
Chapter 227 Envy

Chapter 227 Envy

Releasing small smoke rings, Envy looked at the house in front of her with calm eyes.

Today, Envy is quite different from how she used to be a few years ago.

On her body was a tight dark suit that seemed to exude elegance and was easily recognized as an expensive suit because of its good fabric.

Her long hair falls down her back while several gold rings are seen on her hands.

But what changed the most, however, was her face.josei

Without before Christian easily looked like a poisonous snake, today she shows nothing but calm and stoicism, a completely dull face and no expression to be seen.

"Will you come in boss?"

Turning her gaze from the house, Envy looked at the woman of about 32 who was sitting in the driver's seat, then turned her gaze to look at the co-pilot.

Letting out another puff of smoke, Envy turned her gaze back to the house and nodded "Wait for me here."

"Yes boss."

Opening the door to the vehicle, Envidia put on her suit coat and took one last puff on her cigarette, then looked at the other two black vans behind and grabbed a dark briefcase from the seat.

Closing the door, Envy approached the house and came to her door.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock* *Knock*.


Instantly a male voice came from the other side, causing Envy's ni expression6n to falter for a few seconds.

Clenching her fists a little tighter, Envy took a deep breath and regained her neutral face.

"Sorry for the delay-" Wiping his hands on his clothes, a man of about 55 opened the door, but seeing the person on the other side, he smiled broadly and exclaimed "Honey, you finally deigned to visit us!"

"Hi... Dad" Looking at the man with hair graying with age, Envy smiled slightly and spoke.

"As cold as ever, come, come in the house it's cold outside" Taking Envy's hand, the man closed the door and guided her into the living room.

"This place hasn't changed a bit" Looking at the humble house, Envy murmured.

"I've been meaning to paint it for a while now, but I never find the time" Arriving in the living room, the man looked at the women sitting on the couch while watching TV and spoke "Look who's here!"

Instantly, they all turned their gaze towards Envy, while a woman of about 67 years old stared at her and spoke somewhat coldly "I'm glad you remember you have a home, Samantha"

"Hello mother..."

"Sis, you finally showed up" Smiling instantly, a woman in her 30's stood up and stared at Envy "And it looks like you haven't been doing too bad, that suit looks expensive"

"It's a gift" Nodding, Envy set the suitcase down on one of the couches and looked at the rest of her sisters, only nodding towards them and receiving the same cold treatment from them.

"Honey, we were just about to have dinner, come quickly to the table I'll bring the food" As if noticing his daughters' behavior, the man smiled kindly and walked towards the kitchen.

Staring at her mother, Envy sighed, feeling just as uncomfortable as the last time she was in this place.

'I don't care anymore' Shaking her head, Envy walked over to the table and sat down in her usual seat, then pulled out her cell phone and started checking her messages.

"What's that crap?" chuckling lightly, Envy's older sister sat on the edge of the table and commented mockingly upon seeing Envy's plain cell phone "If you want I can lend you money to buy another one, with that I doubt you'll get a boyfriend."

"What does my cell phone have to do with getting a boyfriend?" Looking up, Envy asked with boredom.

"Isn't it obvious? That cell phone reeks of poverty, no one in their right mind starts a courtship with a woman who has nowhere to drop dead."

"As you say" Without bothering to correct her, Envy finished answering the messages and put the cell phone away.

"Come on, I already told them to sit down" Returning to the living room with a tray in his hands, the man frowned slightly and spoke towards the rest of his family on the couch.

"*Sigh*" Rising, Envy's mother nodded and walked over to the table, then sat down at the end of the table and looked up at Envy "Are you still in the military?"

"I asked to be discharged a few months ago."

"Why haven't you come to see us? I haven't seen you for over a year."

"I've been busy."

"Why don't you ask your sister for a job? She opened a new clinic and she's been needing people lately."

Popping a piece of lettuce into her mouth, the sister nodded, then swallowed and spoke with a smile "I have several open positions that don't ask for a college degree or anything, just let me know if you need work."

"Who would want to work in your crappy clinic? Your only open positions are janitorial and you pay a pittance" Sitting down next to Envy, a young girl of about 15 sneered.

"Blair, do you want to fight?" Squinting at the young woman, the older sister spoke threateningly.

"Celia, I don't want any fights at the table" Sitting down next to his wife, the man spoke angrily "Your sister came to visit us so behave!"


"If Celia hits you let me know, I'll sue her for you, we could get a lot of money out of her" Looking at her younger sister with amusement, another of the sisters spoke up.

"Clarise, everyone knows you suck as a lawyer, chances are I'll end up paying and in jail" Rolling her eyes, Blair put her cell phone down on the table and answered.

"I'm still a student, it's normal to have some mistakes" Shrugging, Clarisa replied with amusement.

"Honey, do you want turkey?" looking at Envy with a soft smile, the man spoke.

"Yes dad, thank you" Stretching out her hand with her plate, Envy smiled slightly and nodded.

"Jack, Samantha is an adult now, let her help herself" Frowning slightly, the mother spoke.

"Darcy, shut up, my daughter is never old enough for me" Hissing towards his wife, the man smiled again towards Envy and served her food with a happy smile.

"Thanks daddy."

Frowning slightly, Darcy looked at his daughter and spoke "Why did you retire from the army?"

"I found something better."

"Sis, did you experience anything like the movies?" looking at Envy with interest, Blair asked.

"..." Instantly recalling all her time in the military, Envy commented, "Fact trumps fiction."

"What rank did you hold before you retired?"

"Army officer."

"You made it to officer without schooling? No doubt a great achievement, I'm happy for you" Looking at Envy, Jack commented with a smile.

"In the army it doesn't matter what your studies are, only your ability."

"If you became an officer, why did you retire? Isn't this another one of your lies?" Looking at her sister with a smile, Celia asked.


"It's okay dad, you don't have to scold her" Looking up from her food, Envy looked at her sister and smiled slightly "I found a better job, I had no use for being in the military anymore"

"Another foolish decision of yours" Shaking her head, Darcy continued "If you already managed to become an Officer in the army at such a young age, it's only a matter of time before you became a Colonel or you might even make it higher"

"..." Not bothering to respond, Envy just nodded and continued eating in silence.

"Samantha, did you hear that your sister opened a new clinic?" smiling towards his daughter, Jack continued "Why don't you go work with her? It would be nice to work together."

"I already offered her a job, Mom, but Samantha refused, she must really love her current job."

"Oh... I see" Nodding, Jack continued to smile and asked "Samantha, what have you been doing lately?"

"I've been traveling for the past few months around the country."

"For work?"


"What do you do?"

"A little bit of everything."

"But what exactly?"


"Samantha, your father is talking to you, don't ignore him" Frowning again, Darcy spoke with mild anger.

"It's not an official job yet, we're just getting everything started."

Rolling her eyes, Celia commented "Is there even such a job? Samantha didn't even finish school, what kind of job could she can get?"

"Whatever you say" Shrugging, Envy ignored it all and continued eating.

Noticing the tension at the table, Jack smiled stiffly and spoke "Honey, have you seen any nice places?"

"I was in Hawaii recently, the weather is nice."

"You went to Hawaii? I heard it's super beautiful there, did you like it?"

"I went for work so I didn't see much" Shrugging her shoulders, Envy looked at her father and continued "But I was also in Russia a few months ago, I got to see several historical buildings and it's all very nice"

"Russia!? What were you doing in Russia!?" Looking at her sister with surprise, Celia exclaimed.

"I was training."

"In Russia? What did they teach you there? How to fight bears and drink vodka?"

"You could say that."

"Samantha, can you stop acting like this? You're making everyone uncomfortable" Frowning her old frown again, Darcy looked at Envy angrily and spoke.

"..." Looking up, Envy looked at everyone at the table and sighed, then wiped her mouth and spoke "Sorry to make you uncomfortable, I'll leave."

"Honey, no need, you know your mother is talking nonsense" Standing up quickly, Jack looked at Envy with concern and spoke.

"Let her go daddy, always thinking she's so unique" Rolling her eyes, Celia replied mockingly "She doesn't even have her own house, sooner or later she'll be back."

"Celia, stop it!"

"I gave you permission to get up from the table?" watching as Samantha rearranged the chair, Darcy spoke coldly.

"I'm of age now mom, I don't need your permission" Undeterred, Envy walks over to the couch and puts on her coat, then grabs her suitcase and walks over to her father who was looking at her with concern.

"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner dad, it's good to see you again" Hugging him a little tighter, Envy whispered, then let go and handed him the briefcase "This is my gift to you, just for you, thank you for all the love you gave me."

"Honey..." Looking at Envy sadly, Jack continued "Why don't you stay over today?"

"I have work to do dad, thanks for the invite" Turning around, Envy walks over to her two younger sisters and pulls cards out of her pocket, then handing them to them and smiling slightly "Take care stupid, if you're in trouble or need help, call me at that number."

Taking the card, Clarise looked at it curiously and noticed only a phone number in the center "Don't you add your name to it? You know this should have more information on it, don't you?"

"I don't have a name anymore" Smiling slightly, Envy looked at her mother and sister and nodded towards them, then walked towards the exit.

"Honey, wait, I'll call you a cab, it's raining outside."

"It's okay dad, I have people waiting for me" Reaching into her pocket, Envy pulled out a cigarette and placed it in her mouth, then opened the door and lit it.

"Bye dad, we'll be in touch" Looking at the man, Envy nodded.

"Bye sweetie..."

Quickly rising from the chair, Blair walks over to the window and watches the vehicles outside with interest.

"What are you doing?" looking at her sister, Clarise stands next to her and asks.

"Samantha said she has someone waiting for her, maybe she has a boyfriend."

"Can't see any men...whose cars are those? They look suspicious"

"There goes Samantha"

"Tsk, why does she look so cool smoking?"

"Hey... look at that, did someone get out of the van?"

Watching her sister approach the van, Blair watched in surprise as the woman in the suit opened the door for her.

"Hey...what did she say our sister was doing?"

"She didn't tell us..."

"What's so interesting outside?" frowning, Celia stood up and looked out the window.

"Samantha was just greeted out of respect by a suspicious woman...look they're leaving."

"There are the 3 vans together..."

"W-what is this!?"

Quickly turning their eyes, the sisters looked at their father who was staring at the suitcase in disbelief.

"What's the matter? Why are you yelling?" Rising with a frown, Darcy walked over to her husband and looked at the suitcase, then opened her eyes wide and stared at its contents.

Feeling her curiosity eat away at her, Blair runs over to her father and looks at the suitcase "Fuck, that's a lot of money!"

Looking at the large number of wads of bills, Jack reaches his trembling hand towards the paper over the money and reads it "3 m-million dollars... I love you daddy..."

"Fuck..." Staring at the large amount of money, Celia cursed in a daze.

[A/N: This chapter may be a bit boring, but it is for you to understand Envy's family environment and how she is with the others, mostly to build a better character. Next chapters we will have appearances of the 7 deadly sins and show what they are doing while Christian investigates everything].




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