
Chapter 226 Helen

Chapter 226 Helen

"That's the most important thing, the system I have in my mind is not something that is bad, I would say it's pretty generic, but that's because of the limits they have right now, once we have a better structure, we can expand the system and give it wings."

"How will you use photons? Isn't it something impossible?"

"For now it is impossible to create them, but I have a certain material that, if I melt it and thin them to the height of a hair, it will give the energy needed to give 0.1 photons, that means I have to do that process many times"

"I don't understand anything" Scratching her head, Emily continued "Do you think anyone will ever get to work with photons?"

"China in a few years will manage to have 113 photons in their quantum computer, they will soon be on the right track and manage to have the fastest computer in the world... surpassing the one Google is trying to create, being 10 million times faster" Getting up from his seat, Christian walked to the library and took out another book, then sat down and continued "Quantum computer with 113 photons will be able to solve problems that google's quantum computer takes 33 billion years to solve in just one millisecond."

"That's a beating..."

"And it will be, you're a Hacker, you should know what you can accomplish with that speed."

"Everything... no system could stop me and I'd be able to get into everything without being detected."


"I get it" Nodding, Emily rolled her gaze and continued to watch the computer graphics.

Time passed quickly, Emily never took her eyes off the computer while Christian never stopped reading, until suddenly, a voice interrupted them.

"Honey, are you still here?" with her hands on her hips, Elisa looked at Christian with pursed lips "I told you not to work so hard, you've been in this place for more than 8 hours already."

Smiling instantly, Christian looks up and looks at his dear woman "Work takes time."

"..." Looking at Christian with pursed lips, Elisa looked at the place and walked to the sofa in the corner, then sat down and looked at Christian with her arms crossed "Then from now on you'll have me here with you all day long"

"But you need rest, and you'll be bored out of your mind" Frowning slightly, Christian replied.

"If you don't rest, I won't rest either, I've already decided."

"..." Staring at the woman, Christian sighed and rubbed his hair "Okay, we'll stop for today Emily, we'll continue tomorrow."

Nodding nonchalantly, Emily began to finalize the systems and began the computer cool down.

"What a stubborn woman..." Getting up, Christian leaves the book on the table and walks over to Elisa, then lies down on the couch and rests his head on the woman's thighs "Have you eaten?"

"Four times."

"How is Sarah?"

"She's still writing her book, she won't get off the computer."

"I see..." Turning his gaze, Christian stared at the woman's stomach "It looks like it did grow today".

"You say that every day and it's still exactly the same as it was a week ago" Rolling her eyes, Elisa stroked Christian's hair affectionately.

"I can't wait for the day..." Slowly closing his eyes, Christian murmured softly.

"It will come" Smiling tenderly, Elisa whispered.

Feeling Elisa stroking his hair softly, Christian sighed contentedly and opened his eyes "Elisa."

"Yes sweetheart?"

"I already told my mom about our baby."

With a sudden twinkle in her eye, Elisa quickly exclaims "Really!?"

'So if she was worried...' Looking at the woman's excitement, Christian nodded "She already knows she's going to be a grandmother."

"And w-what did she say?" opening her eyes a little wider, Elisa asked with concern.

"She's expecting our child" Smiling softly, Christian kisses Elisa's stomach and whispers "So far only mom knows, in the future I'll tell my siblings... but I have to tell you something."


"I can't let the public know about my little girl..."

"W-why?" with pain in her eyes, Elisa whispered sadly.

"Because I will gain many enemies in the future... I need to keep this private to keep them safe... just for a while, I am already working to have everything safe and I promise you that before our daughter goes to school, everyone will know that this little baby in your belly is my daughter and my biggest pride."

"..." Staring at Christian's face for a few seconds, Elisa finally nods with a beautiful smile "It's okay."

"Really? I thought it would bother you" With surprise on his face, Christian asks.

"You are my man and I can see in your eyes the love you have for our baby? I trust you and I know you will do what's best for us."

"I love you..." Melting at her words, Christian whispered tenderly.

"Me more..."


2 months later.

"Okay, test #564" Typing quickly into the computer with Emily at his side, Christian spoke earnestly "Start simulation in 3, 2, 1, go"

"Ready" Nodding, Emily put her finger to her mouth and bit her nail nervously.

"Phase one, completed" Looking at the screen, Christian nervously whispered "Initiate full simulation."

"It's loading..." Looking at the numerous numbers and codes that began to appear on the screen, Emily whispered.

"Come on... you must be the final one."


Eyes widening, Christian quickly turned to the computer servers and smiled excitedly "Failed simulation!"

"Hahaha~" Laughing softly, Emily pressed the button even side of the desk and switched off the computer light, as happiness shone on her face "The first processor to outperform a supercomputer!"

Laughing lightly, Christian stood up and hugged Emily with excitement "With that we have 155 QBits, we will start the creation process!"

Lowering her gaze, Emily smiled shyly into Christian's embrace, as his unique scent invades her nostrils.

"I have to record everything!" Letting go of Emily, Christian quickly grabbed his notebook and began writing rapidly, while his big smile never faded.

After more than half an hour of recording data, Christian nodded and looked up at the couch, seeing his beautiful redhead lying on the couch while watching a movie on the laptop.

"She never really walked away..." Whispering inaudibly, Christian's eyes strayed to the small bulge in Elisa's stomach, causing a smile to spread across his face.

"Master, Envy sent a message, she needs information" Looking at her cell phone, Leslie who never moved away from the door, spoke in a monotone voice.

"Hand it over" Turning to Emily, Christian nodded.

"I'll go to my computer" Getting up, Emily walks with a big smile to the door, then exits and leaves Christian to his own.

Getting up, Christian walks over to Elisa and lies down next to her, then stares at her face.

Removing her headphones, Elisa smiles softly and speaks "You look happy."

"We achieved a breakthrough, we will start the construction of the first quantum processor."

"Congratulations~" Smiling happily, Elisa quickly kisses Christian's lips.

Lowering his gaze, Christian lifts Elisa's shirt gently and looks at her bulging stomach with a loving smile "It won't be long now before we know if it's male or female."

"Yes... I'm almost 6 months" Looking down at her belly in a daze, Elisa whispers.

Lowering his body, Christian approached the woman's stomach and rested his head on it, then lifted his gaze and looked at the dazed Elisa "Is something wrong?"

"Sometimes I still can't accept that I'm going to be a mother..." Shaking her head with a smile, Elisa looked at Christian with soft eyes "I really thought this would never happen... I love you Christian."

"Me too" Kissing Elisa's stomach, Christian leaned back with a smile and spoke "What will our baby girl's name be?"

"I was thinking Alice if it's a girl and Alex in case it's a boy, they're nice names."

"I want him to be named Leonidas if it's a boy and Helen if it's a girl."josei

"Wasn't Leonidas the man warrior of Sparta?"

"Yes, but I know my baby will be a girl, so Helen wouldn't be bad."

"Helen... doesn't sound bad"

"Elisa... now that I think about it, what last name will our daughter have?"

"Now that you mention it... we don't really have a last name that is considered ours... we came to the orphanage when we were babies and our last name was something randomly given... although I honestly don't think the last name is relevant" Frowning slightly, Elisa mumbled.

"If you want I'll give her mine, Helen Grey."

"You'd give her your last name?" Raising her eyebrows, Elisa asked with interest.

"Why not? She's my daughter, I'd give her the world if she wants it."

"So cheesy~" Smiling sweetly, Elisa kissed Christian's lips quickly and whispered "We'll see about the last name later, but right now I have a bigger problem~"

"What's wrong?"

"What's going on is..." Bringing her mouth close to Christian's ear, Elisa whispered heatedly "I've been feeling really horny lately, I think this baby has me agitated~"

Chuckling lightly, Christian whispered "That can be fixed~"

"Hehe~" Feeling the hand caressing her stomach moving up towards her breasts, Elisa smiled sweetly.


Another two weeks passed quickly and finally Christian's most awaited event arrived, the ultrasound of his beautiful Elisa.

For the occasion he made sure to bring a reliable doctor to the island and prepared the best technological equipment for the check-up, thus ensuring a good result and confidentiality.

"Christian... I'm nervous" Biting her lips, Elisa whispered, while her hand squeezed Christian's hand a little tighter.

"You'll be fine, our daughter will be fine too." Dressed in his formal suit, Christian took Elisa's hand gently, staring at the woman lying on the gurney with her stomach uncovered.

Sitting in front of the gurney, Sarah was biting her nails with obvious nervousness.

"Good morning, I'm Dr. Miller and I'll be taking over the ultrasound" With a professional smile and scrubs, a woman in her 60's entered the room, then looked at all the medical equipment and nodded.

"Good morning doctor, thank you for coming to this place" Looking at the woman with a pleasant smile, Christian spoke.

"The pleasure is mine, it was a nice trip" Smiling slightly, the doctor put on some medical gloves and took out a package of some kind of gel, and then approached Elisa and smiled at her nervous look "Is this your first time?"

"I-it's my first child" Nodding shyly, Elisa replied.

"Don't worry because I'll do everything I can to make your pregnancy perfect, I'll also take care of helping you with the delivery, so we'll see each other often."

"Th-thank you."

"This will feel a little cold, I need you to tell me if you feel any pain when I'm doing the ultrasound" Losing her smile, the woman took on a serious face and spoke.

"Y-yes" Shivering slightly as she felt the gel touch her stomach, Elisa looked at the man beside her and her eyes softened as she saw the concern on his face.

"Good..." Picking up a metal device, the doctor places it on Elisa's stomach and begins to press it gently, then looks at the screen next to her and begins to move her hand "Let's see how the little baby is..."

Swallowing saliva nervously, Christian stared at the screen, until after a few seconds, what they were looking for came into view.

"Here's your baby... She's growing perfectly and doesn't seem to have any complications."



Instantly, two relaxed sighs were clearly heard, one from Sarah and the other from Christian.

"That's my baby..." Looking at the screen, Elisa whispered softly, while her eyes instantly became loving.

"My baby..." Murmuring inaudibly, Christian smiled warmly and spoke "Doctor, may I know the gender?"

"Yes, let me find a good angle, as this little one seems to be hiding" Gently waving her hand, the doctor stared at the screen for a few seconds and smiled "There you go, congratulations, it will be a beautiful baby girl."

"I knew it!" smiling happily, Christian brought his face close to the screen and stared at the image "A little girl, hahaha!"

Looking at the excited man, Elisa shook her head and smiled.

"Damn, I wanted a boy!" Moving closer to the screen, Sarah stared at the little baby and pursed her lips.

"I told you it would be a girl" Sticking his tongue out at Sarah, Christian spoke proudly.


Looking at the two people in front of her, Elisa smiled softly and lowered her gaze to her stomach, then whispered "You sure will have a peculiar life..."




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