
Chapter 231 Birth

Chapter 231 Birth

So, time passed slowly, while every minute felt like witnessing hell for Christian.


"AHHHHHH!!!" Squeezing Christian's hands tightly, Elisa screamed at the top of her lungs, while her voice is already completely worn out.

"She came out!" gently taking the baby in her hands, the doctor turns and shouts "Nurse!"

"Yes doctor!" Rushing over, the nurse takes the baby with a blanket between her hands and stands to the side, while the umbilical cord is still dangling.

Taking several objects from her side, the doctor began to disinfect Elisa's vagina and clean up the blood.

"Doctor, the child shows no signs!"

"Pass her to me!" Standing up quickly, the doctor takes the baby carefully and stares at her, then turns her over and raises her hand.

"Stop" Appearing out of nowhere, Christian holds the doctor's hand and gently takes her little girl "She's fine, you don't need to hit her."


"I said she's fine" Repressing his nervousness, Christian looks down for the first time and sees the little baby in her hands.

The little girl looks perfectly fine. Her short hair is a crimson color, her skin is just as pale as Christian's and her face is incredibly adorable, causing Christian to not support his happiness at the sight of her and let his tears fall.

"My little one... at last we meet" Not knowing how to take her without hurting her, Christian holds her with the utmost concern and pulls her close to his face.

As if sensing her father's presence, the little girl slightly opened her eyes, revealing two beautiful gems as light blue as the sky itself, causing Christian to smile fondly "You have my eyes..."

"Christian... give me my daughter... I want to see her" Smiling softly at the sight of Christian's tears, Elisa whispered haltingly as she lifted her trembling arms.

"Yes..." Stepping closer to Elisa, Christian smiles lovingly at her and slowly lowers his little girl.

Holding her in her arms, Elisa cradles her gently and takes her first look at her baby girl, causing her eyes to instantly fill with tears "I-It's beautiful..."

Looking sideways, Christian walks over to a chair and moves it to the side of Elisa's gurney, then sits down beside her and stares at his little girl.

"Mrs. Elisa, I must cut the umbilical cord" Approaching with a pair of scissors, the nurse spoke.

Nodding with difficulty, Elisa let them take her daughter with a happy smile.

"What has to be done now?"

"Nothing for now, you can have about 50 minutes with the baby and then I will finish with Mrs. Elisa, since we still have to suture her vagina."

"Why are you waiting?"

"It is recommended, since it is not known if all the placenta has been expelled, it is normal."

"Understood, thank you for your impeccable bringing."

Nodding silently, the doctor looked at the nurses and they left the room, leaving a period of calm for the couple.

"She's beautiful... isn't she?" looking at her little girl, Elisa whispered softly.

"Have you seen her eyes?" leaning his head on Elisa's shoulder, Christian stared at his quiet little girl and whispered.josei


"They look like clouds... she has the same eyes as when I was a child."

"She'll be just as pretty as her father" Turning her gaze to Christian, Elisa smiles warmly "I love you"

"Me more" Moving closer to Elisa, Christian gently kisses her lips.

"So the name will be Helen?"

"You like that name?"

"I can't think of a better one"

"Then it will be Helen" Taking off his surgical gloves, Christian brings his hand close to his little girl and gently caresses her chubby cheek "You don't know how happy I feel right now..... I really want to cry so badly."

"You're such a big cry baby..." Smiling warmly, Elisa looked at her daughter and slowly began to fall asleep, no longer bearing her exhaustion.

"Haha~" Laughing softly, Christian kissed Elisa's sweaty forehead and looked at the little creature in his hands, feeling immense sweetness at the sight of her cute face.

Reaching into his pocket, Christian pulled out his cell phone and took several pictures of his daughter, then sighed and left the place.

"How did it go!?" Quickly approaching Christian, Sarah asked with an excited smile.

"I guess you already talked to the doctor, but everything went well, our baby girl was born healthy, look, I have a picture" Pulling out his cell phone, Christian showed the gallery and selected the pictures of his daughter.

Quickly surrounding Christian, Leslie, Sarah and Emily looked at the little girl with smiles on their faces.

"She has the same hair as Elisa" Smiling softly, Sarah murmured "But she has your skin and her features are quite similar to yours..."

"She also has my eyes, maybe in a few years she'll have violet in them."

"Come to think of it... what's her name going to be?"


"Not a bad name...little Helen" Smiling softly at the image, Sarah whispered.

"Look at you, grinning like an idiot."

"Aren't you smiling like me?"

Chuckling lightly, Christian turns his gaze to Emily and Leslie "What do you think of my little girl?"

"She's a beautiful little girl master"

"She looks a lot like you" Nodding with a smile, Emily replied.

"Of course she looks like me..." Looking at the cell phone with a soft smile, Christian finally sighed and sent the images to his mother, then turning to Sarah and speaking "Sarah, we will have to wait for a while because Elisa still has to be checked by the doctor, after that she will be taken to her room and obviously we must prevent her from making unnecessary movements, so you will have to prepare yourself to be her slave."

"W-why me?"

"Calm, we'll take turns."


With the happiness for the new family member, time passed quickly and a month passed by as if nothing had happened for the family.

Eva arrived the other day to see her granddaughter, the woman was a jumble of emotions, on one hand, she was very elated but her new granddaughter, but at the same time she felt quite bitter about the fact that she is Christian's child with another woman.

But those emotions aside, Eva spent 5 days on the island seeing the child until she had to leave for work.

Christian quit his job during these days, spending all his time with Elisa to help her recover and keep his little girl calm.

During this time he took the time to decorate Elisa's room with various baby items.

He built a crib for Helen himself, filled half the room with toys for when her baby girl grew up and made sure to buy all the baby clothes she would like.

He even gave the order to have a guest room remodeled in his Malibu home, but only asked that it be vacated so he could come in to paint it and fix everything up for his little girl.

"My little girl..." Lying still beside Elisa with her little baby in the center, Christian whispered softly, while his eyes sparkled with happiness.

Little Helen lay lying next to Elisa in her white baby bodysuit, while in the center on her stomach a cute pink raccoon could be seen. On her little head she is wearing a warm white cap with a small rose in the center, while her hands and feet are covered by little mittens and tiny socks.

"Christian... when are we going to baptize Helen? It's been a month, we haven't baptized her, we haven't registered her, let alone had a baby shower for her... we are being very careless" Lying next to Helen, Elisa gently caressed Helen's cheek and whispered.

"..." Looking up, Christian stares at Elisa's worried face and sighs "Honey.... do you really want to baptize her?"

"You don't?"

"It's just that... I would like her to decide if she wants to be baptized or not, let her choose what to believe in or what not... I don't want us to instill in her something she might despise when she grows up... I know a lot about the church and I know that everything is cloaked in lies... I wouldn't want to baptize her, at least for now."

Pursing her lips, Elisa looked at Christian and sighed "I just wanted to baptize her because of what the others say... you know, give the baby protection".

"Honey, with me here, my daughter doesn't need any protection" Taking Elisa's hand, Christian smiled confidently and spoke.

"I would never doubt it" Intertwining her fingers with Christian's, Elisa smiled warmly and responded.

As Christian and Elisa shared a warm moment, Helen suddenly opened her eyes and looked around with her beautiful eyes.

"She woke up again..." Bringing his face closer towards Helen, Christian smiles sweetly and looks at his little girl "Hello beautiful~"


"Did you sleep well~?"


"I'm glad~" Gently kissing the little girl's forehead, Christian stares into his little girl's beautiful eyes, then moves his arms and gently takes her.

Leaning back on the bed with Helen on his chest, Christian silently stared at the girl's face as she lay on top of Christian staring into his eyes.

"Sometimes I feel like you guys talk with telepathy" Leaning back against Christian's side, Elisa rests her head on the man's shoulder and stares at her little girl "She never does that with me, she just stares at you..."

"It's because I'm her favorite" Smiling triumphantly, Christian brings his face closer to Helen's with a happy smile "Isn't that right my little beauty~?"


"Hehe, she said yes."

Rolling her eyes, Elisa turns her gaze to Christian and stares at his happy face, then turns her gaze to her little girl and laughs lightly.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing... I'm just happy" Hugging Christian's stomach, Elisa stares into his eyes and whispers "I never thought I would at one time have a daughter... I never thought I would at one time have such a big family let alone meet a man who would love me just the way I am.... I really feel fulfilled with my life now... I am very happy."

"You deserve this and so much more" Turning with a smile, Christian quickly kisses Elisa's lips and turns his gaze back to his little girl "Mom got all sentimental, she tends to be like that all the time, so you'll just have to put up with her."

"Don't tell her that" Pouting, Elisa looked at the little girl and smiled "She's still looking at you...not once did she look at me"

"She knows her daddy is the best" Smiling, Christian takes the little girl and pulls her closer to him, standing face to face with only inches of distance "Give daddy a kiss~"


Looking at Christian's pursed lips and Helen's calm face, Elisa laughed lightly and spoke "she ignore you."

"Then daddy will give it" Bringing his lips closer, Christian gently kisses Helen's nose, causing the girl to close her eyes for some reason.

"She didn't like your kiss, she'd rather sleep than continue to see you"

"Nonsense, she was just embarrassed~" Wrapping his arms around the small of Helen's back, Christian smiled warmly and whispered.


"Elisa, I'm going back to work tomorrow."

"Just don't get lost all day, yes?"

"course I wouldn't abandon my two beautiful women, they can come see me if you get bored, you're well enough to walk."

Smiling playfully, Elisa brought her mouth close to Christian's ear and whispered "And to have sex~?"

"You know not yet~" Chuckling lightly, Christian turns his gaze to Elisa and whispers next to her "The doctor said 45 days, you still have a long way to go~"

"But I'm feeling up to it~"

"You're still recovering, so it's a no for you~"

"*Sigh* Since our daughter was born you don't have eyes for me anymore" Wiping away a fake tear, Elisa spoke dramatically.

"It's normal, my little girl is the most beautiful" Sticking his tongue out towards Elisa, Christian smiled and cuddled with his baby, then closing her eyes and resting calmly.

"You're like a child with a new toy" Smiling softly, Elisa leaned back and hugged Christian closer, leaving her little daughter between the two of them, having a relaxing family time.




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