.

Leaving the book to the shelf, Christian turned to Leslie and spoke "Each shelf has a name, I don't know how they separate each civilization, but I want you to take each book from the shelves and store them carefully, these books we will send them around the outside, I don't want to risk dropping them in the water."

"Understood" Nodding, Leslie looked at the thousands of books and asked "Do you want me to photograph everything?"

"Record everything, it's better"





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