
Chapter 215 Dangerous Surprise

Chapter 215 Dangerous Surprise

"But first let's explore this, we have to find the treasure" Looking at the place, Christian spoke "I don't see any dust, that means they have someone cleaning every certain time, we don't know if it's every day or every certain days... at best it's every certain days and we were lucky to arrive just when he left... according to what we have in the registry, in this place only a handful of people can enter, and usually they don't come unless they have a need..."

"What if we run into someone?"

"If he sees us, we kill him, if we see him first, we knock him out and tie him up" Without hesitation, Christian replied, then turned and walked "Let's go."

Walking around the place, Christian made sure to watch every little nook and cranny for anything that would give them away, but apparently, they didn't have any security inside.

Looking down the hallway in front of him, Christian whispered "Careful over here, we don't know if anyone is there."josei

Taking a deep breath, Christian closed his eyes for a few seconds, then opened them and changed all his vision to violet "Turn off the flashlights, I'll lead the way."

Walking around the place, Christian suddenly found himself with 3 options, one path going straight ahead, and two others to his right and left.

Looking at the two places, Christian turned to the right and kept walking, so that after about 5 minutes, he managed to see a spiral staircase.

Approaching it, Christian looked up and muttered, "This must be the way up to the Vatican."

"Christian..." Looking at the staircase, Lust whispered "Doesn't this mean that, if we blow this up, they won't be able to come down for quite a while?"

"..." Raising his eyebrows, Christian nodded "It's a good idea, but it's dangerous for us to do it before we rob, they could shut down the whole city and we'd be in trouble... but it's a good idea to blow it up after we rob, they wouldn't know what happened downstairs and it would take a few weeks to clean it all up."

Turning, Christian turns toward the hallway "Let's go."

Walking down the hallway, Christian took the left path and walked for a few minutes, then looked at the plain wooden door in front of him and smiled oddly at the sight of a normal padlock.

Taking the padlock, Christian snaps it off with a jerk and opens the door.




Opening their eyes wide, the group looked around the room in disbelief.

Piles of gold bars were seen everywhere, no matter where you looked, gold seemed to cover your gaze.

"Shit..." Looking at all the gold, Lust whispered in disbelief "They have all this stuff lying on the floor like dog shit."

"Master... this" Frowning slightly, Leslie looked at Christian and whispered.

"I know Leslie... this is a lot more than 100,000 tons of gold" Doing a quick total count of every bar he saw, it took Christian 6 minutes to come up with the result "198,234 tons of gold"

"That's a lot of gold..." Swallowing saliva, Lust muttered.

"You don't understand how catastrophic this is..." Frowning deeply, Christian continued "It is believed that in the whole world only 200,000 tons of gold was mined approximately, and it is believed that there is still another 200,000 tons left to be discovered... but the church has a lot of gold, enough to make it worth shit if it all comes out."

"What do you mean?"

"If all this gold is seen in public, the gold will be worth almost nothing... the more gold, the less it's worth."


"What's worse, is that the church publicly admitted that it has about 60,000 tons in the bank and the rest is kept by the U.S. in a military fortress, 45,000 tons more... all that was supposed to be the church's gold... but it wasn't even half..."

"How the fuck did they get all this gold?"

"The church were the biggest plunderers in history, Asia, America, Europe, Africa, there is no continent on which the church has not laid its hands, always plundering in the name of the goddess."

"*Sigh* Then we will do a good deed against those poor people."


"Thief who steals from thief, has a thousand years of forgiveness" Putting her hands together in a sign of prayer, Lust smiled with amusement "So, shall we initiate?"

"Not yet, let's see the area first..." Walking around the area, Christian looked at the golden pyramids and smirked, then reached the other side and saw another wooden door.

Grabbing the padlock, Christian yanks it open and reaches another room.

"Fuck, look at this!"

"Don't yell!"

The room is very similar to the previous one, very large and all concrete, with heights exceeding 20 meters without problems.

But the content of this room is very different from the previous one, here we do not see gold piled up, but gems.

Beautiful gems piled everywhere, diamonds, sapphires, even several pearls and emeralds can be seen.

Looking at a piece of wood sticking out in the center, Christian walks over and looks at the gem in the center, then opening his eyes wide and muttering in disbelief "It can't be..."

"This is a ruby?" looking at the large red gem in the center, Lust asked.

"Yes" Swallowing saliva, Christian looked at the gem carefully and spoke "Ruby or red diamond... it's so unique that a carat of this diamond costs a million dollars."

"And how much will this weigh?"

"That's the amazing thing... I think it surpasses the largest diamond in the world... this must be about 4,000 carats, while the largest known diamond weighed only 3,500 or so"

"*Gulp* 4 billion in this gem alone?"

"More than that, if this sells, we could easily pull in the 6 billion or even more, all because of its sheer size."

"Christian... here we have a lot of gems" Looking at the piled up mountains, Lust spoke nervously "If the church finds out that we stole this, hell will come down on us"

"I know..." Frowning slightly, Christian muttered "I didn't think they'd have so much stuff... this is dangerous, very dangerous."


"Master, there's another room."

Looking towards the door ahead, Christian's eyebrows twitched slightly "Please tell me there are no more gems, because I really don't know how we'll steal so many things."

Walking towards the door, Christian pulls the lock and opens it.

"Holy crap!" looking at the contents, this time it was Christian who couldn't stand what he saw and exclaimed.

"What are those things?" Looking at the objects inside, Lust saw nothing of value and asked.

"Th-that's..." Looking at the wooden box, Christian spoke nervously "By the goddess, what have we gotten ourselves into..."

"What's that?"

"Th-that's called the ark of the covenant."

Opening her eyes a little wider, Leslie looked at the wooden box with gold eagles in disbelief.

"It's important?"

"I-important?" smiling stiffly, Christian spoke "It is supposed, in that ark, to hold the commandments given by the goddess to Moses."

"..." Blinking in a daze, Lust smiled stiffly "A-are you kidding?"

"No... here are supposed to be the tablets with the commandments... the church always said they didn't know where it was, you greedy fucking bastards"

"*Gulp*" Looking at all the objects in the place, Lust asked "W-what's the rest?"

Turning his gaze, Christian looks at the shelves and mutters "We have 7 russian eggs, these shits are incredible treasures..."

Approaching the shelf, Christian looks closely at the eggs and speaks "These eggs were bought by the Czar of Russia, they are known to be 39 eggs and 8 are missing... who knew the church would have 7"

"Master, is this gold?" Looking at the decorations of a room of a golden or orange color, Leslie asked curiously.

"That's..." Moving closer, Christian looks at the chandeliers, furniture and hundreds of decorations for a room "Fuck..."

"What? Is it expensive?"

"This was stolen by the Nazis..." Gently touching a chandelier, Christian spoke "This used to be inside a special room called 'Amber Chamber'. This room was the eighth wonder of the world, but it could never be found after it was ransacked."


Looking around, Christian suddenly frowned and approaches the wall, finding a cloth surrounded with gold and several carvings of angels.

Staring at the face, Christian opened his eyes a little wider and muttered "Impossible..."

"What is that?" looking at the face so common on the cloth, Lust asked.

"According to the writings on this... that's the face of Jesus."

"Jesus?" looking at the image, Lust frowned "But Jesus is a woman, not a man."

"But it clearly says here that it's Jesus... this is something the church has very much hidden, if it was pure crap, they wouldn't even send it to be framed"

"Y-you're telling me that Jesus was a man and not a woman!?"


"Master, and this?" Looking at the silver hammer under the image, Leslie asked.

"That is..." Looking at the hammer quizzically, Christian chuckled lightly "When the Holy Mother dies, a special person has to come and take this hammer, then go to her body and call her name, if she doesn't answer, the person has to hit her with the hammer on the head 3 times... if she doesn't wake up after 3 hits, she is dead."


Looking around the place, Christian scratches his head and sighs "Of lost works of art, to stolen treasures, the church seems to have no limit... but I'm surprised not to see the holy grail or the spear that killed that man..."


"Okay girls, start filming everything and let's get ready to start the looting, we'll start with the books and move on to the riches.... Leslie, we'll need more boxes to pack, get them."

"We're finally getting this shit done"

"Leslie, text my dad and tell him I need remote explosives, I'll blow this shit up when we leave."

"Roger that."

"I'll go check out the last room, for now record everything, don't miss any details, watch out for the drop off, we don't want any surprises."

Leaving the women, Christian walked towards the last hallway and arrived in front of a suspicious door.

"What the fuck?"

The door was completely dark of an unfamiliar wood, several chains protruded from the wall and clung to a simple padlock, while a large Latin writing was visible on the door.

"Hic iacet diabolus signatus" Frowning deeply, Christian muttered "Here lies the sealed devil..."

"What nonsense" Taking the padlock, Christian pulled and broke it smoothly, then removed the chains and opened the door.

"..." Looking around the room of what seems to be ivory, Christian looked at the hundreds of crosses on the walls curiously, then looked at the object they seem to protect.

"A sword?" Approaching towards the sword that was tied with chains, Christian looks at it carefully and whispers "There's nothing special about it... it's just a dark sword, no engravings, no weird colors or anything that would indicate to be the devil..."

Looking at the whole place carefully, Christian shrugged "I can't understand these maniacs."

Grabbing the sword lock, Christian snaps it with a jerk and pulls out the sword, then brandishes it with a smile "Though I won't deny that it seems to be good and quite heavy, even I feel its weight."

With a smirk, Christian took a last look at every detail of the room and left the place.

"Then the last stage begins."


2 days later

Looking at the staircase in front of him, Christian picks up a wooden box and starts to climb cautiously.

After climbing halfway up, Christian stops and sets the box down on the stairs, then opens it and looks at the dozen explosives inside "I have enough to blow up the white house... to fuck them or not to fuck them?"

"Obviously I'll fuck them up" With a smile, Christian takes the first explosive and sticks it under the stairs, then bends down and starts pushing buttons on the explosive.

"There, now it serves as a link, I have to connect the others and all the explosives would be activated with a call."

Taking the box, Christian climbed a little higher and placed another explosive under the ladder "With this we already have this area down."

Taking the box, Christian went down the stairs and placed another explosive on the door, then set about placing one in each room, including the catacomb and the path they dug.

"With that we would be ready, we already have the gasoline to burn everything in case this doesn't erase all our traces and we already stole all the books..."

Looking at the place, Christian sighs "This shit will cause a cave-in at the Holy See, I can't leave anything incriminating behind or I'll be in big trouble..."




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